my fingers ran with blood
- May 5, 2023
- 680
- 259
- 63

Has there ever been a Gathering that didn't end in leaders storming off the rock and outcries from the crowd? Bobbie's only been to two, granted, but somehow she doubts it. This tradition of Clan life, seemingly intended to provide a place for the clans to pseudo-unite and share news, seems to be increasingly becoming an airing of grievances that constantly tests the thinly-worn treaty of moonlight.
It begins affably enough—Blazestar's ringing voice cuts through the chatter, providing a cleanly cut summary of SkyClan's past moon. She sits up a little straighter when her name is spoken, fixing adoring eyes on her mate's golden pelt, silvered by the great pearl of the moon above. He settles back, leaving room for Howlingstar to step up and deliver the expected, but still appreciated, news of ThunderClan's recovery. Bobbie's ears twitch when Hailstorm's name is mentioned; she's been wondering how the hulking tomcat has been doing, plagued as he was by grief when the journeying party said their goodbyes. She has to suppress a shudder—if it was Blazestar who'd been lost only days after their courtship's conclusion, she doesn't know what she would've done. Or she doesn't to think of it.
Chilledstar's news is equally peaceable, if spoken in a bitter monotone. Bobbie's beginning to think this Gathering might really be just that: a time for the Clans to gather and peacefully share news. Then Smokethroat—Smokestar—the cat she'd bumped into in the crowd, she realizes with a flush of embarassment, steps up. He doesn't mince his words in sharing his news, until he turns on the WindClan deputy where he perches on the rock, tone as smoldering as his name. It's a challenge, an open one, and Sunstride rises to it with an even-toned retort that's the opposite of the she-cat he replaces. A murmur rises within the crowd, building to a pitch as hot as the feverish brows of a moon ago, shouts and yowls.
Bobbie inhales sharply. At her first gathering, she'd remained silent, and she does the same now. Does she respect Sunstride, justifying the actions of a cat spiraling down, down, down? No. She does not. But she respects the traditions of the forest she's lucky to live in, she respects the hierarchy she's worked herself up, and so she keeps quiet. She trusts her mate to speak for SkyClan, and that he does, condemning WindClan's actions. When Smokestar calls his Clan to leave, Blazestar agrees, and she weaves her compact frame towards him through the mass of pelts. Away from the Gathering, away from the rosetted tom perched on the rock above, defending the choices of a madwoman.

x. she/her ; 42 moons ; tags
x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
x. played by dejavu
x. mother to lupinepaw, crowpaw, and drowsypaw. mate to blazestar.