Jun 6, 2022

  • Blazestar x Bobbie
    a skyclan hpr tragedy litter

    This is a story about heartbreak.
    . . . . . .

    Blaise was a kittypet who wandered into the forest, lulled by the temptations of the wilderness and the crescent moon. There he met a feral she-cat by the name of Little Wolf, and, intrigued, Blaise bumbled into the wild and was rescued by a colony of felines headed by a tabby named Rain. Blaise joined Rain's ranks during a war between the colony living in the pine forest and a band of cats hungering for more territory in the marshes. After the Great Battle and Rain's untimely demise, Blaise claimed the pine forest for SkyClan and was granted his nine lives and the name Blazestar. Blazestar led SkyClan for many tumultuous moons, during which he became mates with the ThunderClan warrior, Little Wolf, and had two litters of half-Clan children. Blazestar lost his family after the untimely death of his daughter, Morningpaw, during a border skirmish between her two Clans, and he resolved to spend the rest of his life alone.

    Bobbie, too, began her story as a kittypet, smitten not with a feral cat, but with a Maine Coon in a neighboring nest named Duke. The two of them grew up together, childhood friends to passionate lovers. Duke's housefolk passed away, and he asked Bobbie to elope with him into the woods beyond their Twoleg nests. Bobbie, pregnant and full of dreams, followed her mate into the unknown. He defends her from the elements and ensures she's fed and taken care of—until he vanishes, leaving her to her own devices. Bobbie is hopelessly alone, ill-equipped for survival, and heavily pregnant, and it isn't long before a dog attempts to hunt her as prey. Injured and terrified, Bobbie is discovered by a SkyClan patrol, and despite her fears, she agrees to take shelter within their camp.

    And about healing.
    . . . . . .

    Blazestar and Bobbie kindle a slow and meaningful friendship. He visits her before the birth of her kits, and the two of them realize they have more in common than previously thought. Both are kittypet-born; both had allowed foolish dreams of romance to lure them into the wild; both had begun to slowly find their places within SkyClan. Blazestar and Bobbie are on a patrol that fights off a hungry hound, and while they recover, they grow closer under the tender leaves of the holly bush guarding the medicine cat's den.

    Not long after, yellowcough plagues the forest. SkyClan is not the only one of the five warrior Clans to suffer. Bobbie resolves to set off on the StarClan-ordained journey to bring the cure home from the mountains, and Blazestar bids her goodbye. While they are worlds apart, the two of them realize they've moved on from their past lives and found unexpected love in one another. When Bobbie returns from the journey, Blazestar greets her with relief and the two of them pledge the remainder of their lives to one another. Bobbie knows her mate's time is running out after he suffers a 'fox attack' near the ThunderClan border, but the two of them still have one good, long life to spend with one another—don't they?...

    It's not meant to be. Blazestar suffers one final death after an afternoon spent with Bobbie and the unborn kits, and Bobbie's world shatters at the paws of one of Sootstar's sons.
    • This is not first-come, first-serve. Applications will close on 03/03/2024. The birth will be 03/09/2024 so chosen roleplayers have time to get accounts set up.
    • Disabilities and birth defects are permitted, but must be thoroughly researched and played realistically. No genetic mutations.
    • There is no posting quota for this litter; however, we do expect at least a handful of posts per month. We reserve the right to rehome your slot after one month of inactivity.
    • Kits must stay in SkyClan until adulthood, after which they may leave if a plot calls for it.
    • Please stick to the names or themes on the naming lists! These kits will be named solely by Bobbie, but she and Blazestar will have discussed kit names before their births.
    • Please adhere to the genetics provided.
    • Numbers of slots are subject to change, but will likely remain at two.
    • There is no set form; please include all the basics.
    • Please include alternative names in case names are taken by other applicants. Please try not to use prefixes taken by current, actively played characters!
    • These kits will be raised by only one parent, Bobbie. Despite the tragic circumstances of their births, Bobbie will be raising these kits with love, so keep that in mind while plotting, please!

    slot one​

    slot two​
  • 71618958_aOlL0mFnbxgyLCO.png
    Sire: LH flame point Ragdoll (masking chocolate tabby; carrying solid, dilute)
    Dam: LH lilac tabby with low white & vitiligo (carrying cinnamon, solid, albino)
    — Toms can be chocolate, lilac, chocolate point, lilac point, chocolate tabby, lilac tabby, chocolate lynx point, or lilac lynx point
    — She-cats can be chocolate tortoiseshell, lilac tortoiseshell, chocolate tortoiseshell point, lilac tortoiseshell point, chocolate torbie, lilac torbie, chocolate torbie point, or lilac lynx point

    — kits will be longhaired
    — kits can have no white or low white
    — points will have blue eyes; non-points without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; non-points with white can have any realistic eye color
    — kits will be 50% Ragdoll and may show some breed traits
    — kits may or may not have vitiligo
    — points will carry albino; non-points will carry point; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabbies may or may not carry solid; kits may or may not carry cinnamon

    Blazestar is gen I | Bobbie is gen I | Kits will be gen II

    Kits will be half-siblings to: Fireflypaw, Burnstorm, Moonwhisper, Morningpaw, Howlfire, Skyclaw, Duskbird, Crowpaw, Lupinepaw, Drowsypaw
    Kits will be uncles/aunts to: Blazingpaw, Hawkpaw, Wolfpaw
  • kRRGX7k.png

    — Pinekit, Leafkit, Cedarkit, Sapkit, Nectarkit, Featherkit, Squirrelkit, Robinkit, Juncokit, Jaykit, Cloudkit, Martenkit (after SkyClan)
    — Lionkit, Lionesskit, Eaglekit (after Bobbie)
    — Rainkit (after Rain, his predecessor)
    — Rosekit, Flowerkit, Petalkit, Tulipkit (after Daisyflight)
    — Thornkit, Thistlekit, Bramblekit (after Thistleback)
    — Candorkit, Honorkit, Lovekit (traits he wants for them)
    — Sunrisekit, Heartkit (after Dawnglare)
    — Brindlekit, Swiftkit, Warmkit, Coldkit, Stripekit, Heavykit, Dappledkit, Spottedkit, Smallkit, Tallkit (simple descriptive names)
  • 69139508_1sAITfLOTccefSa.png
    — Pinekit, Cedarkit, Firkit, Sprucekit, Songkit, Cloudkit, Quailkit, Finchkit, Dovekit, Wrenkit (after SkyClan)
    — Blazekit, Wildfirekit, Glowkit, Firekit, Goldenkit (after Blazestar)
    — Lionkit, Hollykit (aspects of their relationship)
    — Softkit, Swankit, Flowerkit, Petalkit, Bloomkit (after Yukio)
    — Featherkit, Birdkit (after Sparrowsong)
    — Rainkit, Stormkit (after Drizzlepelt)
    — Russetkit, Amberkit, Tawnykit (after Orangeblossom)
    — Sunsetkit, Twilightkit (after Duskpool)
    — Mountainkit, Cliffkit, Peak-kit (after the journey)
    — Sweetkit, Faithkit, Dreamkit, Hopekit, Heartkit (traits she wants for them)
    — Lynxkit, Deerkit, Tigerkit, Elk-kit, Stagkit, Cougarkit, Peregrinekit, Eaglekit (strength/survival names)
    — Lilackit, Lavenderkit, Lilykit, Ivykit, Wisteriakit, Asterkit, Mistkit, Milk-kit, Lambkit, Rosemarykit, Sagekit (soft names)
    — Patchkit, Specklekit, Brownkit, Smallkit, Fuzzykit, Purrkit, Dappledkit, Quietkit, Tinykit, Mottle/dkit, etc. (literal names)
  • Love
Reactions: wolfie
wip !!



Expand upon it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.

Growing up without her father will cause Nectarkit to have a varying personality from the other kits within Skyclan's nursery. While growing up in a happy and supportive family, she will be jealous and frustrated in her younger years and she struggles to accept that her father is gone. Her personality will be firey and electric, and she will likely become labeled as a bully. While not fully intending to act this way, nor will she mean to act in this manner. Struggling with the consequences of her actions, at some point in her apprenticeship she will have a heart-to-heart (with a mentor or Bobbie) and realize that she needs to change to be a "prettier" face within the clan. By the time she becomes a warrior she will still have a firey and electric personality, however, she will be kinder and more open to others.

Note: Personality may change as she develops, but I do intend on having acceptance of her father's absence/death play a role in how she matures/her overall personality.
  • Alternative Prefixes: Leaf, Rain, Wren, Sage, Cougar
  • Voiceclaim: Zira (TLK2)
  • Notes
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alternative names: firekit, amberkit, pinekit, russetkit, cedarkit, etc

LH chocolate tabby
a long-haired dark chocolate tabby with with russet tones that especially shine through in the sunlight. she originally was born very small, almost strangely so, and then as an apprentice, she becomes bigger all of the sudden and struggles with how much space she's suddenly taking up. he has bright, wide green eyes.

kit or not, he is born with not only his father's legacy on his shoulders, but the heavy weight of grief. witnessing the fond but sad bittersweet looks of clanmates when they speak of her father is strange; he has love for him, certainly. he loves his parents and siblings very dearly. how could he not? but his father drifts in his mind mostly as smiling, kind-eyed, but otherwise imprecise figure; the imagined visage of someone who could and would be proud of her, who would smile at him when he did well and put his paws back on the proper path when he strayed, but that she cannot name the details of. one that she has not seen, and moves through life knowing only the ghost of.

but in his voice, in the way she carries herself, in those bright blue eyes -- though she cannot recognize it herself, pieces of her father remain.

as a kit, she is happy, of course, and loved by bobbie, and she is loved by her, too. though he is also quite perceptive, and looks and mentions by clanmates about his father do not go unnoticed. she begins her life wishing desperately that she could have known him, and watches the stars carefully, trying to make some sort of connection with starclan, reaching her paws upward hoping that someday she would be able to reach them. that if she were loyal enough to starclan, maybe, just maybe, they would show her a sign. but the stars do not get any closer to the earth, and he is left to figure things out for himself.

despite his love for a father he never had met, as a young cat, part of him feels rejected by the lack of response, and it begins to turn outward. he spends a bit more time on his own, and more time trying to prove himself -- not as a leader's son, or as a lead warrior's son, but as himself. it isn't that he doesn't want to be associated with his parents, of course, but he feels the need to show that she is more than her parentage. this is more or less fueled by the loss; eventually, as an adult warrior they begin to overcome this feeling and truly grow into their own, though the desire to know never goes away.

in terms of his relationship with bobbie, he clings to her in his kithood. the lack of a second parent is hardly noticeable at first because he's simply too young to know the difference, but as it becomes more apparent, she wants to be very close to the parent that she does have. wherever bobbie goes, he wants to follow, and he's very reluctant to tail his siblings around over her, preferring to stay in the nursery instead. as he matures into an apprentice, and bobbie becomes more distant from her kits, watching them grow up from the sidelines, the distance grows further, because it's growing on both ends. his feelings about blazestar, and starclan, and mortality itself, even, push him away from other cats, and he instead pushes that energy into trying to prove himself. it's hard to say exactly who he wants to show his worth to, or what he's striving to be worthy of -- himself? his clan? his parents? it's hard to say whether he actually knows the answer to that on the outside, but internally, he simultaneously wants to prove his worth to all three of the above. with the distance, he becomes almost a bit cold, and liable to be snippy with others. like his mother, he becomes a bit emotionally distant alongside the physical distance, cares greatly about skyclan and pushes his energy towards being the best (future) warrior that he can, and also like her, never stops moving, always moving forward. this attitude continues into warrior-hood, though my general idea for a natural character arc would be that he eventually grows out of needing to prove himself and becomes more comfortable with the way that things are, though it never entirely goes away, and he remains emotionally distant, or at least lacks emotional intelligence. i think it would be an interesting take if he ends up flipping around to being just a little aggravated with or resentful of the way blazestar looms over him (not deeply, just surface-level; he still loves his father very much) and re-becomes attached to bobbie even if he doesn't really show it. his mother means the world to him. after all, she was the one there to raise her.

  • my original notes below + some extras i'm just leaving them there in case it gets the points across better
  • strong desire to learn who her father really actually was because he kind of exists as this nebulous looming figure over his head and it's kind of frustrating. it's frustrating to hear all of these stories and all of this sadness and get remarks about the ways in which you're like someone that you never met and never will in life. he absolutely loves blazestar of course but it's very hard to deal with the pain of never knowing
  • woah.. maybe something about wanting to grow past beyond being The Leader's Child and at one point being kind of resentful of it. it's all coming together. this gets funny/interesting if he gets to be named blazekit
  • my initial note was quick idea: if her father is in starclan starclan must be awesome and always true and right and awesome. maybe ill still use this who knows. maybe he's devoted to starclan extra in hopes that it means that their father is watching them and that they might somehow see him sometime —> i think this is it at first and then her belief in starclan kind of fractures due to lack of response before he really starts to understand
  • uhhh general personality if i go for the second note there it probably hits its peak during apprenticehood but i think the natural arc will lead to more of acceptance towards it as they become a warrior and grow up. or maybe not. who knows. but they probably never truly get over it
  • maybe is particularly attached to bobbie for a bit due to everything w their father but grows more distant as she does and as he comes into his own
  • stuff is subject to change based on chara development

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track omg


Glowkit | Glowpaw | Glow___
alternative names: Deerkit, Twilightkit, Peregrinekit

Male [amab] | he/him

romantic unknown | sexual unknown | other

LH Chocolate Point; carrying albino | ref
Glowkit is a big guy. He is healthy and strong with long fur, accented with chocolate face, legs, tail and ears. He has broad shoulders. (for a kit at least) His coat is soft, though usually a bit tangled. He will likely grow to be a formidable cat, whether he decides to use that is another story. His eyes are round and a lovely shade of blue that's reminiscent of the sky.
accessories: none
smells of: warmth and earth

Optimistic | Shy | Flighty | Anxious | Sensitive
Glowkit is a gentle giant in every sense of the word. He wants nothing more than to disappear into the crowd. Being the center of attention is just about his worst nightmare. This shows through his anxiety and flighty-ness. He wants to disappear, and so he does sometimes. He will frequently have to be searched for in camp or outside dependent on his age and how far he's allowed to go. He's not exactly the most outgoing cat either, and has a hard time opening up to others. He is quite self critical and takes even the most off-handed comment personally and seriously.

More positively, he is a warm and caring cat. He is attuned to others emotions through his own over-analyzing of himself, and tries his best to do the right thing for others. He is optimistic in his outlook on life despite his anxiety. He's the type of cat to overuse phrases such as "look for the silver lining," or "on the bright side."

Blazestar x Bobbie | gen 02
sibling to: Fireflypaw, Burnstorm, Moonwhisper, Morningpaw, Howlfire, Skyclaw, Duskbird, Crowpaw, Lupinepaw, Drowsypaw
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Fighting my demons while I track w/ Love & Golden

Goldenkit / Lovekit
AFAB | She/her
Regal, eloquent, ambitious, cunning, manipulative, persuasive, charming, self-assured, envious, quick to anger, spiteful
LH Lilac torbie / choco tortoiseshell w/ low white, yellow eyes. Carries solid, cinnamon.
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if tomorrow brings new hope . . .
. . . i hope it brings y o u

a child is born in spite of the circumstances surrounding her. starlight shines on her, unyielding - for in the face of strife and adversity, she is here. she has arrived regardless of consequence, regardless of the flame extinguished beyond her. she is here, and for now, that is enough.

name to be decided; no immediate preference, would love to be surprised! | pinterest board

she/her | skyclan born and raised, lingering kitty-pet blood | half sibling to many
lh lilac tortie point w/ low white. carries albino. may or may not carry solid, cinnamon. vitiligo status unknown. 50% ragdoll, 50% moggy.
↳ life begets to the child with the gentle winds of spring. freshly sprung forth from her lilac tabby mother comes a child bearing similar coloration, however fainter, dimmer. it is as if she's lost the purpose of being so closely intertwined to bobbie and instead diverted to her own confusing path. her pink nose twitches and her round, round eyes pinch close at first - as her first breaths tear through her body painfully, she looks wholly and entirely like her own being, only trimmed at the edges with influence of her parents.
weeks bloom tanner and tanner edgepoints, swooping tabby markings clambering in just the same. her arms can be properly lost in that of bobbie's, now - if not for the cream that swaths her in unpredictable bouts of chaos. it is limited, not mottled, and one would say that perhaps blazestar himself placed a kiss upon the bridge of her nose, burning the blaze of cream-and-white central on her face. she is entirely herself whilst grabbing and holding tight to pieces of each of her parents.
posturely, she learns to stand with a lean, poised to slink behind someone larger, more imposing and more protective than she. her mother shows her love and affection yet all the same, her willingness to allow the world early access to carve fear and uncertainty into her kits stress this little one into wishing to appear smaller, insignificant. unfortunately, with a build like her father's and soft, fleece like fur to boot, the child has no chance in hiding and must stand, shivering, and scared.

perceptive, devoted, timid, dependent, insecure, possessive.
↳ the remains of bobbie's innocence bleeds from the veins of this youth. whilst the world remains uncovered for her to experience, she cherishes the little things - the bees that land on petals and the clouds shaped like rabbits. she finds herself quieted by the constant noise around her, opting to keep to herself and simply observe. she's learned from a young age simply by the tragedy that welcomes her fatherless, that the world will shift and change beyond her paws; if all she can do is watch, then she will watch it well.
empathetic and tactful, cats will often gravitate towards her as she grows purely because she feels good to be around. she listens well and is always eager to offer advice, even on topics she may know too-little about. fitting in is not her goal in her youth, but doing so sits just right in her gut that once she has the feeling of being needed, she struggles to let it go. as much as her companions seek her out for a second opinion, she searches for trouble in their circumstances - just so that she may chance it in correcting it, and in some way, being a hero.
the nature of roleplay is, frankly put, chaotic. the effective bullet points above are how i plan on starting and further developing this child, however roleplay and skyclan in action may morph her to be different! all the same i do not intend to throw her into a meat grinder and will run any potentially personality shifting plots by the family first.

though born fatherless, her mother picks a name as if it is gifted by him; they are each of his memory, and his continuous love and laughter lives on in her beating heart. it is only right that she be named something he would dream of. she holds fast to this moniker, for it is all she has of her father - but having it means the world.

↳ ideally her name is chosen by bobbie in some sort of ode to blazestar. be it a name he’s suggested or one that reminds her of him, this child will take her name as a prominent gift to be proud of. though not one to become aggressive nor vindictive, her name is all she truly has of blazestar that is all her own - unshared by siblings or bobbie. she is incredibly possessive of it.

she breathes because others breathe. she bleeds because others bleed. she follows because being the leader is too terrifying but being alone scares her more. while not a troublemaker by heart, this child may end up in troublesome situations if she befriends the wrong souls.

↳ due to being perhaps overly friendly and striving for a continued sense of innocence, even as she ages, this child may find herself alongside an unlikely crowd. they feed off of her encouraging yet shy energy, perhaps even grow bold due to her position as a lead warrior's child (she'll get them out of consequence, right?) and because she's usually the problem solver, not the one creating problems - she ultimately struggles with climbing out of the hole she's dug.
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(alt names: dove, golden, glow)

Blaze up like the sun
White flames in my blood
Heart ablaze, stay stunned
Taking aim on the run


She/Her | AFAB


carrying albino and cinnamon

When first born, the kit is nothing but a fragile bundle of ivory. As the weeks pass, her paws, face, and tail will gain color, mottled with her mother’s lilac fur and her late father’s cream. These colors only become darker and more prominent as she grows, except for white speckles across her nose and cheeks reminiscent of freckles. At first, she is easily perceived as a runty thing, and almost vaguely seems to lack anything from her father except for his coat. This, is, of course, disproven later as she has the teensiest of growth spurts, and becomes a walking cloud on broad paws. Even in adulthood, she’ll barely grow any bigger than her mother and only appear that way due to her fur. Truly, the rainy seasons of the world will prove that she is about Bobbie’s size with Blazestar’s build underneath her fluffy mound of a coat. Throughout her life, she’ll carry baby blue eyes, that even beyond kithood, are always bright and gleaming as the girl wears her positivity on her coat like leaves. In the warmer seasons, she’ll enjoy tangling flowers and sweet-smelling herbs in her coat.

  • In Skyclan, born to Bobbie and the former Skyclan leader, is a child of tinkling giggles who loves to chase stories and dreams as if they were butterflies in new leaf, and considers them her purpose to pursue. She cares deeply and loves fully, wishing for happiness for her family, her clan, and herself. However, underneath those childhood whims, is a girl with a spark of a flame, ready to turn into an inferno



    CON ●●●●●●○○○○

    DEX ●●●●●●●●○○

    INT ●●●●●○○○○○

    WIS ●●●●○○○○○○

    CHA ●●●●●●●○○○

    In her early youth, Firekit is a bright and outspoken child. Her youth is filled with stories of both grandeur and tragedy, enough to get her mind rolling as she perceives the world around her. Her mother’s words and behaviors are practically considered a guiding law for how she develops. Even in her youth, learning of her family, she already forms a very permanent loyalty to them, despite not meeting any of them for a decent time until after her apprenticeship. She is passionate about her beliefs formed from stories, which also has made her form an undying stubbornness about the stories she’s been told and considers them her truth. She is immensely devoted to her family and lineage and will likely react with quite a hissy fit tantrum if you try to deny her curiosities about it. When it comes to direct interactions with her family, Firekit still maintains a childlike naivety, believing their words as full truth as she tries to form bonds with the family that resides in Skyclan, often following them around like a duckling and pestering them with childish questions.

    NOTES: Her personality & plots will be a very ‘play by the ear’ development style. For the most part, this is a base guide concept, since I would like for some of her traits to develop through ic interactions completely ♡

  • HONEY-THICK BLOOD: Blessed with a large family from birth, this child will consider her family her entire world. More than anything, she wants to bond with them, even if for most, such attempts wouldn’t be appreciated. She tries continuously to please them, to try and have her family consistent within her life. She is immensely loyal to her family, and would willingly risk getting in trouble if it means that her half-siblings could show her even a glimpse of love that she shows them from afar.

    BONDED TWINS: Even if not identical, her littermate is her other half. Even amidst her seeking love and approval from her half-siblings, at the end of the day, her littermate will always be there in her eyes. And she’d easily do anything to keep her sibling by her side. In youth, she’d more than likely be attached to the hip of her littermate, and could easily be considered a ride or die. More than anything, her littermate is often the recipient of all her secrets and private thoughts, and she willingly receives the same with a notable gusto, and would never break her sibling’s trust. Through everything, they have each other, and that’s what she wishes.

    STARLIGHT DEVOTION: From youth, most of her knowledge from her father will be stories and told that he resides in Starclan. This would have her form an unusual fascination with Starclan easily in her young life. She makes it clear that this interest is because of the late Blazestar, a father she would never get to meet. This also leads to her likely purposely trying to spend time around the medicine cats of Skyclan (with an additional bonus of one of her siblings being one), to try and understand their communication with those who reside in the stars.

    CHASING FAIRYTALES: She lives a kithood full of stories, from her father’s greatness to the love story between her parents. In youth, this gives her an idealistic perception of love and romance, one she wishes for herself. While an undiscovered demi-romantic, she’ll easily misinterpret friendly gestures from those her age as something more, and begin to, at least what she perceives, as easily, and frequently formed crushes. This may even lead to crushes on cats from other clans, though those will likely diminish much swifter than the crushes she may form within Skyclan. It will likely end with heartbreak, majority-wise on her end, as her crushes will likely not be requited. She, for most of her apprenticeship and early warriorhood, would be in love with the idea of falling in love. Depending on how interactions may lead, she may never have this realization or have it entirely too late for her poor heart.




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(alt names: eagle, honor, blaze, thorn, thistle, bramble, elk, stag, fire)



carrying albino, dilute, cinnamon

Lionkit takes after Blazestar, possessing locks of silky, white fur that make up a majority of his pelt color. Swaths of chocolate and streaks of red decorate his face, legs, and the entirety of his tail. Darker stripes cascade down his limbs and draw inward from his head. Eyes of azure settle against his multi-colored visage, undoubtedly the most eye-catching feature about him. A child of the pines, Lionkit will heavily smell of fresh needles and eventually the sandy ground of the training ravine. Humble and reserved, Lionkit has a polite and leveled manner of speaking, not tending to raise it unnecessarily. Lionkit will learn to carry himself with a confident swagger, though not to be confused with an overbearing arrogance.

    A child who will feel the pressure of an imaginary crown weighing upon his head from the very beginning, as tales regaling his blood swarm the nursery. His eyes shine like stars whenever he hears his father's name, the man he never got to meet but admires deeply and wishes to make proud. The goal of being the best warrior in the forest is a hefty one, so heavy upon his shoulders that he may start to buckle. His soft-spoken and well-meaning demeanor serves as a counterbalance to the tenacity and muscle he will force upon himself. A boy so fixated on bringing honor to his family that he struggles to know who he is and what he wants out of life.
    The pressure to live up to expectations set by a man far greater than you could ever hope to be is daunting. It is not as if anyone has particularly forced it upon Lionkit; his father is no longer in power and Bobbie does not force any particular destiny upon him. However, Lionkit knows the influence and importance that Blazestar's name still holds in SkyClan as well as the entire forest; tales regaling his late father's name swarm the nursery from the beginning, a great admiration for the man he never got to meet driving him to be the best warrior he can be.

    Soft-spoken and kind to his core, Lionkit is not the type to step out of line or stir any trouble. He is a golden boy through and through, and although humble, secretly prides himself on the fact. Being second-best is not ideal for Lionkit. He needs to be the cat that everyone is expecting him to be. However, Lionkit will never resort to putting his peers down or showboating in order to excel. He believes that putting in honest, hard work will lead him to success.

    Lionkit will eventually find his "roar" and push himself to be an exceptional fighter, eventually too hard for his own good. With Bobbie being his only living parent, he dedicates his life to her and will do almost anything to protect her, especially because of her self-sacrificing tendencies. Lionkit's strong moral compass will guide him to do what he deems is "right", but inner conflict may arise when his clanmates directly clash with his own value system. There are expectations for his clanmates to always choose the right path and Lionkit will fight for them to take it. Although not necessarily closed-minded, he is naive when it comes to seeing situations from perspectives outside of his own. The way that he has been raised is right—has to be right—and for someone to break his "rules" is utterly baffling to him.

    Depending on how Bobbie receives his attempts at emotional consolation and connection, he may or may not learn that bottling his emotions and working through his issues independently is more convenient and isn't a bother to anyone. Lionkit needs to be strong for everyone else, especially his mother — there is no room for him to cry and show vulnerability. This could lead to Lionkit being very emotionally repressed and dismissive of his own mental health.
  • all of these plots are subject to change based on ic events and development!

    MAMA'S BOY: Will grow to be super protective over Bobbie. She is the only parent that Lionkit has and doesn't want to lose her. As much as he will respect her need for space and independence when it is time for him to depart the nursery, he is still constantly glancing over his shoulder to make sure that she is alright and taking care of herself. Will stubbornly insist on helping Bobbie even if she says otherwise. Craves a deeper connection from her, sometimes pressing her to go into more detail than she's comfortable with, but will respect her boundaries and learn not to test them if she shuts him down. Lionkit will never replace Blazestar, but he is damn determined to embody the late leader as much as possible so that Bobbie can be happy.

    FAMILY MAN: Lionkit's family is important to him! He will be his littermate's wingman whether they want him to be or not, and he will seek connection with his older half-siblings despite the age gaps. He cannot help but feel hurt and take it personally when some of his siblings (i.e. Crowpaw, probably the ThunderClan fam) act coldly toward him because he genuinely wants to know them and have a relationship.

    SON OF A LEGEND: Lionkit's biggest admiration and motivation for being a warrior ( besides Bobbie ) is his late father, who he has only heard stories about. He visits Blazestar's grave quite often seeking guidance and any connection to him, though is often met with silence. This is difficult to accept as Lionkit struggles with insecurities and conflicts in his life, though he hopes that if he continues keeping his faith in StarClan and serving SkyClan one day he will get the opportunity to commune with Blazestar. Blazestar is often referred to as a moral guidance point for Lionkit as he tries to embody his father in every way possible, though perhaps he tries too hard as he resists forming an identity outside of being his son.

    MY NAME IS INIGO MONTOYA: Although Lionkit is not born knowing the bloodstained reign of Sootstar or her followers, he still undoubtedly learns of a WindClan rogue being Blazestar's killer. A deep-rooted wariness and suspicion toward WindClan is embedded within Lionkit. SkyClan does not share a border with WindClan, either, so the clan remains an enigma of sorts as his interactions with them are limited to gatherings. It is there that Lionkit meets a WindClanner around his age, though a rivalry quickly ignites as they make fun of SkyClan ( and possibly him if the knowledge of him being Blazestar's son is public ).

    HELLO, DARLIN': I am a sucker for romance plots of course, so I would love for Lionkit to develop a crush! Childhood friends to adulthood mates would be cute, perhaps with some bumps and angst in between as Lionkit grapples with his identity and focuses his attention on warrior training. He may end up pushing them away in the process. I would also consider a plot of Lionkit falling for a kittypet and convincing them to be a daylight warrior in SkyClan.

    OVERCOMING ADVERSITY: Lionkit, still somewhat a young warrior, is at his physical peak and is enjoying serving SkyClan. Being a warrior is what he's always wanted... that is until a major injury hinders him from his duties for a while as he recovers. It turns out that his injury won't fully heal and a crisis ensues, as Lionkit fears that this will prevent him from performing the same again. Perhaps he talks to other cats with life-changing injuries, such as Orangestar, Figfeather, or his half-brother Fireflypaw to help reassure him. It would be a long and difficult road to recovery, but eventually Lionkit would make peace with his new reality and be the best warrior he could be.

  • pinterest board / playlist

    associations: gold leaf, bloody wrapped knuckles, a black eye, tones of dark brown and warm amber, dirty sneakers, small bandaids, sunlight peaking through curtains, blue eyes
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(may be chosen ICly; see notes tab)



LH chocolate tortie / chocolate chimera w/ low white. carrying

Hollykit stands out among her family immediately. She is small, like her mother, amidst a sea of Ragdoll and Maine Coone blood. Not frail, though; the kit is well-built and sturdy, with a stout and plush-furred body. His legs are short, bringing him low to the ground on a base of broad paws. A round face gives him a perpetually kittish look. His father's pedigree is not absent, however; it shows clearly in the ruff of fur around Hollykit's neck, a flaring mane like the lions of legend.

The smallest child of the late leader does not quite carry his colors nor his mate's. Instead, Hollykit has a palette molded of clay. Ruddy reds rest amid marbled mud, draping the child in gentle earthen-tones. A brown too muddy to be Bobbie's, a red too rusted to be Blazestar's. Yet similar, so similar. Similar in the marbling parody of stripes that drape themself across her flank, in the sea of pale that frames her face like a Ragdoll's point. An imitation that has become something new entirely. Crafted from clay and forged in fire, an earthen creature reaching for the light of the sun.

If Hollykit's body is taken the earth, then his eyes are from the treetops above. A gentle sky blue slowly fades into a mirror of his mother's eyes, a deep and verdant green. Wide and almond shaped, they glitter with a keen intelligence. An evergreen brightness bringing light, a herald of the newleaf to come.


    Hollykit is a child woven from the words of a fairytale, all sunwarmed brightness and simple conviction. He sees a word gilded in gold, make-believe daydreams painting all the mundanity of life in vivid color. A child who turns his face away from the coldness of the world, unwilling to dwell in the sadness that followed his father's death. A child out of time in many ways; too naive and hopeful for the tragedy that preceded him, and yet carrying a knowing glint behind his eyes as though a spirit far too old lurks beneath the willful ignorance.


    — Perhaps the most unique feature of Hollykit's psyche is his obsession with stories. Grand, heroic adventures, straight from the mouths of queens and elders. It's the way in which he understands and processes the world around him, something he latches onto at a young age. Even when he knows little else, he always has his mother's words telling him of Blazestar and LionClan; and he can't quite differentiate between the two, between tragedy and myth, reality and fiction.

    — Hollykit's favorite stories are the ones with a happy ending. It seems the kit has a boundless optimism, one quite easy to maintain when he simply doesn't process anything that could hurt him. There's a detachment between Hollykit and the world around her, retreating from the harshness of reality into her own perfect fantasy. Everything becomes a simple story of good triumphing over evil. The loss of his father makes him nothing more than a fairy tale, the grief his mother carries is merely a problem for the heroes to solve. Everything is filtered through rose tinted glasses, with the unwavering belief that it'll all work out okay in the end. And if it doesn't... Well, Hollykit won't let herself think about that.

    — Hollykit, as one might expect, has a vivid imagination. His thoughts come to him clearly in pictures and narration, as if a storybook is unfolding within his own head. They flow quickly through associations, a web of connecting images and words, at times hard to explain to others. He feels things deeply, vividly, seeing an array of colors at every sound -- as well as his own emotions. Hollykit's synaesthesia helps shape his view of the world around him, though he often does not have the right words to explain it.

    — Despite his strong belief in good and evil, Hollykit's morals tend to be... loose. He is easily influenced, often relying on others to make decisions for him. Tell him what's right, tell him what's wrong, and he will do it. He can slot anything into his fantastical, shifting worldview -- he just needs the direction. He scarcely exists as himself at times, instead finding solace in others actions, guiding his life by idealized figures and out-of-reach fables. He wants to do good, of course. He just needs to be shown how first.

    — If you ask Hollykit how she's feeling, he probably wouldn't be able to tell you. He finds himself disconnected from his own emotions, so entirely resistant to facing reality that he has entirely stepped away from himself, becoming no more than the characters in his stories. He's happy, he'll usually say, because isn't that how he's supposed to be? He often can't recognize when he's feeling negative emotions, and when he does, will deliberately ignore them. He's a strong kit, and strong kits don't feel sad. Or angry. Or lonely. Or anything bad at all.

    — Hollykit is a late bloomer, a quiet and distant kit at first. He often seems timid, sticking by his mother's side and and listening to stories all day. He does not speak often -- he doesn't see the need to. He is a listener first, but this will change in time.

    — Where Hollykit's personality will truly start to shine is in play. Once he can be dragged out of the nursery for a game of make-believe, he'll want to live in that world forever. Hollykit seems to transform when she is playing, from an aloof observer to a grand hero. It is almost as though she is most herself when pretending to be someone else. He often takes games too far, forgetting that they are just pretend; calling other kits by their make-believe games, holding grudges against "rival leaders", even injuring other kits in pretend battle.

    — Late into his kithood, Hollykit will gain a bit of a reputation as a mischief maker. She treats games as reality and reality as a game, causing trouble in her quest for adventure. Sneaking out of camp, biting tails... She will be a restless cat, but easily satisfied sitting her down for story time. She'll begin to pester older cats for stories and games, asking them questions like "Does the sun ever get lonely?" or "What if all the birds make their own clan and attack us?" with grave sincerity.

    — Where Hollykit goes from kithood is very dependent on her mentor. She will need someone to give her direction, to hone her restless longing for heroism into something actionable. She will idolize her mentor no matter what, and what they want from her will establish what she values. She will train hard to become the warrior her mentor wants her to be, for better or worse.

    ⤷ Everything is subject to change based on IC development! I'd like to use this as a framework for building his character rather than a set in stone guide.​

    • often speaks in metaphor, very flowery and nonliteral
    • simplistic and strange as a child, grows more poetic as he ages
    • idiosyncratic speech; often omits key details and leaves metaphors unexplained
    • often phrases statements as questions, especially when young
    • occasionally speaks in third person
    • calls others by nicknames or "titles" he grants them


    — Hollykit struggles to see her father as a real cat, struggles to understand him without ever meeting him. He exists to her a concept, an ideal, a secondhand memory pieced together from scraps of bittersweet stories. Hazy, flawless, and utterly unreachable. A bright, shining paragon of all that is right and good. She will seek out stories of him from clanmates, and in her youth even pester Bobbie to elaborate on his death, unable to comprehend the weight of it.

    — The golden star that Bobbie points out to her kits will become synonymous with Blazestar in Hollykit's mind. She will speak to it at night, tell stories of her adventures so he doesn't feel left out. She is convinced that her father is not gone, but always watching; it is easy to imagine him at her back, whispering in her ear and guiding her pawsteps.

    — Hollykit will idolize his mother nearly as much as his father, clinging to her side in kithood. He will likely pick up several habits and beliefs from her; he is a perceptive child, but not very aware of it. He loves her, craves her affection, and is unable to understand the hurt she carries.

    — He will not react well to Bobbie distancing herself. Unable to pick up on her coldness in kithood, it will be all too jarring once he's apprenticed. Why? He will ask himself again and again. What did he do to make his mother stop loving him? And more importantly, what can he do to fix it?

    — Hollykit will likely find the most immediate connection with their siblings on their mother's side, bound by a kin they both hold close rather than a figure he never knew. He will cling to Lupinepaw and Drowsypaw for affection just as he does his mother. To the former he will give a starry-eyed admiration for her kindness, the latter a brave-faced brightness to assuage the fears he will pick up on very early on.

    — Hollykit loves all his siblings, but not all of his siblings love him back. No matter, of course. He will dedicate himself to winning over the affection of those who would rather avoid him. Pestering Crowpaw, picture of the annoying little sibling. And later, seeking connection to his siblings across the border, whether they like it or not. He simply can't understand how anyone could hate him -- so it must be a mistake, right? He can fix it.

    — There are more of Blazestar's kin within SkyClan's border as well, and they will be met with starry eyes. Questioning them about what their father was like, following them around like a lost puppy. The simple connection to Hollykit's hero makes his half-siblings and cousins(????) all the more exciting to meet, and makes him feel very much at home in SkyClan.

    — Hollykit spins her whole life into a story, and her narration will shift to reflect this. From the start there will be a fantastical bent, but it may grow more or less grandiose based on her experiences, as well as shifting her perceptions of characters and events based on her beliefs. She is an unreliable narrator through and through.

    — In her youth, she will constantly seek out stories from other cats. I'd love to have threads with different clanmates where she pesters them to tell her a story, and keep track of what she knows OOC! While she will be focused on listening and gathering stories as a kit, she will occasionally tell her own borderline nonsensical tales. As she grows older, her voice will grow more confident and sophisticated. She will likely be a favorite of the Clan's kits, known for her poetic and fantastical stories.

    — Hollykit, due to her mother's influence, will grow to be incredibly devoted to SkyClan, viewing them as a force of unequivocal good. She turns her nose up at the other clans' tendency to turn away joiners, seeing them as cold and ignoble. Most of all though, she hates WindClan; the imagined villains of her story who robbed her of a father. Her early encounters with the other clan will certainly not be friendly, but whether she can learn to see them as equal or not will depend on who exactly she meets.

    — Hollykit will also dedicate herself to the things that make SkyClan unique. She will focus very hard on climbing, taking pride in her skill or working to overcome her lack of it (talent will be determined by rolls). She will also have a fondness for birds, eventually choosing to wear hawk feathers in her tail as a display of this.
    ⤷ I'd like for her to receive them IC!! Maybe someone gives them to her, maybe she finds them, maybe she fights a hawk (or survives an attack) and takes them as a trophy. Who knows!!​

    — Hollykit will pine for of a picture-perfect storybook romance from a young age; love at first sight, swept off her feet, etc. Though her parents had their own failed romances, she's convinced that she will be different and will seek her "true love" all throughout her life.

    — I'd like for her to have a whirlwind teen romance during apprenticehood, possibly crossclan. Fast-paced, overly sappy, and never meant to last. Either her partner will break it off or (if crossclan) they'll be forced apart when their families/clan find out. She'll be heartbroken in the wake of this, convinced she will never love again (something she will find, in time, to not be true).

    — Maybe a kithood/young appreticehood friend could also have a crush which she will be oblivious to... With the friend having to watch in bitter jealousy as she falls for another cat. For the DRAMA. This could lead to Hollykit eventually realizing that her "true love" has been right in front of her all along - but maybe too late.

    — Hollykit sees herself as immune to danger, not grasping the weight of her own actions. She seeks out adventure no matter the risk and will always throw herself in the line of fire to protect someone else, a noble self-sacrificing hero. This will most certainly land her - and anyone she sweeps up in her heroics - in a lot of trouble.

    — She may at some point during her apprenticehood suffer a terrible injury as a result of her recklessness. This would force her to reckon with the consequences of her actions and re-evaluate her worldview, becoming more mature and less blind to the evils of the world - but not breaking her spirit, she will cling to her hopefulness no matter what.

  • █ #8A4130
    █ #ab6153
    █ #b78876
    █ #c0b98f
    █ #8D916A
    █ #515A38

    red and green. knights, crowns, swords. burning flowers and forests. oil paintings, the spines of leather-bound books, collections of fairy tales. feathers and falconers, foxes and stags, animals of the hunt. berries red as blood. apples and woven baskets, faerie dances. leaves and red flowers, picturesque landscapes, overgrown brick walls. PINTEREST

    HOLLY; an evergreen tree, standing tall and towering, bringing color and hope to the desolate white of winter. in olden times, a ward of evil; even now, a symbol of celebration. green as life and red as blood, leaves thorn-tipped and berries poisonous. a name given for the red swirls that adorn the kit's face, after a bittersweet memory.

    WILDFIRE; a building blaze, starting slow and turning into a sort of consumption. a fire that moves almost as a living thing. both blessing and curse, rebirth through destruction; a gateway for new life to grow over the old. a name given in the hopes that he will burn just as brightly as his father before.

    MARTEN; a member of the mustelid family, cousin to the weasel. a creature of the pines, a swift thing of treetops and hollows. glinting eyes betray a crafty intelligence, that of a trickster or keen hunter. given for her resemblance to the animal's winter coat; she cherishes the gift of a name from her father.

    ⤷ name may be chosen from those above; additional alternatives include russet & peregrine

    — Hollyhawk, Hollyfall, Hollytongue, Hollyhaven, Hollyheart
    — Wildfiresun, Wildfiremaw, Wildfireblaze, Wildfiretrail, Wildfiretongue
    — Martenthroat, Martenstride, Martenblaze
    — Russethawk, Peregrinefall

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Upon birth, Candorkit will only appear as a pale ball of fur save for four tawny paws. With time, the points of his face will make themselves known in shades of cream and lilac plastered upon his face and tail respectively. By the time he is apprentice aged, he will bare a visage somewhat similar to that of his late father: a blazing flame - point face and a thick mane of fur. Setting him apart most notably are his eyes, like his mothers, once they have shifted fully away from baby blue. His tail, meanwhile, is a deep chocolate - brown color. Candorkit is born with a stretch of white streaking up his belly and forming a "mask" on his face. When fully grown, Candorkit will have the build of the typical SkyClan cat: large and athletic, though by no means will he always be the tallest cat in any room.
⤷ LH lilac / chocolate torbie point chimera w/ low white ; genetically lilac.​

Pine needles as well as deciduous leaves blown from ThunderClan's border will commonly find themselves caught in his fur. What is at first a surprise will become something he willingly participates in – something he considers "decoration" even when truly, it just makes him look messy.

  • Born from nursery stories, elders tales, and speak of SkyClan's former leader, Candorkit will have a tendency to mix fiction with reality. From an early age he will take on a boisterous persona – an attempt to mimic the very heroes spoken of in those stories. Said persona is unabashed, loudly - spoken, unwaveringly moral, optimistic, and brave. This is not worn like a mask – but rather, will shape his actual character. He walks with his head held high, posture not always the most comfortable, but necessary in his eyes if he is to be fit to carry the legacy of the likes of Blazestar and LionClan. His image of his father is picturesque, and therefore, not exactly realistic. This unwaveringly perfect image of his father is one he will refer to constantly in the absence of Blazestar himself.

    His moral compass – made from a mix of standards both fictional and non - fictional, is exceptionally strict. It's likely that he will become a bit of an annoyance to certain clanmates, unashamed to loudly express his opinion on what is right and what is wrong, meanwhile his display of the " proper " way to act is similar to that of a caricature. It's equally as likely that he will have quite a few " learning moments " in adolescence where he learns that the world is not as black and white as he had originally imagined it to be. Candorkit's naivety is more borne of his character than it is his age, but with time, he has the potential to become a skilled SkyClan warrior.
  • FIRE TYPE. Candorkit is passionate in everything he does. He does not enter apprenticeship expecting to be the best – but he will reach as high as he can with paws lifted to the sky. No half - done job is a good one, he believes, and so he puts his all into any task he's given, regardless of whether he enjoys it or not. Bobbie's emphasis on the importance of SkyClan is one he will take to heart near - immediately, and Candorkit blazes forward with eager fangs, announcing to all what ferocity he would bring to SkyClan's ranks.

    EMOTIONAL. Candorkit is the type of guy to cry at a beautiful view. To think thoughts that are deep to no one but himself, and then burst into tears because of them. In the same realm, when Candorkit is happy, you will most certainly know it. He is prone to grand gestures of his emotion, whether this is screaming from the treetops or taking a run through the territory out of sheer joy. He feels anger just as strongly, but recognizes this as an undesirable trait early on, and strives to quell it. The good guys in any story are never angry, after all.

    OBLIVIOUS. Simply put, Candorkit is not the smartest. He will not be great at identifying the emotions of other cats past the surface level — and thusly, any strangeness from Bobbie is likely to fly over his head completely unless pointed out to him by a sibling. In the same realm, he will somewhat assume cats operate much the same that he does unless explained to him: ( e.x. he is a heavy physical touch guy and won't even consider that others may not be okay with it ). Candorkit may unintentionally put himself onto others as well. Heroes will help anyone, whether they know they need it or not. Candorkit may very well be plainly told to go away but someone, just for him to ignore it completely. Unfortunately, he is a " depressed? be happy! " type, but he will likely grow out of this.
  • Yes he's a himbo :)
    I yapped so much in this app srry
    Alt names: Songkit, Firekit, Blazekit
    Obligatory subject to change!!
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DEERKIT [alt. names - dapplekit, heartkit, asterkit, specklekit, quietkit]
❝ Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight. Now I'm here, suddenly I see. ❞

[PERSONALITY] Sweet and gentle, Deer is a cat whose kindness extends even to those who may very much not deserve it, naive and perhaps too trusting she has a wideyed idealistic view of the world and believes in simple concept that 'things get better' even when one is at their lowest point. She does not often dwell on negativity, even to her own detriment, and can easily be described as having her head in the clouds more often than not. Deer faces challenges with almost ignorant optimism, embracing change and making all the effort to simply roll with the punches even if said punches are at her expense.

Lilac tabby w/low white
[DESCRIPTION] Deer most resembles Bobbie at a glance, her more long-limbed and slim body type draped in lightly curled fur and her lilac coloring laced in rows of distinct stripes but her eyes are most certainly Blazestar's gentle and serene blue. Much like her name she is a gangly kitten with awkward legs too large for her petite form and an air of grace to her despite the body she has yet to grow into, as she grows older the strange spotting that plagued her mother begin to dot her frame and her fur lengthens into the more blatantly fluffy ragdoll like physique making her look far larger than she truly is.

Bobbie x Blazestar | Littermate to [tbd.]
Young half-sibling
(First Blazestar Litter) Burnstorm, Moonwhisper, Howlfire, Fireflypaw & Morningpaw.
(Second Blazestar Litter) Skyclaw & Duskbird

(Only Bobbie Litter) Lupinepaw, Crowpaw & Drowsypaw


✽ Deer becomes infatuated with a rough and tumble loner who uses her for personal gain, but she blissfully believes they love her back.
✽ Deer puts her deceased father on a very unhealthy pedastal, often citing 'this is what he'd want' as a reasoning behind her actions. She views stories about him as almost biblical lessons to learn and study.
✽ Bobbie's parental disinterest upon being made apprentices will be met with the idea that it is her own fault and she needs to be 'better' to get her mother's attention back. Deer will become almost overwhelmingly obsessed with perfection and presenting as the golden child.
✽ Will develop a minor obsessive compulsive disorder moving into her apprentice moons as she copes with how she wants to be percieved.

❝ Standing here, it's all so clear. I'm where I'm meant to be. ❞
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