sensitive topics bury me in satin - return to camp

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead


Just a little farther...

The forest around her was a blur. She was fairly certain she was almost to the camp...Crossing the border had been nearly impossible. It had been easy to find her way back through Skyclan's forest...all she had to do was follow the blood trail. The battle site was gruesome, and not just because of the blood that littered the held too many fresh memories. Memories that had an all new meaning to them. Memories that she had to share. She had to tell a mother that her child was never coming home.

Flamewhisker could smell the camp nearby, but she stopped before proceeding. The adrenaline was wearing off now, and between the coppery smell of blood, and everything she had witnessed, she couldn't keep her stomach calm any longer. Vile erupted from her, and she stumbled out of its way. Her eyes were sticky with dried tears, and she tripped over a root that was half exposed with snow. She began to cry again...this was too much...she didn't want to face her clanmates. How was she going to tell them?

Hauling herself to her paws again, the warrior slowly began to walk towards the camp again. Her legs were trembling with both weakness and pain. Even in Thistleback's weakened state, he had put quite a hurting on the young she-cat. But those wounds were nothing compared to her mental wounds. The physical ones would heal.

She could hear her clanmates talking now, that's the main way she knew she was padding through the entrance. Her vision was still blurred from the battle, and who knew what the thoughts swirling in her head was doing. The smell of blood and Skyclan would surely strike up an alarm.

The ginger tabby was probably unrecognizable. Her front alabaster paws were stained scarlet, both from Thistleclaw, and the deep bite wound around her ankle. A chunk of flesh was missing from her shoulder. Drying blood masked one side of her face from several slashings...and dried blood from Morningpaw was starting to crust along her back. Her legs were trembling, and her gaze was wide with horror but glazed with grief.

She heard footsteps, but all she could hear was her racing heart pounding in her ears. Words...words...she needed to speak. Her mouth was dry, and her throat was hoarse...

"I n-...I need...Emberstar...n..Howing...wind...find them now..." she wasn't sure who she was talking to yet...she wasn't sure what to say. "and...L-Little W-Wolf.."

feel free to post before those tagged!
Not much time has passed since the battered patrol spilled the news: a battle broke out between them and a SkyClan patrol. Morningpaw had been wounded and taken to SkyClan's camp for quicker treatment from a more experienced medicine cat. The thought makes the deputy's skin crawl, but she supposes she can't argue with the logic. It had been closer, after all. Still, she does not intend to wait around while her granddaughter is hurt. She has to see her, and she knows Little Wolf does, too. When Flamewhisker enters camp, she is sitting by her ebony-pelted daughter, murmuring comfort as the two prepare to head to the pine-dwelling clan's camp themselves.

Howling Wind looks up sharply as the lead warrior begins to utter slurred words. Ears pricked, she gets to her paws and hurriedly approaches, eyes drawn wide. "Flamewhisker, why aren't you still at SkyClan's camp?" She halts in front of her and looks her up and down. She's hurt bad. "Berryheart! Can someone get my son?" She commands, tail already lashing with urgency but her eyes do not leave the bloodied ginger she-cat. "Why aren't you still at their camp getting treated there? You should be resting with Morningpaw. We were coming to you."

Since the patrol had returned Emberstar had been on edge. For long after things had settled down, she had paced back and forth, running what her warriors had told her through her mind. She desperately wanted to go with the patrol going to the Skyclan camp, or do anything at all really. Her clanmates needed her however, it would not serve them to have nearly all their HPs out of camp while things were so confused. All she could do was wait.

Just when she had finally forced herself to sit, the scent of blood in her camp scent a shock through her senses. In an instant the Thunderclan leader was on her paws again. She raced through camp, darting past her clanmates to make it to the entrance until she stood next to Howling Wind. "Flamewhisker! You should sit down, coming all this way when you're like that..." Emberstar's voice trailed off in worry, and she simply nodded her agreement with her deputy.
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Little Wolf presses herself against her mothers flank as if her life depends on it, as if Morningpaws life depends on it. They needed to go, she needed to be with her daughter while she recovered because she would recover. Of that, Little Wolf is almost certain. She holds onto the hope like a bird she has pinned by the wing, it flutters and tries to escape but still she holds tight. To let go would mean giving up and she refused.

She is startled when Flamewhisker bursts into the camp, in just as rough shape as Roepaw. Her heart skips a beat and her throat tightens as she waits for whatever news the red pelted she cat had to deliver to them, whole body tensed. Hopefully, she was only here to tell them Morningpaw was fine and headed home now…

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After Roepaw's sudden arrival, ThunderClan had waited nervously for more news of Morningpaw to come. A few more ThunderClan cats on that patrol returned since then, all looking bloodied and worse for wear. At the very least Roepaw was getting treatment now but Flycatcher was worried for Flamewhisker who had yet to return to camp.

He sits among the throng of waiting cats, trying to keep his mind from running away with his worry. And then Flamewhisker returns. At first, he does not recognise the approaching figure as his mate, so bloodied and wounded is she that it takes a moment for his vision to adjust. When he realises he is looking at Flamewhisker his heart drops and panic floods his features at the sight of her. "Flamewhisker!" He calls out, quickly rushing to her side. There are other cats with her too - Howling Wind, Emberstar, and Little Wolf who she had all called out for. But Flycatcher pays them little mind as he rushes over to his mate and presses against her gently, giving her a brief look as if to tell her it was okay to lean into him. "Sit and take a breath," He urges her with a soft voice. "Are you able to tell us what happened or do you need to see Berryheart?"
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Why was Flamewhisker here alone? Why had she left Morningpaw behind? Was the little tortie so injured she couldn't travel, would they need to get her? The red tabby hobbled over on his three legs and paused alongside Little Wolf, leaning into her slightly in a silent show of support. Surely it couldn't be that bad? It was just a hunting patrol and SkyClan were their friends. Even if they got into a bit of a scuffle there was no way it would turn fatal, what cat there would swing at such a small and docile girl as Morningpaw with careless violence? SkyClan cats weren't killers, it wasn't like this had been a patrol near WindClan where the moorland cats would cut you down without so much as batting an eye.
Sunfreckle's ears fell flat as he watched Flycatcher move to help the other lead warrior, his green eyes gradually widening as he waited with bated breath for the fiery she-cat to catch her breath and explain what happened.

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His name graced the air again- cursed it, more like. Now the call of his name meant nothing but a sickening scent, copper dizziness that sent his stomach lurching. Had it not been his dream to be sought after? So why, since this role, had he dreaded any syllable that resembled a call for him?

Still, he had duty, and his limping form of fire-speckle bowed to the beck. He heard his mother, heard Blue, hear Sunset's stammer- and it was undeniable that she was in a state, but equally undeniable that she was alone. Wisps- she had been with Sunset, had she not? And yet, not a scrap of that cloud like fur was to be seen. Shady was silent, but Big Mama's question likely spoke her mind. Spoke all of their minds, likely. What had happened to make her barrel here in such a rush, bloody and breathless?

Unlike Big Mama, he had to tear his eyes away, lopsided gaze falling to the ground. He could not handle the sight of the blood and the smell of it- between them, he had to pick, and his decision was made. She was hurt, but he would not point it out. No, he would wait- he was here, and she could find him easily. That was what mattered, as well as the missing apprentice that was meant to be at her side.

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

It was mere seconds before Howling Wind and Emberstar rushed over to her. Her gaze was glassed over, and she stared blankly ahead. It wasn't until she felt someone press against her side that she seemed to tune into what her clanmates were staying. She would lower herself into a sit, and slowly raise her front right paw, taking the weight off of it. That put more weight on her left shoulder, but her paw hurt more right now. She would blink her eyes after resting for a few moments. The tabby took in a few deep breaths, and her chest started to feel looser, and she could see more clearly now...but that wasn't necessarily a good thing.

She could now see their intense gazes...She could see Little Wolf, who was almost seeing through her soul. A shiver rattled her spine, and she pressed closer to Flycatcher. Her throat tightened, and see looked at Howling Wind, then Emberstar, then finally rested upon Little Wolf with round, grief filled eyes. She was about to break their hearts....why was she cursed with this knowledge?

"I'm..." her throat tightened again, and she did her best to force the next words out. "I'm so s-sorry..." A few tears slid down her cheek. "The wounds that were inflicted...were too g-grave...D-Dawnglare did everything he c-could..."​

The words spilling from the red warriors mouth, Little Wolf watches her lips move but cannot make sense of it. 'Dawnglare did everything he could' "I-I don't understand" she says, her voice cracking. And then it hits her like a monster speeding down the thunder path, the knowledge and understanding of what Flamewhisker was saying knocking her down worse than any opponent ever could.

She feels Sunfreckle press against her side and though she is grateful for his presence, for his support, his form is not enough to keep her from crumpling inward. She lets out a pained cry. She wants to deny it more, to tell Flamewhisker that she is mistaken but she looks at her face and she knows she speaks the truth.

She turns to her mother, eyes desperate and pleading. "I need to go to her, I need to - I need to see her." she says, knowing she would understand. Her eyes find her brother, they find Sunfreckle, wether she is looking for support or her own grief mirrored in their eyes she is unsure she turns to look at her mother again. "please…. Please come with" she says, trying her best not to break into a full on sob in front of everyone. Her grief could be saved for later for now… her baby girl needed her, her mate needed her, and her other children certainly needed her as well.
  • Crying
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Sparkpaw didn't want to register what he had just heard. He had just seen Morningpaw earlier today. Was Flamewhisker saying she was gone now?? No, that couldn't be true. This was a prank, right?

No... Flamewhisker would never do something like that.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he stared at her. Why...? Why did she die? Why was this happening? Morningpaw never hurt anyone! Who hurt her? Who did this to her?

"Why.....? W-who.....who hurt her....???? Why did......???"

He swallowed hard and pressed into Sunfreckle's side.

Why was life so cruel.....?

Leafshade is pacing, anger and panic radiating off of the lanky tom in intense waves every since Roepaw had returned, injured and with a report of a battle. He had wanted to go, wanted to sprint through the forest himself to finish what the Skyclan patrol had started, but the news of Morningpaw being so hurt that they had rushed her to their camp could only mean bad things in the blue point's mind.

When Flamewhisker arrived, bloodied and exhausted and alone Leafshade didn't need to hear the words. He stood like a frozen statue as his 'family' rushed towards the lead warrior as she called them. He felt so many things at once and his face contorted with each emotion; rage, grief, denial, loss. It wasn't until Little Wolf's wail that he was pulled out of his own head and he walked towards the now grieving group.

His steel blue eyes were hollow, for the first time, there was nothing in his gaze aside from pure sadness as he moved to try to press against Berryhearts' side in a rare display of comfort. His gaze would flicker between all those present and he would wince as Little Wolf cried that she needed to go, needed to be with Morningpaw.

His teeth grit as his tail lashes against the ground as the mounting feeling of uselessness crashed over him. "Go." It was one word, but it hung too heavy in the air as he spoke it and he looked up to meet the gaze of Little Wolf, Berryheart, and Howling Wind, "You have to. Morningpaw will..."

His voice cracked, more emotion than he had ever displayed before oozing through his fissured composure, "Morningpaw will want you to be there."


Flycatcher remains stoic and silent as they wait for Flamewhisker to compose herself. He is aware of other cats waiting for news, much like himself, but he also does not want to push Flamewhisker. Eventually she does speak, and Flycatcher feels himself tense with shock. From what little information had initially come back to camp they knew Morningpaw had been wounded but it had been hard to discern how severe. But if these words were anything to go didn't dare thinking about.

Little Wolf's wail breaks his heart, as does the mournful looks of the clanmates around them. How cruel the world was to snatch someone as young as Morningpaw. The lead warrior did not know her too well but he knew her enough and that was enough for him to share in his clanmates grief. He hears Little Wolf make a plea to her mother to go to SkyClan and instinctively he speaks up. "Go," He urges. "You should be with your daughter and the rest of your family."

No, this can't be true. Surely their lead warrior was mistaken? But by the ginger she-cats dejected stare he could not imagine a world where she was less uncertain than she was now.
"Sparkpaw, come here, why don't you-you go get Auntie Flamewhisker some wet moss? She looks thirsty from her walk." He moved forward to bundle the apprentice in a coil of his long tail and pull him close, give him an affectionate lick on the head before turning once more to the cats present and wondered why it suddenly felt so much colder than it had a moment before.

He wanted to cry right then and there, he'd watched that kit grow up like she was one of his own alongside his own but he sucked in a breath and held it there; refusing to crumble because Little Wolf needed the support, the rest of the clan did too, they'd have time to mourn properly later but for now...
"Go, both of you-we'll take care of things here...." Sunfreckle thought of the sorrowful way Morningpaw often looked back at the nursery with every outing and wished that today of all days he'd called out and asked her to stay and help him clean or something, anything else...
"Bring her home." The red tabby did not mean his words to be as forceful as they were, but with misty eyes he was adamant that the tortie kitten would be buried in her mother's clan or he would fight SkyClan tooth and nail for it.


Flamewhisker was back. Blackmoon hurried his way over, his mind rushing with a melody of emotions and questions. But as he laid eyes upon her he knew that his worst fears had been realised. Her words finalised it. The tom closed his eyes and lowered his head as he let his feelings unravel like a coiled spring, all of which had been held taut for all too long. It was rare for him to shed tears, but today was an exception for it.

He gave himself a moment to wrestle back some composure before he decided to address the situation, echoing the same thoughts as the others. "Go. Go to her." He took a couple steps towards Howling Wind and Little Wolf with grief and sympathy in his gaze. "Safe travels." He truly hoped that no more bloodshed came from this, they didn't need that now. Exhaling softly, he then looked towards Flamewhisker. "It's time we got you to tended to, those wounds need cleaning. It's time you had a rest as well."

Silence, yet noise. That horrible inbetween, when everything that was said after such bludgeoning words felt like static. Meaningless- all of it. He had not known grief before, not like this. What he had known had been a missing piece, but not a broken one- the father he had never known, the father he could never be sure had wanted him. But Father was an unknown all his life. A felt abyss, but one he had always known within him. Wisps- when was the last time he had seen her? What was the last thing he had heard her say?

He grasped for memories he did not have, mementos he did not keep because he had been foolish enough to think he would not need them. Blankness settled upon his lopsided features, far from the comfortable neutrality that always occupied his features. Shady searched for his sight-line, and he could only look at her- he could not see her, really. An askew jaw hung slightly-ajar, reeling mind keeping his speckled form statuesque. More than ever he could not stand the scent of blood in the air, knowing now it was likely hers.

Feeling Stretch press against his side slightly, Berryheart utilised the stability, but silence swelled like bile in his throat. A name- Peepers, he had done everything he could. Sickness struck him, infirmed, infernal frustration- that they'd brought Wisps, they'd brought his kin to a different medicine cat. That they had not trusted him enough to care for his own niece. That they hadn't believed he could have saved her.

What dampened the flame was that they were right.

Warriors cast menagerie gazes upon his mother and sister, urging them to go, to be with her. And Stretch did grant him a glance, but Berryheart knew why the rest of them did not. Finally, his words struggled from his throat. A rare sound, his crooked jaw slurred his speech, distress ailing his composure. "I can't go. I haff t'... stay..." A half-hearted gesture made motion toward Sunset. He had... he had no business leaving. He had his duty that he could not flout- and Wisps would come home. He would see her then.

She couldn't believe what she was feeling but the painful stab in her heart made it real. Morningpaw was with Starclan now. The apprentice had left too soon, they still had so much life to live. Hollow Tree grimaces in agony behind Little Wolf and Howling Wind. Sucking in a ragged breath before pushing forward. She needed to be strong for her family.

"Little Wolf." the brown feline spoke softly before trying to press her face into their side. Doing her best to offer any amount of comfort. But she couldn't imagine losing a kit. "I'm here." she says firmly, "Let me know what I can do- I'll do anything."
[ well i didn't tell anyone, but a bird flew by . tags ]
The words, like thunder, crackle in her ears, and they're painfully loud. Her legs suddenly feel weak and she falters, side-stepping to balance herself as a shaky breath pushes from her jaws. Her sweet granddaughter, who never wanted to hurt a fly. Who was scared to become an apprentice. Who wanted to remain at her mother's belly in the nursery for many moons to come. She lays in SkyClan's camp, the warmth steadily seeping from her. Oh stars, she feels sick.

Dizzy eyes find Little Wolf as her wail breaks her from her thoughts. "Little...." She mews, pitifully soft. Warriors are talking to her and she wants to scream at them to silence themselves because everything is too loud. She only sees her daughter, who has just lost a kit. A tragedy Howling Wind herself has never been condemned to face. A sudden sob breaks through her jaws and she presses into the ebony-furred warrior, shoulders shaking. Not Morningpaw. Please, please, not her. And yet, she knows her soul already walks the stars. She is with Gray Wolf. She is with fallen comrades she has never known. She is safe, and warm, and fed. And even still, she selfishly wants her put back on this earth. "Okay....okay, we'll go. We'll go," She whispers hoarsely into Little Wolf's scruff, now tear-stained. They need to bring Morningpaw home.