private But summers in your blood ✶ Morningkit

Owlheart isn't sure what she can do to help out with the kits, apart from delivering prey and spending as much time with them as she can. Today she had decided to try and spend time with Morningkit, it was an attempt to give her mate one less kit to worry about and herself an opportunity to bond with one of her daughters. There was a concern that she wasn't doing this enough, or really that she wasn't doing any of it right. She brings a bird in her maw, a sparrow, as she sits beside the tortoiseshell outside the nursery. Snow begins to blanket the ground around them, she isn't entirely sure when it started to fall. Maybe sometime after the celebration, in the wee hours of the night when no one in the clan is awake.

"I thought you would find this fun" she explains in a coo as she leans over to press her nose ontop of the dark she-kit's head. "You don't have to eat this but... We could pluck the feathers and maybe" her voice trails off as she glances back at the snow around them. "Maybe give it to a friend?" Is this a fun activity for a kit? She couldn't speak with certainity to be quite honest, she didn't spend much time around them before her own were born. Does Morningkit like playing gathering instead? She doesn't seem to talk much, but maybe she just likes to listen and watch. Owlheart liked to do that as a kit, it seemed much easier than trying to participate.

The tabby blinks, her thoughts ripped from her as a snowflake hits her nose. "Or, we could try and catch some snowflakes?" She offered with a smile, gesturing to the falling snow and batting at it as to demonstrate.

  • ooc. @morningkit pretend this isn't very belated <33
    She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 19 moons
    An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
    Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
    Mentoring Hollypaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
It's not as warm here as it is nestled up close to Oddgleam.... it may have something to do with the four other small souls that wriggle and writhe around her that help to insulate them though. Morningkit is by no means a furless kit, standing out here with her pelt bristling against the cold like she is nothing more than a well decorated ball of shivering soot. Baby pale eyes look up towards her mother, whose voice never raises above a dove's call, blinking against the touch of a cold nose to her forehead. She lifts a paw to gently swat at Owlheart, protesting (and for the entertainment of watching her whiskers wave about when touched).

Slowly her gaze slides back towards the bird being offered, admiring that it could rival her in size... It is like a beast. Her head tilts this way, then that, listening to the prompts provided and imagining this thing if it were alive. Would it spread those wings and flap them at her? Or maybe it could come share her nest and keep her warm... The suggestion to pluck its feathers tells her that maybe... maybe the birds that line her nest now did not do so willingly. Sad. She wouldn't like to have her fur plucked to line someone else's nest.

But it's not moving... and maybe that means it's okay?

She leans forward to give the thing a cursory sniff, wary as her lips peel back to expose thorny teeth that gently grab at the soft plumage of its chest. It still doesn't move... doesn't react to her closeness or her touch. She takes a mouthful of those feathers and yanks, practically throwing them out of her own mouth as she hurried scrambles to hide between Owlheart's legs, peering around them with a nervous interest.

It still didn't move?

She glances up at her parent, feathers stuck to her face with the help of some snot, "'s a bird...?"

  • is this a real bird or did u give me some sort of fake one that doesnt move mom? bombastic side eye
  • crowsight x oddgleam x owlheart
    pearlkit - cuckookit - morningkit​ - brightkit - ravenkit​

Presumably to her daughters delight, her whiskers twitch and practically wriggle upon being swatted at. She pays it no mind, a gentle laugh, light as the breeze around them, stems from her. "My, you might become a brawler with such strong paws" she hums at the thought, when a paw goes to swat at her again she practically flops her head against it. There is enough control to make sure she doesn't crush the small child but she is quick to retract just in case. Her stomach lurches at the thought despite all her thoughtful hums and lighthearted tones, one day she will be an apprentice. As will her littermates, will they be given kind mentors? Will they be too harsh on them? Will they be okay in the outside world? Facing cats who might hate them (ThunderClan comes to mind). Being torn between politics and duties, knowing the weight of what it means to care for the vulnerable then themselves? To know hunger when prey stretches thin and they are no longer a priority?

It's enough to make her feel sick. That time is far away, thankfully. She can enjoy the peace of them as kits, where right now her biggest worry is that one of them will eat too much snow or walk into a den they're not supposed to. The bird is laid delicately on the ground, snow eating away and covering the bird slightly as the fresh snowflakes begin to cover it. Her head tilts curiously at Morningkit's actions, as she sniffs the prey and then bites at it to make sure that it isn't alive.

That curiosity is healthy, though it's so strange to see someone be curious like that. To not have moons of experience behind them, this is new for her. It is something she must remind herself, Owlheart is a patient cat and she's considerate so she doesn't mind. Though she is thoughtless sometimes in this regards, forgetting the experience her child needs and the guidance required for it. Morningkit looks to her and she brings a paw to her own maw at the sight of the feathers stuck to her snot "oh dear, hold still" she instructs as she moves closer to the tortoiseshell. Licking her paw and using it to wipe away at the feathers, a fond and warm smile is what her daughter sees.

Now she can bring her attention to her question, glancing at the bird then back to Morningkit. "Yes, a sparrow" would these really be her kits if she didn't introduce them to the different types of birds so young? She wonders if Oddgleam or Crowsight have done so yet. "It's dead, a hunting patrol killed it" as grimy as death can be she has to accept that it's natural. That it's better to teach her kits that harsh reality, her gaze lingers on the lifeless bird. "You can wear feathers you know, just like I do" she gestures to the owl feather tucked into the base of her tail. "We shouldn't waste this bird though, it's important to eat it since the warriors and apprentices worked very hard for this."

  • ooc. Ignore how supremely late this is
  • zbNXVoZ.png
    She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 21 moons
    An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
    Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
    Mentoring Hollypaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
It's enough of a triumph to see her mother fall prey to her flailing paws, a bubbled purr rumbling in her chest not so differently from her parent's. They're alike two peas in a pod!! Dappled in sunlight-dusted furs... pale snows... A brawler. Morningkit considers this with due caution, trying to decipher what exactly this 'brawler' might be. Was that a good thing? Or was it like a bird? "Bra'ler..." A word that takes a lot of effort to articulate, she decides, and does not bother to repeat a second time.

Before she knows it, soft pads are reaching to scrub at the sticky spot on her face and with it takes the decor she'd earned. She squeaks her protests, opening her maw to chomp with weak-willed intent towards her mother's toes, quick to relinquish her grip even if successful. Just a loving gnawing.

Her gaze slides away from her pale assailant back to the bird as it is given a name... an identity. It's name was Sparrow... distinctly lacking the 'kit' finality of her and her den-mates. It must be a grown up then... Like Momma... The idea that death is reserved for only adults doesn't have any sincere formation- she'd never witnessed it but in prey... and hopefully wouldn't anytime soon.

She scans the feathers seated at the base of Owlheart's tail, growing a little jealous the moment the option has been presented to her. Why hadn't she already been given feather gifts!? That wasn't very nice! Her brow furrows, lip sitting out in a pout before wiggling out of her grip to jump after the owl feathers as if to claim them for herself- the sparrow's perfectly available feathers all but forgotten in pursuit of what her mother already had.

Give it to me! I want it!

  • crowsight x oddgleam x owlheart
    pearlkit - cuckookit - morningkit​ - brightkit - ravenkit​

There's a slow blink in surprise as Morningkit's milk teeth find purchase against the toes of her paw. It doesn't hurt, more surprising than anything else. She lets out a soft gasp all the same but doesn't indicate that she's upset at all. Guess I'm lucky she hasn't had sharper teeth grow in hopefully the biting doesn't become a common thing. Even if it did she wasn't really sure how she could encourage her to stop other than letting her know it wasn't very nice. "I'm almost done" she murmurs with a click of her tongue against her fangs. "There, all done" she moves her paw away the moment she's done, not wanting to potentially push Morningkit beyond anything she can handle in terms of touch. Was that something she should worry about? She remembers being overwhelmed when sick but then would that make it all the time since she can't remember a time where Morningkit was entirely healthy?

"Are you alright?" It's become a common question to ask whenever she sneezes, whenever she catches the slightest chill. After all, she's the one who constantly insists on being there with her at the medicine den whenever she can. She doesn't want to worry either of her mates, she doesn't consider how it worries her instead. She turns her attention back to the bird, delicately plucking more feathers from it so her daughter can play with them if she so wishes, or even try the taste of the bird if she would like.

There is that rapid blink again, one of confusion as the sickly kit tries to reach for the tail at her feather. "Oh, I'm sorry Morningkit but you can't have that one" it hurts her heart to say, as gently as she words this it is ultimately still a no. "This was a gift from your father, it's very important to me so I don't like anyone to touch it." Would she understand? It seemed likely that kittish whims might cause an outrage instead, which she can't say she minds. Owlheart is just thankful that her daughter feels okay enough to have outbursts like that, she'd rather a hundred tantrums than a week isolated.

"I have a lot of pretty feathers in mine and your fathers nest if you want to see?" She doesn't actually recall if any of the kits had seen her or Crowsight's nest. All they would really know is Oddgleam's, maybe it could be a special moment between the pair? "You can pick any of those, just not this one."

  • ooc.
  • zbNXVoZ.png
    She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 22 moons
    An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
    Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
Hmm... her teeth seem an ineffective weapon. Morningkit makes a note of this in her little mind, to be forgotten swiftly of course (there are too many thoughts to keep track of to hold onto most of them). She relinquishes her grip as Owlheart pulls away with a loving cluck, not so different from a hen roosting near her young with expectant stare. The dappled she-kit scrunches up her nose, as if testing the new freedom of the space under her nose.. free of being damp... slimy. The newness is unwelcome and Morningkit huffs her disappointment with the situation.

Stealing... my stuff! It does not go decried, mostly because she isn't quite sure she can say 'stealing' very well. It would just be more annoying if Momma didn't understand her the first time. "M'ohhhh kayyyyyuhhh," she mrrows, lifting too-big paws to swat again at her mother to shoo her fussing figure away.

Her adventure towards becoming a thief herself is swiftly interrupted- her mother is far bigger and more dexterous than she is and swiftly makes her prize scarce. Her paws smack the ground where the feather had once been, lifting her head to glare at her mother like she was playing a mean prank.

She says she's sorry but does not relinquish the treasure! That doesn't make any sense... if she was sorry she'd give it back! She hums so gently about its importance, its meaning, trying desperately to empathize but hold her boundary but Morningkit decides she is having none of it.

Her lips crease into a frown.... then they wobble... and the pale baby blues of her kithood grow dampened with her newfound misery. Momma said no? The corners of her eyes squeeze in tale tell sign of what unstoppable fit is due to come- and then she simply wails. Head tilted back, eyes squeezed shut to force fat droplet tears down her cheeks, mouth wide open in an ugly, phlegmy cry.

"I... I-I... But I... I wannnnnnnntttt ittttttt!"

"Nooooowwwwwuhhhhh!" Her tail lashes like a little propeller of her dismay, forepaws stamping the ground to accentuate just how seriously she ought to be taken in her tantrum.

  • tagging / ooc
  • crowsight x oddgleam x owlheart
    pearlkit - cuckookit - morningkit​ - brightkit - ravenkit​

Has she made the right call? Owlheart can't speak with certainty, her tail had flicked away from her childs grasp on instinct. Even if she had wanted her to have the feather, this outcome would have been the same. It's a fact that she's unsure if she can grapple with, regret sparks and catches onto life like a wild fire as Morningkit's lips begin to wobble. Oh no, would this mark her forever as a horrible mother? Owlheart can't say that she's prepared for such an outcome, or any outcome at all truly. It's moments like this where she recognizes her own youth, she hadn't learnt to stand up to her other kin and yet she's forced herself into a corner to seem unjust to her child. It would be embarassing if she couldn't stand up to a kit though, even if she can feel her resolve weakening.

She had to hear no eventually Owlheart decides, in some feeble attempt to make herself feel better. The tabby would much rather her child hear it from her rather than a peer, or from anyone less compassionate... She can't trust anyone to be as delicate with a let down she's being. Still, she had accepted that she would be fine with working her daughter through a hundred tantrums, this is just the start if the trade off can be real. "Oh Morningkit, we can find you another feather" she tries again, hoping giving the offer a second time might cut through to her stubborn mind.

She shifts on her haunches, pausing to stop herself from reaching out to dry her daughters tears. She will tire herself out, she hopes so at least. If she does then she can curl up to her and try to soothe her, while her tantrum is at it's peak it's rather futile to try it. Still, the stubbornness must come from somewhere so she attempts it anyways. "Can you tell me why you want it?" If she can give herself time to breathe in this worked up frenzy to talk. She hopes there's actual reasoning, if it's the colour or pattern she likes then surely she can find something similar.

  • ooc.
  • zbNXVoZ.png
    She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 22 moons
    An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
    Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
Another feather?! Another feather??? Her wailing does nothing, her mother chooses evil despite her tears! She stares at her, dumbfounded by the questions, confused why she'd be interrogated and refused- did Owlheart not love her more than a feather?! If it was one from her papa then it shouldn't be a problem if she wanted it. That was her papa... Not Owlheart's!

"Momma- Momma please," she wails, insistent and unwilling to answer. "Give me that one! I want that one! Please," if she used her manners it had to be enough! She was so polite, so well-behaved. She didn't even cough in Owlheart's face with her mouth open!

Oh the betrayal... oh what great hurt! Owlheart, traitor of her bloodline! First of her wretched name!

"Nooooo I don't wan'another one," her sniffles do not relent, groveling to curl at her mother's paws and bury her nose between them in muffled sobs. She searches her memory for what kinds of things could be said in the face of such horrors. Such adversity.

"I'm going to just... to DIE! My heart is BROKEN!"

  • im sorry i cant deal with her either
  • crowsight x oddgleam x owlheart
    pearlkit - cuckookit - morningkit​ - brightkit - ravenkit​

Her heart aches, she knows- well, she hopes, that it isn't going to break in this moment. Her resolve has never been particularly strong and she can feel it starting to crumble. There's a deep breath as she scuffs her paw against the earth of the nursery, maw never shifting from a smile even as her eyebrows knit and golden eyes shine in concern. "I'm sorry sweetheart you can't have this one, we could find a matching one? Wouldn't that be nice?" She hopes so, even if Morningkit wants that one maybe a pair could be good. It feels horrible to try and trick her daughter but maybe she could tuck that replacement feather into her own tail, it could be something that the tortoiseshell can find and claim on her own.

That's just for the future, right now she's faced with a very upset kitten who she would ideally like to avoid a meltdown entirely. She's careful to keep her tail away from her child, just in case the tantrum turned to something worse. Idly she wonders if Oddgleam knew how to handle these kind of things, or Butterflytuft. Maybe she doesn't really have a handle on this whole parenting thing? Then Morningkit claims she will die and that shatters her, she knows it's a case of kittenish whims and yet it feels as if those tiny pin prick claws have torn her heart to shreds.

"Morningkit, you won't die. It's okay, I know this is upsetting but you will be okay" she murmurs in a comforting whisper, she at least hopes it comforting. She also hopes that her words are true, that this wasn't one of those horror stories she hears about kits resenting their parent forever over something that she thought would be small.

  • ooc.
  • zbNXVoZ.png
    She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 22 moons
    An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
    Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
A matching one?! Is this some kind of sick joke? A mockery! A mimicry! A half-baked bid to trick her? A buffoonery! An attempt to make her into a fool! Morningkit's wails become highlighted with displeased growls and it nags in instinct that she ought to bite her mother to ensure she felt as bad as she was making her tortoiseshell offspring feel. It is only barely withheld in favor of stamping her paws on the ground a few extra times to really make sure Owlheart understood just how abhorrently upset she was.

Her nose buries itself into the dirt, rubbing into the cold earth with all the warm excrement of her snotty nose. A breath between sobs goes sucked in, muffled against how she practically mashes her face into the ground in her tantrum, coughing against the dust that takes a leap down her threat with her inhale.

You won't die. It's okay," she doesn't even take this seriously! How the ache of her little heart grows tantamount to the greatest pain of her small life! She sputters against a cough induced by simply crying too hard over something that needn't be so dramatically bawled over. "It's too late! I'm DYING!" Though she remains perfectly alive... despite her insistence otherwise.

"I'll never be alive EVER AGAIN!" It is clear the concept of death is far away in its understanding. Instead, she opts to ragdoll into a pathetic puddle on the floor, laying as limply as possible to mimic the dead bird her mother had been trying to share with her.

  • crowsight x oddgleam x owlheart
    pearlkit - cuckookit - morningkit​ - brightkit - ravenkit​