- Jun 7, 2022
- 59
- 124
- 33

WELCOME TO TABBY TALE'S CHARACTER OF THE WEEK INFO HUB! Here you'll be able to read how drawing for the Character of the Week (COTW) works and what to expect if your character is chosen.
HOW ARE COTW WINNERS DRAWN? Character of the Week is first drawn by rolling a 1-5 die to determine which Clan the COTW will be drawn from. Then, a die is rolled based on the number of cats in that Clan. The cat that wins this roll becomes the Character of the Week.
For example: If the first die roll is a 4, we'll be selecting from ThunderClan. If the next roll is 23, and NPCpelt is the 23rd character listed on ThunderClan's census, they win, and their roleplayer will be contacted.
As of now, there is no cooldown period that must be met before a member or character can win multiple Character of the Week awards.
WHAT DO COTW WINNERS GET? The Character of the Week receives an announcement highlighting their character and a unique badge displayed on their character's profile. The character also gets a feature on Tabby Tale's official Bluesky page!
MY CHARACTER WON COTW, WHAT NOW? Upon your character being drawn for COTW, a staff member will DM you requesting the following information of your character:
1. Brief overview
2. Current plots
3. Favorite quotes
4. Art you'd like featured with your character WITH a link to the artist for credit. It's the member's responsibility to ensure proper credit of the artist is given and that they allow their art to be reposted on social media.
Once we have this information, the badge will be granted to your character's profile and we will announce them on both our discord and Bluesky!
IF MY CHARACTER WON COTW DO I HAVE TO ACCEPT? If you do not want your character to be featured as Character of the Week, you can absolutely let a staff member know. Please note that we will redraw a new character for the week, and your character will not be eligible for the badge.