Around him, chaos breaks out as rogues and clan cats clash together, blood spilling and flying and staining the dirt beneath them all. The land surrounding their camp will stink of death for days to come, surely. The black-patched warrior rushes forth from their hiding spot, claws sinking into the flesh of the nearest rogue. The rogue is dark-furred and practically towers over them, but Gravelsnap is fueled by fear and by rage—they want their home back. The filthy outsiders will not keep this land any longer than they already have.
The rogue shrieks when his claws dig into her, dragging her closer to himself. He attempts to kick out at her stomach with his hind legs, but the enemy is faster, and throws him off balance with a brutal shove to his shoulder. "Shit!" He goes toppling over, and the rogue is on top of him in the blink of an eye. Her breath, hot and rancid, washes across his face, and he has only a moment to dodge out of the way of a bite to his neck. The rogue's teeth scrape, but they don't find purchase in his throat. A small mercy, but Gravelsnap can only feel relief for a few seconds. The rogue doesn't let up, claws tearing into him as he bucks and rolls, trying to throw her off in any way that he can.
The rogue is only shoved away a few inches, but it's enough. Gravelsnap surges up, climbing to their paws with a snarl. Blood drips and runs, bright red against the fur of their leg, but they pay it no mind. Their focus zeroes in fully on the enemy before them, and they manage to step to the side before she crashes into him once again. They have the upper hand as the rogue is thrown off balance, and it is merely a quick movement to charge forward and knock her over. Their claws tear into her shoulders, and they can feel an answering rip of claws into their stomach. Warmth floods the fresh wounds that the rogue has torn open—but blood also springs up to coat their own paws where they dig their claws in deeper.
Their vision blurs, darkness creeping in at the edges, and the rogue kicks out again at their stomach. Gravelsnap sees their chance as she leaves her own underbelly exposed; they strike out with both hind paws, snarling and spitting into the rogue's face as they throw their full weight down into her abdomen. She screams, ear-splitting and devastating, as their claws tear through her in harsh, jagged lines. Their victory is assured, even as more blood than they've ever seen before stains their pale pelt. The enemy struggles for a few more moments, but then gradually goes still with a few final gasping breaths.
They watch the light leave her eyes with a grimace.
As they stagger away from the rogue—no, the body—the moor runner is hit with the full realization of just how close they had come to death. The wounds across their stomach burn. Any deeper, any more powerful… and they'd be gone. Ice floods their veins—they could have died. They could have died, guts ripped to shreds, and they would never have seen their apprentice again. They would never have seen Bluepaw, or Periwinklebreeze, or Houndthistle, or even stupid Addervenom ever again. But they didn't die, they didn't, and they managed to leave behind a corpse that isn't their own.
For once, Gravelsnap looks at WindClan's camp, the dirt drenched in blood, and doesn't feel the usual tightening within their chest. They won. And so, with a terribly unbalanced gait, the warrior stalks back toward the tall grass in search of a new hiding spot. They will continue to fight for their territory, for their clan, even if this fight is what kills them.
The rogue shrieks when his claws dig into her, dragging her closer to himself. He attempts to kick out at her stomach with his hind legs, but the enemy is faster, and throws him off balance with a brutal shove to his shoulder. "Shit!" He goes toppling over, and the rogue is on top of him in the blink of an eye. Her breath, hot and rancid, washes across his face, and he has only a moment to dodge out of the way of a bite to his neck. The rogue's teeth scrape, but they don't find purchase in his throat. A small mercy, but Gravelsnap can only feel relief for a few seconds. The rogue doesn't let up, claws tearing into him as he bucks and rolls, trying to throw her off in any way that he can.
The rogue is only shoved away a few inches, but it's enough. Gravelsnap surges up, climbing to their paws with a snarl. Blood drips and runs, bright red against the fur of their leg, but they pay it no mind. Their focus zeroes in fully on the enemy before them, and they manage to step to the side before she crashes into him once again. They have the upper hand as the rogue is thrown off balance, and it is merely a quick movement to charge forward and knock her over. Their claws tear into her shoulders, and they can feel an answering rip of claws into their stomach. Warmth floods the fresh wounds that the rogue has torn open—but blood also springs up to coat their own paws where they dig their claws in deeper.
Their vision blurs, darkness creeping in at the edges, and the rogue kicks out again at their stomach. Gravelsnap sees their chance as she leaves her own underbelly exposed; they strike out with both hind paws, snarling and spitting into the rogue's face as they throw their full weight down into her abdomen. She screams, ear-splitting and devastating, as their claws tear through her in harsh, jagged lines. Their victory is assured, even as more blood than they've ever seen before stains their pale pelt. The enemy struggles for a few more moments, but then gradually goes still with a few final gasping breaths.
They watch the light leave her eyes with a grimace.
As they stagger away from the rogue—no, the body—the moor runner is hit with the full realization of just how close they had come to death. The wounds across their stomach burn. Any deeper, any more powerful… and they'd be gone. Ice floods their veins—they could have died. They could have died, guts ripped to shreds, and they would never have seen their apprentice again. They would never have seen Bluepaw, or Periwinklebreeze, or Houndthistle, or even stupid Addervenom ever again. But they didn't die, they didn't, and they managed to leave behind a corpse that isn't their own.
For once, Gravelsnap looks at WindClan's camp, the dirt drenched in blood, and doesn't feel the usual tightening within their chest. They won. And so, with a terribly unbalanced gait, the warrior stalks back toward the tall grass in search of a new hiding spot. They will continue to fight for their territory, for their clan, even if this fight is what kills them.
[ you put the fun into dysfunction ]