CLOSED || WINDCLAN SOAP OPERA LITTER [ pollenhya & brightsnow ]

general tw for canon - realistic gore, strict religion and subsequent trauma, family. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


our graceful turner of heads weaves through the checkpoints like a needle and a thread. someone’s frightened boy waves her on. she offers a mothers smile and soon she’s gone. the gateway to a world, the gun in a trembling hand when nature unmakes the boundary. the pillar still stands — SWAN UPON LEDA, OCCUPIER UPON AN ANCIENT LAND.
swan of leda, hozier .

NECTARKIT, cisgender, she & her pronouns. windclan.
⤷ named prefix nectar- by both her mothers, for different reasons. initially, silently, by pollenfur as a subtle nod to her first, late love : honeytwist. hyacinthbreath bestows her this prefix for wisteriapaw and pollenfur herself
POLLENFUR x HYACINTHBREATH ; extended family branches to skyclan and loner lands
raised by brightshine and heavy snow, has no reason to believe otherwise. upon reaching her older moons and finding out about her heritage, depending on the relationship and character development, she will attempt to distance herself from them and her not - siblings while over - protecting her blood kin. see plots section.

delinquent character warning. despite her straight face and youthful angst, nectar will be adept at hiding her thoughts and actions from adults — but as a child, she will frequently defy them just to see what happens. i am 100% okay with and encourage correction / consequences! id like her to get away with some things to keep up her reputation, but i will have it cleared ofc < 3 she wouldn’t do anything to earn exile! she’ll be loyal to windclan, just brimming with misplaced spirit.

slim chocolate - splashed cream tabby with drowsy amber eyes. ♡ ҉ ༄ smells like heather and plant decomposition. a ghost of love long gone, born in shades of cinnamon and honey dousing a slender - limbed, petite framing. writhing and wormlike upon her venture into this mortal world, she is seen as gaunt upon birth ; a rotting thing, heady smell of wet earth and decomposing root clinging to thick, wiry wisps of tabby - ribboned fur. baroquely striped beneath a splotches of deep, oaken hues, the wind - wisped fur that befalls her leggy form feathers from proportionally long legs.. but as nectar ages, she blooms into the mirror of pollenfur draped over hyacinthbreath's short, wiry form. to the clan, it’d a shock to none that the daughter of pollenfur's sister should look like her.. it's only genetics, after all. she is thick furred and mellow eyed, she is her mother in each gusted strand of chocolate - cream fur. hyacinthbreath's long, sloping muzzle sets prominently along a slim, high - boned face, settled deep with sap - toned eyes sat heavy beneath a billow of chocolate curl lashes.

her tunneler future will be clear, and shortly into apprenticehood, she will grow far more accustomed to the nocturnal side of windclan than the day ; forever avoiding a sky that writhes and murmurs before bleeding golden eyes, laden with heavily bruised bags and tinged red at the sclera when met with light. oversensitive to sun, heat and golden rays of day a nuisance, leading her to moons spent hunting and training in near total darkness. shrunken, lack of proper light and nutrients to be found amidst the moorlands leading to a less than sturdy frame hidden beneath the thickness of her coat. all bony elbows and knobby spine, fur dusted with dirt and bits of twining root. tall, tufted ears jut from her small, triangular head. she is hare - like ; a petite, staring creature, slim - pawed and sharp - toothed, complete with a short, billowing tail. bashful smiles and glassy eyes at half - mast, dark lids and a heavy curtain of lashes shrouding honey - tinged, sensitive irises.

longhaired cream tabby / chocolate solid with low white and golden - amber eyes. generation two ; carrying dilute, colorpoint, solid and longhair. able to carry kits, breeds as longhaired cream tabby.
design notes : expression is entirely in the eyes, holds herself neatly with a lifted chin.

positive: sly, philosophical, playful, eloquent, adventurous neutral: whimsical, superstitious, contemplative, esoteric, unexpressive negative: noncommittal, childish, rebellious, restless, lonesome, emotionally muted ୨୧ larks wail their throats raw from the crest of cherry trees and nectar wishes only to do the same ; one - winged songbird, born smoldering in the soot and poison forever shadowing the moorland. from early on, nectar reveals herself to be a sly sort of child, quick to pull the wool over her elders eye for a scrap of meat or confiscated mossball — her mind is made of stories and starlight, courtesy of her mother brightshine, delusions of robin hood - esque grandeur in each kittish yowl. like pollenfur before her, nectar will inherit a certain mellowness about her ; plainly spoken and thoughtful, forever pondering on what ifs and can is. she is an optimist, always longing for more, for something fulfilling. she is born with a loyalty to windclan she’d not know would strain her further with each day, born with the inherent want to protect.

she is raised to be close with her littermates, her relatives, and she takes to it with ease.. but from early on, it is clear that nectar inherits her family’s curse. open eyes, bleeding hearts, tongues like unsheathed claw ; born to the sister of exile ( as far as she knows ), always skirting by the fringes of camp, scrutinized and ridiculed for their relatives, nectar will have been raised into the picture of a proper windclanner under older eyes. after a couple of incidents in her kithood and early adulthood, she will grow into something quietly stubborn. expressionless and lax - eyed, while not slow to anger, she will simply refuse to react — to tick her elders in anger with each impassive, straight - lipped stare. she longs for a day when things feel right ; when her family is seen in a better light. escapism leads her towards wanderlust, towards an active imagination and romanticism of a life against what the clans have made ; but even then, she lacks the bravery to cause a wave, crippled by the worry of losing those she manages to keep. she is sneaky, playful and empathetic with those she loves and staring, contemptuous with the crueler, openly agitating personalities in windclan.

while retaining more empathy than the common windclanner, unfortunately nectar will rarely think of how her words affect others before they fall from her tongue. she will say what she thinks, and will fail to think of how it would sound aloud before she’s saying them, too stubborn to backtrack. she is noncommittal, flighty, rude mannered when confronted and despite her fun - loving, attention - seeking ways, she will find it difficult to maintain friendships — or relationships of any kind. chronic loneliness with plague her throughout her life, even with others. always haunted by a longing for more. as she grows, she is trouble in ways she can get away with — a scavenger, crouched and waiting for a glare to be cast her way. as she ages, and is disciplined in differing severity, she will reign her recklessness in, if only in image.

in adulthood, she will unveil a hidden ambition : her anger directing out of her clan and into the real world — she will be a true, proud windclanner, sharp - tongued and wily throughout her life. she will be a brave, tunnel - bound warrior with a reputation for the daring that seems to border on pure recklessness.. but if it’s for her clan, it’ll all be okay. right?

MOTIFS : ❝ hedonism in a strict society, caged. ravens, hare & rabbit ( irrational fear, witchcraft allusions ), ram & ram horns. unnerving but flowery prose, prose very loosely inspired by thomasin from the vvitch. speech and personality loosely inspired by rosa diaz. rebellious princess, lovable rogue, deadpan snarker.. this may change as my characters seem to have a mind of their own.

• an adventurer, a treasure hunter. nectar will have a knack for the wily, wild and free ; her lifelong plots will revolve around breaking free from the restraints windclan places upon her in small, stubborn ways. she is hedonistic above all else, wanting to experience life and all it’s beauty to its fullest — a never once thinking of the detriment to herself or others. she is quick and smooth talking, with a talent for getting herself ( and others ) in trouble. she will eventually grow into an “ i don’t need help. ” adult, and she will very much need help.
this is mostly me rambling about her potential character, this page wasn’t necessary to read but < 3​

& . KITTENHOOD / she is born remnant of pollenfur, streaked in shades of something reminding the molly herself of a former lover : honeytwist. pollenfur thinks to name her nectarkit, and hyacinthbreath says the same name aloud — stating how much she looks like pollenfur, and for wisteriapaw. and her mother agrees but never says otherwise ; nectar will resemble honeytwist in a way almost cruel to someone once so grief stricken with her loss. - from early on, nectar is difficult to reign. she is always wandering, always exploring, always attempting to loop other kits into exploring just past the hills of their camp and into the tall grass. one day, she ventured too far — into a tunnel, an abandoned hare tunnel just outside of camp, formerly covered with gorse. its small, and as she ventured further, she’ll find that the tunnels close off near the end ; the ceiling is unstable, crumbling, and she panics. she’ll need help getting out, a warrior trying to dig at the entrance before they realize they’ll need a tunneler apprentice to slip in and guide her out. consequences will be decided later, but it nearly collapses on them. she develops claustrophobia, a horrible weakness for a windclanner of her stature.

& . ADOLESCENCE / - likely apprenticed late due to her wandering / the tunnel incident, nectar is eventually assigned training as a tunneler. assigned a workaholic mentor, someone who lives their life within the tunnels and has nectar follow in their pawsteps. this is hell world for her for at least a moon or two, but she will eventually shed her fear and grow accustomed to this, and becoming reluctant to venture to the surface at anything other than night or early morning. + when she does venture from the tunnels, she does not stay in camp long. a tunneler and avid adventurer, she will take advantage of sootstar’s allowance of apprentices out of camp by slipping from the open moors and into the tall grass the moment she is able. she will grow into a notoriously bad influence amongst the apprentices, always nudging them to follow her to the rabbit run at night to race under the stars.- at some point, she convinces a moor runner apprentice to take the tunnels out of camp, and they get stuck underground. depending on the time, severity could range — but a small tunnel collapse with severe consequences for her and sudden, intense watchfulness from her elders.
i have the inklings of a plot for her mid / late apprenticeship where she starts hearing things underground, luring her further into abandoned or unsteady tunnels. this may be what draws her into the tunnel when she’s a kit!! id like to leave whether it’s real or imagined up to debate until her warriorhood at the least.

& . ADULTHOOD / - born of her environment, nectar is not good at showing her feelings and it is clear in failed relationships ; i want to build up the bad relationship trope quota in wind so bad. unintentionally distant with worrying, thrill - chasing behavior makes her a less than ideal girlfriend. she will never be alone long, however. id like for her to get an on again, off again gf that she has a semi rivalry with — enemies to lovers would be my ultimate ship goal with her !! + after learning of her background, it’s very likely she will attempt to pull herself away from brightshine and heavy snow ; depending on the situation, she will not ease up to either of her mothers, either. feeling petulantly betrayed, she will attempt to go about things on her own as best she can. b]≠[/b] after hearing stories of her mothers, nectar will get a worm in her brain about being a loner. thoughts of a life without the restraints of windclan’s environment, without the parents that had lied to her, her real parents that had given her up for the clans. something wild, free.. and entirely romanticized. she will talk about it to her friends, a close friend, until one day, her nest is found empty. - missing for about a week at most, tracked down by either hyacinthbreath or pollenfur at a place not too far away, somewhere they’ve talked about before ( maybe somewhere her mothers had met up,, ). she is injured and scared and unused to the world aboveground.. she returns home, crafting a plot with someone in her family to excuse her sudden absence, likely using her injury to say she’d been attacked, biting her pride to apologize and beg to come back. she is humiliated, but home.. she does not want to be a loner again ( id like her to meet some loners or rogues during this though !! )
HELLO EVERYONE, we have decided to go ahead and close these adopts! After long discussions between myself, Blitz, Jay, Sae (and even Rev and Alloy to ensure we weren't doubling up!) here are the chosen kits for the soap opera litter!

Brightshine x Heavy Snow
@Floppie with Pink-kit!
@felicitas with Heathkit!

Pollenfur x Hyacinthbreath
@Hijinks with Finchkit!
@pikaihao with Downykit!

Congrats to those chosen, and thank you to everyone who applied! It was a joy to get to read the time and effort you put into these apps, and we loved every single character concept! We hope to see some of them around regardless of whether they were chosen!

To those with chosen kits, you will be receiving an invite to the Brightfam discord!
Congrats to the kits picked!!!!! <3 i loved ur apps sm they were all amazing~!
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