big track + wip
  • GENERALthe past, she is haunted, the future is laced
    (name to be chosen by bobbie) sage/sweet/tawnykit + tbdpaw + tbdtbd
    ↪ sage (soft names), sweet (traits bobbie wants), tawny (after orangestar), kit for her rank
    ↪ (sagesky, sagedapple, sageblaze, sageblossom), (sweetstep, sweetblaze, sweetspark), (tawnyblossom, tawnysong, tawnyblaze)
    cis she-cat, she/her (subject to change)
    ↪ sexuality to be determined - with no one
    0 moons, ages (?) moons per month
    skyclan, kit

  • APPEARANCEheartbreak, you know, drives a big black car
    a longhaired chocolate torbie with low white and blue/gold central heterochromia.
    ↪ lanky and sleek, posture straight and poised, this girl seems to be the very definition of dignity. she holds herself with grace not seen in the way she walks, for despite outer appearances, a well groomed exterior, she remains clumsy. short legs cause her to trip often, tumbling with little grace, although she hardly minds. beautiful long fur dapples in shades of chocolate and cinnamon, sunshine shooting through the lighter patches to create stripes. her fluffy face is lightly sprinkled with white around her cheeks and nose. eyes of blue circled with gold, like glistening gems, peer out from her face, glittering with mischief at most times.
    smells like leaf litter, sounds like tbd
    no current injuries

    ↪ link to aesthetic!
    ↪ link to ref!
  • PERSONALITYi swear i was in the backseat, just minding my own
    kind, loyal, empathetic, curious, bright, competitive, protective
    this girl is a crackling fire of witty comebacks and dumb puns. she looks perfectly innocent, pelt groomed to perfection, an angelic smile pieced together carefully from the happiness she brings to others. she is eager and easy to teach, wanting to please and get things right on the first try. while she tries to remain graceful with her walk, so excited is her everyday mood that often she finds herself tripping to catch up with her own brain. she is, to put it lightly, a complete social butterfly, flitting from one friend to the next, as if trying to collect and store as many happy moments as she can. she's a hopeless romantic, but at the same time absolutely clueless when it comes to feelings, preferring to gossip with others about their emotions than to sort out her own. this makes her bad at picking up signals, but she loves everyone anyway, so it really does no harm. as if determined to make the aura around her pure, she practically radiates sweetness.

    ↪ in kithood, tbdkit begins as a curious spark, flitting from news source to gossip, friend to family to stranger, all with the same sense of innate inquisitiveness. she begins life well aware she is lacking in the respect of having another parent, but finds this secondary source of attention from anyone who will have her. tbdkit makes it her mission to befriend every cat in her clan, especially the older apprentices and warriors. she will be obsessed with who her mentor will be, and try to schmooze specific cats in order to be on their good side, "just in case." her clumsy curiosity means that she will be a bit of an inconsiderate mess, unaware of others' more subdued or hidden emotions. she will learn over time to recognize body language and hidden hints to this sort of thing, but in her kithood, many may find her annoying as a result of this ignorance. she will always be well meaning, however.
    ↪ growing into apprenticehood, tbdpaw takes on the title of master of information within her den. a big gossip, she finds the most joy in conversing with her clanmates, sharing interesting tidbits she's learned throughout the day. she will struggle with focusing on her training, causing her to fall behind and potentially have to be held back a few moons. she simply finds she has better things to do than learn to hunt. her brain will move at a mile a minute, and sometimes it will seem as though her mind hasn't caught up yet. she will need a mentor who is patient and willing to come up with strategies to aid in her learning difficulties. in her late apprenticeship, she will eventually learn to pick up on social cues and represent her clan in a dignified way.
    ↪ when tbd becomes a warrior, she will have grown from the bouncy, annoying kit to a well rounded, competent warrior. she will not be skyclan's most skilled hunter, nor fighter, but she will develop a rhetoric with others that makes her a good negotiator and speaker. overcoming some her differences in recognizing social cues will allow her to reach her full potential as a kind and curious cat who will do anything to help her clan. all of this is subject to change based on how she develops naturally as a character.
  • RELATIONSHIPSand through the glass the corn crows come like rain
    bobbie x blazestar
    ↪ sister to tbd
    ↪ half sister to fireflypaw, burnstorm, moonwhisper, morningpaw, howlfire, skyclaw, duskbird, crowpaw, lupinepaw, drowsypaw, fireflypaw
    ↪ aunt to blazingpaw, hawkpaw, wolfpaw
    mates with none
    ↪ no offspring
    mentored by tbd
    ↪ currently mentoring none
    ↪ mentored none
    [FRIENDS: tbd
    DISLIKES: tbd
    HATES: windclan
    HISTORY: the product of a short lived love and a current tragedy, this kit is born knowing she is of this rare pairing. she will think of blazestar with reverent longing and bobbie with familial comforting love. wip
  • INTERACTIONthey won't stay, they won't stay for too long now
    plot ideas tbd
    medium difficulty in battle, not inherently violent.
    will not start fights, will end fights, will not run away

    ↪ STRENGTH: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ SPEED: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ SWIMMING: ☆☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★☆☆
    talkative and open in conversation
    semi difficult to talk to

    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ WISDOM: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★☆☆
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in certain light i can plainly see
a reflection of magnificence
hidden in you…
maybe even in me

lovekit . lovepaw . love???
named after a trait her father hoped she would be born with;
a force strong enough to rend hearts but also knit them back together again

— kitten of skyclan; no previous allegiances
— afab, she/her pronouns; sexuality is tbd
blazestar x bobbie, sibling to ???, half-sibling to fireflypaw, burnstorm, moonwhisper, morningpaw, howlfire, skyclaw, duskbird, crowpaw, lupinepaw, drowsypaw
aunt to blazingpaw, wolfpaw, hawkpaw, and more to come

long haired lilac lynx point with blue eyes
love is born cloaked in long plush fur that at first glance appears to be devoid of markings, just a milky white newborn, though that is far from fact. as she ages her point features become more pronounced - a frosty grey striped hue that adorns her face, legs, and tail. two glacial blue eyes, mirrors of blazestar's own, offset the whites and greys of her pelt, paired with a dusky pink nose that may constantly be in every skyclanner’s business. love will display a smaller stature curtesy of bobbie’s genes though she will be sturdy and proportionate curtesy of blazestar’s genes. there is a chance love will inherit bobbie's vitiligo later in life, though it may not be as apparent on her pelt unless present in the sections of her point markings.

↳ 50% ragdoll, carrying albino, maybe carrying cinnamon

personality & interaction
( + ) optimistic , curious , gentle ( / ) honest , proud , naive ( - ) optimistic (toxic optimism) , careless , nosy
love is adoration and devotion personified (catified?) in the best and worst ways. she is kind of like valentine’s day - some will adore her and others will find her annoying. her boundless positive energy grants her confidence in her day to day life. the knowledge of who her father was grants her pride and determination to make him proud of her while he watches from starclan. she holds herself in high esteem for having a father who had been leader and a lead warrior mother who helped save the clans by going on the journey. love may get braggy from time to time but she means well. same goes for her boundless optimism - a lot of heart goes in to what she says but she doesn’t always think things through properly. expect her to have a lot of OMIF moments (open mouth, insert foot) leading up to early warriorhood and possibly beyond. she is also a cat who will cling to her family members and lean on them for support when needed, which works well during kithood but will be a learning curve when she enters apprenticehood and doesn't get as babied as before by her mother and family.

mannerisms: she emotes quite a bit with her tail, often holding it aloft when happy and intrigued, or lashing it when annoyed.
— will not start fights | will try to end fights peacefully | will flee if overpowered | will show mercy
— (will) excel at talking and playing, may excel at whatever skills her mentor passes down to her when she is apprenticed

the minnow and the trout : love, learning of blazestar's disposition and how he led skyclan, decides to take up a pacifist mantle. she believes all cats to be deserving of a chance (and even a second chance) regardless of allegiance, which will eventually get her in trouble when she is taken advantage of by someone with cruel or ill-meaning intentions. it'll leave her scarred and second guessing her soft-hearted nature. this is a plot that can occur during her apprenticehood or early warriorhood.
penguin : after her namesake, the she-cat will be enamored with the idea of love. she will find herself in a relationship with someone she devotes herself wholeheartedly to. i envision this to be a cross-clan relationship so she has to keep her lover a secret from her clanmates and find ways to see her chosen mate strategically.
love love love : in conjunction with the above plot, love decides to take a mate within skyclan to cover up her cross-clan relationship. she finds someone who shows interest in her and accepts when they voice affection and a desire to pursue her romantically. they are devoted to her and she pretends to love them, though in time they may begin to suspect she is using them. what happens when the truth comes out? what happens when love becomes a heartbreaker? will they reveal her affair out of spite or will their adoration for her keep their lips sealed?

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tracking with this deisgn and the potential names of: pinekit, lionkit, bramblekit, brindlekit, cliffkit, lynxkit, or stagkit.

a large, longhaired chocolate tabby who inherited much of his father's build, with powerful haunches and a soft, plush coat held up by his mother's broad paws and accented by a darker mirror of her own green eyes.
ROBINKIT — alternatively Sagekit, Eaglekit, or Brownkit.
named for SkyClan & the wing-like patterns on his flanks.
born on 03.09.2024
blazestar ♡ bobbie
amab, uses he/him
half-brother to 10 siblings
brother to [TBD on 03.03]
demisexual [undiscovered]
new bookshelves with old tomes; crushed velvet lightly perfumed with warm incense; tiger's eye lamp finials polished to gleaming like the bands of jupiter; the astral wheat field of a nebula and all its patient potential bound in celestial motes.
When we consider time, we think of the past at our backs and the future somewhere ahead on the horizon. We do not yet see it, but we wait to; we move forward, creating distance between ourselves and history, but the same conceptualization does not apply to Robinkit. He wears his future on his shoulders and sets his eyes on what once was, intrigued endlessly by the memories of those around him and the history worn by SkyClan's trees and stones. He collects idle curiosities with an intense fervor: a bit of twoleg refuse here and a strangely-shaped shard of bark there. This hunger drives him to the elders' sides, eager for stories, and Bobbie is certainly no exception to his insatiable curiosity: he will want to know his father through her eyes, just as he will seek to know him from the eyes of everyone else who ever knew him. A complete picture, in his mind, is best served by the depth of dimension sunlight and shadow bring when they battle over a stone.

This is not to say he has no interest in the future; in fact, he seeks to better shape what rests at his back with what he can see: yesterday, yesterweek, yestermoon, yesteryear. Theoretically, he will never make a mistake twice, will never meet the same folly told to him by a regret-wearied elder. He does not seek perfection so much as strategize it, with a clever mind and an arterial terror of failing his own potential. The best warrior, the best hunter, the best leaf-turner and plant-namer— he wants it all to be worthy of the faith Blazestar and Bobbie shared in his genesis.

Naturally, such a driven, keen creature is flawed in that very pursuit of accomplishment. Ambition seeds arrogance, and as he grows older, this self-assurance will be his greatest obstacle, even more so as Bobbie steps away from their lives. Robinkit fights vulnerability with brash confidence, a terrible, cyclical prison of his own making. What pleasant charm and eloquence he develops as he ages will not always offset or soothe hackles raised by his brazen vaunting.
the chrysalis shade of purpling twilight when daylight blue slowly, inexorably deepens into midnight; a fledgling hawk's down making way for darkening flight feathers; the constellation-glint of scavenged specular hematite held to the sunlight.

He is unquestionably his father's son. Blazestar survives not only in memory, but in his children, and Robinkit is no exception. His eyes, warm, round, and painfully blue, are close in shade to Blazestar's, and the tail often twitching idly while lost in thought is a flag his father planted. When he ages, a wavy, rich mane will bloom from his throat, and when he falls to sleep curled into himself, he might imagine it is his father's pelt tickling his nose.

Of his more immediately noticeable traits is, of course, his distinctive patterning. Like wings tucked against his sides, his chocolate tabby markings wait to take flight (and he so wishes he could). In conjunction with his gentle oak palette is the creamy white fur of his belly, chest, and tail, similar to the placement of his mother's. It lines his toe-tips almost delicately, and flecks his pelt in a way reminiscent of a painter flicking their brush at random. His face seems much more deliberately shaded, his eyes framed with partial spectacles.

His build is indecisive, caught between honoring Blazestar and Bobbie. He does not have Blazestar's height, whose towering size is tempered by Bobbie's shorter stature, leaving Robin to reach a maximum of eleven pounds in the moons of plentiful freshkill. When he matures, he will be taller than Bobbie, but not excessively, and his determined training will hewn muscle into his legs and shoulders, though most notably his haunches. Given the breadth of both parents' paws, his own are fairly broad, yet delicately wielded.
To put it bluntly, when I conceptualized Robin, I thought of intelligent kids who go through the school system hearing how smart they are, and then floundering when they're older while people still expect them to be the effortlessly talented prodigy. His self-worth is very much tied to his notion of excelling.
As a plot point, I would love for him to have a mentor who sees his potential and believes in him, but struggles to effectively curtail his arrogance. Robin would respect them greatly, yet interprets their attempts to rein him in as doubt in his capabilities. This could lead to a spectacular fallout between mentor and apprentice, in the theoretical case of Robin exacerbating the issue by growing bolder and the mentor trying to reel him in until the rope inevitably snaps.
Where his siblings are concerned (half and otherwise) I think it's entirely possible for there to be friction between them, depending on how they feel about his ambitious nature. He isn't an asshole sibling! He would care about all of them, and his love language is, in part, "providing" and doing things for them. This could absolutely step on some toes if it's misinterpreted.
I didn't make it obvious, but he is actually an introverted person. He can socialize well, but prefers smaller groups. Given he lives in a whole ass clan, and one he's trying to be a rising star in, he'll likely carve out a place of solace somewhere. The hope is that he does manage to make a few close friends to share this space with (which is also a significant sign of trust, as he's remarkably private despite his to-be verbosity).
Naturally, he wishes he could have met Blazestar himself. I think for a long time (as a child) he will attempt to find some way to communicate with them, though of course he's not a medicine cat. He'll feel a bit miffed about that communication barrier.
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AND WITH THAT, the litter is closed!! Thank you so much to everyone who applied! 🤩 Deja and I had so much fun reading everyone’s apps. Ultimately we had to narrow it down using very specific criteria and y’all did not make it easy to do!!

The Blobbie kits are:
@beatles with Lionkit
@Floppie with Candorkit
@SATURNID with Hollykit

Thank you so much everybody for applying ❤️