sensitive topics can't really help who we are // dog [event]

Oct 12, 2024

Jupiterpaw 10 moons demi-girl she/they skyclan apprentice
'Keep alert'

Its something her mentor always says, not that Jupiterpaw really sees the point. Isn't it obvious that you should be alert when your looking for prey? Still, she nods along at their words before splitting off, paws carefully gliding against the leaf litter and jaws kept parted. It isn't long until she thinks she finds something, the faint scent of mouse hidden beneath decay and frost. Tail twitches a warning - just in case someone is near enough by to see it - and then she begins her hunt.

Stalking is easy enough, when she avoids the underbrush and tangle up roots - she'd learnt her lesson early on about those, and how awful pulling thorns and prickles from her thick coat could be. But it's not mouse that she finds when she rounds the log she's pressed against, but something far worse - fur fluffing from head-to-toe with a panicked hiss.

Theres no time to react between the whiff of dog-scent that reaches her and the pitter-patter of pawsteps echoing in her ears, the creature's sights locked onto the unlucky apprentice. Paws scramble blindly backwards, yowl on the tip of her tongue- " Dog! "

  • Actions && " Speech, " && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: Rolled Nat1 for encounter - there is a dog in the way. doggo is small-ish but still dangerous, Jupiterpaw will need to be rescued or at least aided she can't see </3
    tw/cw: —
  • Jupiterpaw is blind, and therefore will not react or respond to visuals beyond some ability to differentiate light and shadows. Any visuals mentioned in her posts are meant for other roleplayers reference, and any events in roleplay that are disregarded are likely a purposeful choice due to her limitations.

The branches quake with frost-touched protest... the chill nips at their toes, sliding paws from limb to limb with eyes peeled for movement. Somewhere below they can hear the traipsing of younger feet, pine needle stare flicks to make a note of the ruff of fur it belongs to. Jupiterpaw scours the cold-dusted earth while they roam as near to the sky as they can... a pair that would not miss the tiniest mouse or the flappiest bird...

They round a dense trunk, scenting for something that might feed a hungry belly (they grow guilty in their belly, knowing their dinner tonight is promised while their clan-mates must question it) but the air is staunchly dry... hauntingly still....

Until a ghostly howl cries of a canine confrontation... and their limbs run cold as if turned to ice. Hurriedly, they lunge through the few branches that can take them back to the space just above the apprentice's head, adjusting and readjusting the position of their body to balance, to prepare...

"Hold on!" Is the only warning they give before plummeting from the canopy towards the dog's back, a skill practiced and once applied before to ambush a wayward fox. They reach with claws outstretch to land on its back, digging in as the stripe along their back bristles like blackened quills, Not again. Because they see this thing's teeth and grow horrified by the images of two bodies gouged with the same pattern.... of torn flesh where they'd sunken in.

"Jupiterpaw, run!" Anything would be better than standing there, sounding the alarm.

// rolled a 4. no prey
  • eeb-banner.png
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 18 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69
In another tree traipses Cherryblossom, delicate paws crossing the chill-stiff branches like strutting down a catwalk. Somewhere in the patrol should be @ricepaw , surely old enough to hunt without too much guidance now. Edenberry's snowy coat is easy to spot through the green thick, even with their shadowed back and pine-gleam eyes. She imagines she is just as easy to find; her own pelt of frost and flame never did her any favors when it came to stealth. It's all too easy to blame her appearance, the only fault she could reasonably find it in, for her lack of luck today.

An alarm bell peals below her in the form of a spitted hiss. The warrior's head snaps down towards it. One of their newly-minted apprentices—a dog. "Jupiterpaw!" Somehow, Edenberry is on it before her, but it's barely a breath's time before Cherryblossom, too, is racing down the wintry air towards it, a solid kick aimed towards its thigh as she falls. The calico bounces off the frosted ground, skidding into a landing a tail-length away from the brute.

It's not Dawnglare and Mallowlark she thinks of, but Springpaw and her mother's corpse. A green apprentice nose-to-nose with the beast, instructions to run—all that was missing was that abominable rain. Jupiterpaw has her orders, though with her blindness she could carry them out oddly. (Mouse-brain. What was even the point of training a blind apprentice? Just send her to the elder's den with Palemoon.) So instead she calls out, "Ricepaw! Take Jupiterpaw up a tree!" Eight moons old was not nearly old enough to fight monsters, in Cherryblossom's opinion, but it was old enough to see how they were handled. She squares up next to the cat she pads after, praying for the whumpfs of the rest of their patrol dropping down to join them.

ooc: rolled a 5!

Lingering in the trees is Florabreeze, attempting to catch a scent or even sight of a bird within the tops of the tree branches. She had sworn she saw a flutter of something up there and had followed that feeling up the trunk . Now within the branches of the pines she had realised that maybe it was a stray leaf or a flash of sunlight... Maybe a combination of the two? Either way, she had to frustratingly accept that there was nothing up here. Admist her huff she caught the end of a yowl, a dog below about to face off with an apprentice.

The cry comes from one of Ursabounce's litter, Jupiterpaw, it takes a moment before she realises that the apprentice is left extremely vulnerable due to her lack of sight. Fearing the worst she finds relief in Edenberry and Cherryblossom taking initiative to fend off the predator. Part of her wonders if this is the same dog that had been lurking around the Twolegplace border, the one that had claimed two beloved clan members before. With a flick of her tail she waits until Cherryblossom is not on top of the creature before she herself races down half of the trunk. Pushing herself off the sturdy bark and land against the back half of the dogs back. As she falls there is an attempt to rake her claws down the dogs spine and against it's tail.

She lands awkwardly, nothing feels strained or broken when she lands but it is enough to cause her to stumble. Scrambling to recovery quickly in attempt to get behind the dog, hoping that if she can draw it to turn around then the pair of young warriors may find advantage in their next attack.

  • Rolled a 4
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 37 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
⊹₊꒰ა𓆩♱𓆪໒꒱₊⊹ frostbreath hunts among the trees, paws careful and claws dipping into the bark for traction. things are quiet for the time being, and as luck would have it she spots the obsidian feathers of a crow perched facing the other way. her tail shakes in anticipation and the warrior moves as fast as she can without alerting it. a bird of such size would be a welcome addition to the pile.

she manages to crawl up behind it, paws lurching to secure the bird and make the killing blow. her teeth meet their mark, brittle bones snapping with a strained sound from the creature. it stills, and frostbreath lays the body over the branch she stands upon to reposition her grip. unsurprisingly, this was a much better turnout than her material hunt.

but an apprentice screams, 'dog!, from below, and the startled jolt her body makes sends her catch reeling off the branch. her clanmates are busy getting after the predator as frostbreath lets out a disgruntled hiss and finds the nearest branch to descend before the hound catches the scent. she is unlucky, as soon as florabreeze relents on the canine it makes a dart for her catch. she should let it go, but nobody else had caught anything. it was too cold to go home with nothing.

the mutt captures her crow and frostbreath makes a last ditch effort to leap from the trunk of a tree, landing squarely at it's shoulders and using the force to barrel it onto its ribs. she knows she'd make a fool of herself trying to fight it, so as the dog recovers she spots the crow where it had dropped from the surprise. the warrior used the leverage from where her hind paws had landed to dart towards the crow, picking it up and pelting back up a tree to safely deposit her prey.
  • ooc ➺ rolled 16 to keep, rolled 14 for large prey
    an elegant longhaired blue silver tabby with low white and misty blue eyes.
    NPC x NPC / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


a chestnut furred creature, it's paws bringing themselves over its ears, before using a hind leg to scratch it's final chance to get that flea off- before darkness over took it's vision and it hung from the points jaws, single ear flickering in content matrimony at her skillful catch.


her stomach sank.

She should get out of here, her paws told her run. Run like you've never ran before. leave, before it's too late. They'll never know you were here.


"Flowercloud! Get out of here!"
it was not her voice that broke the anxiety in her brain- but Duskpools as she pushed through the final frosf bitten foliage- she didn't leave then, she couldn't surrender now.

paws froze as she encountered the scene. but this time- it was not her and duskpool walking through the frosted snowcloaked foliage. her paws lifted, but it felt weighed by a thousand pounds of rock.

three clanmates fought against the beast as it bared it's ugly muzzle before juniperpaw. and a part of her, she wanted to throw herself into the fray. the large warrior moved to pull herself forward, but her stomach sunk and twisted.

Her guts curled and claws not of her own sank grimey paws to grip her where she stood. a large warrior, with one ear, and face ripped free of fur, sat horrified before what she was witnessing.

she couldn't move. she couldn't breathe. frozen in time and place- useless. her breaths ragged. her chest heaving. a swallow of ichor burned in her throat, teeth clenching tight, ear flattening back, before finally- she pushed her limbs through its transfixed state.

"Hey Mutt, over here!" She called- her skin crawled as she neared to dog, hopefully grabbing it's attention as she aimed to swat at its face. Her clanmates continued to burl themselves on top of it- but if she could get it to follow her, she'd run. She'd guide it away from them. And hopefully, she could keep it off her own tail... But if not-

flowercloud was always the sacrificial type. It didn't matter what it was- she would rather have one life lost then... Others.

Hopefully... Someone will retrieve the squirrel she left along the clearing as she aimed another swat at its ears this time, feeling claws rip through tender skin, before finally turning around and bolting.

//I hope this is ok, if the dog doesn't follow that's cool! <3

Rolled 19, then a 12 and caught a squirrel - it's abandoned on the side of the clearing in an attempt to lead the dog away from her clanmates

Ekat had scarcely managed to track down a vole with the early leaf-bare frost crackling beneath uncertain pawsteps when Jupiterpaw's cry of alarm cleaved through the forest chill — sending a wave of dread that surged over the frozen she-cat. Dog. From then, the seconds blur together as their Clanmates attack the creature in a flurry of leaping bodies and raking claws before she can even begin to gather the courage to move. Ekat watches with a sinking stomach as Flowercloud scratches at its face, perilously close to its flashing teeth — and then begins to lure it away from the rest of the group. Ekat's heartbeat pounds so furiously against her chest with overwhelming fear, it nearly drowns out the snapping twigs and the sound of its scrambling pawsteps as the dog begins to give chase, away from the larger number of cats and towards the easier target. She watches the blood from its claw wounds sink into its pelt as it tears away from the attacking cats.

Ekat's limbs tense with stifling anxiety, her gaze flickering rapidly from the vole she had spent her time tracking to the sight of Flowercloud leading the dog crashing past — and just as Ekat moves to leap back, the creature snatches her prey in its lightning-fast jaws, continuing to pursue Flowercloud with hardly a break in its step. Ekat's instincts scream at her to flee, to disappear into the forest while the dog gives chase to her Clanmate — but the she-cat can't listen to them, even as she swallows down her panic at how close the dog had come to her paws, close enough to steal her prey. The dog is still close enough, even as Flowercloud leads the dog racing towards the edge of the clearing. The rest of her senses shutting down in her fear, it's all Ekat can do to keep her wavering gaze on the creature as she leaps towards it, closing the distance as she aims to desperately claw at its retreating flank. They can't leave Flowercloud to run off with the dog on her own.

/ Roll: 7 - Finds prey, but predator steals it. (Had to play the dog a bit to make that happen, will edit if need be!)​
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The cold settles low in the bowels of the pine forest, misty and wet and uncomfortable. Fluffypaw's pelt prickles against the weather; she's miserable, and she wishes she'd been assigned to some other kind of patrol instead. Certainly, Fireflyglow would need help scraping herbs up out of the earth...? She turns to Greeneyes, thinking about begging him to switch assignments, when a shriek pierces the forest. "Dog!"

She freezes, her eyes round as moons. Jupiterpaw scrambles away from it; it's fox-sized, but its teeth are gnashing, and its eyes gleam with excitement at having found its prey so easily. Fluffypaw's lungs fill with stone; she struggles to breathe around her panic.

Luckily, there are warriors lurking in the trees above them; Edenberry flings themselves onto the creature from the skyline, and Cherryblossom follows suit. The former deputy yowls for Jupiterpaw to scale a tree to escape the beast, while Florabreeze drops onto the dog's hindlegs. Frostbreath is right behind her, and Flowercloud sinks her claws into the creature's ear.

Despite everything, the dog manages to snatch Ekat's vole in its jaws and bolt away. Fluffypaw stares after it helplessly — there's no way she's going to be able to help them get their catches back, and she hadn't found anything worth stealing in the first place. She hunkers down in place amidst the pine needles, just hidden behind a slender trunk, her paws trembling.

  • ooc: mentor tag @GREENEYES ; rolled a nat 1 </3
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 12 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

  • Sad
Reactions: edenberry ?!
Statichaze crouches low, eyes narrowed as the forest explodes into chaos around her. Jupiterpaw's cry chills her blood, and in an instant, she's fully alert, scanning the scene to locate the dog—and it's dangerously close to the young apprentice. Her heart pounds as Edenberry, Cherryblossom, and Florabreeze dive into action, leaping from the trees and striking at the beast. Without hesitation, she lunges forward, keeping low and steady, blending with the frost-covered undergrowth. Her paws feel the cold bite of the earth, and she focuses her energy, aiming to stay light on her feet, ready to strike when the opportunity comes. She moves closer, careful not to attract the dog's attention as others continue to assault it. Edenberry and Cherryblossom call out, urging the apprentices to find safety, their voices carrying an urgency that only sharpens Statichaze's determination.

The dog snaps its teeth at Florabreeze, who darts away just in time, and Flowercloud boldly claws at its face, drawing blood and earning a vicious snarl from the beast. Statichaze's muscles coil, and she springs forward in a calculated strike, her claws aiming for its side, digging deep and pulling back as quickly as she can. Her claws rip through its fur, and she feels the warmth of its blood against her pads before she retreats a step, her teeth bared, prepared to dodge if it turns her way. The dog whips around, confusion and anger flashing in its eyes as it attempts to assess the swarm of cats clawing at it. Statichaze takes this chance to dart around it, keeping her gaze sharp, watching each twitch of its muscles. The dog's focus shifts between her and Flowercloud, who bravely yanks its attention once more, leading it away from Jupiterpaw and the other apprentices.

[ rolled a 6 ]​