sensitive topics can you feel my heart? [open/angst]


Aug 1, 2022

OOC- this is just a brief trigger warning for sensitive topics. Colds going to be reflecting on everything thats been happening in Windclan and there WILL be angst, violence, mentions of death, depression, accidental self-harm, etc. On the timeline this takes place after Rosepaws been buried. Its open for replies but I wont feel offended if it doesn't get any since its more for his development than anything (though im happy to have him interact with whomever).

It'd been a while since Cold had longed for numbness. He hadn't even realized he'd stopped wanting it, but somewhere between Hyacinth and Rosepaw and Dandelionpaw he'd forgotten that was his goal: to never feel this way again. They'd found the chinks in his armour and worked their way through it, and now he was paying the price.

He found himself out on the moors, alone, just as he liked it. Night had fallen hours ago leaving the territory wrapped in shadows that were cut through with the pale light of the moon and stars overhead. Not a fucking cloud in the sky, and Coldsnap couldn't help the bitterness that rose up in him at the realization. Starclan didn't even have the decency to share in their grief. The skies should have been pouring.

Instead, the stars looked down at him cold and glittering, unfeeling.

It wasn't just Rosepaw that had him so out of sorts that night though. No, they were just the catalyst to a long-approaching wave of emotions that Coldsnap had been pushing down ever since the death of his parents and the split of the moor cats. It was the frustration of not being able to help Dandelion as they struggled to maintain their integrity and hope in the clan. The self-hatred he felt for not doing more to make Rosepaws life a bit better while they were still here. His crippling indecision over what weather he'd rather be cold and alone or vulnerable and together. He missed the friends he used to have but was too afraid to make new ones when loss and disappointment were all that were waiting for him.

He just... He didn't know what to do with himself.

Sometimes he thought he wanted to become the cat he'd spoken to Dandelion about. Someone who cared, who stood for something. He could be the kind of cat who did the right things for the right reasons regardless of the sacrifice it asked of him, because in his heart he knew there were cats out there who deserved kindness and patience, cats like Rosepaw that he'd consistently failed because he was too caught up in his own bullshit. He should have done more for them, should have given them more than just half-hearted bits and pieces of himself. All he'd ever done for Rose was fight with his brothers and parents on their behalf, even when he knew Rose hated it. Selfish. Cold was selfish and he didn't know if he knew how to not be.

And so the other half of the time he wanted to just forget he'd ever said anything to the medicine cat apprentice at all, because even if Coldsnap wanted to be those things, he couldn't. He was too broken to try and fix anyone else, everything all twisted up and ugly. He was ice and steel and broken glass wrapped in shadows, a darkness so thick you were almost guaranteed to hurt yourself on the things lurking within. How could he open his heart and let anyone he cared about walk into it knowing thats what was waiting for them?

His thoughts circled him like sharks, and at some point during his pointless wandering he realized he was having a hard time breathing. Despite the fact that his lungs were working perfectly fine as they pulled air in and out of them, he felt unusually breathless, as if the oxygen wasn't quite reaching him. His heart was out of control too, thundering in his chest as if it wanted to tear itself a way out- and quite frankly Coldsnap hoped it did. It could take all its fucking feelings with it and leave him with some peace of mind finally.

"Fuck.." he groaned as his haunches sunk to the ground so he could sit, but the second he stopped moving it all seemed to get worse. He needed to move, needed to do something with himself, but no matter what out he tried to give himself his brain shut it down almost immediately. He wasn't in the mood to hunt. He didn't have the energy to socialize. Training was pointless. But he couldn't breath and his body needed to do something.

Before he could decide on whether it would be a good idea or not, the large tomcat suddenly broke into a blind sprint.

He had no route mapped out in his head as he ran, was barely even aware of his surroundings. He just ran as fast and as far as he could, pushed himself to his limit and let his brain sit in the blissful emptiness of burning lungs, raw pawpads, and muscles on fire, his mind finally quietting itself as his own physical discomfort became the centerpoint of his focus. He didn't even notice the treeline coming up until he was already in it, broad shoulders bulldozing through brush despite the scraping of thorns against his body. It was only when his paw caught on a tree root and he went tumbling to the ground that he was finally brought to a stop.

And finally, he feelings caught up to him.

"FUCK YOU!" he snarled as he clawed his way to his feet and lashed out at the offending tree. Again and again claws scored heavy marks into its surface, tearing off bark and splintering wood, but somewhere in his mind he knew it was either this or another cat, and so he let it happen. "USELESS PIECE OF SHIT! I FUCKING HATE YOU!"

To any random bystander maybe it would have seemed a little comical to see a tomcat screaming and clawing at a tree like it was a fox whose throat he was trying to tear out, but for those who knew him, this was far from funny. Breathing heavily, broad shoulders trembling,and yellow eyes glistening with something he refused to let spill over, Coldsnap was about to stumble over the edge of a line he'd been walking for too long. Because he hadn't really been yelling or clawing at that tree, not in his heart.

It was him. It was always just him, holding himself back, too afraid to move forward. He'd stepped onto a path that night with Dandelionpaw but he hadn't moved forward at all, had he? He was still the same guarded, cynical, self-isolated asshole he'd been when he first came to Windclan and he wasn't sure he could change it even though it was killing him being this way.

This time when his haunches sunk to the ground, he didn't feel like he was suffocating. His lungs burned from the exertion but he could feel the oxygen filling them now, just like he could feel the ache in his paws from running his paws raw and then clawing the shit out of a tree.

"Whats wrong with me?" he asked as he sunk down and buried his head in his paws, ignoring the pinpricks of pain that came from his unsheathed, splintered claws and the uncharacteristic break in his voice. He was so tired of feeling this way, torn between what he wanted and what he was. Why couldn't he stay that night to comfort Leech and Dandelion? He'd wanted too, might have even wanted the comfort, too. And why did he push Hyacinth to choose between the clan and her family the night of Moonrabbits kitting? It shouldn't have mattered what was 'more important' to her when they were all supposed to be family. And why, why hadn't he told Rosepaw that they were friends? Cold had cared and he'd pretended not to- and for what? Pride? Because he was afraid?

What the fuck was wrong with him?

windclan warrior - male - 9 months - a large, dark grey tabby with yellow eyes

Yewberry had been nearby, minding his own business, mostly. He prefers the solitary of the moors at night, it was therapeutic to him. On his outings he would hunt or gather herbs so it was at least somewhat productive and benefitted the clan.

He had spotted Coldsnap sprinting along and followed him. Something was wrong, he felt it. He watched his outburst and mauling of the tree with a frown. He seemed like he needed someone to talk to, and he couldn't just....leave.

So he softly padded over to the tom and spoke. "Coldsnap....? Are you alright?"

Obviously he wasn't alright, but how else was he going to start a conversation?

Hyacinthbreath watches Coldsnap's outburst from afar, the anger- the misery, the agony he felt in this moment. She doesn't try to stop him, lets him take his frustration out on a tree nearby. Though, she felt her heart ache for her old apprentice, and she makes her way over just in time for Yewberry to ask if the tom is alright.

"Are you done, Coldsnap?" She asks the tom bluntly, violet gaze flicking over the grieving tom. She didn't mean to sound harsh, but she couldn't control the tone she spoke with. Her tail flicks behind her, and Hyacinth paces closer to the tom until she's seated right next to him, lifting a paw up to groom them. "Yewberry's worried about you. You going to let him worry that pretty little head of his away?" He asks the tom unhelpfully, shrugging her shoulders. "What's happening in this clan.. So much is going wrong."

Sootstar couldn't believe her eyes. The whole ordeal seemed incredibly foolish to her, why go ripping his claws and filing them down to the nub against tree bark? Out of anger? Did it really relieve anything? With the way he was slouched against the tree, claws digging into his head, it sure didn't look like it.

Sootstar doesn't have much to add to what Hyacinithbreath or Yewberry already have. "As warrior's we must be keeping cool heads. If we are panicking, the rest of the clan will follow suite." She hasn't the faintest clue as to why Coldsnap had done what he had done, why he felt the way he did, but she suspects its due to a mixture of recent clan happenings.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

He was no longer alone. The realization made the fur along his spine bristle, but there was no point in trying to avoid it, even if he as inwardly wondering why it was so fucking hard to get a moment of privacy around here. It took a moment for him to place the voice of concern as Yewberrys, but when he did he forced whatever irritation he'd allowed to fester to die down. Yewberry was probably one of the least deserving cats of his attitude, and Coldsnap genuinely made an effort not to, well, snap at them. He was about to mutter an 'im fine' when another voice spoke up, and he had to work not to visibly flinch at the sound of Hyacinths voice. Great. Of course she was here. Why wouldn't she be. Coldsnap had made a very deliberate point of not showing any signs of weakness while under his mentors tutelage. Hell, he made a point not to be vulnerable in front of anyone, ever, but there was no cat who spent more time scrutinizing him than the the lead warrior herself.

Her touch causes him to stiffen, and his instincts tell him to hiss out a warning or shove her away. Coldsnap had never allowed the casual touch that seemed to run so commonly among his clanmates. He never shared tongues. He never showed affection in the form of playful headbutts or reassuring nuzzles. Outside of training spars or the application of herbs to his wounds, the only time Coldsnap could remember casually allowing touch was the brief touch of his tail in passing that he'd offered Dandelionpaw the day of the hawk attack. It had been hardwired into him to avoid anything that could bridge those gaps between him and those around him, but the compulsion he felt in that moment to reject her attempts to sooth him were more out of reflex than a desire to truly be left alone. He thought back to Leechpaw and Dandelionpaw the night he'd been called over to the healers den, where the two sat huddled, sobbing over the lifeless body of their friend. Of Coldsnaps friend. He'd let himself obey his head over his heart there, too, and he'd regretted it afterward. He should have stayed. He should have comforted them.

And so he didn't shove Hyacinth away or demand for her to stop touching him. Because even if his fur bristled and his yellow eyes glared with indignation, he needed the support.

An exhale to steady himself, to steel himself, and he let is head raise from its prison of claws. He looked tired and conflicted, but whatever grief had been tormenting him was a storm now locked away within the yellow depths of his gaze. "I'm fine, Yewberry. Don't worry your 'pretty little head' over me." he replied at last, voice a little hoarse from his yelling but tone flatly neutral otherwise.

Sootstars arrival was the most unexpected, but surprisingly he found that her opinion meant the least to him. Yellow eyes would settle on the dark shecat wordlessly, gaze unreadable. This shecat, what did he really think of her? She caused nothing but problems for Dandelion, and the healer didn't trust her in the slightest. That in itself was enough for Coldsnap to regard her in a new light, but he still found it difficult to despise her entirely. A part of him still clung to her demand for loyalty, knew that cats were quick to abandon the things they claimed to love unless they were given proper incentive not to, and as someone who'd seen that disloyalty firsthand it was hard to fault the shecat for wanting to make sure her clanmates didn't betray her. How could he, when he didn't trust them to be loyal either? And yet, the closer he allowed himself to get to the other Windclanners, the more her aggression toward them became harder to ignore. Dandelion had told him there were still things out there worth fighting for, but he didn't trust himself to recognize them when he saw them.

"Yeah, I know." he grunted in reply. Because he did know, and he didn't need to be reminded when they all knew he was one of the least emotionally driven cats in the clan. Whatever this was, it was just a fluke, a mistake, and- "It won't happen again."

windclan warrior - male - 9 months - a large, dark grey tabby with yellow eyes

Yes, I know, he grunts. Sootstar rears her head up to look at him quizzingly, did he? This display most certainly didn't show he knew that. She's about to proceed reprimending him but he musters out one last It won't happen again.

Sootstar stares at him for a moment, her emerald eyes burning into his. After what feels like an eternity, she curtly nods. "It best not, or you'll be under Hyacinithbreath again." She warns, giving a glance to her lead warrior. This was embarrassing for her, was it not? Her apprentice acting out like this? Do what you need to do to ensure this doesn't happen again, her gaze says to the silver and white cat.

Abruptly she pads away, done with this situation and proceeding on with her day.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

He doesn't move away from her touch, and Hyacinthbreath finds a sense of calm come over her at that realization. He was distant, and she had taught him to keep his feelings locked away until he was safe to show them. Though, in front of the clan wasn't the best time to exhaust your emotions. Sootstar speaks of returning him to apprenticeship, and Hyacinth jerks her head up in alarm. She wouldn't do that to him, would she? Before she can agree or deny her leader, Sootstar casts a glance that spoke volumes before she turns around and walks away. Her shoulders are shaking then, she realizes- Hyacinth has to still her fury, turning back to Coldsnap with an apologetic look.

"Rosepaw's death affected us all, but you were his friend. You are allowed to grieve, but do it where prying eyes might not see it. Grief is healthy, but it is weakness in the eyes of certain cats." She remarks softly, frowning- how could Sootstar threaten to make him an apprentice again over grieving in this way? She wouldn't question her aloud, but the disapproving look in her eyes were evident to the cats still present. "Avenge his death and live in his name. You are Coldsnap now, no longer the cat you used to be." Hyacinthbreath meows gently, finding resemblance in herself when looking at the silvery tom. Grief could destroy a cat if you let it take root, she knew that better than anyone.

Standing up, Hyacinthbreath lets her paw lift so she could ruffle the taller tom's head fur, giving him a small little smile before she turns to leave. She would have to check in on him again, but she wouldn't bother him much more. He could grieve surrounded by friends, for now. When he was done, he would need to be a Warrior again. There was no time for faults. With that, she disappears into the tall grasses, tail waving behind her.

// out!

His pretty little head????? Him????? Pretty?????????

He could feel his face warm up immediately, his ears hot. He wanted to go right back into those tunnels. He didn't like Sootstars response to Coldsnap's outburst, he thought it was insensitive. He tried to focus on that instead, shuffling his paws.

"I think.....It's okay to hurt." He said. " You don't have to hide it....That ends up hurting worse." He added.

Well, now that he was talking, he may as well continue with his sentiment.

"It's better to just let it out.... There's no weakness in it. It's okay to cry." He continued.

"I hope you feel better. I know it will take time, but. I hope your heart can heal." He finished, shuffling his paws nervously still.
I-I-I've got a migraine
And my pain will range from
Up down and sidewaysS ✧
The fit wasn't something unexpected, so much can only go so far for the young tomcat and they had a feeling it would snap eventually. Of course though, Hyacinthbreath was a little more than harsh about the situation with Yewberry offering some kind of comfort. Bunnyhop bristled a bit at the lead warrior for a moment, and then looked in the direction of Sootstar herself. She also seemed less than helpful, and they flattened their ears a bit. Coldsnap was grieving a loss, and Hya seemed to understand that with her next set of words before heading off. Sootstar followed suit in leaving and that left just Yewberry and themselves with Coldsnap.

They had orignially approached to see if the grey cat had wanted company or to share a piece of prey, but then the lashing out at the tree happened. Green hues softened as they looked to Coldsnap, and they approached the tomcat with a hesitant gesture of a paw, "C'mon, lets head out yeah?," They offered softly and looked to Yewberry as he got nervous about the situation, "A nice walk would help, right Yew?"