camp cold-hearted frustration | return from gathering

The SkyClan delegation finds their way home alright, even with most of the moonlight blotted out. She thinks ThunderClan walked with them through the edges of their territory, but most of the trek had been spent bubbling with all that she would going to spill at camp. Lupinesong, she thinks of in particular, would love it―the subversion of such things being particularly entertaining, for she hadn't been spared the news of seeing Raccoonstripe at their borders that morning and her friends fitting remarks to him. You'd think it'd be ThunderClan causing, like, everything, she rambles in her head. But actually...

"You won't believe what happened tonight," Cherryblossom announces to no one in particular as soon as they've all cleared the bramble tunnel. The gleam in yellow eyes is as sharp and curved as a claw, moon-heavy and bright with the weight of gossip. A smug smile laces its way across her way as cats begin poking their sleep-tousled heads out of dens, murmuring among themselves but ultimately ending up slaves to their curiosity. "Chilledstar, like, slapped Sunstar. I know right? I mean, like, oh my stars, they were so worked up about it." Her tail lashes with excitement. "Sunstar also said, like, two of his warriors died. No, get this―they were killed by RiverClanners! You'd think Chilledstar wouldn't take it so personally, but I heard they've been kinda―" "Cuck-koo," she mimes with a spinning claw.

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags

Silversmoke, by-the-book and anti-gossip, could not help but indulge Cherryblossom's tales as he padded into SkyClan's camp after her. The fatigue of a long night was no match for the adrenaline that kept attentive pupils dilated into the early hours of the morning, There was a disdain the other groups had for SkyClan, about how their openness to rogues and loners and kittypets made them lesser. But with each passing gathering, he was reminded that those rogues, loners and kittypets had more honour and decency in their hind dewclaw than any of the other starbound cats had in their whole bodies. 'I had wanted SkyClan to be like them so badly.' He realised as his Deputy stirred the clan awake, smiling like a canary-swallowing feline. 'As if their respect would legitimise SkyClan.' As if earning their respect would allow his clan to live in peace. He swallowed a lump in his throat, doing a double-take at the way the calico seemed to take pleasure in what had happened. 'Fuck their respect.' Pinned ears twitched as he moved forwards, more eager to tell tales of injustice than hearsay to laugh over.

"A ShadowClan warrior also attacked WindClan's medicine cat," he added on as Cherryblossom finished, shaking his head towards the Deputy. Take this seriously. He doubted she'd be as flippant if it had been him that took a chunk out of Wolfsong's ear, instead. Clan politics were hardly the game she wanted them to be, there was the chance, however slim, that SkyClan would be dragged into the mess one way or another. It was almost preferable to one who loved fighting - WindClan's actions did nothing but prove that a moorland tabby couldn't change its stripes, that, deep down, there was truly no desire to pay repentance for Blazestar's murder. The fur upon his neck stood like a mohawk as he wrestled with his thoughts, then, a snarl, as he came to a conclusion. "If that's to be SkyClan's last gathering, we'd be better off for it. Nothing about any of them foxhearts is worth knowing, none of them can even keep to the laws they agreed to."

〕The gathering usually isn't much to talk about, aside from the usual "so-and-so is a new lead warrior" or "did you hear that Fluffyfur had kits?". Interclan politics was hit-and-miss in terms of being interesting, but tonight was truly a gathering to remember — so much so that the typically unimpressed Slate had a few words to say about it. Obviously, the key moments of the night were Chilledstar's attack on Sunstar as well as a ShadowClanner's gall to strike a medicine cat. Maybe it was a bit embarrassing and childish on ShadowClan's part to disrupt the entire gathering on account of their problems, but could Slate entirely blame them for taking their anger out on WindClan? He truly can't. Many cats would be honored to have the chance to hit a WindClan leader upside the head.

"And StarClan sure has great timing, don't they?" The hulking lead warrior rumbles sarcastically as he makes his way into camp. "Always thought it was funny how they pick 'n choose when to show up." They'd wait until pawfuls of cats had died from a contagious and lethal sickness to reveal an herb that grew mountains away, but they showed up in the nick of time when WindClan and ShadowClan were having some sort of petty fight at a gathering? How about when ThunderClan had deliberately trespassed on SkyClan territory to steal prey? There hadn't been any sign of them then, at least not from what Slate could remember.

Whatever. Slate doubts that he will ever know the cryptic ways of StarClan, nor does he even really want to know. The very idea of their presence is unsettling at best to the former street cat.

  • ooc.
  • SLATE —— lead warrior of skyclan , mentoring coffeepaw ✦ penned by beatles
    cismale / he/him pronouns / 39 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monogamous / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— hard combat difficulty & weak to agile, quick fighters / will start fights, will kill if necessary

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 81989570_qOt9GUlhGgQcrtn.png

    a scarred longhaired maine coon with amber eyes. a large, 20lb tom with thick locks of fur. his chest and underbelly is ruddy from sun exposure. notable scars decorate his face and his ears are both torn with one being folded over.
”Windclan is a poor excuse of codebreakers, it seems.” Emberpaw would bluntly state as she takes a rest stop by Silversmoke, cleaning her paws after their travel. They had dug their grave and would rest in it, such as they deserved. They blamed Riverclan and Shadowclan for mentioning they had bountiful prey, just so their warriors could go and steal. Two of them coincidentally died for trespassing and broke the code willingly? Their death was rightfully deserved and nothing would change that in her mind. She listens to everyone's words as she eventually finishes cleaning her pawpads, her ears twitching at Slate's words.

Starclan was not a thing when she was a rogue, there was no higher presence. It just became an integral part of her life once she stumbled upon Skyclan and followed their ways and the warrior code to a 'T'. If anything, they were all pawns in the game of chess between this 'Starclan'. ”I do think Shadowclan had a reason to be mad but... attacking the Medicine cat is a different statement.” Ember would state as she glances to the skies, making note of the still covered moon. Windclan was at fault majorly for the gathering and upsetting Starclan, Sunstar knew his words would disgrace and anger those gathered. A miserable joke of a leader he was, wasn't he just following in Sootstar's pawsteps slowly but surely?

  • ooc.
  • GuTmMnL.png
    EMBERPAW ⋆ she / her / hers
    ✶ sh chocolate classic tabby w/ low white & amber-yellow eyes
    ✶ 10 moons old; ages the 15th monthly
    ✶ bisexual aromantic; currently single
    ✶ currently mentoring none; mentored by silversmoke
    ”speech”, thoughts, attacking
    ✶ all opinions are in character only
Last edited:
*+:。.。 "That's incredibly lame!" Tawnyclaw would cry, shaking his head in dismay, "I would've killed to see it!" unabashed in revealing his priorities. "Attacking a leader and a medicine cat, Shadowclan really have lost their acorns," padding over, he uses a yawn to disguise a quick peek over his sisters' and mother's untouched, unmarked pelt, glad to see none of them were caught in the crossfire. Once certain his family was alright, Tawnyclaw would hold no burdens over feeding the curiosity hungering in his chest.
"What got Chilledstar's tail in a twist, anyway? Sunstar reveals he's the father of their kits or something? Did he tell them they needed to chill out and they slap back with a you're not so bright?" he snickered at that one, aiming to elbow Emberpaw playfully, mostly because she was the closest But truly, he was dying to know! More than that, was this code-breaking enough to incite a war between the two clans? Man, Tawnyclaw sure was glad Skyclan was far enough away from both volatile clans. The last thing they needed was more enemies, considering they had enough on their plate with Thunderclan's lack of brain power.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Warrior
    Son of Orangestar and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Glimmersun and Owlheart

    Physically hard | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently
  • Haha
Reactions: mercibun

Howlfire had not been summoned to attend the gathering this moon, so like many others, she had remained in camp waiting for news from the recent one. The last few gatherings had been pretty calm, but by all accounts this gathering had been one of the more intense ones in recent moons.

She listens with a shocked expression as the story is relayed to the waiting clanmates, first from Cherryblossom, then Silversmoke, then Emberpaw. Owlheart wonders what caused the reaction from Chilledstar and Howlfire herself wonders the same thing. "WindClan stole ShadowClan kits once," Howlfire murmured, recalling the tale from some moons ago. She didn't recall the whole story but could remember the shocked gossiping of the elders afterwards. "Perhaps something happened recently to stoke the fire between them again?"She then turns her amber gaze to one of the others who ad attended the gathering, "Did RiverClan say what WindClan was doing on their territory?"

Twitchbolt held resignation in his eyes, pelt bristling. ShadowClan had always kept to themselves, likely broiling in their marsh, isolated... there was not much love between SkyClan and them, and hadn't been for most of his life. Even now it stung that StarClan had expressed their disappointment over ShadowClan's actions, enough to cover the moon completely- he imagined it in Daisyflight's nettle-green eyes, sharp and pointed as the claws that had raked the WindClan medicine cat's ears. He imagined it in Blazestar's bruise-blue, dewy with disapproval.

Olive eyes found Howlfire's hazel. "Hunting, apparently," he huffed, tiredness beginning to spead spidery limbs across his mind. Slow blinks blanked his vision, and a sigh hauled itself out from his lungs. "The fire did a number on their prey supply, even in Greenleaf." They had to be desperate- Twitchbolt had met Sunstar, long ago... had spoken with him when he was but a lead warrior on Sootstar's council. Back then he had not seemed like a tom eager for conflict the same way WindClan's first leader had been.

His limbs ached to find his nest, to settle at his mate's side and to put the evening behind him. With pride at least, SkyClan could say they had stayed out of trouble- stayed safe, as it had always been.
penned by pin ✧
A nudge from Tawnyclaw catches her attention as she glances at the gathering Howlfire and Twitchbolt, her long tufted tail momentarily curling around her front paws. ”Sunstar started off by calling out Lichenstar for two death of their warriors, when they attacked Riverclan trying to steal prey.” Emberpaw would state afterwards after Twitchbolt's statement, the tufted tip of her tail twitching. A amber-yellow gaze closes momentarily as she reflects on the gathering once more, ”They also tried to steal from Shadowclan and maimed one of their warriors, under the excuse of their food was plentiful.” A scoff leaves the classic tabby as if the Shadowclan food was plentiful, they always looked like skin and bones.

”It didn't help that their medicine cat begun to trash Shadowclan as well. Their warriors deaths were none but Windclan's fault.” Emberpaw would respond coldly as irritation nipped at her skin, curved claws flexing in and out of their sheaths. Windclan was a miserable lot, and they well enough dug their grave— they deserved to sit and rot in it. Windclan always caused damage and wished to point a claw at another for an excuse to blame others, to make themselves look valiant when they were nothing but thieves and murders. The same for the 'valiant' Thunderclan that also tried to steal from them, and Starclan allowed them to get away with nothing but a slap on the wrist.

Try hunting or harming my clan, and I will kill you— Windclan. The apprentice sourly thinks as the obvious disdain of Windclan sat on her tongue, her fierce colored eyes narrowed. This was only a reminder for her by Starclan, she must become better. You, Emberpaw, must become the fiercest and loyal warrior of Skyclan. Those sniveling rats will surely try and push their luck once more after realizing their failures with Shadowclan and Riverclan. Underestimate us, I dare you. It will be your first and final mistake.

  • ooc.
  • GuTmMnL.png
    EMBERPAW ⋆ she / her / hers
    ✶ sh chocolate classic tabby w/ low white & amber-yellow eyes
    ✶ 10 moons old; ages the 15th monthly
    ✶ bisexual aromantic; currently single
    ✶ currently mentoring none; mentored by silversmoke
    ”speech”, thoughts, attacking
    ✶ all opinions are in character only

————————Apprentice | 8 Moons | SkyClan———————
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆Fangs - Ashpaw, now - hadn't been too sure about attended the so-called Gathering. But... it had been interesting. Perhaps even enjoyable. So much drama to watch and enjoy, even leaders assaulting each other! Juicy... though the sheer vitriol towards the other clan, WindClan, was... interesting. Would any other Clan not do the same? It seemed very hypocritical to the ex-Rogue. "Is that what usually happens at a Gathering? And why did everyone panic when it got cloudy?"

[penned by Delphy].[/color

Both gatherings that Daisypaw had been to had been scary. The first becuase there were so many cats, so many strangers that he didn't know and he'd been bombarded by a RiverClanner asking a bunch of questions. When they'd gotten to the gathering this time he'd been glad that Turtlepaw couldn't be found, though once things started and once Sunstar had begun to speak he thinks he would have rather had Turtlepaw there, for at least it was simply questions and not the fear of potential teeth around his throat had things gone worse than they had gone. Luckily for him Figfeather had stood over him, ready to fight if need-be, and lucky for them both StarClan had put a stop to everything the second blood was spilled.

It had been WindClan blood, and in Daisypaw's mind it had been deserved, but it was blood nonetheless. "I don't... I don't understand why they'd think they could break the code twice and then be surprised when clans were upset." He'd mew as the conversation went further, ears pinning to his head. WindClanners were truly stupid weren't they? He couldn't help but be glad that they didn't share a border with them, or else they would have likely tried to steal from them too. On Ashpaw's question his ears would prick once more, head shaking in response. "Not usually I don't think. I've only been to one other and there hadn't been any fights." When she asked about the clouds he'd think for a moment, casting a glance at the older cats to offer them a chance to correct him if he was wrong before continuing on to his fellow apprentice. "I think it was StarClan telling the cats to cut it out, they weren't happy... usually we'd be gone longer too but the gathering ended once that happened."
  • 77846082_BNFJiMhnYwpfeBr.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    brother to Weedpaw and Fluffypaw
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .

This was precisely why he despised clan politics. He knew well in advance that this particular meetin’ would end up in flames sent from hell ( or StarClan, in this case ), billowin’ wildly till it devoured every rotten soul, turnin’ it to ash and leavin’ the wind to carry their sins, scatterin’ them across the lands to ensure of greater generations. He huffed, mangled ear swiveling at the spring of voices detailing the events of the gathering.

“Damn fools.” He muttered, scarred muzzle crinkling at the lack of sense. Did they lack a brain or had it got and rotted itself because of their stupidity? If he’d been a leader ( hypothetical, because stars know Duskpool would rather chew his paw off than accept that kind of power, not unless he earned it and that was damn laughable ), the bulky warrior would have exhausted all other options before even thinkin’ about stealin’ from another clan knowing just well what that’d intel if they’d gotten caught.

At least he knew he tried everything to save his clan than thinkin’ of what ifs and drownin’ himself till he was blackout drunk. It’d been his guilt to carry if a warrior died, followin’ orders and sendin’ them off to the den to die when knowin’ he could have done more, should have done more. Communication. Stars damnit.

Instead of wreckin’ havoc, spillin’ useless blood on the full moon to bathe the land in sanguine and pointed fingers and spit. He sighed ruefully, pressin’ a paw against his burnin’ eyes, shadowin’ his sight in black bursts that cracked and splintered, drownin’ out the senseless gossip and dreadin’ what was to come.

Truly. It was like watchin’ kits flounder. Duskpool had nearly swept Chivepaw away before Cherryblossom or Orangeblossom called for them to return because that shouldn’t be the first thing the kid sees, freshly new and untainted by war only to witness blisterin’ anger and heated threats.

“Most aren’t eventful, not to that degree, but yer right kiddo, but some cats can’t rise and accept when they’re a fault, tossin’ accusations till they’re blue in the face.” He scoffed, timbre rumblin’ like perturbed waves rockin’ angrily durin’ a maelstrom.

Noddin’ in agreement, Duskpool shifted, watchin’ out for Chivepaw with a careful hue. “The spirits ain’t happy with us livin’ folk.” Marred lips curled into a subtle grimace. Sure. It wasn’t practical thinkin’ that StarClan would solve their issues, but to come at a time proclaimed by them — He sighed, shakin’ out wooly fur.


It didn’t concern him. Nor did it concern SkyClan till Howlingstar had the bright idea to cross the border when they’d been so hostile when other clans had done the same. Hypocritical foxhearts.

It didn’t stop the disastrous taste left behind by clenched teeth, just dreadin’ what was sure to come. If the full moon has havoc, then what next?

“Let’s hope it ain’t gonna come to war.” He muttered, voice barely audible.
thought speech

Hunting. As always, these little scuffles always seemed to come down to prey and lack of it. Twitchblot's reveal of what had caused the frustration towards WindClan makes Howlfire roll her eyes, her mind already thinking back to ThunderClan's brazen attempts. It made her wonder what Howlingstar had said during this, whether she had tried to keep the peace or speak against the violence. If she had called it out, Howlfire couldn't help but think it would have been a bit hypocritical of her grandmother, especially after ThunderClan's own attempt. Luckily, there had been no casualties on either side, and by all accounts the ThunderClan patrol had been rightly punished.

"WindClan have always thought quite highly of themselves," Howlfire mewed, looking to Daisypaw as she spoke. "Their flouncing of the warrior code isn't new but does surprise me Sunstar would be so brazen to authorise something like this. WindClan must have suffered gravely from the fire to have gone to such lengths." Twitchblot had said the same himself, and the more Howlfire thought about it, the more she was inclined to agree. If not...well then Sunstar was more a fool than she took him for.

Ashpaw and Daisypaw discussed the intervention from StarClan, Howlfire listened and nods along to Daisypaw's answer. It must have been quite the first gathering experience for any new joiners or new apprentices, she mused to herself.

Howlfire's amber gaze shifted to Duskpool as they spoke, expressing pulling into a grimace when he mentions war. "Let us hope not," Howlfire mewed in agreement.


Quillstrike was quick to find his way to Twitchbolts side, limping from his nest as soon as he heard the patrol returning. He’d been eager to hear what Thunderclan had to say for themselves about being caught red-handed stealing prey on Skyclan territory, but much to his frustration it sounded like that wasn’t even the main topic of the night.

”Was Thunderclans theft against us even brought up? Or was the entire thing overshadowed by Windclan being Windclan?” growled the chimera as he slunk up beside his mate, leaning over to lick their cheek in greeting and noting the exhaustion clinging to them. He’d be herding them into their nest soon enough for some proper rest.

It was one thing for the moor rats to act so out of line, but Thunderclan? Sure, there was the occasional squabble between warriors over the kittypet thing, but overall the oak-dwelling clan had been far closer to being allies then rivals. After all the positives, why ruin it by sending a patrol to hunt Skyclan territory? Surely their social standing was good enough that Thunderclan could have just come to Orangestar to ask for help?

His claws itched for retribution, for a guarantee of some sort that it wouldn’t happen again. His clanmates weren’t going to go hungry for a clan that would sooner rob them blind than ask for help.

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

Fireflyglow listens intently to the words being spoken as Cherryblossom gossips about the happenings at the Gathering. His tail twitches, face mushed into a neutral expression; he'd never enjoyed gossiping much. He'd been there to witness it all himself, but hearing exactly what happened, the things he couldn't see, it helped to really put things into perspective. He supposed, just this once, he'd indulge his clanmates in a little gossipmongering..

At Quillstrike's question about the scuffle at the Thunder-Sky border, Fireflyglow is reminded then of the decision Orangestar made to keep things private. "Perhaps Orangestar just wished to keep things peaceful. She had already spoken to Howlingstar privately, no need to make it a public issue at a Gathering. She has some decorum and respect for the Stars' wishes, after all." Fireflyglow guesses with a shrug of his shoulders, seating himself down next to the young Deputy with a dip of his head to her. Despite his own.. Opinions, on her promotion, she is nonetheless the Deputy of SkyClan. He respected the molly enough, as it was- even if she had her faults.

"Though, harming a medicine cat.. Well, he's lucky he didn't lose his tongue. Just because we're medicine cats, doesn't mean we're better than the cats we heal. We aren't invulnerable to harm. It is known." He nods his head sagely, lifting a paw up to his muzzle to gnaw at his claws. One was splitting, fraying like a tree branch freshly scratched, but nothing a little preening couldn't help. "Nonetheless.. As long as we never stray from the laws past and current leaders have agreed upon, we are sure to remain in StarClan's favor. Yes?" He smiles towards his clanmates, tail flipping over his paws. ​

✧ . Though he’d held back on going to the Fourtrees this moon, part of Greeneyes had regretted not going. The opportunity to catch up with friends — those made upon mountain-top treks, mostly — has befallen him, and he can’t help but to feel a little sad about that, can he? But sleep has also befallen him once again, and the tom knows he’d be better off trying to get some rest now, rather than push himself further.

When he awakes from the small amount of sleep he gains, it’s to the gathering-goers return — to a chatter-filled camp hardly in good tone. Greeneyes is quick to rise to his paws at that, to listen in on the news they bring forth. The gossip.

And his fur can’t help to bristle at the nape of his neck, disbelief at what he’s hearing apparent. “ StarClan… StarClan stopped the gathering? “ Maybe it was for the best then, that he hadn’t attended? Leaders hitting leaders, a medicine cat attacked — his gaze darts toward Fireflyglow, a verdant flash of concern for his friend, for the barrier of safety broken. Or perhaps… Perhaps he should’ve gone.

WindClan had been in the wrong, had broken the code he hears, but an attack on them, during the gathering, during a time of peace? Hardly does he sympathize with the bulk of them — though he briefly thinks of Periwinklebreeze — but there’d ought to be a better time than under the full-moon’s truce to retaliate… right?

Stealing prey seems to be a growing trend, “ Greeneyes mutters with a flick of the tail, hoping it doesn’t further itself as he settles beside Fireflyglow, a dread-ridden frown tugging at his maw as Duskpool mentions his own fears, mentions war. “ That’s the last thing the forest needs. “ Shall he pray now to the Stars, beg them for a resolve that doesn’t end in the death of all he knows? ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Mentor to Fluffypaw, formerly Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack