- Jun 7, 2022
- 817
- 667
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A hulking pale shape, silvered by the full moon, pads quietly to the edge of the Great Rock. Blazestar lifts his chin, feeling the cool fingers of an end-of-leaf-fall breeze tug through his whiskers, and calls, "Cats of all Clans! This Gathering will now commence." He sits, blue eyes dark but clear, and surveys the cats milling beneath the Clan leaders. "SkyClan grows stronger by the day, thanks to the lungwort brought back by our journeying cats. The last of our patients have begun to resume their duties. I believe the sickness is finally leaving our camp." He can only pray the other leaders can report the same. After all, if there are still cats struggling to recover, the disease has not truly been eradicated.
Blazestar continues, his heart full, "SkyClan honors all of the cats who made the journey to the mountains, but two in particular have ascended to my council. Both Greeneyes and Bobbie attend tonight as lead warriors." His gaze sweeps the masses, finding a ginger-splotched white pelt and the pale lilac tabby fur worn by his mate. Though he honors them both, there's a flash of warmth and affection that beams in his eyes when he seeks Bobbie. "I'm confident both will bring both strength and honor to my council."
The Ragdoll puffs himself up slightly, pride coloring his voice. "SkyClan welcomes two new litters of strong, healthy kits. My daughter Howlfire's kits born in ShadowClan's camp, Wolfkit, Blazingkit, and Hawk-kit, are sturdy and will make fine warriors. Butterflytuft has also had her litter, Weedkit and Fluffykit, and both are doing well." He wraps his tail about his massive golden paws, protecting himself from the chill in the air.
"Two cats have recently joined StarClan from our ranks. Brightflame, as some of you will know, died taking SkyClan's territory back from the rogues. Another of our warriors, Tawnystripe, lost his life this moon as well. The porcupine whose quills caused him to bleed out has been hunted down by Bobbie, Cloverjaw, Circe, and Lux." The pride in his voice waters down, sobering. He flicks his gaze briefly to the sky, searching for a sign one of the two warriors was looking down on them now.
He clears his throat. "Finally, one of our recent joiners has chosen to begin his warrior training. Happypaw trains under Sparrowsong. We have faith he will become a fine SkyClan warrior under their tutelage." He shifts his gaze to the other leaders on the rock, finishing, "That is all from SkyClan this moon."
Blazestar continues, his heart full, "SkyClan honors all of the cats who made the journey to the mountains, but two in particular have ascended to my council. Both Greeneyes and Bobbie attend tonight as lead warriors." His gaze sweeps the masses, finding a ginger-splotched white pelt and the pale lilac tabby fur worn by his mate. Though he honors them both, there's a flash of warmth and affection that beams in his eyes when he seeks Bobbie. "I'm confident both will bring both strength and honor to my council."
The Ragdoll puffs himself up slightly, pride coloring his voice. "SkyClan welcomes two new litters of strong, healthy kits. My daughter Howlfire's kits born in ShadowClan's camp, Wolfkit, Blazingkit, and Hawk-kit, are sturdy and will make fine warriors. Butterflytuft has also had her litter, Weedkit and Fluffykit, and both are doing well." He wraps his tail about his massive golden paws, protecting himself from the chill in the air.
"Two cats have recently joined StarClan from our ranks. Brightflame, as some of you will know, died taking SkyClan's territory back from the rogues. Another of our warriors, Tawnystripe, lost his life this moon as well. The porcupine whose quills caused him to bleed out has been hunted down by Bobbie, Cloverjaw, Circe, and Lux." The pride in his voice waters down, sobering. He flicks his gaze briefly to the sky, searching for a sign one of the two warriors was looking down on them now.
He clears his throat. "Finally, one of our recent joiners has chosen to begin his warrior training. Happypaw trains under Sparrowsong. We have faith he will become a fine SkyClan warrior under their tutelage." He shifts his gaze to the other leaders on the rock, finishing, "That is all from SkyClan this moon."
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