camp can i take you out // flowers

Sunshinespot re-enters camp with a bushel of blooms in his maw. They are random, some nipped at awkward spots whilst others have already begun to wilt. It's difficult, he's found, to find perfectly minted flowers once leaf-fall has started. But he's tried at least - and surely Gentlestorm nor Doe would have his head for trying. The issue comes with the mottled tom's uncertainty as to what is useful and what isn't (at least, in the eyes of medicine.) His stint in the medicine den was so long ago that he cannot discern much from his memory. Which... is nearly humorous, given he had petitioned the elder tom to take him under his wing.

He was nothing more than a petulant teen. And now... well, Sunshinespot has the awareness to know he's not much better. But hindsight is a formidable beast and he supposes there will always be something to be embarrassed about, so what use is there trying to avoid anything?

"He-ooo," he calls into the medicine den, muffled by the many stems in his maw. He searches for the heavily scarred tom first, but easily slips towards his friend and their nest as he waits. The bushel is placed on the ground, and he murmurs to Doe, "He get's first dibs. He could have uses for some of these..." Maybe. But also maybe Sunshinespot only pulled the most useless weeds in the forest. Nonetheless the unspoken promise lies in the thereafter - that whatever remains will be used to brighten up their nest. That, he is excited for.

[ pls wait for one of the following to post :3 @GENTLESTORM @doecry ࿔ ]​
It's one of a few moments she feels she has the energy to try to set herself straight... a patient, slow tongue glides over lengthy chunks of fur in an effort to smooth it down and there is a bitterness of seeping herbs in tender spots that makes her want to gag. Marigold, most decidedly, does not taste good.... She doesn't fuss over it for terribly long, the familiar sound of shuffling paws nearing the den entrance is far more interesting. Sunset eyes drift towards the cascade of light that comes from between parted reeds and lichen, listening with attention-forward ears for whatever voice might announce itself.

It's... really just a mumble, a mouth-full sort of thing. It had been maybe almost two moons ago since she'd done the same, padding into Gentlestorm's den with an assortment of flowers and asking after his expertise. She'd been quite lucky then! And then equally unlucky to be the victim of his affectionate prying about her nest-mate. The heat in her cheeks rises, recognizing the swirl of fog and cream that wanders to sit close to her. "Oh hey I've got a uh... compliment for you. I heard one of the apprentices trying to flirt and it's... it's quite good," she muses, already rumbling with a purr of amusement. It was good... if you thought cringey flirtations were fun. "Are you sure... you're not tired?" Her nose scrunches, struggling not to laugh already, ".... Because... you've been running through my mind all day!"

A paw lifts to cover the grin that slits across her features, hardly restraining a giggle at her own recitation as they wait for the medicine cat's approach for judgement on his collection. "I'm pretty sure Gentlestorm is gonna get sick of hearing these from me... I think I heard him groan earlier when I asked if it hurt when he fell from StarClan!" The fawn molly shakes her head, feigning disappointment.

    thirteen month old warrior of thunderclan
    she/her fawn sepia with low white and yellow eyes
༄.𖥔 ݁ ˖ — The injured tom tries to keep his movement limited as much as possible but that proves to be difficult due to his role within Thunderclan and he's needed at all times to redress wounds or check for infection. He moves away from a clanmate after making sure that their wounds are healing properly before the sound of pawsteps nearing his den causes the fur along his spine to prickle. His snaps his attention towards the mouth of the medicine den as a low growl begins to sound from his throat but it stops altogether when he realizes who it is. Sunshinespot. He thinks about how odd it is to see the dappled feline within his den after Gentlestorm had rejected the former apprentice's attempt in becoming the new medicine cat apprentice, he can't help but inwardly wince at the memory but he's glad that there isn't any bad blood between them especially when the older tom had cared deeply for Sunfreckle.

It doesn't take long for Sunshinespot to reunite with Doepath in their shared nest and the silvery medicine cat can't help but raise a bushy eyebrow for a heartbeat and tries to remind himself that the fawn-like molly had claimed that they were just friends. A large part of him doubts it and it only makes him confusion it further as Doepath uses a pickup line towards the warrior and the former can't help but roll his own. He remembers the other one that the molly had told him earlier but he suppresses a groan finding it quite funny to see them dance aroud each other claiming not to be mates when it's as clear as day. Gentlestorm lumbers forward carefully bumping into Doepath's shoulder in a silent greeting before settling his eyes onto pile of mostly useless weeds but a few vibrant blooms stick out against them.

He knows that he'll need more marigold after the many that he had used on several injured clanmates and he turns his attention to Sunshinespot as he speaks in a hoarse voice "T... Thank you... I... If y... you run into... a... any more ma... marigold... bring... it... ple... please." The heavily scarred tom picks up the marigold in his jaws so that it could be placed neatly onto the rock shelf that held most of his herbs but he squints at the two warriors as his pupils narrow "A... are... y... you ma... mates?" If not before when Gentlestorm had asked Doepath perhaps now... Or would he watch them continue to chase one another's tails like unruly squirrels scaling a tree? He has no clue but the cheesy (and cringe) pickup lines at this rate would make him double in age.


  • ooc
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ BREATHING ISSUES
    ✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ TRAVELING HERBS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ KITTING
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • fglpSzG.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and copper eyes, several scars cover his body from previous fights that he somehow survived
    gentlestorm is rarely ever a warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he proceeds with more caution and he's less likely to trust any strangers that come from outside of thunderclan. he tends to be jumpy if suddenly approached or flinches away from swift movement with his claws unsheathed when it occurs, he apologizes for it. his kindness reserved only for those closest to him otherwise anyone else can expect the cold shoulder from the old tom
    59 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf ; currently interested in no one
    semi-difficult to befriend/interact with ; quick to strike/attack first if he feels threatened ; peaceful powerplay allowed but proceed with caution
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
  • Wow
Reactions: doepath ࿔

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The medicine den was no second-home to the Lead Warrior, but it was to her adoptive daughter, and usually the first place Roeflame could find Hopepaw. On Sunshinespot’s trail, the brassy tabby didn’t pay much mind to the other as he disappeared into the den ahead, completely ignorant to what she was about to intrude on.

No less than a heartbeat after Roeflame has begun to poke her head through the inner entrance of the den has Doepath begun to deliver her unexpected… flirt? Roeflame stands there for a moment, blinking as she struggles to remember what she had come here for. “Wait- which apprentice?” Roeflame’s impulse was quick to lift her from below the young warriors radar. She had five of them, and if they were flirting…

Gentlestorms voice reminds the she-cat of her goal, but she waits for the strain-voiced tom to finish speaking. The healers bluntness catches Roeflame off-guard, and she slaps a forepaw to her muzzle to keep a snort from interrupting. Her presence was not needed here, Hopepaw was thankfully tending to something else. “I’m just gonna… yeah, okay.” And with that the Lead Warrior backs out, though she begins laughing the heartbeat her head would disappear from their sight.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Raccoonstripe stays clear of Gentlestorm's den unless it's to shoo one of his rambunctious kits away from its entrance, but Roeflame's silver-tinged pelt catches his eye, and he lingers near the entrance, ears pricked. Sunshinespot has a mouthful of weeds he'd gathered from the forest, and he's letting Gentlestorm rifle through them while Doepath does her best to flirt with the gray tortoiseshell. "Are you sure you're not tired?" The tawny warrior's grin is light and teasing. "Because you've been running through my mind all day!"

Raccoonstripe's muzzle wrinkles and he bursts into laughter. It feels good to laugh — why does it feel like moons since he has? Doepath's giggle, Sunshinespot's flowers, the blatant question from Gentlestorm, Roeflame's marked embarrassment — it all makes for a situation he's glad to have intruded in on.

To Doepath, the tabby winks. "I'll have to use that one myself. It's pretty good." His tail curls up. "I'll try it on Nightbird and let you know how she likes it."

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 45 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

  • Haha
Reactions: doepath ࿔

Stormkit felt an inclination to follow at his father's feet, whenever he caught his scent- familiar, comforting, but recently subdued. Dad would feel a brush of whiskers, Stormkit close to his heels- tall ears angled to the noise, and the scraggly little tom listened to the giggling of Doepath from the outside of the den. He knew a bunch about like, romance and mates and stuff, and it didn't really interest him at the moment, but maybe when he was an apprentice he'd care more. And either way it was better to know more than everyone else did, right? Even if he didn't really care about it...

Raccoonstripe's purred approval seized Stormkit's attention- his skull angled to his father's voice, and then back to where he remembered Doepath and Sunshinespot to be. Gentlestorm's low rumbling, Roeflame's small discomfort, flew right over his head. "Who should I use it on?" Stormkit asked, striding forward, suddenly deciding he maybe was interested. Besides, if he gave one maybe he'd get something back, right?
penned by pin ༄
  • Haha
Reactions: doepath ࿔
As he settles and waits for Gentlestorm's judgement, his ears angle towards the soft, giggly voice of his friend. She seemed eager, her weight leaning forward despite her injury anchoring her to the nest. Sunshinespot is casual as he slips slightly closer, offering his shoulder should she fall off balance with her chittering and need to be caught. Her maw opens with the insistence to flirt with him, using a line she had heard from the apprentices. There is no resistence from the massive tom, just his laid back smile as he silently encourages her to shoot her shot.

And, unfortunately, it lands - his shoulders shake with meager laughter and his lips twist awkwardly with the grin that wants to spread across them. "Ooh," he grins, pawing the flowers apart for Gentlestorm, who seems keen on plucking a few identical blooms from the pile. (Admittedly, there is pride in the fact that he had done some good for the older tom.) "No, yeah, tha's a good one, Doe," he praises her before tugging a yellow blossom from the pile and, if she allows it, attempting to tuck it by her ear. He opens his maw again, eager to respond to her comment about Gentlestorm - he could never grow sick of you, he would say. And surely, in that, there is a line he could use if he had more than two brain cells to rub together - but the tom in question speaks instead.

Are you mates?

Sunshinespot blinks, something slow as he tries to process the stuttering inquiry. His uneven gaze falls to Doepath, an eyebrow quirking with curiosity, and then back to the injured medicine cat. "Uh... no?" his expression is all the same - his lazy grin remains half quirked and his eyes half lidded - and even his tone shows relatively no difference outside of confusion. "We're just... friends. Yeah, Doe?" he looks to the she-cat for confirmation. Admittedly he wouldn't mind being mates with her, but at this moment, they simply aren't. There isn't any fun in lying, he thinks.

Others trot through, though admittedly none are of consequence to him. Stormkit is there with his father, and shortly after the child posits his question, Sunshinespot shrugs, "Your friends, I suppose." He doesn't see any issue with this.
Roeflame's stare is keen, her tone bordering on shrill with surprise. Which apprentice? She can't say she's good at remembering all their names and so, selects one that feels like it might be right.... probably. "Oh, it was Bugpaw I think," she provides cheerfully, squinting against the pull of a smile at her cheeks.

The general consensus of her purred teasing is a few groans (predicted, even) and even a small parade of enjoyers! Raccoonstripe suggests he might steal it to use on Nightbird, which earns him an amused curl of the fawn's tail. "Oh, you'll absolutely have to tell me how that goes," she pleads, already imagining the lead warrior's face scrunching up in loving distaste for her mate's borrowed pun. She didn't imagine the dark furred she-cat to be particularly affectionate, at least not in word-play. He promises to, thank stars, and Doepath is relieved that she might get another good giggle out of it soon.

Even Sunshinespot, the spotlight of her affection, seems delighted by it as a rumbling purr rattles against her side as it permeates a mess of thick curls. Her stares fixes onto his, ears shying at the careful gesture to tuck a flower in the ruff of plush fur behind them.

The tender display is shattered as a platonic act the moment Gentlestorm pries (for what would be the second, insistent time to her!) as to their relationship status. The dilute tom next to her drags a rejection past his lips, seeming more confused than anything, and she too turns to the pale medicine cat with a small, playful glower. "You won't let it rest, will you," she chides- though a nervous fluttering in her belly says this is not what she expected.

She isn't terribly sure what the line is... and doesn't dare risk crossing it blindly (ironically). He says no... and she can respect that answer. It must be no then... Sunshinespot would tell her if things were sliding down a slippery slope towards something more. She could trust that. "Friends," she answers in echo, ignoring the roiling of her stomach- she is probably just hungry.

Sunshinespot suggests Stormkit try it on his friends, which she lifts a brow at. A kitten? "I'd wait until you're a little bigger," she urges, "I think your mom would come chew my ears off if she heard you saying it too... Bad enough I've convinced your dad to try it."

    thirteen month old warrior of thunderclan
    she/her fawn sepia with low white and yellow eyes
  • Love
Reactions: sunshinespot