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[/slide][slide=LAST WILL BE THE BRIGHTEST RED YOU HAVE EVER SEEN][fleft][bimg width=100px][/bimg][/fleft]— [abbr=formally cedarblaze]sasha[/abbr] / rogue / feminine pronouns / 28 moons
— pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
— may powerplay [abbr=scratches, biting, shoving, etc...]minor harm[/abbr] / can powerplay healing
— [URL=][color=#c34747]biography[/color][/URL] / @ on discord for plots[/slide][/tabs][/justify][/box]
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  • CEDARBLAZE SASHA ; is happy to have her real name
    sasha had been raised and born in the ripple colony. she has no clue who her biological parents are considering they had seemingly abandoned her, but she is aware that the cat who took her under his wing is not her father by blood. little does she know, she carries the blood of a cat from the pine group. the cat whom she called father died because of her own actions and in order to live up to him and fulfil his goal, she would live on and hope to instill his teachings onto future generations. her goal had been to protect the ripple colony with her life, but ever since they had a chance meeting with riverclan she decided to leave her post from the colony in order to keep her promise. however, things have taken a turn and she was exiled from riverclan. now she is forced to wander for the rest of her days, separated from friends and family.
    — amab, mtf trans; she/her pronouns; pansexual
    — rogue, is here out of survival; former ripple colony member and riverclan warrior
    — created 06.17.2023 at 19 moons / ages realistically on the 1st each month / 25 moons
    ↳ penned by velou; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST (if u have them!!)
    imma fill this in later
    cedarblaze can be considered cruel to many, as she is unafraid to voice her opinions or showcase her strength. she doesn't think she is cruel, as she views her sharp tongue as necessary for the growth and survival of the group. it is her duty to ensure the group is strong, a promise she made to chestnut who had the same desires. she takes her role seriously, a bit too serious some might say. she finds no issues simply walking up to cats and grabbing them by the scruff to drag them to practice. the she-cat dislikes when others lounge about, she finds it wasteful. she understands that rest is important, yet she thinks others should pick a task that is less taxing if they wish to rest. she herself can't sit still, finding it unnerving to rest and disrespectful to herself and her foster parent. how can she laze about when she has a promise to fulfill? she experiences many sleepless nights, however she thinks it is a small price to pay. the reality is that she is plagued by her foster father's death, so much so that when she slumbers the voice of her father taunts her for a costly mistake she had made. she believes it is her responsibility to be the rock of the colony, to be strong enough so the others wouldn't have to endure that pain. it is her duty to shoulder all burdens.

    mannerisms moment
    slow to make friends, slow to trust; once trust is gained she swears loyalty
    SOUNDS LIKE: tbd
    SMELLS LIKE: soil, rush, and gorse
    speech is #c34747
    SILKWORM xx NPC littermate to npcs | taught by chestnut and riverclan lead warriors
    Mate to none
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: deacon, dawnstorm, frondfeather
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: smokestar, lichentail
  • ► FORGET - pogo
    LIKE SHIPS - elijah wood and shannyn sossamon
    FOR NOW FOR ALWAYS - maureen o'hara
    BBQ - acid dad
    DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES - andy williams
    CANADIAN SUNSET - andy williams
    STEP ON ME - the cardigans
    GRASSHOPPERS - dreamscape 2000
    BETTER DISTRACTIONS - faye webster
    MON AMIE LA ROSE - francoise hardy
    CALL THIS # NOW - the garden
    IF I RULED THE WORLD - harry secombs
    IT ONLY TAKES A MOMENT - michael crawford
    PUPPY PRINCESS - hot freaks
    YOU MIGHT BE SLEEPING - jakob and clario
    BEING IN LOVE - shirely jones
    LIKE OR LIKE LIKE - miniature tigers
    THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM - robert goulet
    EIN HANAHADASHII - shishishishi
    POOR THING - angela lansbury
    IT'S OVER - takeaki wada
    SKIES FOREVER BLUE - toby fox and itoki hana
    CUTLERY - uki3
    7 WEEKS AND 3 DAYS - yungatita
    AMOEBA - clario

  • ●●●●●○○○○○ HUNTING: average. she is perfectly capable of land hunting, fishing is another story entirely.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ SWIMMING: non-existent. she hasn't been taught how to swim yet and therefore is classified as a drypaw.
    ●●●●●●○○○○ TRACKING: above average. she has yet to get used to riverclan territory, but she is able to distinguish scents somewhat.
    ●●●●●●●●○○ COMBAT: skillful. she is well versed, yet she is more suited for fending off threats instead of cats.
  • posting template
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