by only a flicker we cling to this life ✘ meeting

“Let all cats old enough to swim, join beneath the river rock for a clan meeting!” He is more confident in his words now, but that confidence was built upon anger; his face still stung from claws despite Ravensong’s efforts to patch the wound that scored across his muzzle - he sits neatly upon the slanted and smooth rock and waits for the clan to gather around.

“I want to take a moment to recognize our brave clanmates who took to the mountains to bring the lungwort back to us one last time, Ravensong has already had it distributed among the sick and many are already fully healed. Hazecloud, Lakemoon, Iciclefang,Dovethroat, Mosspaw and Fernpaw. RiverClan thanks you. I thank you.”
Smokestar-the name felt so strange still-dips his head in a gracious nod, the weight on his shoulders having eased some since their return and for that specifically he was especially thankful.
“We have a few ceremonies to do but first I have to share the news of what happened…on my way to the Moonstone WindClan attacked me. They would not permit me to pass and I fear that finally Sootstar has completely lost her senses. We will need to take this threat seriously, I want more patrols along their border in case they wish to stake a claim to more that does not belong to them.” The last thing he needed was WindClan trying to say the gorge belonged to them or some other nonsense, he wasn’t sure about Sootstar's deal but surely she was off the deep end in some warped bid for power.
“...we will consider what to do about them blocking highstones carefully. I will be informing the other leaders during this upcoming gathering. This can not stand. The cats who will attend will be named the day of...”
He was uncertain how to approach it without going into violent retaliation. His hopes that the rogue invasion had lessened the tension of the other clans had been entirely unfounded. Sootstar seemed to have only gotten more bold. It was about time something was done about it.

“That being said, it’s made me realize that I will need more capable cats on my council to help us as we move forward. Iciclefang - “ The white blaze across her face is hard to miss in the crowd, a lack of color on an otherwise black and orange spotted face. “You are one of RiverClan’s first clanborn kits, my first apprentice and the first cat to be made a warrior early due to your skill, You have proved your mettle in the journey, have fought for RiverClan in every war that has fell upon our paws and have given us nothing but your unyielding loyalty. So I ask of you - will you join us as one of my lead warriors?”

  • Ceremonies to come next post!
    Big congrats to Marq & @iciclefang as a new lead warrior on the team! Both been a consistent and active presence in the clan since Iciclefang was born and Marq has always been a delight in the discord as well! <3

    @RAVENSONG & @lichentail & @Snakeblink & @Petalnose & @iciclefang & @dovethroat. & @hazecloud & @FERNPAW & @Mosspaw & @Nettlepaw- & @carawaypaw & @BEEPAW. & @CICADAPAW & @Bumblepaw & @Moonpaw & @PIKESPLASH & @robinpaw. & @Sablemist & @otterpaw

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

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The call to gather was one that Moonpaw was expecting and she knew that it would be as soon as Smokestar could manage it but she hadn't thought that he would want to do it so soon after getting patched up, the feeling of cobwebs and whatever herbs Ravensong used to patch the leader up was likely not comfortable and Moonpaw knew that she wouldn't want to be in the other's position now. Having to be injured and lead the clan, telling them what to do and where to go and keep track of everything that needed to be said.

Still she gathered quickly, making her way alongside other RiverClanners before finding a seat as close to @BEEPAW. as possible, head tilting up as she looked towards the newly named tom. Silently she listened as he named off the cats who had gone on the journey and eyes flicked to each of them as she did so, soft smile sent each of their ways in silent thanks for helping to save their clan - all the clans - from the illness that had plagued them for so long.

The news about highstones, one she had heard a little about when he had come home before getting patched up, eyes looked to Beepaw for a moment waiting to gauge the other's reaction before aiming to press against her for a moment whether it be for Moon's own comfort or Bee's she would not say, but she was worried about what this meant and comfort was needed. When Iciclefang's name was mentioned she turned to look for the other, eyes widening slightly as she cast the other another small smile before she waited to see what her answer would be.

  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - moonpaw - moon???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 6 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
It soothes her broken and weary heart to know that the cats who left have come home safely. They're where they belong, now. She knows it was a hard journey, especially for those who were injured, but she's glad they all came home. They deserve a long rest for what they've all been through.


To hear that Windclan attacked Smokethroat- Smokestar... On the way to to the moonstone sets her blood on fire with anger and frustration. She couldn't lose another friend. Smokestar could have died before he even became leader, and it infuriates and frightens her. It shows in her eyes as she sits there, claws gripping the ground beneath her. Too many cats have been lost recently and she will NOT lose another friend. She can barely keep herself together now.

And what the hell is Windclan thinking, anyways? She comes to a realization. It doesn't matter what they think.... A threat is a threat. And threats are killed. It's not actually as complicated as she was making it. Windclan is a group of savages who think they own the entire forest, and now they make such an affront to Starclan by preventing others from going to the moonstone?

A moment of delusioned understanding and clarity washes over her. Her paws are meant for bloodshed and war. They were meant to be soaked in the blood of her enemies. Riverclan's enemies. Fighting was her strongest skill, after all.

She doesn't care if she isn't thinking clearly. It's easier to think this way. Her heart hurts, and Windclan has offered themselves as targets for her to take her anger and grief out on. She is aware that fighting them will not bring Riverwhisker back, and yet that thought is a voice lost in the wailing agony her heart cries out with. It won't fix anything. It won't bring him back. But Windclan has been asking for it for a while, havent they? Nothing will be lost if she tears into them, no regrets will be had. The only thing she'll feel...... Is hollow.

She knows so. When she killed the cats who killed her first mate, thats what she felt. That is what she will feel this time, too. In an instant, the fire she fed is extinguished. There is no reprieve from her grief. No matter how many cats fall to her claws and fangs, no matter how loudly she screams to the stars that it isnt fair, she will always be left hollow and cold.

Time goes on with little care for if you want it to or not.

Looking to Iciclefang, her expression softens back to its muted, weary state. A small smile crosses her face. She's grown into a fine warrior, and she thinks she will make an excellent addition to Smokestar's council, should she accept.​

Bubblepaw joins the rest of RiverClan for the meeting that Smokestar has called. She tries to find a seat near @Velvetpaw or @.Swanpaw , whichever of the two she spots first. She tips her head back to look up at the smoky-coated leader, and the feeling of strangeness at looking up to where Cicadastar had once stood and seeing Smokestar instead is gone. Meetings are usually cheerful and fun, even when their contents can be rather routine or boring to listen to, but this one brings about an unusual sense of dread from the apprentice. One that is far from commonplace for the lighthearted girl.

Bubblepaw quashes the feeling building up inside that something dreadful is about to happen. She dips her head along with the others to give thanks to the journeying cats. She'd been too young to go herself when she'd left, but the wanderlust that filled her at all their tales and friendships upon their return- no matter how dreadful and harrowing some were- was undeniable. Maybe someday she'd get to go on an adventure too! Then, Smokestar announces what Bubblepaw had already been there to see in her horror upon his return: that he'd been attacked by WindClan at highstones. There must be something more sinister to their move... To attack a leader that hadn't received his nine lives. What if their attack had been successful? Would RiverClan be without a leader at all?

She frowns as her thoughts and concerns deepen, but Smokestar is quick with the turnaround as he delivers more exciting news. Bubblepaw bounces a bit as Iciclefang is announced as RiverClan's newest lead warrior. The sharp and icy tortoiseshell is a good choice, she thinks! Though she usually isn't the fun type, Bubblepaw supposes everything can't be sunshine and butterflies all the time. The silver tabby turns wide, owlish eyes to the crowd, hoping to find the tortoiseshell in agreement with Smokestar's nomination of her position.
✦ ★ ✦
A familiar greeting, called by a familiar voice, still sounds alien to Iciclefang’s ears. She draws close to Riverrock and seats herself amongst her Clanmates, feeling strange. She has always known one day Smokestar would succeed Cicadastar, but to see her mentor where the river-dwelling phantom had always commanded his Clan from feels like something from a dream. She curls her tail around pale paws, sitting tall and listening with a frown etched into her muzzle. Their leader begins by calling the names of the cats who had journeyed to the mountains, her own among them. Her mouth twitches, and something shifts in her pale blue gaze, but she only dips her head in acknowledgment. The journey, and the feeling of Stormywing’s heartbeat pressed against her own, feels like a lifetime ago. Every day, the memories feel more and more uprooted and bizarre.

Her ears flick forward as Smokestar begins to speak about the atrocities WindClan had committed against him. Her lip curls subtly, revealing just a snatch of teeth. “We should teach them a lesson.” Her voice is cold, though she waits for Smokestar to pause before speaking. “They have forgotten the feeling of RiverClan claws raking their pathetic pelts.” She knows it’s not so simple, and regrettably, she thinks again of Scorchpaw, of Milkpaw who had been lost with her beneath the rockslide—but she cannot forgive WindClan’s audacity. They could have killed Smokestar, who is not only her leader, but the cat who’d trained her, the cat she considered a role model, a friend. She quiets, biting her lower lip and flicking her gaze toward the angrily-twitching tip of her tail. He and his council would decide what to do—it was not her place to voice her opinion.

“That being said, it’s made me realize that I will need more capable cats on my council.” Her whiskers stiffen; she lifts her head, eyes slowly panning around to observe the warriors in her presence. When her name is called, they quiver, her jaws parting just a little. Smokestar’s single burning eye meets her cool gaze, and the memories he calls into question begin to sear into her brain. One of RiverClan’s firstborn kits—she ambles about the nursery, watching Steepsnout bowl Fernpaw over, brushing against Darkwhisker’s pelt as their mother’s pink tongue rinses the grit from their fur. Smokestar’s first apprentice—she recalls bumbling into the Twoleg net on their first excursion, remembers his claws tearing into her, remembering besting him at long last, the pull of her breath through her throat as she heaved over him in front of all of RiverClan.

She remembers the journey, stone and stone crunching underpaw, a field of lungwort sprouting before her eyes.

I—” She shakes her fur out slightly, caught in a rare flustered moment. “I accept. And I will make you and our Clanmates proud.” Her cool tone returns, and she lifts her chin—both in defiance and determination.

[ thank you SO MUCH !!!! this means so much to me fr <3 i will do my best! ]

, ”
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

The Gathering... it was sure to be a disaster now, with this new information in mind. Lichentail was still sour that she'd foreseen some sort of treachery and not been heeded (it was hard to listen to the warnings of one so paranoid... maybe she had cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously) but Smokestar had come out alive and that would have to be good enough. It might teach him to take them more seriously next time when not one but three leads suggested it was risky. Flicking her tail haphazardly, she hadn't realized a familiar misty coat come to sit aside her- @hazecloud should be proud of this moment, to be recognized for her heroics and the risks she'd taken. Rookfang would surely be eating his words now...

The blue point offers her mate a small smile, trying not to be all glowers and glares when good news was meant to be shared by their star-blessed lone star. Her attention isn't captured by the warm gaze of a love returned for long- the announcement shifts to mentioning his council and she can't help but sit up a little straighter. More capable cats... Her chest constricts involuntarily. Another lead warrior? It made sense... there had been four, more or less consistently but.


It clicks easily, logically. Of course Smokestar would trust her, favor her, dote upon her so easily. But Lichentail abhors picking someone so blatantly inexperienced and young... her spree of successes were hard to ignore but who was to say it wasn't just sheer dumb luck? Talent was one thing but wisdom was another and Iciclefang....

She took in a breath, trying to steel her nerves from the frustration that bubbled up. She was still the same tiny apprentice boasting her victories in the shaggy molly's eyes... it was hard to see her as the grown, capable warrior that Smokestar saw. But maybe... this would give her the chance to see it. As long as that over-confident girl didn't step on her toes, she'd be willing to try.

She is sure she is swimming with emotions now... overwhelmed by the pride of knowing she'd done well. She wonders if she'll take a glance around to be sure it is real, much like Lichentail had months ago when Cicadastar had chosen her as a shining example of what RiverClan needed to thrive. Did he think he was wrong... from where he stood in StarClan watching? Did he regret her? Hoping to catch the dappled warrior's eye, she gestured vaguely towards Smokestar-- Go on, silly girl.... tell him yes. You've earned it.

And she does. "Welcome Iciclefang," she murmurs, casting Hazecloud a glance to see if she might also find this surprising... disappointing...? She'd been the oldest of the journey cats to go and yet did not find herself honored in the same way. Maybe it was for the better... given the decision the two had made, given the ambitions she'd dove into exploring sooner rather than later. There would be another time... probably.

But that left a question unanswered. What about his deputy... ? What if Smokestar had died...? What about Fernpaw and Mosspaw, would they finally be recognized under their ancestors as warriors too? There was so much to address... she hoped his throat hadn't run off with his suffix. Good one Lichentail.
  • Love
Reactions: iciclefang
"...a lesson WILL be taught. WindClan won't be so easily forgiven when they must face their crimes before all the clans and under StarClan itself."
He smiles quietly at the acceptance, a warm gesture he normally only reserved for his kits but would occasionally offer others sporadically and with great discretion. A yes was what he wanted to hear and he was pleased with it, nodding before raising his head upward once again to continue.

“Mosspaw, Petalpaw…” He pauses momentarily, lone orange eye scanning the crowd before turning to the two proper. “Please step forward.”
He waits, allows them the seconds they needed to weave through clanmates to come to the forefront.
“Petalpaw, Stonestep has informed me you have passed your assessment.” A normal warrior ceremony, one not burdened with the weight of death or the absence of the apprentice who would be named.
Said cats lingered in the crowd, familiar and welcoming sights to once again have before him and he only wished they could have been named by the leader they had left when they took on the task of seeking out the lungwort for them.
“Mosspaw, you journeyed far to help your clan and you have proven yourself time and time again already that you are more than capable. You volunteered to find the cure despite your youth, despite the unknown before you and for that we are grateful. Aspenhaze has done well with you.” He bows his head briefly, this last one was a bit of a surprise even to himself - but the moment he stood upon the river rock and found the splash of color in the crowd he’d made up his mind to include it.

“There is one more…Fernpaw.” The once gangly kitten has long since grown well past the size of an apprentice - a full grown cat and one whose name was well overdue. “You have always felt as if you had a lot to prove, but I promise you that you’ve long since done so. You’re capable, determined, maybe a touch reckless but…who am I to judge.” Is that not the same ideology he instilled in his former apprentice? To throw oneself into combat wholeheartedly? He rolls his shoulders, briefly amused and then turns back to the task at hand, “You journeyed along with the others to find us a cure and I consider it enough of an assessment to feel confident in having you join the ranks of a warrior along with Mosspaw. You both more than deserve it and thank you again for what you and the others who journeyed have done for RiverClan.”
Smokestar's tail flicked, the cobwebs spotting his pelt had begun to itch something terrible and he would be taking a long, deep nap soon.
“So, I say to the three of you…do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your lives?”

  • Ceremony Time:
    @Mosspaw & @FERNPAW & @Petalpaw .

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

  • Crying
Reactions: waluigipinball

The speckled tom called for his Clan, his voice ringing in the echoes of their River King. Hazecloud had not imagined the day she would be approaching the call of Smokestar for quite some time. While she and their star-chosen Clanmates had ventured out into the mountains, Hazecloud only imagined coming back to a Clan still led strong by the mottle tom. Ready to hear his crowing praises and blessings to the skies, to continue stepping around his snapping paranoia and return to the quiet shadows of her Clan.

It's an absence she felt more than she expected, regardless of the fact it was so sudden. Cicadastar had been a part of her homes founding, he had been the one that discovered StarClans prophecy for them to all branch out in the first place. He had announced the creeper vine, helped it grow and bloom across the river...

Her head snapped up when Smokestar spoke her name among the others, a small smile sheepishly made its way across her features, meeting Lichentail's gaze just as warmly. The call for another on Smokestar's council took the attention away, and she followed the pointed mollys gaze to Iciclefang. She didn't immediately assume the same thoughts as her mate. Hazecloud had never envisioned herself in the paws of her leadership, never saw herself to stand behind star-blessed paws like Petalnose and the others.

But the mountains had taught the molly a lot of things she didn't know about herself. That she was capable, she was strong. She didn't need brute power and a commanding voice, but she earned their respect through her level headedness and confidence. Hazecloud watched Iciclefang proudly take her former mentors side and in that moment, she believed that could be her.

"Amazing work, Iciclefang." The smoky cat purred as she leaned against Lichentail, unaware their attention had returned to her. Her heart pattered against her chest, droplets against the rivers surface as Smokestar called for Fernpaw. Yes!! About time.

Regret still gripped Fernpaw iron-tight. It was told to him time and time again that they'd done something wonderful, they'd done what they could- that no-one would have been fast enough to cure Steepsnout. That nothing could have saved Cicadastar. Still it lingered like the smell of crowfood, rustling under his fur and setting his skin to centipede-crawl. When he thought of everything he had been unable to tell them, the regret swelled into a choking, breath-blocking sadness. Had he ever apologised to Steepsnout for not cheering during her warrior ceremony? And- to that end, Darkwhisker would need a talking-to...

There was something, unspoken, that Fernpaw had been hoping for in this meeting. The next time he saw his journey-mates, he would want to meet them as a warrior. Mosspaw had known this wish most directly.

WindClan's occupation of Highstones was no news to him, but it was as disgusting a reality as it had been when he'd learned. A firm nod followed Iciclefang's assertion that they would be taught a lesson. This would not be a deed they would get away with.

His sister earned his gaze once again as she was extended out a soot-soaked paw, an invitation to join RiverClan's warrior council. Briefly, Fernpaw's singular gaze flickered wide, but pointedly not in surprise- rather, in awe. By now he knew better than to get jealous of her- not a thought was spared to the laughable truth that she was a lead warrior before he was even a normal one. All Fernpaw felt in that moment was a swelling pride, a desire to bounce to her side and proudly proclaim in front of the Clan himself that she was his sister. What was even less a surprise than her appointment was her acceptance of the position. If he caught her eye, he would offer her the largest grin he could possibly manage, his glee ablaze.

Briefly, his own desires were forgotten. When Mosspaw and Petalpaw's names were called, Fernpaw could hardly think about the disappointment of not being among them- what was another moon? But Smokestar spoke of one more- Fernpaw. His heart felt as if it could somersault right out of his mouth. A lot to prove- and though he had said to Mosspaw that he'd not wanted his life to end at his warrior ceremony, more than ever Fernpaw felt as if he'd done it.

At last, he was sure everyone was thinking. Finally. And he was thinking it too- Fernpaw glanced over his shoulder, seeking his father out in the crowd, before settling a dewy eye upon their new leader. Steadying his voice through the battalion of emotion that had suddenly been unleashed upon him, Fernpaw said, "I do." He was as certain as he had ever been and would ever be.
penned by pin


He couldn't believe what he was hearing. WindClan had the audacity to attack Smokestar on the way to High Stones. Through some miracle, their deputy had pulled through and managed to recieve his nine lives, but WindClan's aggression was no small crime. Nettlepaw flattens his ears, considers whether or not he actually cares about heresy against StarClan. They had taken so much from him and his brother already. Maybe StarClan didn't deserve the reverence of the clans at all. Regardless of personal beliefs on such matters, the idea of RiverClan's new leader being assaulted by their neighbors was certainly unwelcome. Nettlepaw might not feel loyalty to StarClan, but he certainly felt it to RiverClan. And now, to Smokestar.

WindClan would pay.

As for the promotions, Nettlepaw keeps his head down as Iciclefang is announced as their newest Lead Warrior. A part of him still blames the journey cats for Cicadastar and Reedflower's death. There's tension in the way he sits, rigid and silent, while others yowl their congratulations. Nettlepaw merely flicks an ear as the apprentices are called forward in what would likely be their Warrior ceremony. That'll be me one day, the boy thinks with determination. He wonders what Warrior name he'll receive in that time. For now though, he returns his focus to the ceremonies of the present, still ominously quiet as he listens.
The moment she heard the call for meeting, Mosspaw sat beneath Highrock at rapt attention. As she looked up, part of her still expected to see Cicadastar up there, and felt a twinge of grief when she did not. Despite all the respect she had for him, Smokestar looked strange up there to her. Even with his new name, she could not help but think of him as deputy still. With a flick of her ear, she dismissed the thought. The stars had blessed him. With time, she would fix her own thoughts in accordance.

Her chest puffed up with pride as she and the other journey cats were praised. This was what she had expected upon her return. Thanks from the leader himself in front of the whole clan, the highest honor she could imagine. A small smile graced her features.

It vanished the moment that Smokestar recounted the events of his trip to moonstone.

Though she had already heard an abridged account upon his return, hearing it anew made her blood boil no less. It was an unthinkable transgression; a betrayal of everything it meant to be a clan cat. Iciclefang chimed in, her voice sharp with the same desire for revenge that Mosspaw felt. Though she dared not speak during a meeting herself, she glanced away from Highrock to give the warrior a firm nod. She was saying what they were all thinking. Windclan could not get away with this. They would pay for what they had done in blood.

Her gaze flicked back to Smokestar as he declared Iciclefang would be the newest lead warrior. There was no surprise in her expression however, only a small smile. Iciclefang had earned this. She was a perfect choice, Mosspaw knew that much from the time they had spent together on the journey. Riverclan's newest lead warrior would do them all proud.

Then it was time.

The moment she had been waiting for nearly her whole life. As she stepped forward, Mosspaw felt the eyes of the entire clan upon her, and she welcomed them. Her head was held even higher than usual, a proud - but still reserved - smile upon it. Smokestar said that she had proved herself more than capable time and time again, and she knew it to be true. As she had told Ravensong moons ago; she was going to be a great warrior. There was never any doubt about that.


Her smile flickered. There was another cat who should be up here with her. She remembered her conversation with Fernpaw, when they had both seen highstones on the horizon, and she had told him that they would both be great warriors.

For a moment, she almost glanced back. Worse, she almost spoke out of turn, just as Boneripple and Lichentail had moons ago. She almost risked ruining the best moment of her life.

Then Smokestar called out Fernpaw's name, and she smiled as though she had never considered any of it at all. It had been foolish of her, she told herself, to doubt her new leader's wisdom. A small, momentary mistake. She shot Fernpaw a happy look as he stepped up beside her.

This was it. Smokestar began to ask the question she had been waiting for so long, one she knew so well that she spoke it alongside him in her mind. Then she gave the only answer that she had ever wanted to give;

"I do."
  • Love
Reactions: Aspenhaze
One by one, the 'I do's are spoken solemnly and with an understanding of what is expected of them - determination blazened across each young face. No longer apprentices, but warriors - adults; the lifeblood of RiverClan. They would be going to the gathering fully named, a show of force to WindClan and its treachery that they would not be so easily beaten to the ground, that it would take more than underhanded tactics to change their current; stones would divide the river but it would keep flowing nonetheless.
“Then from this moment forward…”

Starting with the cat who had not gone on the journey, who simply did her duties and passed her assessment as would hopefully be the norm going forward for the rest of the apprentices who would one day be named.
“Petalpaw, you will be known as Petalstep - in honor of your mentor who passed onto you his wisdom and perseverance.”
She might not have been one of the cats who was recognized for their bravery in seeing the lungwort, but she was just as admirable and valued and would make a fine warrior. Hopefully her days of being pestered by kittens were behind her now with a bit of authority.

Willowroot and Poppysplash's daughter, grown, looking very much like her mother and reminding him with a fondness of the smoke who once stood at his side when RiverClan first formed. Briefly his gaze flitted away from the ceremonial cats to find her, hoped she was in the crowd to see.
“Mosspaw, for the calm and composed manner with which you carry yourself and the wisdom you have earned from your long journey to the mountains - you will be known as Mosspool! A name befitting one of the river's own.”
The final of his friend’s kits to be named, who should have been named alongside Hazewish but had sacrificed her time and dedication to seeking the lungwort of the clan. She more than earned it.

Finally his lone orange eye hones in on Fernpaw, the mirror of a fire that had finally caught and blazed to life. If only Steepsnout had been here to see this, but he knew she was at least in StarClan now and the very strength she had gifted him in his life he hoped could be heard in his words.
“Fernpaw, you have shown us that a cat’s true merit is not in their combat prowess alone. You traveled with the others, fought and clawed your way back home, and above all else you have been resilient. A fish without gills will drown. For your determination, strength of will and skill in the water of our home, you will be known as Ferngill.”

His head lifted up in a howl, black and scarred muzzle to the sky, "Petalstep! Mosspool! Ferngill!" He lets the clan cheer, call out their support, a brief moment of peace and celebration to indulge in before the coming days. He grits his teeth together, tries to keep the unease on his expression down. Oh, was he going to navigate what he now knew...

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


His peers spoke their own vows at his side, Petalpaw and Mosspaw; his eye lingered more upon the latter, though. They exchanged thrilled looks for a moment, Fernpaw's own smile feeling as if it might split his jaws and rattle right off of his face. Blazing bright, his heart livelier than it had ever felt, his pelt pricking from the eyes that laid on his back. Petalpaw became Petalstep. His heart stuttered like a cicada's wingbeat.

Mosspaw became Mosspool, for wisdom and calmness, and Fernpaw glowed with approval at the name. During the journey he'd come to know Mosspaw much better- her devotion to RiverClan and to StarClan both, her fixed determination to always do what was best for RiverClan. Above all he was glad she would never be saddled with the same doubts that had struck him- that she'd found her own meaning in the journey.

And then- then, it was his turn. A fish without gills will drown. What had once been foolishness had blossomed into bravery, true bravery, not the stupid heroic kind. Resilience ran along his back like pike scales. When Smokestar named him Ferngill, he could not help but let a tear dislodge itself from the glaze over his sole eye and dampen the red fur across his cheek. For once he wasn't embarrassed.

For once it didn't matter to him that this was so late. For once he could forget that he'd had to learn to be a warrior twice over. The scar and the sightlessness would remind him of that often enough. None of his past mistakes mattered anymore, now that he had his name.

"Petalstep! Mosspool!" Along with the others, he cheered as rowdily as he would have for anyone- but he could not help but revel in the pause, hearing a heavenly chorus chant his name. It really did feel like finally, like finality. But, no matter what, Ferngill would always strive for this to be the beginning of something else great.
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Smokethroat had been warm; his fire had been muted and tender, something Cicadapaw and his fluffy siblings crowded around to warm their tiny paws. Smokethroat had been a black-and-white shape curled around him since the day he'd been brought into the world, since before he knew how cold that world really was. Smokethroat had been family walks and swimming lessons and kitten games. Smokethroat is no longer someone who exists, at least not in Cicadapaw's sunken eyes.

Smokestar feels colder. Smokestar feels further away, more impassive, like the cold and careless stars above. Perhaps nine lives and new weighs truly forge an uncrossable line between Cicadapaw and his father. Perhaps it's merely his overblown mind working itself into a tempest once more. The latter is the more likely, but it would be a dark day in StarClan Cicadapaw admitted to that. Instead, he flanks his mentor as the Clan assembles itself for a meeting and clusters about the smooth rock from which his father presides. Cicadastar had held court from the stone; somehow, there's not that feeling with his father. It's a quieter leadership than Cicadastar, but perhaps one that was steelier. Steadier.

It's still not the same.

His father—Smokestar recognizes the journeying cats, his mentor among them. Cicadapaw's sure they deserve it. He just can't remember much of the moon and a half they were gone, a time shrouded in hunger and disease and grief, grief that drowned him like thick swampwater. It had swelled in his nose and mouth, polluted and wretched, bleeding the life out of him just as the swamp soil had soaked up his father's blood. He delivers the news of WindClan's attack, leaving a crown of pain creeping up Cicadapaw's temples, and then he announces a new lead warrior.

Iciclefang. His mentor—his cold, devoted, sharp-tongued mentor—is invited to join Smokestar's council. She accepts, of course, and Cicadapaw's bloodshot eyes follow her lifted chin with muted awe, dazzled by the ease with which she navigates this. With which she navigates the world. Lichentail murmurs a welcome and a whisper runs through the crowd, though in the next breath Smokestar begins to handle the promotions of apprentices. Cicadapaw's gaze stutters between his mentor and the River-rock, though he finally lends a rasping voice to the cheers, a footnote in the triumph. "Petalstep! Mosspool! Ferngill!"

When he falls silent, he looks over at Iciclefang and mutters, "Congratulations. You—you deserve it."


  • 5mGwJgx.png
    cicadapaw ; apprentice of riverclan
    x. he/him ; 5 moons ; tags
    x. unsightly black-and-white tom with heterochromatic amber and blue eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    x. son of smokestar and cicadastar ; brother to beepaw and starlightpaw. apprenticed to iciclefang.

( ) there is a deep, aching pride in her chest as she observes the meeting. after too many tragedies, ones she dares not think of for crying, the clan deserves to celebrate new beginnings. her kits have become apprentices just a few days ago, and her eldest had become a warrior. now it's time for three others to get a chance. willowroot sits beside hazewish and mosspaw, and she bends to quickly lick her daughter's earthen fur, emotion brimming in her eyes. smokestar takes his place and the warrior will straighten herself, quietly taking in the information. a curl of her lip is the only sign of her anger at windclan, although internally she feels aggressively violent. lashing her tail, the smoke shifts her attention to iciclefang as the girl is mentioned.

her gaze brightens as smokestar speaks the fateful words and the mottled molly accepts. she can remember early days of training, iciclepaw, steeppaw, and ashpaw all tussling while smokethroat and willowroot chattered quietly in a corner. the memory of steeppaw.. steepsnout, causes her pause, but as voices are lifted in honor of the young woman, the warrior joins in. "iciclefang!" she cries, knows the girl is smart and strong enough for the appointment.

finally, it's time. mosspaw and petalpaw are called forward, and a heartbeat after, fernpaw. excitement surges in willowroot's chest, eyes bright as she glances around for mudpelt, hoping to see her friend's reaction. petalpaw is called first, named petalstep for her wisdom. then, mosspaw. smokestar's lone ember eye finds her own and willowroot beams at him, ears twitching in support as she taps her paws with excitement. mosspaw is mosspool, for her calm demeanor, for her service to her clan.

finally fernpaw, the cat who has deserved this for moons now and is finally getting his due. his eye shines and the clan shines with him as he steps forth and is dubbed ferngill, for his determination and strength of will. willowroot lifts her head and joins the cry of congratulations. "petalstep! mosspool! ferngill!"

Only a few sunrises past her own warrior ceremony, Hazewish now sits next to their mother and watches proudly as their sister is named a warrior in turn. She is a stickler for rules and a real buzzkill — but she’s also the most loyal warrior Riverclan will ever see, probably, and their heart threatens to lift right out of their chest as Smokestar gives her the honors she’s due.Haze’s usually terse speech flows freely for once as they call out the new names: ”Petalstep! Mosspool! Ferngill!”

Ah well, it was nice while it lasted. And at least they will always be able to say that they were promoted first — it doesn’t mean much, with the journey, but they know it’ll drive Moss crazy, which is all they’re asking for.

PETALSTEP — Keep about your wits.
The silent thought is only reflected in a steady exhale, the news Smokestar broke almost now white noise despite the weight of it all, because Petalpaw was finally shedding her apprentice title, the alabaster tabby would finally earn her rightful place in the warriors den.
Despite her broad figure, Petalpaw weaves through the crowd like a claw through the rivers ripple, standing in front of Smokestar with a stone-faced expression.
Whatever would come next, whatever danger that lay around the corner, the former apprentice would be able to take it in stride.
Petalstep. The snow-freckled leader announces, and her steely expression fleetingly cracks as her pupils flicker to-and-fro at her leader in conflict. After her mentor he says, and Petalstep turns to find the tom in the crowd, who is staring right back at her with a smug quirk on his maw.
When Petalstep faces her leader once more, it is to dip her head before retreating back into the crowd as her new name is chanted, a bittersweet melody filling the air all around her.
She takes a seat, golden-hour optics finding her former mentor once more in a sharp side glance.
Won’t be so smug when it’ll be my legacy that crushes yours, will you?
The thought almost makes her smile, but instead her maw parts to cheer on Iciclefang.

It was still surreal seeing the speckled grey tom sit upon the rock once more, Cicadastar had been all she had known as a leader. It had been all that Riverclan knew. However, it seemed so right at the same time. He was now Smokestar, it was so difficult to roll from the tongue yet so easy. She supposed her grief for the former leader hadn't been faced and processed properly but pride for her comrade was strong within her in same feel. No emotion had laid upon her, still swaying about what to express. Windclan's claim upon highstone set forth anger, then there were big changes- good changes set at their paws.

Iciclefang was named lead warrior. Immediately she searched for the younger feline with a trill of approval. The tortoiseshell molly proved time and time again she was capable of responsibility and strength. It was an appropriate time. It seemed the imbalance of the council's traits had balanced one more. A firmer voice, confidence. It was needed at this time. A gleam of pride etched across her patched face. "Iciclefang!" she cheered.

Two warriors were named, she nodded in approval. One who had carried similarity to hers but of one that matched more meaning than her own. It was deserving to her character. Aspenhaze's apprentice was then named and she would gently bump her body against @Aspenhaze , a smile peaking at her blackened lips as she exchanged a glance of admiration. They had trained her to success and it was something to be admirable about.

Fernpaw was next and she couldn't help but raise her head in interest and excitement for him. She had remembered her talks with him, that he'd eventually get there and her belief in him stood strong. It had paid off in the end. The journey was a way he had proven himself worthy and the stories he had told her, she knew he had proven himself enough even if it wasn't Infront of the entirety of their clan. Her rarer smile rose more, it was as if she were watching a dear friend become named. Finally. He had made it.

"Petalstep! Mosspool! Ferngill!"

ੈ♡˳ . ° ✦ Even though Smokestar has received his nine lives now, it’s still surreal to see him perched atop the river rock. It should still be Cicadastar up there. The call for the clan to gather doesn’t sound right coming from Smokestar. It’s always been Cicadastar’s voice.

But Darkwhisker shouldn’t think like that. He shakes out his fur and pads over to the river rock, taking his usual seat beside his siblings. Find the silver lining. Maybe this would be the meeting where Fernpaw finally receives his warrior name? The dark-furred tom glances at his fiery-pelted littermate. His brother had been so brave, volunteering for the journey to find lungwort… And he’d helped save many lives, even if…

No. Fernpaw helped save many lives. If anyone deserved their warrior name, it’s him.

The explanation of what transpired at Highstones has Darkwhisker’s hackles threatening to rise again. His nostrils flare as he tries to steady his breathing. Head turning away from Smokestar, he points narrowed eyes at the ground. What good will this anger do him? It only serves to weigh him down with more negativity. Sootstar and her warmongering soldiers will answer for their wrongdoings one day.

Smokestar’s next announcement is a much more joyous one. Iciclefang is to become a lead warrior of RiverClan. His head snaps up, ears pulled forward and lips parted, staring wide-eyed first at Smokestar and then to his tortoiseshell littermate. His sister, lead warrior of RiverClan! What an honor! Chest puffing with pride, he gives Iciclefang a smile.

Then comes the ceremonies. Darkwhisker leans forward, listening intently with the crimes of WindClan momentarily forgotten, waiting with bated breath for Fernpaw’s name to be called alongside the others. Mosspaw, Petalpaw, and…

Smokestar moves on.

Wait. That couldn’t be right. Mosspaw, Petalpaw… and Fernpaw. That’s how it’s supposed to be. His brother went on the journey alongside Mosspaw. He’s worked so hard. Darkwhisker looks back towards Fernpaw, the smile falling from his face. Old guilt resurfaces. Maybe he should’ve let Fernpaw win against him in the assessment, so that he wouldn’t have to wait so long to receive his name. Maybe-

There is one more… Fernpaw. The guilty thoughts infecting his mind quiet down. Relief floods him, and the smile returns twofold. Finally, his brother would join him and Iciclefang in the warriors’ den! Darkwhisker feels the most exuberant he has in the past moon.

One by one, they receive their names. Mosspool and Petalstep, and while they both earn a congratulatory smile and nod from Darkwhisker, it’s not the one he’s focused on.


Darkwhisker erupts into cheers alongside his clanmates, his eyes glimmering with something other than unshed tears for once this season. “Petalstep! Mosspool! Ferngill!” Though he’d never admit it, because he’d never admit to being biased, Darkwhisker cheers a little louder for his brother.

Did you hear, Steepsnout? Ferngill’s finally a warrior!

 ° .  . ° 
  • 70853174_jzBF6DKXUD78oQw.png
    tall, lithe dusky brown tom with splashes of white. a cheerful tom who tries to put a smile on the face of everyone he talks to, darkwhisker's life is devoted to spreading positivity in a world full of negativity. though his words may be fanciful— and coated in the sugar of white lies, at times— he is a well-intentioned, albeit overly idealistic, young warrior.
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Her Clanmates call for her, and she turns to regard each one with a friendly dip of her head. That they believe in her as much as Smokestar does—as much as she believes in herself—bolsters her confidence. The tortoiseshell’s flesh warms beneath her dappled fur, though only a hint of a smile remains on her muzzle. Even Cicadapaw tells her, You deserve it, seasoned warriors like Lichentail and Willowroot and Petalnose, her littermates.

Smokestar proceeds with the ceremonies, a promise that WindClan would feel their claws leaving his lips. Iciclefang’s whiskers twitch with acknowledgment. She feels the strength of her Clan surging around her like the river that shores up their motherland. Even the meekest among them want the vengeance she does.

Petalpaw, Mosspaw, and, at long, long last, Fernpaw, are all called forward. The crowd hushes, a thrum of surprise and anticipation rippling through them. She sees pale fur, a tabby pelt, and a splash of ginger, all of them with bright eyes and solemn expressions. Smokestar names them one by one: Petalstep, for her wisdom and perseverance. Mosspool, for her wisdom earned on their journey, for the calm manner she carries herself. And her brother is finally named—Ferngill, for his determination, his strength of will, and his skill in the water.

Iciclefang’s gaze burns with pride; she rakes it over her brother’s beaming figure, wishing with a familiar raw sting that Steepsnout could be there to celebrate. “Petalstep! Mosspool! Ferngill!” She breaks away from her position, brushing her pelt against Darkwhisker’s to give Ferngill a cool but friendly headbutt on his shoulder. In her head—the only place her sister remains, besides the heavens—Steepsnout throws herself at Ferngill and topples him over.

It's so real that she’s almost surprised when she blinks and there’s no broad-shouldered black and white cat pinning him to the camp floor. She shakes her head softly to clear the vision. “Congratulations. All of you,” she murmurs to the new warriors.

, ”
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