Applepaw tries not to think about the mentor she was now stuck with. Even if she would be adding a dumb cat to her life, she would be losing even more. And she could have her friend back. " Comfreypaw! " Applepaw makes for her as soon as she sees her, nettles and moss that Halfshade had helped her scrape together in her jaws. She was relived to not have to cram hereslf in the nursery with about a million other noisy kits anymore, even if it would be weird not huddling with her littermates in the same way. Garlicpaw would still be here though, and she probably made up the majority of the nursery's loudness. At least, " We can train together now, " she tells Comfreypaw with a flick of her tail, and tries to shake off the worry of how far ahead Comfreypaw has gotten after a moon... Applepaw could catch up, easily.

She places down her nesting materials, eyeing them as she wonders how to properly put these things together... she's never done it before, but she doesn't want help. " Where's the best spot? " Her eyes scan the den and the cats that occupied it. How far ahead were they? On her own, she concludes, " We should be near the center. "

  • ooc: please wait for @COMFREYPAW <3
  • ( I'M OBSESSED WITH THE MESS THAT'S AMERICA. ) APPLEPAW. kit of shadowclan. eldest sister to swankit, valeriankit, and garlickit.
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others
    —— currently 4 moons old. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.
She's been waiting for this day, though she's loathe to admit it. She never sees her littermates anymore, and even looking in Betonyfrost's direction makes her vaguely queasy now—the only cat she's close to anymore is Rosemire, and she can tell he feels ill-at-ease when she pads beside him. Her face aches, often, from the forced smile it bears, and at night the moss of her nest is sometimes damp with tears. But Halfshade's kits are apprenticed today, and she remembers them as her denmates well—and Applepaw, almost two moons younger than her but fierce and confident, has come to join her again at last.

The charcoal tabby's amber eyes threaten to spill, but the grin she wears for the tortoiseshell is genuine now. "Applepaw!" She tastes her old friend's new name, finds she likes it. "StarClan, I've missed you!" There's an ache in her chest that she banishes from her mind. Applepaw carries her new nesting materials, pale swampwater eyes gleaming. "We can train together now," she insists, and Comfreypaw falters. "Oh, well…" She could ask Rosemire, to be sure, but Granitepelt doesn't seem like the type to want to do something like that. She brightens. "Come put your nest by mine, here!"

Applepaw soon seems to notice Comfreypaw is on the outskirts of the circle of nests. The deputy's daughter sniffs, insisting they should shift their bedding closer to the middle. Comfreypaw falters, briefly. "Well… that's for the, um, older apprentices," she says, her ears lowering. "But… you are Smogmaw's kit, so… if you say we should…" She shuffles darkened paws, wondering if she could get away with something so courageous.

  • comfreykit . comfreypaw
    — she/her, apprentice of shadowclan
    — bisexual ; single
    — short-haired charcoal tabby with amber eyes
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — art by Meadowllark
  • Love
Reactions: APPLEJAW

From her vantage point, the procession of pawpads into her living space was much like an assembly line. It made sense, after all, an endless amount of kits would lead to an equally daunting number of apprentices. Sharp amber slits eyed Applepaw lazily as she entered, trying to determine if this stranger would be a nuisance or not.

The wanderer was inwardly delighted when she saw the sun-drenched she-cat strike up a conversation with Comfreypaw, partly because it made for easy entertainment and partly because it meant the moggy herself wouldn't be bothered. Wheatpaw was content to let them talk amongst themselves until the topic of sleeping arrangements was broached, and the Somali lookalike snorted in amusement. Even so, she was content not to expand any further. However, just a few moments later, autumn-hued ears shot up in surprise at the mention of her hated enemy: Smogmaw.

"You are Smogmaw's kit?" She started, leaping to her paws and padding towards the new arrival with clear purpose. After a quick look up and down at Applepaw, though, she shook her head. "That is impossible, You are nowhere near grumpy enough!" Wheatpaw's apparent hatred of Shadowclan's deputy was born of a single remark the older cat made, calling her priorities 'off-kilter.' For the wanderer, though, that was all it took.

"Still, you seem to have a good head about you, perhaps there is hope for the family yet…" she teased lightheartedly, considering the comment made about the nests. "You can sleep wherever your heart desires. Staking claims to a silly thing like the center of a den is a sign of small-mindedness, if you ask me." In truth, Wheatpaw didn't know what constituted an 'older' apprentice, or even the age when she would become a warrior, but the Wanderer didn't care. She planned to be long gone before then, after all.​
"Nah, nah nah." Mottlepaw drawls, flicking her tail over Wheatpaw's immaculately groomed shoulder as the sepia sidles past the younger 'paws. Skinny legs halt beside their owner's nest near the centre of the den, where around her paws lies moss that should be changed, decorated with little trinkets. She might need some spare paws moving this into the warriors' den after next meeting.

Odd eyes flick between Comfreypaw and Applepaw, lingering longer on the new addition to the den with a vibrant sparkle of mirth. It'd be weird sharing a den with Smogmaw's kits- Mottlepaw has the distinct feeling that if she breathes wrong on their first night in the new den she might have their favourite grumpy deputy questioning her about it in the next day-cycle. Best to make sure they prioritise convenience, then.

"Hear me out, Applepaw. Right, so- the nests closest to the entrance are the best. It's still too hot to be curled up in the middle with everycat, and if you need to get up for a midnight training session you don't need to traipse all over your denmates. Granitepelt used to do those a lot, you might wanna be prepared for them." It might be a lie, but Mottlepaw swears she has a fuzzy memory of cracking one eye open during the night to see a familiar grey-and-white form shoulder his way out of the den at moonhigh. Who knows though! Could've been a dream. She doesn't doubt he'd inflict something like that on his apprentice, though. "Besides, by the time it gets colder you'll be halfway through your training, and will be able to move your den around anyway. 'f ya don't like it there you can have my spot here when I get my warrior name next moon."

  • Nervous
Reactions: Marquette

maggotpaw & 09 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan apprentice

"Just because your the child of the deputy doesn't mean you're entitled to the best - you should earn it like everyone else," comes the girls voice, a cold and cruel thing, each syllable drawled out as one blue eye flicks open lazily. A smirks slowly curves across her face - a sharp thing, with too many teeth, and certainly out of place on her cold face. "Or perhaps the issue is that you can't? Is that way you use your daddy's name instead?" it's been a while since she's spoken so much, but maybe that's to be expected - magpie no longer sleeps within the den, her throne of discarded stones and bones in the corner no longer enough to keep her occupied.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a massive tabby she-cat with striking turquoise eyes, there has always been something not-right about her. cold and apathetic, and more than a bit unhinged, the monster that is maggotpaw is a volitile presence within shadowclan. she seems strangely taken by magpiepaw, putting herself in role of both tormentor and protector.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mediumpurple]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Anger was a cold and frosted emotion for her. She never had an explosive reaction to something like Garlicpaw or Applepaw would. But anger was the emotion steadily growing in her mind, even a smidge before the meeting, though the meeting definitely cause a surplus of more. She had listened quietly to the interactions, seeing her sister excited to see her friend. However, dual hues narrowed as the conversations occurred. Applepaw, even as a kit, was very capable despite their shared minimal experience. And Valerianpaw was content to let her sister handle the conversations on her own. At least, until Maggotpaw opened her smelly maw. Dual hues narrowed a smidge sharper, and the torbie decide to approach. "Does being an older apprentice make you hard of hearing?" It was a soft inquiring tone, and primarily innocent sounding. It seemed to be genuine curiosity, with an indistinct smile on the girl's face. "My sister never brought up our father, she simply wanted to share a space with Comfreypaw." She added, the tone remaining the same though losing questioning tone. "Applepaw is fully capable of earning anything she wants and doesn't need to rely on our father to be a warrior. Though perhaps age doesn't mean much for common sense." She continued on, moving closer to her sister and brushing against Applepaw's side, her dual hues staring rather emotionlessly at Maggotpaw despite the subtle smile. "If it was such a problem, you wouldn't be taking it out on Applepaw, take it up with Comfreypaw, who was the one to suggest it. Unless you missed that?" She tilted her head, swishing her tail as she gave a single blink.
[sweet like honey]
Oh, she's caused quite the commotion. Comfreypaw's ears flatten as Wheatpaw inadvertently insults Applepaw's father, Mottlepaw attempts to cajole the new apprentices into taking the worst spots in the den, and Maggotpaw insults the tortoiseshell she-cat to her face. She stares at the gray and white she-cat, aghast. She hadn't intended to cause an argument—and she has, truly, because Valerianpaw comes to sit beside her littermate, expression ice-cold as her tone.

"It was me who said it," she says with an airy laugh. She must diffuse this somehow. She doesn't want Applepaw getting blamed for something she did. "And it was a little frogbrained of me! I apologize. Of course we'll earn the best spots… Applepaw doesn't need to throw her father's name around, she'll be proving herself before we know it." She offers Maggotpaw a smile she hopes is charming.

  • comfreykit . comfreypaw
    — she/her, apprentice of shadowclan
    — bisexual ; single
    — short-haired charcoal tabby with amber eyes
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — art by Meadowllark
The fact that Comfreypaw missed her makes her smile – and she feels a little less childish for how much she'd thought about playing with Comfreypaw again for the past moons. Outside of her family, she was probably the only cat she would tell, " Me too. " Too caught up in her own excitement, she doesn't notice when Comfreypaw falters. Her eyes sweep to Comfreypaw's nest, and then the center again.

She blinks, " Is it? " She had only chosen it because she wanted to. Applepaw is already shuffling forward. She didn't think that sounded like much of a rule. More of a tradition, maybe, and those shouldn't always be followed. From what she's seen of ShadowClan's older cats, she doubts that anyone really cares. Being Smogmaw's daughter seems as good a reason as any. at this, she inwardly preens, happy to carry perhaps, some of the only respectable Lineage within ShadowClan. Poor Comfreypaw's mother was no good, but that wasn't her fault.

Her head is whirling toward a copper apprentice as she pipes up. The smile on her face is gone in an instant. " I am, " she answers mildly, unsure where this line of questioning was going. Nowhere meaningful, apparently. Smogmaw has never been grumpy to her. " If he's grumpy, it's because he's the one who has to keep all of ShadowClan in line, " It isn't totally going smoothly, but he was one cat doing about a thousand jobs. " Our family is fine, " she says, narrowing her eyes. Immediately, she dislikes this apprentice. Something something, small - mindedness. Applepaw has already stopped listening. she lets out a small "hm" of acknowledgement.

A second apprentice with odd eyes butts in, and Applepaw would regard them with brows raised. Could she not just want to be in the center? " Why move in a moon when I can just be there now? " she asks with a blink, the question more rhetorical, than anything.

Compared to the lighthearted ramblings of the other, an icy voice creeps in like a cold wind. Applepaw zeroes in on her with mismatched eyes. Her first impression is stupid. You had to be to imagine another's words so vividly.

Surprisingly, Valerianpaw cuts in before Applepaw can spit at the apprentice the way she really wants to. There's relief, in the way that Valerianpaw really believes in her. Nervousness in the way that – well, would someone capable really need their sister to stand up for her? Applepaw wears a dumber face than she means to. Take it up with Comfreypaw. The statement held truth, though she wasn't too excited about that option, either.

In the end, she smiles at Valerianpaw, though she doesn't thank her, because she does not think a capable warrior would. Perhaps the twitch of her whiskers is enough, or perhaps it wouldnt be. Applepaw pulls back her shoulders, realizing that she has curled in on herself just a notch. Use her father's name, has she ever done that? She never would again, either way. She needed no one else to be capable. She glances to Comfreypaw.

It's okay, she nearly says, but she isn't sure that she should. " She has a sad life, if she gets worked up over something like this, " she says. Perhaps all of ShadowClan did, but Applepaw wouldn't be like them. Comfreypaw didn't have to be, either. " We'll stay here if it hurts her feelings too much not too. " And she'd look forward to the day that she could push the other girl aside.

  • ooc: sorry for the late reply! <3
  • ( I'M OBSESSED WITH THE MESS THAT'S AMERICA. ) APPLEPAW. kit of shadowclan. eldest sister to swankit, valeriankit, and garlickit.
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others
    —— currently 5 moons old as of 9.3.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.