CLARVOYANCE // mini-meeting


It was the dawn after the gathering and several night since WindClan had went under lockdown. The guards have found no signs of intruders and if SkyClan told the truth they could rely on them not to attack any time soon. ShadowClan and RiverClan did not give any words of consolation, but having any enemy out of the way was a huge weight off the blue smokes shoulders. It was time to address WindClan once more and figure out their next plan of action.

Limping up onto the Tallrock, Sootstar plants her paws at it's edge and yowls "Let all cats old enough to race the moors gather beneath the Tallrock for a clan meeting!" She is unsurprised to see she hardly needed to make the call, most of the clan had been anticipating a meeting to occur this morning. She knows she will not need to repeat the happenings of last night, word of what the clans had spoken about likely already ran rampant through the camp. Even newborn kits have probably heard at least five retellings by now.

"As many of you already know, Smogmaw has in fact infected his clan with lies. ShadowClan believes that he was attacked by a trespassing WindClan patrol." There were groans and hisses of annoyance, but this was hardly a surprise. Sootstar had informed the clan many days ago that he was likely to do this. "Chilledstar even made an addition to the warrior code, "do not hunt or trespass on another clan's territory."" This gets an even louder uproar from the clan. "Those hypocrites!" "Mangepelts!" "How could we have expected anything else outta ShadowClan?!" Sootstar silences them with a flick of her tail, though she feels their anger.

"Cicadastar ate this news up, of course... but in the end all the five clans agreed to the code. I expect WindClan to follow it." Unless ordered otherwise... Sootstar didn't plan on giving her underground tunnels up. They might even come useful now if ShadowClan was itching for an attack, she wouldn't hesitate to use them. "...I think the threat is not as grave as we think. SkyClan underneath StarClan's watchful eye informed me SkyClan will not be attacking. Cicadastar and Chilledstar said nothing of the sort, but they implied it. RiverClan fights with ThunderClan to reclaim sunningrocks, and ShadowClan... well, if they plan on attacking us alone we can take them!" Sootstar does not desire more bloodshed, but she'd happily teach the marsh cats a lesson.

"I'll be dismissing most of the guards and the lockdown. Jaggedoak and Wolfsong, I'd appreciate it if you two still remained on guard duty at Outlook Rock. I'm not blind to the possibility they may be trying to lower our guard, after all." The leader goes silent, seemingly inviting room for approval or rejection to her plan. She was happy to hear her clan converse with her on moving forward.




He takes his place as the meeting is called, eyes heavy with fatigue. The night had been a long and tense one, and now he wanted nothing more than to rest. There was no time for such things, though. Sootstar makes her announcements, and he listens with a stone-faced scowl. It came as no surprise that Smogmaw had lied to ShadowClan. It seemed the whole forest was filled with snakes. At the very least, the threat of war seems minimal now. ThunderClan and RiverClan, fighting over sunningrocks. It's an amusing thought. With any luck, those two clans will be slashing at each other's necks for moons, leaving WindClan to prosper.

"ShadowClan has seemed weak for moons, now. The change in leadership hasn't seemed to help. In fact, if the whole clan is so easily manipulated by one lying cat, I don't see how they plan to get the drop on us. Hare-brained fools didn't even bother to check for WindClan scent to verify Smogmaw's information." Tigerfrost spits. It was hard to believe he had once called those marshes his home. He knew of their land, their prey, and their struggles. Yet ShadowClan seemed far weaker than the Marsh Group had been, perhaps because of such limited territory. Whatever the cause, Tigerfrost figures it's WindClan's gain. "They'll be left with little more than corpses if they decide to attack us." The Lead Warrior determines. He knows the risks of war, knows that some in WindClan might die, but if that meant teaching ShadowClan a crippling lesson, then so be it.


Ghost had been on high-alert ever since the camp was thrown into lockdown, anticipating an attack that had never come. He supposed that was for the best, but he couldn't help but feel frustrated at the waste of time. He'd absoltutely hated being confined to camp, and had put himself on as many patrols and training sessions as possible to try and keep himself busy. Thankfully, it seemed like that wouldn't be a problem for the tomcat anymore. As the tall, dark tabby took his place on the edge of the crowd to listen, he found that he'd be free to come and go as he pleased once more.

"Agreed." came his rumbling response to Tigerfrosts words as dark eyes landed on the other tom. He wasn't wrong. Shadowclans only hope of winning against Windclan in a fight was if they had another clan backing them up, and it would be difficult for them to meet with Cicadastar to plan such a thing when the Moors separated them.

rogue - male - 29 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes​

The call for a meeting is eagerly met by Scorchstreak; the dirt-covered calico slinks from her resting place to sit beneath the tall rock that Sootstar perched upon. She has been hanging around camp more often than not as of late, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but she’s been going a bit stir-crazy. Her clanmates are good cats, and she cares deeply for them, but if she hears one more apprentice complaining about being bored she may be forced to do something drastic. But she is silent, contemplating, as she listens to the leader recount the events of the gathering.

She lends her voice to the ripple of annoyance that passes through the crowd at the mention of the lies that Smogmaw had fed to his clan, but quickly settles back into irritated silence as the leader goes on to explain Chilledstar’s contribution to the warrior code. Sootstar goes on to say that the camp lockdown is lifted, but the calico doesn’t feel as much relief as she expects to. She’s grown more fond of a few clanmates who she’d not spoken to much before they ended up pressed into the camp together for a while. That doesn’t mean she’s not glad to be allowed to skulk away in the tunnels whenever she wants, though.

When the leader quiets, Scorchstreak’s eyes narrow as she mulls over the new information. ShadowClan may still attack, but what good will it do them? They’d be breaking their own rule in the same breath with which they’d instated it, and they’d be sealing their own fate. "ShadowClan has no chance of winning a fight against us head-on," she murmurs her agreement with both Tigerfrost and Sootstar. "That’s likely why they put forth their rule—they must fear an attack from us." And they think that their hypocritical code will protect them.

She thinks back to Emberstar and her clandestine ShadowClan mate. The ThunderClan leader’s own addition to the code was hypocritical as could be—will each proposed new rule be the same? Hypocrisy flowing from the mouths of leaders who are less than deserving of their own positions? At least Sootstar is clear with her intentions; she wants the best for the clan, even if it means making difficult choices.
( ) "Poor, pitiful ShadowClan~" Came the rough voice of the young molly amongst the crowd, her eyes softening in mock sympathy though her tone drenched with hidden malice. ShadowClan would pay dearly for their dishonesty and treachery. She hadn't been there for the Gathering during the lockdown, ordered to stay within the camp and guard their home while Sootstar had wrangled only a few of her warriors along with her half siblings. A smokey tail flicks behind strong developing shoulders, elongated ears flick in irritation. Tigerfrost speaks now and the young tunneler barks out a hollow cackle, nodding in agreement with the lead warrior. "Their leader is more foolish than the last, and ShadowClan will fail inevitably as will RiverClan. StarClan refuses them. Why else would they have the least amount of prey and the river flood? StarClan wants to cause a famine for ShadowClan to finally kill over and disappear from the marshes and wipe the river clean from those fish-breaths!" Her molten gaze lands upon her mother now, hopeful for a reaction from the queen herself. "Scorchstreak is right. They have no chance against us head on. We are strong. We are StarClan's Chosen." If ShadowClan and RiverClan wanted a war so badly, wanted more casualties spread among their brood—then so be it. They were both weak. RiverClan lost too raids within a moon, they stood no chance against them. ShadowClan was all mouth as well, it was proven when Sootstar sent their deputy flying back to his swamp like the toad he was. Cloudedsky was ready, she wanted a taste of retribution.
( You should see me in a crown ; I'm gonna run this nothing town )


Tigerfrost was right. What threat was ShadowClan if they had eaten up an easily disputable lie? Surely they would not be intelligent enough to play tricks in an attack on WindClan... The swamp cats would only be a threat if they had other clans to back them up. Ghoststrike gives curt agreement, and Scorchstreak brings up an interesting point. Her eyes light up, finding this theory to make sense, "You are right, the code has been created in fear of WindClan's retribution!" Triumphantly she declares, the meek and frightened Sootstar who had stood on the Tallrock just a meeting ago has seemed to vanish. The courage of her clan-mates has strengthened her heart once more.

"Let it be known that ShadowClan cats are manipulative and cunning. They lie and scheme, they are not to be trusted again by any cat." The clan is given a serious look. To think that she had found even a sliver of admiration for Pitchstar... but it was clear now that he had ran a pack of dogs. All so blind they couldn't even see the truth when it sat under their own nose! Her daughter speaks in agreement with her fellow tunneler, Sootstar gives her a nod of approval but her gaze lacked the pride they might've shone moons ago. From the crowd she continues to hear yowls of agreement and cries of WindClan's glory and good faith with StarClan. Sootstar winces, for she knows the truth, but she masks any doubt with a faint grin.

"With WindClan continuing to grow in numbers and strength, I would like for more lead warriors to help me care for the clan." The team was already fairly large, but this promotion would push their numbers even further. She needed cats who had proven their loyalty at the forefront of her clan, never again could she allow it to turn into the traitorous mess it had been under Dandelionwish and Honeytwist's healing. " @Bluepool , sister, I would like you to join my council. No cat here can question your loyalty and persistence, your presence on the team would benefit the entirity of the clan." With a look to her tabby sister her gaze flickers to find the familiar pelt of Scorchstreak. " @SCORCHSTREAK , WindClan has gone far too long without tunneler representation in the council. StarClan knows I cannot oversee our tunnels are being tended to alone, I'd like you to join my council and help me keep our tunneling team strong. Aside from that, you had fought brilliantly in the battle against RiverClan and your loyalty has never waivered in WindClan's darkest hours." Sootstar is not sure why either would turn down the position, to kick away power and oppertunity would be foolish, and the WindClan leader would take it as an insult. She doesn't expect such dismissal from these two cats, however, they would be worthy and grateful of this role. They would serve Sootstar and the clan well.

//congratulations :D you both deserve it!!
I forgot to remind you both of this but; reminder that accepting this position means they will get ceremonial scars along their chest per WindClan tradition!! This can be roleplayed out or timeskipped, if it would bring any discomfort !
Warmth rolls throughout his heart at the shouting of his clanmates. There is comfortable vulgarity in their anger, a rage that he finds pride in. It had been all too recently that they turned claw against one another. Now they stand as one, united for each other if nothing else. There is his own pride, glowing, at the sight of Sootstar as she is. Strong once more, and certain of herself. He grins bloody joy where he rests astride @WOLFSONG, and his voice is quick to join in. "They do not use the shadows with cunning, but in fear! There would be a slaughter, should they come for WindClan!" StarClan is a faint and distant voice to the warrior, though he knows enough to think of joining them some day in the future, once his death has found him. Perhaps he may not see the glory of his homeland's camp, warm and full of feasting, but he sees the wisdom of these stars, and will celebrate.

There is much time, first. He will take as much as he can, and with the warriors that surround them now, two more of Sootstar's most trusted, WindClan finds another day bought. Though they have yet to accept, he shouts, echoing bold: "Scorchstreak! Bluepool!"

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
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Her sentiment is echoed by both Cloudedsky and Sootstar, and her rage is fueled further. Because she’s correct—of course she is, ShadowClan’s leader is a spineless coward who wants to both break rules and hide behind them at the same time. They can’t have it both ways, though, and ShadowClan will only suffer for their hypocrisy. And Cloudedsky makes a brilliant point, as well. Perhaps StarClan does want ShadowClan gone. Sending the marsh cats to shatter themselves against WindClan’s forces would be a quick way to do it, since the stars’ plan for starvation obviously didn’t work.

Sootstar continues speaking, changing the topic of conversation to her intent to promote more lead warriors, and Scorchstreak’s gaze is trained on her once again. WindClan can always use more capable, loyal cats to surround their leader. There can be no more traitors wearing the masks of friends, of family, of trusted clanmates. There cannot be another Hyacinthbreath, another Honeytwist, another Dandelionwish.

Scorchstreak only desires that a tunneler be appointed, rather than another moor runner. Sootstar is so far the only cat on the clan’s council who is familiar with the tunnels, and after the last meeting’s discussion of utilizing the tunnels, she won’t lie and say that she hasn’t felt concern over that fact. If an emergency were to arise and evacuations needed to take place via the tunnels, which cats would the leader place in charge of such evacuations? The calico tucks away her amusement at the thought of Badgermoon or Tigerfrost attempting to find their way around in the tunnels. Big, bumbling oafs in the underground, they’d certainly be.

The first appointment is Bluepool, and if there’s anyone deserving of a promotion, it’s the blue-furred moor runner. Even if Bluepool did humiliate her a few days ago, it was all in good company, and she’s stronger now for it. Scorchstreak shifts to scan the gathered cats, hoping to find Bluepool, to meet the other she-cat’s gaze. "Congratulations," she mouths when she spots the moor runner.

The next name that Sootstar calls comes as a surprise, but not an unwelcome one. A tunneler has been asked to step up and become a lead warrior, after all. It’s a bit intimidating, hearing the leader praise her so openly, giving her a huge role to fill, but the calico squares her shoulders. She can do this. She manages to keep a straight face, though the edge of her mouth curls in a smile, anticipatory and proud, as she looks up at Sootstar.

Her heart is pounding, feeling as though it might burst from her chest. "It would be an honor to serve in your council." Only a few short months ago, she’d felt as though she was starting over, wiping clean the slate of her life. Without her son, what was she destined to do? This, it seems, is what she was destined for. Fate took her boy, dragged him away and into traitorous claws, but it all came back around in the end. "I accept. Thank you, Sootstar. I won’t let you down." It is spoken with conviction, a razor’s edge to her words. Lead warrior, tunneler. They are both accolades that she will wear with pride.
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Bluepool feels the same outrage that the rest of her clan feels. At one time, the cats in the marshes had been friends, they had been fellow group-mates. They had shared prey and tongues together, had made lives together in the mash lands. They had been friends, rivals, some lost lovers even and yet they had so callously turned their backs on them. At least Pitchstar had understood that their ties ran deep. This new cat, Chilledstar, is just an insolent fool and this code is obviously a ploy to cover their own ass.

She digs her claws into the sand below her and yells curses along with her clanmates "ShadowClan is nothing but a group of fox-hearted rogues" she spits "Let them come try to attack us, we will not show any mercy to cowards" she knows many of her clanmates feel the same, its evident by their own calls for the marsh landers blood.

Then her sister is moving on to the next part of the meeting and she falls silent at the signal to. She says she would like for more lead warriors to step up to help her lead and Bluepool cannot help but lean forward, excited to see who it would be, already making guesses in her head. The surprise she feels when her own name leaves her sisters mouth is immeasurable. With her heart thundering in her chest she rises to her feet, dips her head respectfully, though she cannot hide the large grin on her face. "Sister..." she says, touched "I'd be honored" She turns to her now fellow lead warrior, her grin widening "Congrats to you too, friend" she says, her yellow eyes shining.

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The meeting goes on, and he listens to what his leader, and his clan-mates, have to say. It was pleasant to see such unity within the group, after so many moons of treachery in their shared past. Now, WindClan were stronger than ever before, and ready to face any foolish threat that dared challenge them on their own land. ShadowClan would be doomed to try. But the meeting goes on, and two new Lead Warriors are announced before the clan. Tigerfrost hasn't spent much time with Bluepool, but he is a friend of Scorchstreak, and he could think of no better tunneler for the newfound role.

"Scorchstreak! Bluepool!" His support rings out alongside the rest of his clan.
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Minkbreeze had come when called, her characteristic smirk still glowing on her face as she takes a seat not far from her clanmates. Whip-like tail curls around her paws, and the tip taps the ground in rhythmic approval as her leader speaks, her clanmates rising yowls and growls of fury and confidence. She drank it all in, exhilaration pounding within her veins at the mention of war, of battle, and the opportunity to shred those pathetic frog-eaters into less than ribbons.

She holds her head high, mint green optics glittering with a dangerous light as Sootstar confirms that the new code was nothing more than a cowards attempt to keep a stronger force at bay. Windclan would remain strong if she had any say in it.

Promotions came next, and while Minkbreeze didn't find this as exciting as war, she would purr nonetheless in pride for her clanmates, cheering their names loudly so as to ensure that the stars themselves were forced to recognize their loyalty.

speech ✩ windclan ✩ warrior ✩ tags
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Weaselclaw approaches the Tallrock as Sootstar crests its summit, calling for WindClan to heed her words. He'd heard minimal news, something about another addition to the warrior code. The tabby sits and waits for his mate to speak. As she does, his face shifts from stony to incredulous. ShadowClan had been the ones to propose this law? A law stating cats are not to trespass or hunt on another Clan's territory? He snorts audibly. Not only had their impudent deputy been the one to accost Sootstar on WindClan land, but their previous feeble-minded leader had thought nothing of poaching prey from ThunderClan.

He listens to the remainder of her speech. The Kittypet King, yellow-bellied as always, had stated he would not fight. Weaselclaw is not surprised. "Let those underfed swamp rats cross our boundaries again. I dare them." The possibility RiverClan could attack from the other side is still there, but he does not fear them, either. WindClan would be victorious. It is StarClan's will.

His ears prick at the mention of new warriors joining Sootstar's council, and his eyes glow with pleasure as she names Scorchstreak and Bluepool. Scorchstreak had fought like a LionClan warrior in the battle with RiverClan, had risked her own life, along with Tigerfrost, to save his. He will never forget the tortoiseshell's courage. Bluepool is Sootstar's littermate, and a cunning, courageous feline.

Weaselclaw welcomes both she-cats to the council with his own yowl of approval. "Scorchstreak! Bluepool!" He nods to Tigerfrost, knowing the white-masked tabby remembers too the sacrifice Scorchstreak had been willing to make for them. He feels confident, as he does with Tigerfrost, Wolfsong, and Sunstride, that he can trust these new lead warriors to have his back.

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————————————⊰⋅ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ⋅⊱————————————

Trembling at the ground is Rowanpaw, listening to the calls of dare to war- would they win, if ShadowClan decided to fight them? Their warriors were strong, and the apprentices were all trained well, perhaps this would be a quicker win than he'd think. His tail lashes behind him as he thinks of what could happen to him, the paranoia- oh, it ate at him!

New lead warriors are announced, and the lockdown was dropped- two warriors still assigned to Outlook Rock. His eyes peer around, nervous. Would they survive, or be beaten into hiding? No, he'd help prevent that.

"Scorchstreak! Bluepool!

————————————⊰⋅ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ⋅⊱————————————
( ) A look that one cat could have easily missed was a look at pulled a certain feeling out of Cloudedsky and her once convicted expression soon falters. Perhaps it was just the timing? Maybe she read it wrong? Of course, that's what it had to be—right? Her mother was a tired woman, working endlessly to keep WindClan thriving and with mounds of stress falling on her shoulders—perhaps it was just exhaustion plaguing her smoked festures. Cloudedsky shakes her head, ridding herself of that tightness within her belly. Now was not the time for her personal insecurities that nagged at the back of her mind. She listened with a certain vigor to everyone's outbursts, nodding over and over in silent agreement.
Once the crowd dies down, their leader continues on with the promise of promotion on her tongue. Cloudedsky tilts her head slightly, ivory whiskers twitching as to who it may be. The first to be called was Sootstar's own sister as well as her aunt, Bluepaw. Pink lips stretch into a smile and she wasn't finished yet—another promotion was in order. Scorchstreak. Her molten amber gaze turns to her friend with an approving smile and like her clan mates, she chanted their names to the sky. "Bluepool! Scorchstreak! Bluepool! Scorchstreak!"

( You should see me in a crown ; I'm gonna run this nothing town )


The tunneler and moor runner accept her offer and the clan chants their names. Scorchstreak! Bluepool! Sootstar glances up into the sky trying to imagine the position of the moon. The private ceremony should be able to be held soon where the two leads would say their vows and earn their mark that represents and finalizes their promotion.

To them both she dips her head, "May you both continue to bring strength and honor to WindClan. The meeting is dismissed." She lingers on Tallrock for a few moments before descending and slipping into her den.