Jul 9, 2022


Welcome to ThunderClan's Winter 2023-24 Mass Adopts! Here, you can see what relationships are open to be adopted in ThunderClan, whether it be kin, a mentor, or a plot character! Please read all rules before filling out a form to apply. If you would like to sign up an adopt, they can always be added throughout winter. Sign up here: LINK


This mass adopts is intended to bring characters into ThunderClan, so if you are adopting someone you are agreeing to have them be a ThunderClanner.
This is FCFS as long as all rules, genetics, and history laid out by the roleplayer running the adopt is followed. If they are not followed, I will let you know and you'll have a chance to correct it!
If you have any questions about the adopt, please direct them to the roleplayer linked in the adopt's form.
Refrain from playing the adopt until I let you know your form's been accepted. After that, you are welcome to begin roleplaying!
Please take note of the date the adopt was added and adjust the age as necessary if they would have aged up since it was added.


User to contact about adopt: ava
Date Added: 12/20
Relations: Biological father of Foxkit; widower of the late Maplepatch
Age: 30-60 moons
Genetics: Longhaired flame sepia (masking chocolate)
Design by Pikai included
Rules & Misc:

- Looking for 5 posts per month or more
- AMAB and male identifying
- A very traditional/canon father type, not at all present in Foxkit’s life but watches from afar. Stoic, reserved, and dutiful.
- Seedspring is much like canon fathers in series 1, he doesn’t visit the nursery often and since Foxkit has been given to a new family he makes himself even scarcer. He drops prey off occassionally intended fo Leopardtongue as a silent and subtle thanks for taking Foxkit in, but aside from that he’s seemed to not want much to do with her
- Please read THIS thread to get a feel for his general vibes.
- Relationship with his deceased mate, Maplepatch, is FFA and for you to decide.
- Plots involving Seedspring being revealed to Foxkit as her bio father are limited for now, but one day Foxkit will know and there is a chance of them developing sometype of relationship someday.
- Character is free to exist freely, feel free for Seedspring to find new family, have new litters, etc.

1. Seedspring (open)
User to contact about adopt: RoseTintedMoon
Date Added: 12/20
Relations: Sibling of Hickoryskip
Age: 26 moons, aging on the 9th
Genetics: Kits can be chocolate, chocolate tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, fawn, or fawn tabby
- Kits will be shorthaired
- Kits may have no white, low white, or high white
- Kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white may have any realistic eye color
- Tabby kits will display the mackerel tabby pattern
- Chocolate-based kits will carry cinnamon; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabby kits will carry solid
Rules & Misc: I would prefer the sibling to not be solid fawn, like Hickoryskip! Fawn tabby and any of the others are okay. Their relationship with Hickoryskip will be positive, as well as with both of their parents. Any kind of activity is okay, since Hickoryskip is low priority for me!

1. Open
User to contact about adopt: Blitz Krieg
Date Added: 12/20
Relations: A friend group of apprentices
Age: 10ish moons, will be made warriors at the March 1st meeting
Genetics: Free for all
Rules & Misc:
- Must have been clan-born; with Howlingstar being strict with joiners I do not like to backwrite joinings.
- Will be involved in a plot known only by me. This will involve some angst and may lead to your OC feeling guilty for a dire mistake. By signing up, you agree to this plot in advance and I will let you know what it is closer to the date! Character must remain active to be involved in the plot; if your character goes inactive, they won't be readopted out, just won't be involved.
- Your OC can make any other friends they want, not just this friend group! Also, you are free to adopt out any family you may want. You have total creative freedom over this character besides the requirement to participate in the plot.
Slots: Unlimited

1. Badgerpaw
2. Palepaw
3. Kestrelpaw
4. Smudgepaw
5. Lightpaw
6. Phloxpaw
7. Joypaw
8. Gigglepaw
9. Open
User to contact about adopt: Blitz Krieg
Date Added: 12/20
Relations: None specified
Age: 12+ moons
Genetics: Free for all
Rules & Misc:
- Will be used in a later plot, so the HP team is wanting to get some more established former kittypets in the clan.
- These characters will have joined under Emberstar, not Howlingstar. Emberstar was leader from August 2022 to January 2023, so plan background and age accordingly.
- No kittypet accessories or names have ever been permitted in the clan; your OCs will not have collars and will have taken on clan names.
- The warrior must have joined as a former kittypet; the entire clan should know them as a former kittypet.
- Have fun as you have total creative freedom over this OC! Just know there is a plot point far in the future for these OCs that you will have to participate in. Only characters that remain active will be involved in the plot.
Slots: Unlimited

1. Owlstrike
2. Leafhusk
3. Sleetfur
4. Martenmask
5. Flowerfoot
6. Bigfang
7. Open
User to contact about adopt: halimede
Date Added: 12/20
Relations: Siblings of Coyotebite
Age: 22 moons, aging on the 12th
Genetics: Kits can be black, black tabby, blue, or blue tabby
- Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
- Kits can have no white, low white, or high white
- Kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white may have any realistic eye color
- non-dilute kits will carry dilute; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; tabby kits will carry solid
Rules & Misc:

- looking for active roleplayers
- not picky on genders
- naming theme would have been animals or strong-sounding names due to the litter being sickly in the beginning
- would have originally been part of the marsh group before joining thunderclan during its creation/shortly thereafter
- would be a loving family! there shouldn't be any current conflict!

1. Ravenstrike
2. Open
3. Open
User to contact about adopt: vulture
Date Added: 1/10
Relations: Siblings of Lovepaw
Age: 10 moons, aging on the 24th
Genetics: Sire: SH chocolate (carrying longhair, dilute)
Dam: LH blue torbie w/ low white (carrying chocolate, solid)

Toms can be black, chocolate, blue, lilac, black tabby, chocolate tabby, blue tabby, lilac tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
She-cats can be black, chocolate, blue, lilac, black tabby, chocolate tabby, blue tabby, lilac tabby, tortoiseshell, chocolate tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, lilac tortoiseshell, torbie, chocolate torbie, blue torbie, or lilac torbie
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- red-based kits will mask black, chocolate, black tabby, or chocolate tabby
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; black-based kits will carry chocolate; tabbies will carry solid
Rules & Misc:

- character can be casual or active, doesn't matter!
- naming theme would have been emotions/feelings, ie. angerpaw, joypaw, fearpaw, pridepaw, etc.
- they would be on good terms with lovepaw!!! positive relationships between the siblings

1. Joypaw
2. Gigglepaw
User to contact about adopt: BossTaurus
Date Added: 1/31
Relations: Younger siblings of Hailstorm
Age: 28 moons, aging on the 5th
Genetics: Sire: SH blue sepia w/ high white (carrying chocolate, longhaired)
Dam: LH chocolate torbie w/ low white (carrying dilute, solid, burmese restriction)

Toms can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, red tabby, cream tabby, seal sepia, seal lynx sepia,blue sepia, blue lynx sepia, chocolate sepia, chocolate lynx sepia, lilac sepia, lilac lynx sepia, flame sepia, or cream sepia
Mollies can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, tortoiseshell, torbie, blue tortie, blue torbie, chocolate tortie, chocolate torbie, lilac tortie, lilac torbie, seal sepia, seal lynx sepia,blue sepia, blue lynx sepia, chocolate sepia, chocolate lynx sepia, lilac sepia, lilac lynx sepia, tortie sepia, torbie sepia, blue tortie sepia, blue torbie sepia, chocolate tortie sepia, chocolate torbie sepia, lilac tortie sepia, or lilac torbie sepia
- Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
- Kits will have low white or high white
- Non-sepia kits may have any realistic eye color; sepia kits will have blue or golden eyes
- Red-based kits will mask black, black tabby, chocolate, or chocolate tabby; cream-based kits will mask blue, blue tabby, lilac, or lilac tabby
- Shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; non-sepia kits will carry burmese restriction; tabby kits will carry solid
Rules & Misc:

- 5-10 posts per month, I don't mind if they're casual characters
- they would be on good terms with Hailstorm as he'd have a paw in helping raise them as an older brother
- naming theme can either be weather, seasons, or things known in TC but doesn't need to follow that theme entirely (ie: flurry, gust, breeze, rain, owl, fern, sycamore, etc... be creative as you want to be)
- would have originally been part of the marsh group before joining Thunderclan during its creation

1. Flurrycloud
2. Open


Just use the form below to apply to your desired adopt!
[B]Adopt #[/B]:


☁ ✦ ☁
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Adopt #: 3 - apprentice friend group.
Name: Badgerpaw
Relations: Might adopt out family, but nothing yet!
Age: 9 moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: Black-blue tortoiseshell chimera with low white. Badgerpaw's most notable feature is a prominent black dorsal stripe.
Personality: Energetic / Playful / Strong-willed / Spontaneous / Trouble-maker / Sociable, yet frequently fails to pick up social cues / Insecure + Sensitive

As the youngest of her litter, Badgerpaw possesses a rather strong-willed and spontaneous personality marked by high energy and the need for activity. ThunderClan would be expected to feel blessed to have such a busy apprentice amongst their ranks, but this is far from the truth - although Badgerpaw is always active, she rarely uses her vigor for work, and is actually quite lazy on that front. Rather, she spends most of her waking moments hanging around her friends and making more, chattering up a storm indiscriminately with her Clanmates and often causing trouble. Quite the prankster, Badgerpaw enjoys toying with other cats, much to their chagrin, though this is never out of malice.

Despite her tendency to break rules and wreak chaos, and her frequent inability to recognize if she's actually hurting somebody, she is remarkably empathetic and caring, and guilty to a fault if someone gets hurt or upset by her paws, though more often than not she is late to realize her mistakes. As a feline quite sensitive to criticism and failure, it's not uncommon for her to frantically try to cheer up the cats she accidentally hurts or upsets for her own peace of mind, only to brood if she fails. (Will expand on this more through IC experiences!)
Backstory: Badgerpaw's had a quite normal and positive upbringing, being the youngest of a litter to two loving parents. If I choose to adopt out some siblings, might prompt some sibling rivalry of some sort. I'd be open to rocky mentorship relationships as well. Most notably, she is part of a tight-knit friend group, though she socializes with pretty much everyone around her. Perhaps amongst this friend group are some friends that she made in the nursery. Basically, this is very open depending on who the other apprentices are in this group, and whether or not I adopt out her immediate family - I would like to stick by the idea that she has had a very easy upbringing and has not known much angst in her life, so the guilt and angst from this plot will hit her especially hard!
Adopt #: 3 - apprentice friend group.
Name: Badgerpaw
Relations: Might adopt out family, but nothing yet!
Age: 9 moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: Black-blue tortoiseshell chimera with low white. Badgerpaw's most notable feature is a prominent black dorsal stripe.
Personality: Energetic / Playful / Strong-willed / Spontaneous / Trouble-maker / Sociable, yet frequently fails to pick up social cues / Insecure + Sensitive

As the youngest of her litter, Badgerpaw possesses a rather strong-willed and spontaneous personality marked by high energy and the need for activity. ThunderClan would be expected to feel blessed to have such a busy apprentice amongst their ranks, but this is far from the truth - although Badgerpaw is always active, she rarely uses her vigor for work, and is actually quite lazy on that front. Rather, she spends most of her waking moments hanging around her friends and making more, chattering up a storm indiscriminately with her Clanmates and often causing trouble. Quite the prankster, Badgerpaw enjoys toying with other cats, much to their chagrin, though this is never out of malice.

Despite her tendency to break rules and wreak chaos, and her frequent inability to recognize if she's actually hurting somebody, she is remarkably empathetic and caring, and guilty to a fault if someone gets hurt or upset by her paws, though more often than not she is late to realize her mistakes. As a feline quite sensitive to criticism and failure, it's not uncommon for her to frantically try to cheer up the cats she accidentally hurts or upsets for her own peace of mind, only to brood if she fails. (Will expand on this more through IC experiences!)
Backstory: Badgerpaw's had a quite normal and positive upbringing, being the youngest of a litter to two loving parents. If I choose to adopt out some siblings, might prompt some sibling rivalry of some sort. I'd be open to rocky mentorship relationships as well. Most notably, she is part of a tight-knit friend group, though she socializes with pretty much everyone around her. Perhaps amongst this friend group are some friends that she made in the nursery. Basically, this is very open depending on who the other apprentices are in this group, and whether or not I adopt out her immediate family - I would like to stick by the idea that she has had a very easy upbringing and has not known much angst in her life, so the guilt and angst from this plot will hit her especially hard!
Badgerpaw is accepted! Welcome to ThunderClan!
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Reactions: ixora
Adopt #: 3
Name: Palepaw (Palefire)
Relations: None currently, may adopt out her littermates eventually
Age: 10 moons
Gender: Female (She / Her)
Appearance: long-haired lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes reference
Personality: Feisty, charming, determined, endearing, bubbly, jealous, defensive, short-tempered, insecure, opinionated, loyal (her personality will mostly develop as I write her <3)
Backstory: Palepaw had a rather tumultuous start to life, with her father dying in a rogue attack before she was born and her mother passing away while giving birth to her. From then she was raised by other queens in the nursery and the clan as a whole, but the lack of true parental guidance has given her some unresolved intimacy issues. All her life she has struggled with making deep and lasting connections, for fear of having someone she loves taken fro her and being left all alone once again, the way her parents left her before she even had the chance to know them. This little friend group that she's become a part of has been the foundation of her early life, helping to heal emotional wounds that would otherwise feel insurmountable. She still struggles with being vulnerable and allowing anyone to get too close to her, but with the help of her friends she's trying to overcome that fear of loss. She has had an otherwise normal childhood, and is well on her way to becoming a strong and valuable warrior for Thunderclan.
Other: <3
  • Love
Reactions: badgerstripe
Adopt #: 3
Name: Palepaw (Palefire)
Relations: None currently, may adopt out her littermates eventually
Age: 10 moons
Gender: Female (She / Her)
Appearance: long-haired lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes reference
Personality: Feisty, charming, determined, endearing, bubbly, jealous, defensive, short-tempered, insecure, opinionated, loyal (her personality will mostly develop as I write her <3)
Backstory: Palepaw had a rather tumultuous start to life, with her father dying in a rogue attack before she was born and her mother passing away while giving birth to her. From then she was raised by other queens in the nursery and the clan as a whole, but the lack of true parental guidance has given her some unresolved intimacy issues. All her life she has struggled with making deep and lasting connections, for fear of having someone she loves taken fro her and being left all alone once again, the way her parents left her before she even had the chance to know them. This little friend group that she's become a part of has been the foundation of her early life, helping to heal emotional wounds that would otherwise feel insurmountable. She still struggles with being vulnerable and allowing anyone to get too close to her, but with the help of her friends she's trying to overcome that fear of loss. She has had an otherwise normal childhood, and is well on her way to becoming a strong and valuable warrior for Thunderclan.
Other: <3
  • Love
Reactions: limerence
Adopt #: 3
Name: Kestrelpaw
Relations: None yet, born to a pair of Thunderclan NPCs
Age: 9 moons
Gender: AMAB, he/him
Appearance: Chocolate lynx sepia with bright green-yellow eyes. Reference.
Personality: His personality will largely develop more through roleplay, but beginning traits will be that he is generally disciplined, confident, honest, neat, ambitious, obedient, sarcastic, abrasive, gloomy, irritable, and occasionally tactless.
Backstory: Although born to a pair of very loving Thunderclan parents, Kestrelpaw was the only kit of his litter to survive - making him essentially an only child. This led to him becoming very distant and aggressive, with no siblings for him to lean on or learn some proper social skills from. This is actually what led to him being dragged into the apprentice friend group, with the others noticing him often being alone and wanting to draw him out of his shell to varying levels of success. His parents probably encouraged this as well, wanting their son to get out there and interact with others his own age instead of just them and the warriors he admired.
Other: <3
  • Love
Reactions: badgerstripe
Adopt #: 3
Name: Kestrelpaw
Relations: None yet, born to a pair of Thunderclan NPCs
Age: 9 moons
Gender: AMAB, he/him
Appearance: Chocolate lynx sepia with bright green-yellow eyes. Reference.
Personality: His personality will largely develop more through roleplay, but beginning traits will be that he is generally disciplined, confident, honest, neat, ambitious, obedient, sarcastic, abrasive, gloomy, irritable, and occasionally tactless.
Backstory: Although born to a pair of very loving Thunderclan parents, Kestrelpaw was the only kit of his litter to survive - making him essentially an only child. This led to him becoming very distant and aggressive, with no siblings for him to lean on or learn some proper social skills from. This is actually what led to him being dragged into the apprentice friend group, with the others noticing him often being alone and wanting to draw him out of his shell to varying levels of success. His parents probably encouraged this as well, wanting their son to get out there and interact with others his own age instead of just them and the warriors he admired.
Other: <3
Adopt #: 5
Name: Owlstrike
Relations: Npc x npc, planning on adopting out her family
Age: 86 moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long haired chocolate smoke tortie with low white. reference (coughs in we talked about the eyes being a little too purple i haven't changed them yet but they're blue)
Personality: for one I want her to be strong willed and opposes howling. Not in the oh I think im better it's more so have you considered all aspects of the situation howling and she purposely looks for holes. If howling isn't addressing something she will ask why howling is avoiding the elephant in the room. By no means is she disloyal to thunderclan all she wants is the best for the clan. Even if that means most of the clan hates her or looks at her odd she presses on. I would like to note that any apprentices she would have had or those who look up to her would be immediately told that she has no intentions of taking the throne so to speak and she doesn't actually hate howling. So if they're already picking sides as in owl vs howling then they are idiots because thunderclan is the correct answer
Backstory: Owlstrike had been born and raised a kittypet. Her former name was Jo. She's spent much of her life as a kittypet but always wanted more than what the twolegs have given her. Any chance she gets she runs out and stays out. They had thought giving her another friend around the house would make her give up her free spirit, but while she did get along with another kittypet in the house her thirst for adventure could never be quenched. Eventually she left of her own regard and left behind everything. When she joined under Emberstar she had spent may moons as a loner, and one wouldn't know from looks alone that she had once been a kittypet. Her collar had been ripped off long before and she carried herself in a manner that deceived her origins. She was quick to accept wanting to find the life she desired in Thunderclan and thus far it has been more than she had ever dreamed of.
Other: Not sure if it's acceptable if she needed her collar when she first met Emberstar, but if that's needed I can quickly change it!​
Adopt #: 5
Name: Owlstrike
Relations: Npc x npc, planning on adopting out her family
Age: 86 moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long haired chocolate smoke tortie with low white. reference (coughs in we talked about the eyes being a little too purple i haven't changed them yet but they're blue)
Personality: for one I want her to be strong willed and opposes howling. Not in the oh I think im better it's more so have you considered all aspects of the situation howling and she purposely looks for holes. If howling isn't addressing something she will ask why howling is avoiding the elephant in the room. By no means is she disloyal to thunderclan all she wants is the best for the clan. Even if that means most of the clan hates her or looks at her odd she presses on. I would like to note that any apprentices she would have had or those who look up to her would be immediately told that she has no intentions of taking the throne so to speak and she doesn't actually hate howling. So if they're already picking sides as in owl vs howling then they are idiots because thunderclan is the correct answer
Backstory: Owlstrike had been born and raised a kittypet. Her former name was Jo. She's spent much of her life as a kittypet but always wanted more than what the twolegs have given her. Any chance she gets she runs out and stays out. They had thought giving her another friend around the house would make her give up her free spirit, but while she did get along with another kittypet in the house her thirst for adventure could never be quenched. Eventually she left of her own regard and left behind everything. When she joined under Emberstar she had spent may moons as a loner, and one wouldn't know from looks alone that she had once been a kittypet. Her collar had been ripped off long before and she carried herself in a manner that deceived her origins. She was quick to accept wanting to find the life she desired in Thunderclan and thus far it has been more than she had ever dreamed of.
Other: Not sure if it's acceptable if she needed her collar when she first met Emberstar, but if that's needed I can quickly change it!​
Just double checking you meant adopt 4 instead of 5!
Other than that, accepted! Just know she won’t be involved in the plot if the clan knows her as a former loner - she must have been a kittypet that joined the clan and everyone knows she’s a kittypet!
Just double checking you meant adopt 4 instead of 5!
Other than that, accepted! Just know she won’t be involved in the plot if the clan knows her as a former loner - she must have been a kittypet that joined the clan and everyone knows she’s a kittypet!
yep I meant 4 instead of 5! my bad blitz and thank you for letting me know. I'll change it so that she joined as a kittypet and everyone knows that she was. Thank you again Blitz and sorry for the confusion!
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Reactions: Blitz Krieg

Adopt #: 3
Name: smudgepaw
Relations: npc x npc (will likely adopt out family relations)
Age: 9 moons
Gender: male
Appearance: reference
Personality: frat boy / athlete stereotypical type personality. does hold seem belief that he is better than others.
Backstory: was born into thunderclan through npc parents. became very close with the apprentice friend group and may or may not have developed friends outside of this friend group.
Other: his personality may change once i start to rp him !! esp since i had no clue what to make his personally at the time of filling this out. once i know the allowed details of the plot i can edit his backstory to be more fitting (:


Adopt #: 3
Name: smudgepaw
Relations: npc x npc (will likely adopt out family relations)
Age: 9 moons
Gender: male
Appearance: reference
Personality: frat boy / athlete stereotypical type personality. does hold seem belief that he is better than others.
Backstory: was born into thunderclan through npc parents. became very close with the apprentice friend group and may or may not have developed friends outside of this friend group.
Other: his personality may change once i start to rp him !! esp since i had no clue what to make his personally at the time of filling this out. once i know the allowed details of the plot i can edit his backstory to be more fitting (:

Accepted! Any backstory/personality is fine for the plot and details won’t be revealed for a while so feel free to just play him however you like till then!

Adopt #: 4, backwritten kittypet
Name: leafhusk
leaf- for her brown fur, -husk for her proficiency in stealth
Relations: npc xx npc
Age: 36 moons (joined ~20s moons if my math is right)
Gender: cis woman -- she/her
Appearance: fluffy, long furred fawn point with green eyes. lanky and agile frame.
Personality: gentle + efficient + friendly -- practical / casual / misguided -- shrewd - cowardly - unthinking
- born kittypet
- owner passed away of old age, because they didn't have a next of kin she was left alone. instead of allowing herself be taken to a shelter, she flees and begins to live in the wild. she's horribly shit at it, but proves her strength in stealth b/c she was unable to get the bell collar off until tc.
- eventually joining up with emberstar as an 'in' for safety and shelter. uncomfortable adjustments to clan life b/c she's not used to so many expectations, but enjoys it nonetheless for community.
Other: hey hows it going​
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Adopt #: 4, backwritten kittypet
Name: leafshade
leaf- for her brown fur, -shade for her proficiency in stealth
Relations: npc xx npc
Age: 36 moons (joined ~20s moons if my math is right)
Gender: cis woman -- she/her
Appearance: fluffy, long furred fawn point with green eyes. lanky and agile frame.
Personality: gentle + efficient + friendly -- practical / casual / misguided -- shrewd - cowardly - unthinking
- born kittypet
- owner passed away of old age, because they didn't have a next of kin she was left alone. instead of allowing herself be taken to a shelter, she flees and begins to live in the wild. she's horribly shit at it, but proves her strength in stealth b/c she was unable to get the bell collar off until tc.
- eventually joining up with emberstar as an 'in' for safety and shelter. uncomfortable adjustments to clan life b/c she's not used to so many expectations, but enjoys it nonetheless for community.
Other: hey hows it going​
Accepted!! Welcome to ThunderClan!
(tiny insignificant note that she’ll be a fawn sepia if she has green eyes! Points have blue eyes!)
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Reactions: maxine
Adopt #: 4
Name: Sleetfur
Relations: npc x npc
Age: 41 moons
Gender: cis male - he/him
Appearance: longhaired blue point with blue eyes. small framed and petite.
Personality: his personality's going to be fine-tuned through posts but he's a pretty generically grumpy guy. very much a thunderclan supremacist despite his origins. likely a bit morally loose compared to others in the clan.
Backstory: born as a kittypet, bounced around a few homes due to aloof/standoffish nature, ended up as an indoor/outdoor cat. stumbled upon a thunderclan patrol while exploring and, in a rare moment of curiousity, started the process of joining thunderclan. ditched collar as soon as possible but had to grow out his fur from a tight trim so it was obvious for a while that he was an outsider.
Other: he may have had an embarrassing haircut when he joined TC,, lion cut
Adopt #: 4
Name: Sleetfur
Relations: npc x npc
Age: 41 moons
Gender: cis male - he/him
Appearance: longhaired blue point with blue eyes. small framed and petite.
Personality: his personality's going to be fine-tuned through posts but he's a pretty generically grumpy guy. very much a thunderclan supremacist despite his origins. likely a bit morally loose compared to others in the clan.
Backstory: born as a kittypet, bounced around a few homes due to aloof/standoffish nature, ended up as an indoor/outdoor cat. stumbled upon a thunderclan patrol while exploring and, in a rare moment of curiousity, started the process of joining thunderclan. ditched collar as soon as possible but had to grow out his fur from a tight trim so it was obvious for a while that he was an outsider.
Other: he may have had an embarrassing haircut when he joined TC,, lion cut
Adopt #: 1 & 4
Name: Seedspring
Relations: Foxkit's father, Maplepatch's mate
Age: 48 moons
Gender: Cismale
Appearance: Longhaired flame sepia with honey-gold eyes. Somewhat scarred from clanlife and a bit scruffy, has a few visible nicks on his face and legs. 12-ish inches at the shoulder, musclature-wise nearly indistinguishable from clanborn cats.
Personality: Serious, business-like, task-oriented. Socially-awkward due to his lack of exposure to other cats for most of his life. He's had to work for his standing in the clan, and he doesn't take kindly to having his social status threatened. He enjoys a routine and the quiet life. Hesitant to intervene in conflicts and others' business in general, will not stand up for others unless forced to. Competent or above average in most of the things he does, but has never really had his beliefs challenged in any meaningful way due to a life of complacency. He longs for the understanding he and the kittypet he lived together with had with each other. Maplepatch came close. He might've not understood his kittypet friend as well as he thinks. He knows he is not well loved, so he just tries his best to be useful.
Backstory: Born a kittypet, had a normal life until his house burned down and he ran away from his twolegs in a panic. Taken in by Emberstar one Leaf-bare ago. His relationship with Maplepatch was unexpected. She took an interest in the shy tomcat and was a light in his life, but when she told him she was expecting kits he cut everything off. He's never known his parents, and aside from Maplepatch and the other kittypet that lived with him in his house, he didn't know how he'd be expected to care for another. (He runs from most of his problems.) As long as he can physically provide for ThunderClan, everything is fine. Maplepatch's death quietly devastated him, but he tries his best not to express it.
Other: Aiming for 5 posts per month at first (this was really impulsive lol)! I'll let you guys know if I can't play him anymore, but if I do get him active I might adopt out the kittypet he lived with!
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Reactions: AVA
Adopt #: 1 & 4
Name: Seedspring
Relations: Foxkit's father, Maplepatch's mate
Age: 48 moons
Gender: Cismale
Appearance: Longhaired flame sepia with honey-gold eyes. Somewhat scarred from clanlife and a bit scruffy, has a few visible nicks on his face and legs. 12-ish inches at the shoulder, musclature-wise nearly indistinguishable from clanborn cats.
Personality: Serious, business-like, task-oriented. Socially-awkward due to his lack of exposure to other cats for most of his life. He's had to work for his standing in the clan, and he doesn't take kindly to having his social status threatened. He enjoys a routine and the quiet life. Hesitant to intervene in conflicts and others' business in general, will not stand up for others unless forced to. Competent or above average in most of the things he does, but has never really had his beliefs challenged in any meaningful way due to a life of complacency. He longs for the understanding he and the kittypet he lived together with had with each other. Maplepatch came close. He might've not understood his kittypet friend as well as he thinks. He knows he is not well loved, so he just tries his best to be useful.
Backstory: Born a kittypet, had a normal life until his house burned down and he ran away from his twolegs in a panic. Taken in by Emberstar one Leaf-bare ago. His relationship with Maplepatch was unexpected. She took an interest in the shy tomcat and was a light in his life, but when she told him she was expecting kits he cut everything off. He's never known his parents, and aside from Maplepatch and the other kittypet that lived with him in his house, he didn't know how he'd be expected to care for another. (He runs from most of his problems.) As long as he can physically provide for ThunderClan, everything is fine. Maplepatch's death quietly devastated him, but he tries his best not to express it.
Other: Aiming for 5 posts per month at first (this was really impulsive lol)! I'll let you guys know if I can't play him anymore, but if I do get him active I might adopt out the kittypet he lived with!
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Reactions: pikaihao
Adopt #: 3
Name: Lightpaw (Lightflower)
Relations: npc x npc (I don't know man I just got here lol)
Age: 10 moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: Lithe, relatively short, pale grey tabby. She has white paws and a white chest and chin as well. Her eyes tread a fine line between green and yellow.
Personality: Lightpaw is fairly gullible and easily influenced by her peers. She doesn't ever want to get left out so she tends to say yes to anything. Usually cheerful, though she does tend to also overthink about things she says and does. Just wants to be included.
Backstory: Growing up without any siblings, Lightpaw always thrust herself into other groups, whether they wanted her to or not. This has resulted in a few stinging rejections until her current friend group.
Other: She's a lil cutie
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