sensitive topics Cloverjaw did what? :eyes: OOPS....?

Oct 8, 2023
Hi! I have the awesome opportunity to pick up this guy @CLOVERJAW and am re-writing some lore! When he joined Sky Clan, Clover presented himself as a harmless, well meaning cat. That is a complete lie. He has killed many cats, mainly former Marsh Groupers.
In his youth, Clover ran with a group of rouges that were basically walmart Blood Clan. They raided cats left and right, and killed for the fun of it. He goes out of his way to be kind and fair to the cats around him now, as he was young when he commited these crimes, but he knows no one would forgive him for them. He might even be tempted to kill the cat(s) that put the pieces together....
If your character would be affected by this, has had family killed in mysterious ways, or if your character would maybe piece this together, lets plot! :D
I am extremely interested! Dogbite only joined up with Skyclan a few moons ago but spent his youth and early adulthood in the alleyways fighting off rogues. His mom had died of a 'mysterious illness' and his dad was a garbage father than 'vanished'. Either of these instances could be a reason for foul play.

Maybe they even tussled with one another at some point or he bullied off Dogbite when he was young. It would take him a good long minute to recognize a former loner cat getting jazzed by the rogue plot/which could lead to a lot of tension, confusion, etc.

If not any of these idea's I would still love to implement Dogbite somehow! (btw Dogbite left the alleys around the age of 23 moons)
Maybe @TIGERSCAR could have been part of the group, too? Before he was critically injured during a dog attack, losing his eye. As a result, he was rushed to a vet when found by twolegs and became a kittypet. A few weeks after SkyClan formed, he found his way there and became an apprentice.

Maybe Cloverjaw could recognize him in the future? But for right now is rlly sus but unsure because 1. Tiger wears a collar, and 2. He's missing half his face.
Hi! I'm super down for both characters to be involved!! Also so jazzed for any confusion/drama this entails. 👀

@Tasmagoric OOOO I'm down for either! Clover grew up as a very large and strong kitty pet and no one would hold him accountable for his actions because he was a treasured only child show cat. He played around with boundaries and has yet to really find out as it were, so I can see him going after Dog, his mom, and/or his dad.
He would've targeted Dog if Dog was smaller, deemed 'ugly', or was a genuine threat to his place with the rogues. I have no qualms with making him a small murder machine, but around the time he ran with this group, he would've been around 8 -12 moons, which is young but he would've been big so I'm a bit iffy on making him kill both. Maybe he killed one outright and the other with a group of other alley cats? IDK what you'd like, but I'm down to discuss it more.
He wouldn't need much of a reason to kill since he wasn't punished for hurting others in the past and doesn't see it as a super bad thing. (He's so mentally well) but he usually kills to gain power over a situation or because he's vain. He originally joined Sky Clan because he saw that killing wasn't getting him the power that he wanted, so now he's got his eyes set on the leader position. So if Dog's parents or Dog himself was a threat to Clover in any other those ways, he'd defo attack them. Even if they were bigger than him. (He's a maine coon so he's reasonably sized, but still)

@Sheogorath OOOOOO yes! I love that! When would they have been together in the group? I don't mean specific dates, but like, if one was a kitten and the other around apprentice size sort of thing. Clover joined around 6 moons and was there until about 12 moons, so he fluctuated in size pretty greatly. That and being a maine coon could lead to uncertainty on both parts since both are older and bigger now and trying to do mental math or something lol. Also, do u have a plot line for how Tiger got injured with a dog? If not, it could add a layer to have Clover somehow lead the dog to Tiger or vice versa. OR something that could be fun is the two of them were and become buddies within Sky Clan and it can go from there. 👀
Hmm, how old is Clover? Tiger is around 26 moons so he would have been apprentice aged in the rogue group, probably? As for the dog, Tiger is devious and pretty much just evil, so he would absolutely try to kill someone with a dog. Alternatively, he would have given others plenty of reasons to lead a dog to him LOL. He does keep friends, but it's more-so for show. He pretends to be a very friendly and compassionate guy. Very manipulative, compulsive liar.

I'm down for them becoming buddies in SkyClan and eventually recognizing each other, and just seeing where it goes! :D
Clover is 25 moons, just one behind Tiger :) That'd be cool if they ran with one another and reconnected without recognizing and then recognizing the other. I'm intrested in RPing it out, but it seems to me like they'd have a fun dynamic of the scheme-y, secretive one (Clover) and the manipulative, compulsive liar one (Tiger). Could work together and drive each other up a wall at times haha.
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Hmm now seeing Cloverjaw's age they would've had to been around like exactly 12-13 moons when committing the crime. So I think the more realistic thing would be that Dogbite and Cloverjaw use to butt heads in the alleys! Since Dog is only two moons older it would be very likely they got into territory skirmishes.

However, I think having his dad killed off by Cloverjaw's old gang would be a piece to his missing puzzle! Since his dad stepped out of his life shortly after Dog was born. During his dad's wanderings got ganged up on and murked. Cloverjaw could've either been witness to it or apart of it and at some point once Dog realizes who they are Clover could taunt him with that fact or just drop it on him outta nowhere.