Batchirp finds himself freed of the ThunderClanner's grasp, the rabbit not far from him.

Good, he thinks. He can just grab the rabbit and run home - avoid being struck down again and having to fight back. It just makes this easier for him, doesn't it?

Batchirp scrambles to his paws, heart pounding and sides heaving as his warm gaze spots his kill amidst the battlefield. There. He reaches for it, teeth about to bite into its scruff - only, he is foolish once more. He dares to look up, to take in the whole picture.

Everyone else is fighting.

The ThunderClanner who tackled him now fights Tornadopaw - who'd only tried to free Batchirp when the grey oak-dweller had him under his grasp. Batchirp glances back down at the rabbit, hesitation stalling him.

He should help, right? He should help Tornadopaw and the rest of the patrol.

He should be fighting too.

The guilt eats at him for a moment longer, before he scoops up the rabbit between his jaws and begins his escape. It would be too risky, if he stayed to fight, anyway. The rabbit could be snatched by ThunderClanners - Batchirp's efforts could be lost. It was too risky.

Or, at least, that's what he tells himself, as dark paws race back home. The rest of the patrol will be fine without his efforts to fight.

// out!​
If you don't like me, that's your problem
There is a brief moment of satisfaction over the fact that her attack managed to connect. The bony appendage is firmly clasped between he teeth and she watches as Batchirp is able to reclaim the rabbit. Relief floods over her, they would finally have food tonight. But the rough force that barrels into her chest and throat leaves her winded. Sputtering and coughing from the double kick she releases Flycatcher's tail, staggering backwards in the process. She could feel the sting of where the warrior's claws left their mark as crimson beads beneath her curls. Faltering out of the way she hisses at the thunderclanner, preparing to retaliate somehow when she hears Smogmaw call for the retreat. While Batchirp and a few others escape she is torn between actually sneaking in another blow or high tailing it out of there. Ultimately she decides to follow orders, shooting past the silver tabby. (/out)
When I let it bother me, that's my problem

She didn't know why her words had caused an outcry among the ThunderClanners - she'd said no offence, hadn't she?! The chance of a witty retort was swept away as a great weight came crashing down on her frame. The air left her lungs with a great wheeze, black stars dotting the corner of the tabby's vision as she scrambled beneath Sunfreckle. Her large ears, flat against her skull, twitched helplessly as ShadowClan called the retreat. She didn't know what was happening in front of her, only that despite the scurrying of paws, none seemed to make their way to help her. Anger gave Ferndance a second wind, and with narrowed eyes, she twisted her body about like a snake, disregarding how bruised it would make her on the morrow. With little warning, she attempted to chomp down on Sunfreckle's paw, hoping to give the other a similar feeling to stepping on a thorn. (Presumably) spotting an opening, she kicked herself away from the lead warrior and hopped to her own paws. The blood she'd lost was negligible, thankfully, it was only pride and oxygen she'd lost that day, two things that were easily replaceable once she was back in her own territory.

With sore legs, Ferndance broke out into a sprint, not daring to look back. They had what they'd come to ThunderClan for, as much as it would please her to stoke the fires and promote a chase, more important things were on the warrior's mind - mainly, the thought that her own home might have left her behind. A discussion would be had about that later.

/ out!


A retreat sounds from the blue tom, the leader of this patrol assumedly, a cry to grab the rabbit and go sets him snarling. Even being thrashed like this and battered down, they did not learn their lesson. He had half a mind to swing a clawed paw down on the molly trapped under him only for pain to lance up his leg. He yanks himself back in surprise to the sudden piercing of teeth, growling low in the back of his throat before recoiling; it was just enough the small tabby was able to pull herself away and go sprinting off back to their border. Ferndance might have thought holding her tongue would ensure no chase were to occur but she would be terribly wrong, his chest felt tight; righeous indignation rose up in him like a fire and Sunfreckle yowled angrily after the retreating ShadowClanners before pushing himself up to go chasing after them. He was not a fast cat, three legs and a lot of extra size meant his pace was far slower but they were also injured in their tussling and the added weight of stolen prey would surely slow them down.
Paws hit the thunderpath, watching as the ShadowClanners vanished into the distance of their marshland territory and if they thought borders mattered anymore when they so boldly broke them themselves they'd be sorely mistaken; they were going to get that rabbit back.

Or so he had hoped. Upon reaching the middle of the thunderpath he felt a tremor rock upward through his limbs and shake him to his core; head snapped to the side and green eyes widened at the flash of luminous twin suns bore down on him and it was instinct that drove him into slamming himself down face first onto the hard tar surface. Burning rubber and smoke smell smothered him as the monster with the many spinning limbs rolled across the top of where he crouched. All the fight went out of him instantly, replace with sheer terror that at any second it would tear him to shreds only for it to pass over entirely and continue on down its path.

Sunfreckle lifted his head up slowly, bits of grit and gravel in his fur and plastered to his face and he took a moment to let his fur settled; entire body stiff and bristling as he shakily crouched and crawled his way back to the safety of the grass.