CHANGE YOUR MIND ✘ ripple colony

Perhaps he should have been more involved initially, but he'd never been the best when it came to navigating social situations and integrating cats into the clan that he himself had not really approved of joining in the first place felt as if it would have been counterproductive, so he delegated it to Snakeblink. Truthfully, he knew he was an intimidating cat and he knew not adapting to clan life was a struggle given he was there when RiverClan itself formed initially. But what he'd heard and what he had seen had not impressed him in the slightest. Snakeblink tried the delicate approach, stars only know he put in more effort than Smokestar himself would have bothered with before throwing them all out into the cold of leafbare to figure it out themselves, but maybe he had gotten too soft since Cicadastar died; he was more wary of losing himself, more conscious of his decsion making and how he was viewed. It left him at a loss for what to do, but the recent incident involving the questioning of authority and the disrespect to his mate were too much to continue just ignoring. After his talk with his lead warrior, he had moved to fetch Lichentail and the colony cats and insisted without giving any attempt to refuse...on a walk.
The walk outside to the border was long, cold, the snow crunched under his paws as he made his way along in silence with his blue point deputy alongside equally quiet. Once they had reached the edge of the territory he finally stopped and turned around.
"...I understand-" He starts, "-that changing how you have lived for so long to something else is difficult. I was a loner once before, living on the streets of twolegplace alone until I found the Marsh Colony and even then I felt out of place and kept to myself. When the clans formed, none of us knew what to expect of it and how to act but we tried. We made the effort. We pushed for move forward rather than whine and lament on the past and how life once was, because the clans made things better..."
The two colonies had fought constantly, killing one another and starving when the weather turned cold - the struggle for prey and the struggle for safety was a near constant battle. The clans had their own struggles, but with the structure and order they brought the death toll dropped and their territories remained free for them to hunt on without fear of other cats.
"Snakeblink has taught you our ways, you were welcomed in and though the start was rough we have done nothing but try and help you adapt. Our thank you for these efforts? Disrespect to my warriors and your high positions, an utter disregard for those we lost in cruel comments...outright antagonistic comments to your deputy and future leader. I will not tolerate it any longer, I have tried to be patient and to understand that change requires time but we have adopted in rogue kits who learned quickly and behaved more appropriately than most of you have. You do not have to like our ways entirely, you do not even have to like any of your authority figures, but you will give them the star blessed respect they deserve and you will not talk back as you have been doing. If this does not please you then the border is right there." He jerks his head to the side, making it clear now why he had made them all walk this way before having this talk.
"Nothing is keeping you here if you are so opposed to learning and acting like proper warriors of RiverClan. The clan will fight for you, feed you, die for you...but you must be willing to do the same. Make your decision now."

    (I've only tagged the currently active Colony cats, but please assume that all of them will have been given this talk!)

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

Last edited:
die with memories , not dreams .
Since the beginning, Dawnstorm has done his best to learn and hope their words stick or risk failure and the drowning disappointment his father was sure to have. He had been uncertain, and cautious even when RiverClan stepped into their lives, bringing prey as an offering when Dawnstorm could think nothing of ill intentions because he still could not fathom why they had done so, if not a means of telling them they were better hunters. Strangers. A threat to his family that he cherished, but couldn’t properly express without some kind of odd gift he discovered hoping to convey his truth.

Sometimes he cursed his inability to speak properly, and other times he hid behind chopped words knowing Cedarblaze or Frondfeather would carry the rest. Not out of laziness, but socializing was difficult, tiring even for the bi-colored tom with a mind unable to rest, instead playing words on repeat, thoughts a jumbled mess until he stored them properly in categories to shove them on the self to go through later before his helm throbbed with an impending headache.

And so he followed quietly, glancing at the others, confusion slipping through a blank facade, bi-colored hues drifting aimlessly across the territory with coldness seeping into well-worn paw pads. His gaze briefly flickered to stare at Smokestar’s back as they approached the border, dread crawling up into his throat. Was this goodbye? He frowned. Perhaps he had not done enough. His father was unusually right about such things. Do better. Striving for perfection when no one else did—or risk failure. His gut churned unhappily, confusion breaching the surface. He had never been good with emotions, or understanding normal interactions amongst others, it was perplexing Odd.

His ears swerved as Smokestar spoke, disrupting thoughts, for which he was thankful, prone to overthinking, Dawnstorm was his very own enemy. Breathing deeply, the bi-colored tom shifted in tense silence, listening to a time when RiverClan hadn’t existed at all. The clans made things better. His brow lowered, questions rising, but now was not the time for them, nor was the place, but Dawnstorm didn’t doubt that things had been better, more ordered, and less anarchic.

He perked up at the familiar name, having questioned Snakeblink’s name, wondering if snakes blink because how else would his namesake make sense? Or perhaps they never made sense. His brow lowered even further, attention drawn to the word of disrespect, muscles quivering beneath a mass of bi-colored fur. His understood. He did. How could they respect those that they did not know? It would take time and it seems Smokestar was at his wits end with Lichentail and the other warriors in tow. Why? He wanted to ask. Why demand such a thing when they did not know them as well as he did? As the others did? They were not kits, but older and had long adapted to their habits and rules. Time. He wanted to plea. They were trying. He was trying. They just needed more time. His chest constricted, for emotions so familiar bloomed within his chest. More time to adapt. To know them. To see.

“Time.” He mumbled, staring at the two RiverClanners with uncertainty. “We are older, not—” He paused, unsure. “Not kits.” He breathed, hoping that was enough to explain, to do something than stand in silence. To explain why. His tone remained flat, curving upward in quiet desperation, hoping the others would pick up on it. To explain further where he failed.

His breath shuddered, gaze snapping to the wide stretch of land beyond RiverClan. If the others were to leave, Dawnstorm would follow them in a heartbeat. He liked RiverClan despite their odd ways of doing things, but they had been kind to them, kindness far more than his entire kittenhood combined. But his family—The bi-colored tom breathed, shoulders pulling taunt. He would not abandon his family. Not alone. Not without him. “I want to follow you.” He began slowly, ears curling against his helm in waning frustration. But I can’t abandon them. Please don’t make me choose. A thought that even surprised him, colored hues widening.
thought speech
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆
It is as natural as breathing... muscles move in practiced gentleness to depart the camp with renewed purpose. This wasn't typical... With a wistfulness for times less hallowed by stress and loss, she wishes it were just that night a restless deputy had asked for her silent company. Had they been less tired then? Less haunted? A part of her says no... they had been born tired, in a way; it was often thought that the soul could be rewashed and returned to the land (this was a belief outside of StarClan's teachings, really)... Smokestar had lived many lives before this, she was sure.

She hoped... they had been softer ones.

Eyes sharpened by pent up frustration, her gaze spends the journey scouring the horizon line for even the smallest movements, a barely contained sword that itched to leave its sheathe. The blade practically trembled with potential energy, eager to swing in a confident arc if it meant having intention again. Their company made her all the more agitated (well... only some of them)...

In tense, fleeting glances, the taut movements of her leader showed his restraint, a jaw working in quiet thought as he weaved a tapestry of a scene played and replayed in his mind. They'd both heard it... In not-so-subtle hissings their berating had formed ripples. In tight-lipped interactions had they grown akin to burs buried in their pelts.

When he finally speaks with sweeping reminders of their freedom, the lynx point stays hauntingly silent... fixing an impassive stare to them so they can really listen for once. So they can hear, clear of interruption from their clan-mates they seemed to loathe in jealous complaints. They should be considered lucky it is Dawnstorm that is the first one to speak... as much as his fragmented syntax can make it complicated to decipher his meaning, he is probably one of the few she'd forgive for his lack of perfection.

"I believe you," dark circles under her eyes seem to reach her voice too, hollow and tired. "But I don't believe all of you." Her pupils shift ever so slightly to linger on Cedarblaze... moving in slow wavering to land on Thornmask next. "Not knowing us does not mean we aren't worthy of your respect. Don't conflate it with blind faith. My life was just as much at risk for your benefit as it was for RiverClan's... and it will be again... and again... and again. My clan... my apprentices... my children.... will be at the mercy of your integrity someday. Your hesitation to 'respect' me... to respect what the clans represent... will kill them." A growl lines her voice, as if considering it already true- visions of pale babes slaughtered, while clan-mates they should've been able to trust sit idly pawed, cleaning their toes of their blood. "We have bled and fought and killed and almost died for this... we are owed it. I won't suffer your petulance... No one will."

But the complaint was time wasn't it? Her teeth clench and unclench as if chewing down her words, digesting them, swallowing them, tasting them. Be careful... be thoughtful. "You have had time.. and continue to have it... but 'time' is not a good enough excuse for blatant disregard for your leadership. You sleep in dens reinforced by bloody paws that you've never even met. You are fed by patrols I organize, by hunters who were trained by those of us who fought entire wars to make it possible. You disgrace Cicadastar as some sort of.... of joke? Your elders spit on you from their graves. The dead roll to hear you insult them."

Ice-cold fire burns under her skin to say more, to give them a proper telling off so they can understand the true end of her patience. What was the point in hours wasted trying to empathize with those that didn't want to hear it? You are not special... you are not the only one to ever experience what you are experiencing. You are entitled... pathetic. "It has not even been two full season cycles since the clans were formed. This is not but a pawful of generations of work. You aren't even the oldest to have joined us from outside... and yet you are the loudest."



Paws numb, the ticked tabby flopped onto their back, limbs splayed out in the air like a dying fly's. The lecture was met with the fiddling of paws, grooming each toe until the snow had melted and sufficiently cleaned, and the fidgeting of a tail that seemed unable to be motionless even in a content mood. Still, the ticked tabby listened, resisting the urge to roll their eyes. They didn't understand, it was easier to dismiss than to try, they'd had forty moons of being themselves and it'd never been an issue until now. Their family hadn't minded their morbid humour, Ripple Colony had tolerated it knowing they were just being edgy... why now was it a problem? 'What sort of bloody oppressive group have you lot signed me up for?' They thought, casting a side-eyed glance to the Ripple Colony. Lichentail spoke next, accusing them of being deadly enough to murder kittens with their disrespect.

Thornmask turned their head, eyes wide. "Hold on duck... I follow StarClan's authority. You told me their rules, I followed 'em ever since. One, don't be weird with the neighbours. Two, don't barge in on the neighbours. Three, feed the vulnerable first. Four, don't be weird with the prey. We ain't done wrong by that, have we?" They remembered how unenthused Petalnose had been to see them promoted to full RiverClanners, seen how Smokestar refused to acknowledge them, Rats, it seemed only Snakeblink had bothered with them. Yet, it seemed only their friends were threatened because of actions an aloof StarClan didn't care for; a further reminder of quite how vitriol RiverClan was to outsiders. Coarse fur bristled, they supposed they couldn't think that little of their friends if they trusted them enough to be outnumbered away from camp, but...

"Four times this lot have fought for the lifeblood of your clan, four times they've risked their own lives for you and these plonkers'll continue to do so, and I'll follow them into the darkest of nights." And this was the darkest of nights indeed. Their choice was that they didn't have a choice, Ripple Colony was their own lifeblood, bonds forged in fire and hardened by the chilly mountain winds. Thornmask would not leave them willingly and would not tolerate the poor memories of RiverClan's authority. "We didn't know Cicadastar yet we fought beavers for 'im, we didn't know SkyClan or ShadowClan but we trusted ya enough to follow you to 'em and trust me, that was bloody terrifying when no one told us anythin'. What about when you needed to get your home back? There we were again. We never ran from RiverClan when you gave us every reason to, these cats are loyal. But you're so worried 'bout whether or not they like you that you've forgotten how much they've sacrificed for you." Those sacrifices had never been repaid, learning 'clan culture' was not a favour returned, it was forced conformity, because according to Smokestar, 'clans made things better'.

Thornmask rolled onto his belly, eyes narrowing at the frost that bit at it. "You want to be worthy of respect? Give me my respect. Stop this farce and gimme my name back, my real name. I chose it myself, I should jolly well be allowed to keep it."

Smokestar asking for them was already sketchy. When he goes into a long lecture it is clear that all of them are here because they're all in some sort of trouble. Why is Kaede here? I thought he was doin' good? Don't tell me they just dragged him here for no reason. She glances at friend in confusion before returning her gaze towards Smokestar who is letting them have it alright. Quite frankly she is upset at the words being said because the audacity of saying kits were much better than them. I don't see them hunting. Talk to me when they actually go on patrols and it's not like they know any better. Riverclan is all they know. She keeps that to herself and tries to formulate a response. Dawnstorm is the first to speak and it shocks her to such an extent that she whips her head in his direction, mouth agape. In classic Dawnstorm fashion he isn't much of a talker and that has her smile and shake her head. By no means is she disagreeing with him. She's just amused by her friend.

That amusement is cut short when Lichentail speaks. It's better not to ask what her opinion is of what the deputy says, so moving along!

After Deacon (Thornmask) has finished speaking she can't help herself from muttering, "Didn't think you'd whine about us not liking you." This whole conversation has solidified the very notion that Riverclanners were soft when it came to their feelings. She remembered Snakeblink reprimanding her for speaking about Lichentail a certain way, but it's not like she said she wished the deputy was dead. All she said was that Lichentail would have to earn her respect. What was so wrong about that? For once in her life she's agreeing with Deacon more than she ever thought she would. The tom was morbid and a pain in the ass, but she wouldn't say she hated him. Considering she would tease him too. It was fine to rattle him, but not at a time like this.

Dawnstorm said that he wanted to stay and so her mind was made up. Even before her friend said such a thing, she was going to stay here and keep her promise. The Ripple Colony was her home and that meant each member was precious to her. Some more than others obviously, but she didn't want to leave some behind. Cedarblaze has always been a pain in the neck. The elders would sign and complain now and again, but they understood her. Don't get her wrong she was not babied. They punished her and she endured those punishments as much as she hated them. None of these cats knew her and so she decided that if there was no better time to say it, before she may be dragged away from Dawnstorm, it would be now.

"I agree with Deacon on many things. I've followed the rules, but there is no rule that I am forced to respect anyone." Then, she turns her attention to Lichentail who had quite a lot of nerve to drag their elders into it. "Tell my why should I respect you when you bring up our elders. Did you know them? How dare you say they spit on us from their graves as if you were one of us. Frankly I don't care if your dead screech at me speaking about them unkindly, because it's not my job to have them like me. It speaks volumes if your dead or the living are so offended when I say that they weren't good hunters for one." She's taking it too far to involve the dead and if Frondfeather were here she would be smacking her across the cheek for what she's saying. Unfortunately, Frondfeather was not called here.

Cedarblaze is not done however. "Unlike Deacon, I don't want my respect to be given. I don't believe in that. I want to earn my respect. Just like I have told Snakeblink, respect is earned. Lichentail you haven't earned my respect, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. Just because you don't have my respect doesn't mean I will not follow your orders when given. I understand that much. You are a deputy the next in line to become leader. If you were to ask me to join you in a patrol, I will carry out whatever duties you ask me. That goes for Smokestar and all the other lead warriors. When we are in camp it is a different story, but if you call upon me for patrols or battles I will await your orders and follow them. Neither of you know me too well other than I am a troublesome brat and that's only a fraction of what I am."

She is fierce without a doubt to be talking like this. Knowing that it can go south quickly. She cares not if they have decided to throw her out already. "You worry for your clanmates, your apprentices, and your kits because of petulance and integrity. I am letting you all know that I will do anything, even sacrifice myself for not only my colony members but for all riverclanners. I made a vow that I would protect those who I serve, my home, everyone when I was young. An apprentice if you will. It was instilled into me when I was a kit that I must protect and that I will do. I don't care if I am hated or that I will never earn respect from others, but I will protect Riverclan with everything I have." No hesitation. She will give her life to this clan. Even if it hated her.

  • cedarblaze / riverclan warrior / feminine pronouns / 25 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
He thinks of Cicadastar as they all go to speak, of how his mate would not have allowed this for a second longer. How he would have sent them running for their lives with claws at their backs for their mouths and he is sorely tempted to embrace that as he listens with an ear flicking in annoyance.
It was all whining and excuses, he should have known better. Demands for their names back despite making it clear that a clan name was required. It was all terribly petty.

"I don't think you heard me, clean your ears and listen better - I will not repeat it again. I do not give a rat's tail if you don't get along with anyone as long as you act right but my high positions have long since EARNED the respect they deserve in their line of duty; they have proven themselves worthy time and again and they do not need to waste their time proving it again to each of you personally. You will either RESPECT them or you will leave right now. This isn't about 'liking' anyone, pay attention, this is about you not mouthing of to my leads and my deputy. If you can't swallow your pride and do as you're told then you have no place in RiverClan. You were allowed to join to integrate in our culture, not SPAT ON IT like feral kittens, you disrespect us with your constant complaints on how much you despise it here. Well, again, nothing is keeping you here if you do not like it."
He narrows his gaze, single burning ember sweeping over Cedarblaze and Thornmask.
"Stop talking about us owing you, your joining the clan was your payment for that and you've spit upon it time and time again. We were going to drive you all off our territory and leave you wandering once more, but Cicadastar offered you this in payment for your aid and the ONLY reason I have not chased you out already is in honor OF HIM. SO shape up or go." His teeth clench, his fur is bristling, "And if I ever hear his name spoken from any of you in mockery I will not hesitate to deliver the judgement he would have deemed befitting were he here instead of I."
Claws and teeth, his own kindness was in sharp words. He remembers still the day Hyacinthbreath was sent fleeing for her life after her betrayal and he hopes sincerely to never experience something like that again.

His expression was a touch softer as he glanced to Dawnstorm, "I've heard your father has been giving you issue-I will be tossing him out in a heartbeat if it continues. Snakeblink will be assigning you one of your clanmates to keep you company while I deal with him."

His tail flicked, his gaze danced to Lichentail and he furrowed his brow, "I demand an answer now. Will you show your authority figures the respect they deserve or will you go. NO BACK TALK. ANSWER. Say it..." His word barks, cracks like lightning. His patience, how little of it that remained, was a thin thread threatening to snap.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

die with memories , not dreams .
He remained silent, ears folded back against his helm at the thought of killing others, the loud threat of their fault ringing loudly, Lichentail’s low guttural tone reverberating sending sharp chills down his spine. His helm turned before he could stop it, staring at the large expense of snow-covered terrain beyond the border. They did not want them here. Is that why Smokestar took them out here? To rid them of cats that were not meant to be here and clean their paws of mistakes that should have never transpired in the first place?

His heart felt heavy in his chest, frustrated with himself; frustrated at their situation coming to a standpoint where only one side would win. He respected RiverClan, giving them a place when they didn’t have to. It was odd. The entire situation was odd and the bi-colored tom understood little about social behavior.

The bulky chimera shifted against the bitting coldness that seeped into his aching paw pads. He breathed, colored hues remaining locked on RiverClan’s border. The bi-colored tom would follow them anywhere, and if death was their only outcome, then he would fight alongside them in a heartbeat. He had already done so, fighting for RiverClan’s home.

He understood perfectly well, maybe more than he wanted with the quiet pulse of his helm that crescendoed into a full-on thump in tandem with the harsh beat of his heart. His paw twitched but refrained from pressing it against his throbbing colored hues. Tiredness weighed heavily on his tensed shoulders, wondering if this would be the last they stepped paw in RiverClan territory when Smokestar spoke, addressing him about—Oh. His brows crinkled, lowering further against colored fur. Issues? When had his father—Dawnstorm frowned, shaking his head subtly as if saying that wouldn’t be needed, that he was fine? “There are no issues.” He murmured, confused, voicing his thoughts. “He is helping me improve.” He finally added after a harrowing heartbeat but otherwise fell silent, too tired and dared not disappoint that what he had already done. There is no need to waste someone’s time. He thought when nothing was wrong, but it seemed others thought differently, odd and Dawnstorm didn’t have the mental power to shuffle through those thoughts.

He nearly flinched at the lightning quip of the other’s tone. “Saved me.” He spoke, referring to Cicadastar which his father tossed him into the opening maws of rogues to save his hide, still, Dawnstorm took it with stride, adapting, but barely so if it hadn’t been for their previous leader. “I will submit.” The only way he knew how to agree, wishing to stay, but ready to follow.
thought speech

His stride is taken in silence as he follows behind the Star and the Moon. The impromptu walk feels reminiscent of earlier moons, ones back home — a trek to meet with the elder council, a path Dewcloud took a multitude of times. They're in trouble, the lot of them, he thinks; though it could be RiverClan's icy disposition toward their presence fooling him. It's unlikely — this feels like an 'in trouble' sort of walk, but he can hope otherwise.

And he does, until they stop, and RiverClan's edge is at his — apparently — cloud-furred feet. The sinking feeling of impending rubuke emerges, just in time for Smokestar to begin speaking. Dewcloud is silent still, ears flattened against his head as claims of disrespect are thrown towards him, toward all of them. Normally, this would be the part where he'd chime in, where he'd find blame in other things, but Sasha and Deacon — Cedarblaze and Thornmask — say the bulk of it where his silence remains.

Where Dewcloud would push blame on how their plenty of time they've been granted to settle has been filled with anything but a chance to settle, doesn't make the complaint that their only means of getting used to RiverClan's ways were a few lessons and name changes they didn't really ask for, he finds difficulty in doing so. What would come easy in front of the elder council he'd grown up under seems daunting now in front of a single power, a Star.

" You give more time to your students, " he finds himself speaking up when there's room to, " They get more time to learn your ways than we did. " Didn't they understand that? How long they let their apprentices learn, how much effort it takes for the clan-born to earn names expedited to the Ripple Colony? It's as much of an excuse as he can give, though it falters quickly.

Even their youngest act better than them, apparently.

Why was he here again? Was it Thornmask and his decorations that got him roped into this degradation, or was it mere dislike toward the Ripple Colony as a whole? Had he really said something wrong along the way? The gray tabby thought he was doing good, or, good enough at least.

Make your decision now, Smokestar demands, seeking an answer. Dewcloud's gaze drifts off to the border, his mind in the mountains. He could... He could go if he wanted. He could go home, go back to the mountains, go back to being Dew. He could. He could. He —

He can't.

Home is... Home is gone now. The Ripple Colony, their settlement in the mountains, the elder colony. They're all gone. What good would he be doing, leaving and breaking what little remains of the colony now? What good would he be doing, giving up to search for a different home, all over again? Couldn't he stay in one place? With Kaede and Sasha and Deacon? Dawnstorm, Cedarblaze, Thornmask — if they really have to?

His gaze drops, his mind shifting back to the river's territory, to the ambered gaze bearing down on him. " I'll do better, " he submits — words once shared to the elders who led him, he will share them to the Star that leads him now; in aim for appeasement, if anything.​
  • 75352150_Hn9XRmIkP7Stkt4.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A gray tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by the Ripple Colony
    ── "Speech"; Attack
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

Had they all gone deaf and she hadn't known about it? How blatantly and intentionally they completely miss the point of her words, misconstrue them, contort them into some nonsense collection of words that hadn't even been said. What did like have to do with any of what she said? They could not like her so much that they won wars with the power of friendship. If it were possible for her eyes to pop out of her skull from sheer impatient fury, she is positive they would've after both Cedarflame and Thornmask are done talking.

How could they possibly know anything about her motivations anyways... they wouldn't know that for months she served as a lead publicly admonished and disgraced for over-confident words. That her clan-mates sneered at her and found her unfitting to be an authority at all, that she was sure many of them felt the same about her promotion to deputy. She didn't care if they liked her because she'd been disliked plenty... had few friendships to name. This wasn't about people pleasing- when had she ever?

How Smokestar has any lingering rationality to share with those who were completely, obviously unreachable, she isn't sure. She'd assumed she was the more emotionally detached, aloof of the two of them but maybe that had changed and she'd lost sight of it. It was his idle tail standing as a visual white flag that she shouldn't just run them out now... at least the ones that couldn't be bothered to accept their bad attitudes were getting them into trouble.

Dawnstorm and Dewcloud, they sit here as collateral damage if anything. They are the first to agree that their fealty isn't up for question.

"It takes apprentice more time to learn to hunt and fight- not to learn to respect their elders. Anyone should know that, least of all you, who had an entire council of them to answer to." She doesn't care that Cedarblaze is infuriated by her call to the dead- it was only fair in war, to return the favor. As many times as Thornmask lashed the departed, she would too.

"His name is Thornmask," she corrects. This shouldn't be a lesson repeated after more than four months. "There is no Deacon in RiverClan. There never will be. There will be no Sasha. No Kaede. Those are members of a colony that doesn't exist anymore."

Lichentail had not been Laika since the Marsh Group. That girl was dead and buried in the past with the colony that no longer remained. "You've fought in battles that affect RiverClan because you are RiverClan. The bare minimums of loyalty are not favors and you won't be handed prizes for keeping your den-mates alive. It's your job. Get used to it."

Her claws itch to sink into the dirt, agitation rising and grief-blind emotion gurgling like hot coals in her belly. She had better things to be doing than this... had a cough-ridden girl to play with... a tearful heart of silver to mend... Three news lives to struggle to cherish, to be reminded of one that was missing- She couldn't trust them when they couldn't hear any kind of critique without hissing and spitting like infants. If that's how they wanted to respond... so be it. She wouldn't be doing them any favors when they couldn't even offer her basic decency she'd tried to offer in turn. How many times had she tried to express kindness?


A bitter sigh, a lash of fractured tail, "All that's being asked is for you to acknowledge your short comings. To let go of your petty grudges and complaints. The terms for living here aren't illusive and confusing- Snakeblink, as well as the rest of your clan-mates, have spelled them out quite clearly... accept them or leave."

And I think you're senile. Smokestar is fuming that much is clear and he would be met with an unamused expression. He doesn't understand at all what she meant. Is it really her fault if the tom gets so butt hurt that she doesn't like Lichentail or the other leads? What he is asking is for them to respect them because of their feats, but that means nothing to her. She was not there for half of them and not once did she say that any of them have to prove themselves to her. Smokestar on the other paw seems to think she demands each and every high position, even himself to prove themselves to her. What she meant in they had to earn her respect is that through time as she worked with them, she would come to a conclusion on whether or not she respected them. By no means were they given a test and told now do it correctly in order for me to respect you. As is stands now, what Smokestar and Lichentail have done is completely throw whatever semblance of respect she had for them into the bottom of the river. She will not respect them. She refuses to respect them. Unless they change her mind with time. For now, they are nothing more than buffoons she has to follow orders from.

The admission that these cats were going to chase them off causes her to scowl with pure hatred. At the time the colony was weak and struggling. Even if she had to fight, she wouldn't be able to protect her colonymates. You're even worse than those rogues! The thought of it makes her sick. All of them being chased, not being proper time to gather themselves or their young. All because they had taken residence in this bloody forest, on Riverclan territory. Cicadastar's name is mentioned somewhere, but she doesn't care too much. That dead tom is no longer important. What's important is the black tom before them and he is wrong in one thing. There is something here that has made them stay and it isn't the riverclanners. The something Smokestar spits on is the former colony members. She remained because of Dawnstorm, Frondfeather, Goldenpaw, Dewcloud, and Thornmask. Home was never a place. It was her comrades. Comrades she could never abandon. If she did, then it was leaving a part of her behind.

Her tail lashes wildly behind her, when her friend Dawnstorm is mentioned in a softer light. How dare he pretend to care for them?! After admitting chasing them out, how apparently leads were soft and couldn't withstand a lick of scorn without perishing into dust, and that they were being used. They don't care if we die do they? Lichentail's words do nothing but pour gas into the flames, fangs are bared towards the deputy. She is so wrong on so many levels. How'd someone so stupid become a deputy?! There is a Deacon. There is a Kaede. There are here beside her. None of them were just born as adults into this world and given the names Thormask, Dawnstorm, or even Dewcloud. And Sasha? The gall. Lichentail was looking right at Sasha now. Sasha, Deacon, Kaede, Dew were all alive. She says there is no Deacon in Riverclan, but by her logic there once was a Deacon. After all, they didn't get their new names for awhile.

Lichentail boils it down to this meeting being about asking all of them to be nice or leave. The reality is this, all of this was an illusion. They should've have never helped Riverclan and left long ago. All of this was a lie. They force obedience and if there is none, they chase you out. Smokestar demands an answer. Dawnstorm is the first to answer. She expects him to say no, but he doesn't.

The shock on her face must be priceless to Smokestar and Lichentail. All the rage she bore towards them is replaced with pure confusion directed towards Dawnstorm. Her friend doesn't say that he will respect, he says he will submit. It does not end there. The final nail in the coffin is Dewcloud saying he will do better. It is better than her friend Dawnstorm saying that he will submit, but it is not enough. Only two remain unanswered. It is up to her and Deacon.

Her heart screams at her to leave this place and even plead to Dewcloud and Dawnstorm why would they submit for these cats? And then she thinks about those who aren't here such as Goldenpaw. What would she say and how would she feel after hearing that she and Deacon had left? What lies would they tell them? Her gaze trails over to Dawnstorm. They've been friends since forever. She knows he would follow her to the ends of the world if he could. He's too good for her sometimes. Most of the time. If she said no or even tried to leave now, he would rush to her and abandon Riverclan. While that thought is nice, she can't do that to him. As for Dewcloud? She's not too sure, but he will suffer if three of them decide to leave. Would you try to follow us too? Would we even be able to get Goldenpaw back?

Then, she turns her attention towards Deacon. Both of them have the power to walk away and some will follow, but at what cost? And... Despite their anger, she knows just as much as him that they would be in agony. Agony in having to respect complete and utter morons, but it would be even more agonizing to leave behind those they love.

Silence has surrounded them for sometime. She has not answered the question. And all at once the damn breaks. She scowls not in frustration but in hate, as she moves away from the group and unsheathes her claws. The last thing she wants and with whatever semblance of control she has is for either Smokestar or Lichentail to attack her. Fur bristles as she claws at the ground, sending up dirt and a cloud of debris into the air. And then, she screams. She cares not if she looks stupid in the eyes of the Riverclanners.

She screams with all the strength she can muster and continues to do so until her voice becomes hoarse. When it is over she sheathes her claws and returns. Finally, with nothing but irritation and a hoarse voice she answers, "I'll respect them." I hate you. Call her petty, but she refuses to look at them anymore. They've soured her mood enough as it is. However, she doesn't look at her colonymates either. Instead, she focuses her gaze to the sky.

  • cedarblaze / riverclan warrior / feminine pronouns / 25 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
He had been intending to correct the name as well when Lichentail did so for him and his mouth snapped closed with a assured nod in agreement instead, it was good that he brought her, he was glad he had not decided to handle this issue alone and that her own anger at the colony cats did not cloud her judgement. The very idea that they should be rewarded for the bare minimum expected of any warrior was ridiculous. You defended your clan, you hunted for it, you fought for it, you treated it as you would a family. Asking for anything more than what you were given in terms of food, shelter, respect and companionship was ridiculous.

"You are not submitting, Dawnstorm, you are agreeing along with the rest of you to not mock our culture nor the cats on my council here to keep you safe and alive. You can all have all the time in the world to learn our ways, but I will not tolerate disrespect. Treating your authority figures who help lead this clan with dignity is not a lesson I will allow to take time, it will be immediate."
At the very least most of the cats here seemed sensible, he was fine being more patient in that case but it was Thornmask and Cedarblaze who gave him pause. The more vocal colony cats there and the least pleasant to talk to, which was hilarious coming from him - a hard cat to get along with by nature.
"Dewcloud, Dawnstorm, the rest of you in may return to camp. Thank you."

The scream cuts him off from anything else he might have wanted to say, ears pinned back and single eye widening in startled bewilderment to the noise rising shrilly through the woods; for a moment after it is quiet and even the forest itself seems shocked into silence until Cedarblaze utters the most jarring acknowledgement so heavily laced with force and lies that he understands instantly what it sounds like. An apprentice apologizing dishonestly to avoid getting into further trouble, a kitten lying through their teeth that they didn't take something. It's so disingenuous that for a moment he isn't sure what to say. His claws had unsheathed reflexively, briefly panicked at the idea that this surge of loud rage was the first sign of physical retaliation, the volatility of the situation made him regret only bringing Lichentail and for a moment he is mentally preparing himself for a fight.
Would these cats really turn on them so suddenly? So violently? When it becomes apparent no one is making a move to do so he relaxes once again but his expression remains firm and his fur still bristled.
"No. Absolutely not. I will not permit a cat like you to remain in my clan, so openly hostile and unwilling to bend. What even was that? What is wrong with you? Will you scream at any of our clanmates you disagree with? What's next? Your claws?" What cat just screamed like that and felt it was fine to continue on as if it hadn't happened? If they were so tempered would they also lash out with claws when angry as well in the future? Strike a clanmate? It was clear they didn't WANT to be here and he would give them what they truly desired.
"Get out." His lone orange eye narrowed at Cedarblaze, no-Sasha, leveling on her with unshaking adamance.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


Thornmask's shoulders sagged, catching a hiss of frustration beneath his breath before it was free to reach the ears of the RiverClanners. They'd given up, Dewcloud and Dawnstorm that was, they looked towards the pair that had resigned the ticked tabby to their fate. His name is Thornmask, one said as they watched, and they bit down so hard on their tongue that it almost bled. Thornmask was an arbitrary name to RiverClan, given out of some Star-ridden duty that their time in SkyClan had proven did not truly exist. When orange eyes flittered back to Smokestar and Lichentail, frustration gleamed in them, as if they were a muzzled mutt who wanted nothing more than to bite. They rolled their shoulders and gave a nod of their head, fighting against their stinging pride with every stiff gesture. "Fine, yeah, alright, I'll get better..." or something... It was the best promise an informal feline could give, the tabby's language was seldom changed for anyone, they just had to hope that Smokestar was fine with it. It seemed he was... a tentative order to go back to camp followed and Thornmask skulked after their clanmates.

Then erupted a scream, the rawest form of anger, and it stopped Thornmask in their tracks. Their head whipped around, gawking at Cedarblaze's display, the tension of the situation broken with the simple gesture. 'Same', he mused wordlessly, amusement creeping upon their muzzle. Rats, if they'd have known Sasha was going to do it, they'd have joined in, there was nothing quite as therapeutic as wrecking one's vocal cords in pursuit of inner peace. Alas, by the time they realised what was happening, the other tabby was finished. They waited for their friend to join their side, to endure the new world alongside him. He took a step back to make it easier for her to catch up, tail lashing as if to say 'hurry up before they change their minds', but it was already too late for that. When Smokestar spoke again, it was a wave of frigid anger that seemed to come from the bicoloured tom, and Thornmask's good humour faded as they realised what was happening. Ears began to droop, maw began to part, their incredulous expression settled on the Leader.

Cedarblaze had put on quite the performance, but she'd complied with RiverClan's demands. Accusation after accusation fell freely from Smokestar's mouth, calling the Ripple Colony cat dangerous, and the words caught in Deacon's throat as they tried to defend their friend: 'Presumptious swine. She'd never.' She wouldn't dare sever the trust that Dawnstorm put in her, there would be no fight fought by Sasha that wasn't started by someone else and Smokestar? He'd started a whole damn war. Thornmask looked between Dewcloud, Dawnstorm and Sasha, pleading with wide eyes to keep the Ripple Colony together, but they weren't fast enough to satiate his worries. When panic refused to settle, their thoughts raced to every possibility: Smokestar was never going to keep them together, they were too strong and unified. Someone had to go and, cruelly, he'd chosen Cedarblaze, because the squeaky mouse got the claw. 'But she ain't done nothing wrong.' Their brain searched for ways to keep the gang together, only one seemed to stand out. Their heart jumped to their ears, warbling so loudly that they couldn't hear the crunch of the snow beneath their feet. Movements were not their own, controlled by an invisible beast that lurked inside every cat. It was not fear of losing it all that drove them forward, fury had taken its place long ago.

Thornmask aimed to throw their weight into Smokestar to topple the RiverClan leader. They glared at the leader, pupils narrowed to slits, muzzle conflicted between a grimace and a grin. "Tut tut kit... outnumbered again?" He didn't doubt the Ripple Colony would defend Sasha as strongly as they did, so he didn't even spare them a look. Rearing like a horse, Thornmask tried to bring their unsheathed claws down on Smokestar's neck.

He is not even looking at Thornmask admittedly, the moment the tom murmured some agreement even if it was the equivalent of a kitten accepting a punishment quick so they had to hear less of a scolding. It had certainly been more subdued and less egregious than Sasha's compliance and so his attention was on the molly who had screamed so loudly he was sure the other clans heard it. Smokestar does not get long to sit and wait for her to acknowledge him and go before he feels a sudden weight slam into him with enough force it knocks him right onto his back.
Immediately his mind is a whirlwind of panic, had rogues shown up, was it a predator, WindClan this far out? But no, Thornmask hovers over him and in the seconds it takes him to process claws are already descending.

It was no wonder his mate grew so paranoid so quickly, not even inside their camp were you safe entirely. While he had not fully trusted the colony cats it was more a lack of their understanding than fear; he wouldn't let them lead patrols because they were learning, he'd not give them an apprentice yet because they needed more time to be apprenticed themselves in a way but he would have never suspected this level of volatility and aggression. He'd brought them out here with only Lichentail at his side believing that all of them would be walking back with them after with more of an understanding of one another. Maybe he felt he'd have to send one or two away who refused to agree that his high positions deserved respect, but even then he didn't think for a second it would turn to violence. It would be a more somber affair than anything, no need for claws and blood but Thornmask-Deacon had other plans it seemed. Sasha's exile was not met kindly, he would have not begrudged the other for joining her but this...

His thoughts are not fast enough to keep up with a sweep of ebony claws across his neck as it finally dawns on him what is happening, a shower of red cascades in a curve outward with the swing and paints across his deputy's paws. It is instant, it is darkness, that one wide orange eye dulls - dark form sinking limply back into the earth. A familiar voice chides, tone soothing and sympathetic but wise in a way only grown cats should speak despite the youth of it, 'That's a bad one.' Stalkingpaw murmurs, he can't help but agree. Yeah, it was.

  • Ooc - Forgive the extra post, wanted to get this out before things got too carried away!

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

  • Sad
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆
It's obvious enough in the way her entire pelt ruffles and stands on end that Cedarblaze is not willing to swallow her pride in the slightest. She still believes this a battle of 'do you like me' and not a fundamental lack of respect. Her elders had urged the Ripple Colony to join RiverClan, had recognized it as a safety net- that stability in one place was better for them, that they wouldn't be at risk of wandering into another territory and being wiped out completely. Cicadastar had chosen mercy when no one really thought he'd had that kind of patience left.. he'd sought collaboration to stop a mutual problem, had laid down his life to see it fulfilled. They admonished him over something as stupid as a name. They disgraced the dead. That should've been the first sign... she should've known there was a deeper layer than just disrespect. That this wasn't something they would do away with in time...

Time slows the moment that girl stands to walk away- winter gaze snaps to her paws, looking for the tell-tale glint of claws and they are there and she is certain this is the moment they get their real answer. That scream... it is so loud, every bird in the area takes off at once in screeching panic... the sounds of wings flapping in startled cacophony. She moves, quickly and mechanically to put herself between Cedarblaze and Smokestar, tail arched over her spine in an alarmed defense- A blade raised to defend its wielder. But the yelling stops... and she saunters back as if nothing happened and lies.

The deputy casts a wary glance back at Smokestar, catching his stare for a few moments- What was that, they both think. What did that mean? Letting the fur along her spine fall flat, her hackles cannot help the way they stubbornly remain raised, stepping back to his side so her leader could make eye contact with what was about to be his first exile. He croaks a hallow rejection, one that does not trust the childish tantrum that was just thrown before the both of them and with a few short words, bids her to leave.

Lichentail agrees... his judgement matches her own anxieties and fears and for all the insincere promises not to get anyone killed, that image, that future or potential had been shattered in one stupid display of shouting for the sake of shouting. "Please... go peacefully," she adds, knowing the bitter stinging might encourage a fire that could not so easily be put out. You can't fight your nature... the clans aren't for you.

She'd been so fixated on Cedarblaze, where her claws had flexed into the soggy dirt, that the blur of fur that had turned on his heels so quickly flies forward in an instant. Neither of them get the chance to move, she gets no moment to stand between the two of them like she had just a second ago- I shouldn't have moved... I shouldn't have moved.

Hot-blooded horror runs in her veins like coals liquified as blood, icy eyes wide compared to the narrow slits of pupils that struggle to accept what they bear witness to. Smokestar doesn't even have the time to look at her, to give a command, a direction... nothing. The sticky sensation of blood feels distant on her paws as he falls back in what feels like a tauntingly slow reveal. It was so fast. I didn't have time...

Though her thoughts are jumbled and unclear, her voice still manages a growling threat, saliva dripping from bared fangs as she stands with rage-shaken limbs. "Your corpse is the only one that's going to stay dead today."

Smokestar had more lives... he had plenty.. he would get up. She just had to buy him time... Just had to get him home. Hurry StarClan. It was just two right? If she could really trust Dawnstorm and Dewcloud... this would be the moment wouldn't it? I can't die here, this was such a stupid thing to die for. Not yet. She couldn't leave him... couldn't get help from those she trusted. They were too far that shouting would do any good... Hopeless. Hopeless.

A pawful of snow is thrown for Deacon's face, aiming to obscure his vision before hungrily lunging to rip him off of Smokestar's haggard body. "Murderer!" To hide behind the illusion that Sasha was in any real danger to justify blatant murder. If they were so willing so quickly to kill, they had always been that way.

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Didn't Smokestar want them to say they'll respect higher positions? Why is it that after she had told him she would accept and respect as he desired, he refused. Even have the nerve to say that he wouldn't allow her to stay and then claim something was wrong with her? She was not wrong. He was in the wrong as well as Lichentail. The pair of them dragged them here not to have a friendly chat, but to force them to obey. Smokestar says this is not submission, yet his words and actions prove otherwise. She wants to bark that he has disrespected all of them. The colony has been mocked even by the kits of the clan of their culture and their ways. Why is it that they can't mock Riverclan's customs, yet Riverclan can mock them? Where was the logic in that. He brings up dignity, but where was the dignity and respect they deserved in turn? Lichentail herself proves that this clan mocks them. With her there is no Deacon in Riverclan. Names were not meaningless, even the ones that weren't of the clans.

All of them should have known. The elders made a dire mistake in trusting cats who believed that their names had no meaning. That was the first warning. A warning that they had no worth, they were nothing to the Riverclanners until they were given names to show that their existence meant something. That they were real. Alive. Nevertheless, her fur bristles once more when he says that she would strike another with claws. The yelling because she disagreed was just stupid, why was that even a big issue? He acts as if her screaming at a clanmate is a major crime. The striking a clanmate with claws she understands, however she would never. Even if she wanted to, she wouldn't because of her colonymates. Everyone knew that. Dawnstorm believed in her and she would never break his trust. And she would never put her colonymates in a situation where they would have to be forced to chose either to defend her or Riverclan.

That is until now. Her gaze has not left Smokestar's own lone eye. She makes no move to leave and that is not because she plans something stupid like fighting or begging to stay here. And then, Lichentail speaks. Sasha doesn't bother looking at such a disgrace of a deputy and only answers, "Who said I was going to fight?" Her paws remain rooted. Kaede, Deacon, Dew, Goldy... Don't follow me. You can forget me, but don't come with me. At the very least, you all should be happy. One day... One day it all click. A chuff escapes her maw remembering Bounceheart's words. A sense of peace hits her.

While this outcome has her seething she has pride, there will be no claws. Let it be forever ingrained that Smokestar was unable to make her submit to him. That with all the so called power of the stars he couldn't use those powers or blessing to change her mind. You'll never break me. A twinge of pride is felt through that revelation. A wicked grin forms and just as she is about to turn and say farewell to her colonymates, amber eyes widen at the sudden familair brown pelt throwing itself towards black. Time has slows, Deacon's voice pierces her ears. "DEACON DON'T!" It is too late. She's witnessed her colonymate claw Smokestar.

I didn't want this! Not like this. In the future she will be happy that he stood up for her and defended her. That he stood beside her, however in this moment she was frozen in horror. She had planned to say her goodbyes, address them with their true names before leaving with her head held high and chest puffed out in pride. She never planned for Smokestar to die not over her exile. There is little time to gather her bearings when Lichentail threatens to kill Deacon. Rage surges in her veins.

Cedarblaze is no more. Once there was a Cedarblaze in Riverclan who was mocked for what she was, but she remained because of her family. There was a cat who believed who believed that it would all click into place, and she was stupid enough to think there was. However, that cat died moments ago. Now she was Sasha and the chains that held her back were broken. Claws unsheathe as she rushes right behind Lichetail. She would attempt to ram herself into the deputy in order to save Deacon. "You won't have him!"

  • cedarblaze / riverclan warrior / feminine pronouns / 25 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
die with memories , not dreams .
The sound was harrowing, grating on his ears like sand did tears spring to the surface, apology on his lips. They could go. They could leave. He would leave if Cedarblaze asked. He’d leave in a heartbeat, without question, acceptance. She was home as much as Thornmask and Dewcloud were. Home. “Sasha—” He whispered, hoarse, pleading.

We can leave. He wanted to say, but his throat tightened, words coming out in harsh breaths, ears flat against his helm. No. No. They could. They could. She didn’t have to. Not for him. Never for him. But her gaze remained on the sky, and Dawnstorm wanted to hold them close, hide them from everything in the gaping wound inside his chest. Childish and his father would sure reprimand him for it, but at that moment, he didn’t care. He wanted to protect them, but he was being so so selfish.

No. No. No. A broken keen escaped his parted maw, chest heaving with a firm shake of his helm. No. He refused to leave—No. He repeated, bi-colored hues wide and uncertain, indifferent to the way his face remained imperturbable, a far outcry to the onslaught of emotions and thoughts cluttering his mind, clogging it until he couldn’t breathe.

They didn’t understand. How could they? Dawnstorm felt tears prickle, threatening to pool down his cheeks, chest shuddering when the first few fell in frustration. “No—” He began, startled by movement, bi-colored hues widening, maw parted with a whisper, shaking his helm as blood splattered, staining the deputy’s paws in great droplets.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Didn’t Deacon want them to stay together? His chest shuddered, breath coming in short pants, unable to will the ichor-tinted air into his screaming lungs. Corpse. Dawncloud latched onto Lichentail’s words, did he surged forward with a sharp cry, surprising himself with a deep, reverberating “Stop!”

He couldn’t let them die, not when they were still his family, no matter what happened, staring at Deacon with unexplained emotion when Sasha’s voice rang out. He gave a pained whine, low and subtle, hidden behind an influx of emotions that he couldn’t understand, didn’t want to understand.

Please. He wanted to wail, attempting to knock into Sasha, hoping that would push her toward the border before she got hurt, blurry hues pleading. He didn’t want this. He didn’t want this! He wanted to return to camp and listen to them complain, carrying on with their lives.

“Leave—” He rasped, chest heaving with emotions that made it hard to swallow, tears cascading down his cheeks, unwelcomed and frustrated. Leave before they kill you. Was left unsaid. “Leave!” He snarled, teeth bared, gut-churning in disgust, bi-colored hues zeroing on Deacon’s form, uncertain if he was still plastered to Smokestar’s form, Dawnstorm hissed, hackle rising. Don’t fight. He wanted to beg, childish and pathetic. He didn’t want to fight them. Didn’t want to hurt them like his father.
thought speech

He’ll do better, Dewcloud promises. They’ll all do better — he hopes for his colony-mates to agree. Because, they have shelter here. A home. Because, they’d be better off together, than split off from one another… right? His expectations are high, but he thinks his expectations might be correct, thinks this conversation might soon end with the lot of them returning back to RiverClan’s camp.

But he’s wrong. He’s so wrong. They are nothing like the elder council, nothing unanimous in decision, and he wonders if the council would’ve foreseen this happening between the lot of them.

Sasha’s screams — loud and harsh in an already tense atmosphere — crush his assumptions and push him back into reality. His fur bristling, silver ears flatten against his head as his gaze darts to the brown and white warrior and to the black and white leader who confirms her exile from RiverClan.

Dewcloud blinks, looking to Dawnstorm next before opening his mouth. “ Sasha... “ he starts. That’s okay, he almost says, We’ll leave with her. They shouldn’t be separated more than what they’ve already been. They can all —

A blur of brown goes for Smokestar, and a shout of his own escapes his maw before any of the words he meant to say can be said. Claws — Thornmask’s, Deacon’s — sink into the Star’s neck and the dark form crumbles, just as any remains of the Ripple Colony do in that moment.

Stop, “ he speaks, though its as if no one hears him, with Lichentail going for Deacon, Sasha going for Lichentail. “ Stop! “ He moves, trying to plant himself between Smokestar’s form and the battle before him, for he’s scared to fight his former friends, and Dawnstorm’s already shoving them back and —

He doesn’t want anyone else to die today. Doesn’t want the Star to lose another piece of himself.

If he’d had any hope that they’d be able to stick together, they’re gone now, as a war is fought before him. One of River and Ripple, no — one of Warriors and Rogues. The Ripple Colony was better than this — better than the rogues who’d invaded this land before. ​
  • // yes this is very late atp BUT i wanted to get one more post in
  • 75352150_Hn9XRmIkP7Stkt4.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A gray tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by the Ripple Colony
    ── "Speech"; Attack
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