Can You Feel It? — Intro

The familiar sound of rushing water was prominent to the ears of RiverClan who strayed close towards the gorge on the Northern side of the territory. Water rushing, going rampant as it slammed into the steep walls of the bank, roaring as if it were a beast locked inside of its prison that desperately wanted to be free. One had to tread carefully around here, with gracious paw steps and a keen eye. Snow packed the onto the surface, it's usual powdered texture now hard from previous paw steps from RiverClan cats who dared to hunt near by or lengthy border patrols.
The sun light is bleak and boring, it's valiant rays a prisoner behind thick clouds with the promise if even more snow. Dangerous gusts of wind blow across the mouth of the gorge, threatening to topple over any who dare get close enough to the rugged edge. Usually pebbles would laiden the ground, signifying the approach of the sudden drop to imminent death, but with so much snow it was hard to tell. One false paw step and down they'd go.
A looming figure would traverse near the edge, her silhouette a mere inky black spot against a blank alabaster canvas of snow. Broad shoulders moved seamlessly under sleek fur, vibrant eyes pinpointing to the route of camp. Cindershade had been out hunting near the Beech Copse, keeping a keen eye out for anything to snag in order to bring to camp. While it wasn't her first choice; considering she ate a diet mostly of fish, she had to find something while the river rose to an unsettling level. Even the roar of flowing water from the gorge had grown louder, cutting out most noise around her.
A huff of a sigh billowed from her, frost spreading around her broad muzzle as she continued forwards, her muscles beginning to burn from the extra resistance from the snow. Exhaustion plagued her features for she had been out for most of the morning with nothing to show for it. Perhaps I have gotten a tad bit rusty hunting prey on land than in the rushing rivers? The rosette tabby smirked to herself, shaking her angular head with a scoff. Unlikely. Cindershade was renowned for her hunting and fighting skills, even with the disadvantage of her small stature. She made up for it with thick muscle and study limbs that could persevere through strong currents with ease. A natural born swimmer she was.
Her steps soon take her down a slippery slope, the falls of the gorge soon fad away from her peripheral as she enters the frozen willows towards camp. The warrior stops just outside of the the treeline, ivory whiskers twitching in thought. She didn't particularly want to go back to camp yet. The call of the river beckoned her and off she escorted herself, weaving through dead reeds where the river was calmer. Water that would lap eloquently at the banks now subsided by ice, onky the stronger current that resided in the middle was still moving strongly. Cindershade instantly shivered at it's icey grip, her sleek fur ruffling to warm her cool skin. Why did the water have to be near freezing? "Dammit." She muttered, flicking a mix of water and snow off her paws. The faster Leaf-Bare would end, the better in her eyes. She had no need for such inclement weather like this. If the river froze, how would RiverClan be able to feed itself?

TAGS — It's been a similarly uneventful morning for Cranecatcher. Sluggish fish are easy to pick out of the freezing river, but the colder it gets, the deeper they go- and really, he's not keen on risking a dive into the frigid waters for stubborn prey. Unfortunately, the land isn't much better. He's a skilled hunter, too; like Cindershade, Cranecatcher's musculature assists him in nearly any athletic pursuit. He'd been named for it, after all. But with all of this snow, he can't help but wonder if they'll soon be in the dire straits that Shadowclan is stuck in. Famine on top of this blizzard... he doesn't want to entertain the idea.

The feather-tailed tom is trailing the river when he sees Cindershade step into the bank. He's not really sure what she thinks she's doing- surely she'll get frostbite if she stays there for too long -but she's older, and she's definitely a skilled warrior, so he dismisses the thought. The only seniors he has to worry about are Clayfur and Loachripple, probably. "Hey," Cranecatcher chirps to the ebony molly, tall ears twitching. Smiling, he continues, "Any luck?" Because I sure as hell can't catch anything.
Iciclepaw can sypmathize with the frozen wet paws bearing Cindershade back to camp. The morning's hunt had been fruitless, and her concerns after the patrol had gone upriver have only deepened. The river is freezing, water pulses up at the sides of the riverbanks, and fishing is impossible. Land prey is worse, scarce and hiding, hibernating until warmer days kiss their forest.

Both Cranecatcher and Cindershade are good hunters, and Iciclepaw is skilled herself, and yet between the three of them they have absolutely nothing. "I think we'll need more than luck to make it through this leafbare." Her tone is flat.

Currently lost in her own worrisome thoughts, Cindershade continues to stare at the river. It's ever-going glow now slowed to a steady ripple as chunks of ice clung onto it's surface. A chartreuse hued gaze flickers to the taller tom that approaches her, practically bouncing on his toes as he trailed up to her and sporting a toothy grin. An annoyed hiss burns at her throat towards the bubbly younger warrior, but she snuffs it out with a bite on her inner cheek.
The obsidian warrior does, however, pursed her lips as a heavy sigh escapes her nostrils. "If I had 'luck', I'd surely be sunning my back on a flat rock with a belly full of trout." She retorts with a twitch of her angular ears, a corner of her lips pulling slightly; though, against her shaded features it was near impossible to tell. However, it soon fades away just as quick as it appeared. "This damned blizzard is certainly ironic considering I feel like I'm in the depths of Hell." Cindershade griped , drawing a damp paw over her muzzle to clean herself of white snow speckling her pelt. Iciclepaw then chimes in, her tone flat and apathetic. Cindershade nods in agreement, taking a step back and out of the frozen banks to more powdered snow. "It's a shame about the river. I've been around here for seasons with snow, the river hardly ever stopped flowing. This is—very different." She mused, her gaze settling back upon the river with narrowed slits.
She moves to stand then, meeting eye-to-eye with the frosty apprentice and glancing upwards towards Cranecatcher. "I'm going to hunt a bit more—you can join if you'd like." She goes to turn away from the duo that stood before her, "Just don't be annoying, please. I don't feel like getting a migraine." The warrior the adds before heading a little farther down stream. She'd stay out all day if she had to. Her pride wouldn't have it any other way. Cindershade always brought at least something back from her ventures, but as Leaf-Bare grew colder, it began to get more difficult. Perhaps with three pairs of sharp eyes instead of the one, they'd all fair a better shred of luck.

Hunting within the depths of the marshes, always caked in mud and stagnant water was her specialty. So having to deal with water that was deeper than she is used to makes her feel slightly annoyed. But if necessary she can adapt. She has always been able to adapt no matter what she has to do. Even as he treads along the shallows the tall woman makes sure her paws can touch against the bottom. Though the feeling of ice bumping against her is not a welcome one. Gently she pulls herself away from the waves as she notices a group of clanmates. Her lava hues shift over them and she can tell they might be up to hunting. She is as well given the circumstances and no longer needing to remain in camp all day and watch over her kits. She prays though that they will behave themselves. With ease she comes up behind them, as silent as the territory she used to belong to. Her eyes glimmer with a hint of mirth at how Cindershade sounds.

"Well I hope to accompany you. I'm learning the ropes so being able to see a hunter such as yourself in action will be helpful." Her smooth mew is low as she angles her ears forward. Hoping she can catch any sound of scurrying prey. After all she is more adapt at ambushing and hunting on land than in water.