- Aug 7, 2022
- 350
- 67
- 28

Quill had never expected living in the woods to be easy or safe. When he said he wanted 'normalcy' in his life he knew the word wasn't interchangeable with things like 'simplicity' and 'safety'. And that was fine, really, it was. Quill was no coward and never would be, so he didn't mind if he had to get thrown into scary situations or take some lumps and bruises every now and then. That was life, and he'd never be so stupid as to think it could be entirely uneventful. And that was okay too, because Quillpaw didn't mind stuff happening- as long as that stuff didn't directly effect him in any negative way. Quill didn't like to be hindered or bothered by things he didn't find important or relevant to him, and he had very little patience for anything that came along looking to make him suffer through their bullshit.
That being said, the black and gray tomcat really wouldn't have minded having to outrun a dog. If his long-ass legs were good for anything outside of clobbering an opponent with his superior reach, it was covering a lot of ground in just a little bit of time. No, the problem, was that the mutt had chased him straight into twoleg place.
It all happened faster than the patrol had time to properly process. One minute their group was was walking along and the next the sound of paws running filled the air. Before the cats could so much as bristle in surprise, three dogs had come bursting through the underbrush toward them. There'd been no time for orders to be called or for anyone to get their barings- Quill had taken one look at the brown canine charging toward him and had bolted. The thing was massive, and as much as the apprentice wanted nothing more than to turn around and rake his claws across its slobbering face, he knew he couldn't kill a dog. Hell, he wouldn't even be able to drive it off on his own. Maybe it would have taken an adult cat seriously, but at 6 months old he hadn't grown into himself yet, lacking the muscle-mass and size that would have given him an edge.
So he ran, as fast and as he could in whatever direction was available to him- which just so happened to be right into twoleg place.
At the very least, Quill was familiar with how the place worked, and within a few minutes the clever tom had managed to shake his pursuer, ducking beneath a fence and into a garden before just yard-hopping. The only problem? He was pretty damn far from the forest, and those dogs could still be snooping around..
skyclan - male - 6 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders