camp BURNED A THOUSAND SUNS [☾] Missing Kits

”Where- where did they go?! My kits- my kits are gone!”

The cry of the queen pierces through the camp as she barrels out of the gorse protected nursery. Clumps of moss cling to Moonwhisker’s blue fur giving the impression that she’s already thrown up the nursery walls. Ploverkit and Sheepkit hover at the entrance of the den teary eyed and frightened, the queen’s kits who were very much not missing… It meant only one thing, she refers to Larkkit and Ouzelkit.

Lionthroat who sits hunched at the elders den rolls his eyes, “‘em sure they’re just hidin’… Just like Ploverkit and Sheepkit were last time you insisted they were nowhere to be found…” he snorts with a raspy voice. His litter-mate, Marigoldlight shakes her head at him. “I’m not sure Lionthroat… I don’t think I’ve seen them playing all morning.” Her ears fold as she licks a clump of her brother’s fur down.

Thrushpaw’s eyes widen and tabby fur bristles when he suspects eyes glancing torwards him, “It wasn’t me this time, I swear!”

As the camp is sent into a panick, inevitably drawing Sootstar out from her den. The situation was quick to be brought to her ears. Moonwhisker’s breaths are shallow and rapid, she trembles and is barely able to keep her own balance as she flies across camp looking into every nook and cranny. ”Moonwhisker, calm yourself. They can’t have gone far.” She advises, though worry pricking at her own paws. These were not the kits to be sneaking out of camp and getting themselves lost… would it be possible for them to make it all the way to the ShadowClan border? ”Where is Sunstride? I need patrols sent out to look for them immediately. We’ll check around RiverClan and ThunderClan… ShadowClan too. I will bring a party to search the tunnels incase that’s how they left camp.” They would not have been the first kits to get nosy about the tunnel entrances that could be found at the edges of the hollow.
  • >>Patrols can either be actually played out or just for flavor text. Be warned any volunteers for ANY patrols will miss out on a possibly exciting thread coming up as they wouldnt be present in camp and instead at another clans border. So be warned
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Morningsong CANNOT believe this mess. Two trains of thought are speeding in his mind right now. One, fretting and panicking over lost kits, and the other, thinking how rich it is that the kits Sootstar had stolen are missing from right under their noses, just like what had been done to Shadowclan. Eventually these two merge, and he is filled with worry and fear for the kits safety, regardless of where they came from but he still finds hilarity in the situation.

But his worries overcome him and his pelt prickles, paws kneading at the ground as he looks around for all the hiding spots kits usually go to. They could be swooped up by hawks, killed by foxes and badgers...Dogs, coyotes, snakes... There were too many things that could happen to them out on these moors!!!

"When was the last time anyone saw them?" He asks.

He joins Sootstar in checking every prime hiding spot, covering where she had not yet gotten to. His ears flatten as he comes up empty pawed. Kits were such a pain!! He is never having them, he swears! He's not sure he could take the stress and anxiety they seem to be professionals at giving.

"I'll help patrol." He volunteers. " Like you said, they can't have gotten far and we have to be quick before something finds them first..." His voice is rife with the anxiety that overwhelms him, making his voice shake as he thinks of every horrible outcome that could possibly happen.​

honeybadger & 12 moons & trans. male & he/him & windclan moor runner

Honeybadger has mixed feelings as he hears the shouts. The kits who'd sootstar had brought were still shadowclan kits in his mind. They didn't have any of the redeeming blood that windclan did. And yet sootstar herself had brought them here, lost a life for them. Named the, wanted the clan to keep and to train them. And then of course, there's that niggling feeling of worry that always creeps in when he see's kits, sees queens - painfully reminded of his own childhood, of his little sister. In the end, he thinks very little before speaking, stocky frame moving forwards at the moorland queens call. "I can go wherever you need me, miss sootstar," he says, trading his usually sunshine smiles for a frown, steel blue gaze hardening.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: in discord i offered him as an option for shadow thread but even if he doesn't end up on that one i feel he'd volunteer in some form
    tw/cw: —
  • a strange looking feline with nearly every shade of red upon his coat, and a badger-like mask of white upon his face. honeybadger is usually quite friendly and outgoing, an upbeat sort of personality; but when faced with those outside of windclan his demeanor is brutal and scathing.

    physically medium && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#fed053]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

This was only a matter of time. It was arrogant of her, to have believed that they would have more time, though, before the kits’ disappearance was discovered. The queen who’d been caring for them is distraught, understandably, but Scorchstreak cannot dredge up sympathy for her right now. No, there is a larger queen to worry about—to fear, perhaps. As Sootstar calls for Sunstride and speaks of sending patrols, the lead warrior knows that there is no escaping whatever may come. The damage has been done, the absence within the clan has been noticed. A mask of neutrality crashes down over her features, expression going grim—but more importantly, blank. Devoid of guilt. She can only hope that her own part (and Rattleheart’s) in the kittens’ disappearance will not come to light.

The calico steps forward, voice stony. "I can lead a patrol through the tunnels. Kits have wandered off into them before." Of course, these ones did not, and she knows that they will find nothing. But she remembers the time Cottonpaw, then Cottonkit, and her friend had ventured into the tunnels long before they were allowed. The curiosity of kits is a difficult thing to slow or stall, and it would not be far-fetched to believe that the kits had merely set out on an exploration.

Had he not already known the circumstances of Halfkit and Tanglekit's disappearances, Rattleheart probably would've been struggling not to burst out laughing at the entire situation. A queen panicking over kits that had never rightfully been hers, while the clan's queen was no doubt worried over the consequences of her own actions. Much like Morningsong, he would've been paralyzed between the hilarity of it all and the worry over the kits themselves. Luckily he didn't need to worry for their safety, knowing full well that they were - hopefully - safely where they were supposed to be. With their father, and the rest of the clan that no doubt thought of the two kits as family.

In spite of that, the tunneler wore a similar expression of neutrality and familiar anxiety on his face as he approached, his tail twitching as he thought of how best to handle the situation. His sister had already offered her own suggestion, and he chose to echo her, settling near the calico's side. "M-Maybe they went out to try and see the new tunnel. I've seen plenty of the kits that have been fascinated by the thought of a new one, it wouldn't surprise me if they tried to venture out that far." It felt like a realistic enough suggestion, one that wouldn't attract any undue attention to Scorchstreak or himself. Sunstride had assured the both of them that he wouldn't allow them to take the brunt of Sootstar's fewer, but it was still better for all of them if the Windclan queen simply didn't find out about what any of them had done.
Though there is much to this moment that Sunstride had come to expect and plan for, a queen's lament is not among them. The tearful cry for kittens she had grown attached to; those that had nursed alongside her own, slept at her belly. Not hers as she says, no, but had any dared to speak of it to Moonwhisker? Had any of WindClan's warriors told her that they were terribly missed, sought after? No– no, he doubts that greatly, and her fear and pain slices through the warrior's gut. He does not have the strength to disdain her anguish the way that Rattleheart does. She is not wrong to do so. In different circumstances, he knows that he would disagree. Perhaps if he did not feel it in a way for himself. An aching loss for the kitten that had been all too eager to be a moor runner in the moons to come.

Fear is very nearly a real and true sensation as Sunstride follows the call. There is a terrified quickness to his step and unease drawing at his brow. None around him would know it for what it was. Except for Scorchstreak and Rattleheart, who are as similarly silent. A pact of silence between them, and the knowledge that the smallest of slips could be enough to yank them all beneath the dirt. "I can only agree with our tunnelers– take others with you and check the border to RiverClan. Should they have wandered too close to the water..." Sunstride trails off grimly. "Morningsong, you will follow a patrol towards ThunderClan. We must search the Horseplace as well, lest they should have found themselves in the clutches of twolegs there."

When he turns to Moonwhisker, his eyes soft and his heart low within his chest, he nudges the desperate queen and whispers, "They will be home soon." He does not lie, however terribly that it hurts. They are home. They will see it as such with time. WindClan would not find these kits today.

  • OOC.
  • dzMLAJY.png
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

  • 01_10_rumblepaw.png

    rumblepaw | tags
    — they/them ; moor-runner apprentice of windclan. mentored by brindlecloud.
    — lanky black-and-white point with blue eyes. butterfly accessory.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — art by mercibun
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
"It's okay Moonwhisker, we'll find them." Rumblepaw tries to soothe the panicked queen, shoulder fur bristling. In the back of their mind they echo a familiar mantra: WindClan is the best because we all come home. Even if Lark-kit and Ouzelkit hadn't been WindClanners at first, they're WindClanners now. The skinny apprentice nudges the distraught queen gently, a kindly look on their maw as they continue, "Let's check camp again. Maybe they got caught up in a game of hide-and-seek and fell asleep waiting to be found."

╭───── ⋅ ⋅ ────── 。・゚゚・ ───── ☀︎ ──── ・゚゚・。 ───── ⋅ ⋅ ─────╮
At the sounds of a commotion, Finchpaw's interest is immediately piqued. What was going on - was it trouble? Had something gotten into camp, maybe, some vicious predator? Or were the rogues back once again, trying to finish what they had started? What if it had something to do with the cats that had gone after Fogbound? Whatever it is, she instinctively draws in close, ready to leap in and defend and figure out what's going on here. If there's some sort of battle brewing, this time she'll be ready, no nursery to be sheltered away in.

What she's not ready for, however, is the scene that greets her - that Lark-kit and Ouzelkit are gone.

Gone? No, that can't be right - they're probably just playing a game, even if she's pretty sure she's hardly seen Ouzelkit play anything since they'd arrived. Finchpaw wants to say as much, too, to agree with Lionthroat, but then cats step up to offer explanations, to offer to search for the kits. For the missing kits. Everything is...they're all taking this seriously, far too seriously for her liking, and doubt starts to sink its teeth into her, gently at first. They could still get lost while playing a game, maybe - it's not like Finchpaw hadn't tried to find a way out of camp while still a kit, after all. Just, she hadn't even actually made it past anybody, is the only difference (not that she'd been trying all that hard, but. Still). The gears turning in her head are practically visible as the thought begins to sink in - Sootstar wouldn't cause a fuss over something that wasn't important, so even if this is just some game, the danger Lark-kit and Ouzelkit might be in isn't.

Blazing eyes immediately seek out @FOGBOUND as her expression shifts from something inquisitive to something more serious, the gravity of the situation finally sinking in. "We gotta find them! Should we go look, too? I bet they couldn't have gotten very far, 'cause they're still kits and all, and - and they don't even know WindClan territory yet, like we do!" Maybe they'd come from ShadowClan to WindClan, but Finchpaw is pretty sure that probably didn't include any tours like all the apprentices got. They could be somewhere out there right now, all lost and maybe a little scared (or maybe not, in Lark-kit's case, though Ouzelkit might get scared), and wandering around in the moors or even stumbling upon a tunnel! That's where she would go, probably, given the chance to check it out, though obviously that would have to be left to the tunnelers.

"Or, should we check around camp first? 'Cause they might still be somewhere around here, too, since it's not that easy to sneak out of camp and all, I bet. Maybe they're hiding around here, or something," she adds, already turning away from Fogbound to give an intense, squinting stare at their surroundings. There's plenty of places to hide around here, too - plenty of places that aren't dangerous, not like outside of camp might be. Hardly waiting for an answer from her mentor, Finchpaw suddenly pivots, moving closer to the nursery and closer to the first of many of the best hiding spots she knows. "LARK-KIT! OUZELKIT! ARE YOU GUYS OVER HERE?!" Gratingly loud, there's no way that they won't be able to hear her, though when no familiar heads pop up, she deflates a little. Of course it wouldn't be that easy, though she'd hoped...

Well, no matter - it's still fine! There's plenty more yelling to be done, spots to be inspected thoroughly ('cause, if they're hiding on purpose, obviously they're not just gonna reveal themselves like that!), and maybe territory to inspect, if Fogbound thinks it's a good idea. Surely this will all blow over soon, when Lark-kit and Ouzelkit are found, and they'll just be told not to play games like that anymore, and then soon they'll be apprentices, and they can hang out again. There's no need to worry too much, Finchpaw is convinced; by tonight, surely, they'll be back in the nursery, and this will just be a silly story to tell in the future.​
  • OOC: --​
  • Untitled358_20230906125307.png
  • EEHinuI.png
    - Finch Finchkit Finchpaw
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 4 moons
    - Loner Kit Apprentice of WindClan
    - Hearty & scruffy chocolate lynx point with splashes of white and bright blue eyes
    - Art by Jay & base by googaoo respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​
  • Like
Reactions: FOGBOUND

❀༉˖° Never a moment's of peace.

Big ears angled forward and flicked, listening to every word of the commotion. Kits disappearing from sight at a moment's notice was nothing new, but Peonypaw wondered how not a single soul had seen them lately. That made the investigation ten times more difficult, because if they really made it outside the safety of camp, each second standing around was precious. A hawk would be delighted to find two undefended furballs trying to navigate the moors.

Peonpyaw offered no words of comfort to the terrified queen. Saying that they'd find them was a lie he didn't intend to feed to someone so distressed - he was sure she knew anyway. If they did find them, it'd be purely luck.

His nose moves as he catches the now-stale scents of the two kits, trying to see if it led anywhere in particular. He supposed searching the outskirts of camp would be a good place to start.

// out !

Worry grasped everyone incessantly. Kits going missing was a sickening thing, but... these kits seemed to have a knack for going missing. Perhaps they had wanted to, this time... and if they were long gone, having lived in WindClan's camp, having learned all their secrets- who would they tell? No doubt, wherever they had fled to would wish harm upon WindClan. Everyone did.

Featherpaw kept his thoughts to himself, for once- he was not heartless enough to spit an insinuation at a queen that her kits had run away. And- they likely would not have gotten far. Not that halfwit Lark-kit, anyway, who did not even know what Sunningrocks was when she had played a Clan leader. She'd probably lead her littermate right into the path of a predator.

Her gut twisted for a moment. The image of it wouldn't go away- was only wiped when Finchpaw's sharp voice staked through her skull. Already agitated by the picture her mind had served to her, Featherpaw set an icy glare upon her and spat, "If they were in c-camp we would have already found them, g-g-grass-for-brains." His nose wrinkled, fur a bed of brambles. Whatever had happened, anyone with a working noggin could tell they had not been in camp for quite a while.
✦ penned by pin

Sootstar is relieved to have Sunstride swiftly at her side, he agrees with the tunnelers and in Morningsong taking a patrol to ThunderClan. Sootstar hesitates in allowing Scorchstreak the reigns on this patrol, she would not be able to rest comfortably in camp until the kits are found and returned. Yet something allows her to nod, granting Scorchstreak and Rattleheart her blessing to go in her stead.

That leaves the ShadowClan patrol, ”For ShadowClan… Hollowcreek you’ll take Dustwhisker, Thriftfeather, Mockinggrin and… Juncopaw.” Yes… those would be fine warriors. If ShadowClan had nabbed them and things went south at the border they would not betray her. She could count on them to bring these kits back. ”Go now. Hurry.”

As for Moonwhisker the consoling of her clan-mates do little to put her at ease. Shaky with teary eyes and a damp nose she reluctantly agrees to search the camp once more with Rumblerain, appreciative for the new warrior’s help.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
( ) An outburst from the nursery alerted to their new additions no longer in the nursery. Swept away from the heather, just as they had been from their original home. Hollowcreek isn't lost to the irony in all of this, how they are left scrambling to search for them now.

Scorchstreak offered to lead a search through the tunnels and he wondered if this may be the first time she's actually acknowledged them in such a way. Sunstride delegated a few more directions and he turned his head to meet Sootstar's gaze. He gave a firm nod at her directive before sharply turning to rally those chosen to go with him.

"Keep up and don't speak a word to anyone over the border." Was his only demand before leading them out of the clearing.

// out!!
Cats are yelling, and Pinkpaw loves yelling, so she looks toward the commotion, hoping to join them, or find something really cool that everyone was gawking out, or find something really gross that everyone was gawking at, but as she pads beside Finchpaw, Pinkpaw figures out that isn't something fun, or cool, or gross, it's just... bad. " They're gone? " Pinkpaw immediately makes her presence known as she exclaims. Some cats are panicking, some are insisting that they were still close... Pinkpaw has no reason to think they aren't nearby. ShadowClan was the absolute worst. Even if they were from there, they've realized by now, surely. But on the other side... " Why would she play hide and seek without me? " Ouzelkit might, but Halflark surely wouldn't!

Finchpaw is one of the smartest cat in the worlds, but when she speaks, Pinkpaw shakes her head. " Halflark— Lark... Lark-kit wouldn't play a game without me... Um... What if they're in trouble? " Pinkpaw gives a wide - eyed look to her sister. and when Featherpaw is suddenly mean and icky, Pinkpaw is pressing herself against her sister's side. " Finchpaw has the biggest brain! We just gotta... um... "

She blinks up at all the adults as they organize things like patrols... They were gonna look for her friends, right? " I wanna go with Scorchstreak! " for once. She hates, hates the tunnels. But Halfkit surely hated them just as much, and if she was lost down there...

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​
———————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱———————————————
The kits were missing.

Rivepaw's eyes peeled open from where she may have been shamelessly napping. She pushes to her paws. The daylight had often called her to sleep more often then not, but it was a dangerous path, starting to switch her sleep schedule- especially as Snakehiss was adamant about training during each point in the day. A soft breath left her as she swept her vision around, briefly confused.

Pinkpaw's yelling was grating, but she ignored it, focusing on what everyone was talking about, and grouping up for. "They're- what? They're gone?" She questioned. Her vision barely rested on Sootstar, switching to her father swiftly. Owl eyes blinked at Sunstride, and her ears flattened. The look in his eyes, the drawn eyebrows- yes, something was wrong. She inhaled sharply, turning her head this way and that. Stepping closer to Featherpaw- perhaps she didn't even realize she did it- her head lowered.

"What should we do?" She asked softly, ears twitching and vision pinning towards Featherpaw.

  • Angry
Reactions: PINKSHINE