- Dec 4, 2024
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// references This thread!
Despite outward appearances, there was no malice in Tori's heart as he padded away from the twolegplace once again.
The kittypet was even replaying the fight in his mind as he walked, sliding and swiping in the snow, reminiscing on each blow given and taken (mostly taken) like it was a fond memory. Those two - an invisible brow furrowed for a moment as Tori tried to remember their names - Twitchblossom and Cherrybolt; they'd really beat him good!
"I hope I see them again." That was one of the few thoughts rattling around a rather empty, ash-covered head as he casually padded over the border-he-didn't-know-was-a-border for the second time. "They got mad at me for scaring off their food, so I should be quieter. Maybe they'll fight me again if I'm respectful?" Well they'd sure as hell beat the boy again if he wasn't, but that was no way to make friends. A small frown crossed flaming features as Tori realized he'd forgotten to bring his food bowl as an apology.
However, that rare frown quickly turned into a wide smile as sky-blue eyes spotted a group of cats trudging through the snow. Remembering his manners, Tori bit his tongue to keep from alerting every piece of prey in Skyclan. Other cats would sit still, patiently waiting for the patrol to come to them, but tori was not the patient type. Instead of sitting, the kittypet began to jump about wildly, flailing his legs and tail in an effort to get the group's attention (for he might just yell if he thought the chance for a good fight was slipping away).
Thankfully for him - and Skyclan's bellies - the ploy worked, and the kittypet practically shook with excitement as the patrol turned to meet him. "Hey!" He greeted, ashy tail waving in the cold. "I'm Tori! I got beat by Twitchcherry and Boltblossom the last time I came here. Can I fight one of you guys this time?" Sparkling eyes flicked amongst the confused (and quite possibly annoyed) group, wondering with excitement if there was anyone in Skyclan he could beat.