private CONVERGE ʚїɞ orangepaw

The mutiny had left Softpaw more than rattled. The death of Howlingstar and others, the vicious takeover by Skyclaw and his followers, none of it had been expected even if clues had been dropped in the days prior. She'd thought that Howlingstar and her council would get the traitors before anything like this happened, but now... now, this was he reality. Stuck in a ThunderClan won over by a coup, chained to her very own roots by the blood that Skyclaw was placing such an importance on, hypocrite though he was. Softpaw found herself at a loss for words when facing almost anyone, and she had to force out what words she did manage, words that felt like claws coming up her throat.

She knew that plenty of younger cats had retreated to Gentlestorm's den to find solace in the medicine cat's kind nature, and Softpaw didn't want to take more space than was necessary - but her lack and trouble with words was somewhat concerning, so she found herself entering the den with a small frown that seemed to have gotten permanently etched onto her features. Instead of the familiar, comforting bearded face of Gentlestorm, Softpaw discovered Orangepaw, the younger tom resting in one of the nests. Softpaw eyed him warily for a moment, before forcing out,

"Mn. You." It's said with a certain monotony, but Softpaw means well. She recognizes Orangepaw as one of the friends that Roaringpaw picked up during his stay in ThunderClan, so she supposes that counts for something in regards to how she should treat him. If Roaringpaw saw something in Orangepaw, then Softpaw could, possibly, as well. She didn't have many - any - close friends, and counted Roaringpaw as her only friend, but in his absence she found herself... lonely. Perhaps having another to speak with comfortably would alleviate the stress of living under Skyclaw's rule.
  • 78702926_pKp9rsLXtiBg2Kr.png
  • SOFTPAW apprentice of thunderclan, eleven moons
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- orangepaw has been in the medicine cat den for a long time. he hasn't really been allowed to leave and aside from the mutiny, he didn't really go out of the den– never more than just going from his nest to the entrance of the den so that he could watch the stars– but he's been observing a lot. he's always kind to visitors and he's seen softpaw in here a lot. she's smart, he thinks, even if he has never really interacted with her. that's okay. he is always a little much at first– he knows this pretty well– so he never holds it against anyone who hasn't directly talked to him. he is aware of just how much he can be! his ears swivel, however, when she speaks and he pushes himself to sit up in his nest, his gaze soft and an even softer smile on his face.

"hi, softpaw! uhm, are you okay? do you need me to wake gentlestorm or something?"

she comes in here to see him a lot but maybe thats not what she's here for now. he doesn't know, he isn't the most sure, but he certainly can get gentlestorm if that's what she needs.


"No, that's alright." Softpaw says, shaking her head when Orangepaw offers to wake Gentlestorm. The last thing she wants is to prevent the medicine cat from getting rest, especially with everything that's been happening - he surely needed some downtime, and she was certain that he wouldn't afford himself any otherwise. "I actually came to see you. You're Roaringpaw's friend, right?" She asked, sitting down beside Orangepaw's nest.

"Do you miss him?" She continues, looking from the floor to Orangepaw with a distinct lack of expression. She knows that she probably doesn't need to be guarded with Orangepaw - at least, she hope she doesn't need to be - but she can't help herself from being a bit distant and wary. Orangepaw would probably understand, so that fact comforts Softpaw a bit.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- orangepaw's ears twitch at softpaw's words. she... came to see him? that was nice, he thinks. his body shifts and he gently nods his head. roaringpaw was his friend, one of the first ones he made here. a good friend. a best friend. he remembers visiting when roaringpaw got sick from his meal, and he remembers roaringpaw doing the same after he was able to leave, and orangepaw had been stuck here. seemed like so long ago, and yet he is still in the medicine cat den. not that he minds much at all.

"yes, i do. a lot. roaringpaw is one of my best friends and i... just want him and the others to be okay. i... really really wish they could come back home."

especially roaringpaw. he misses him the most, and though he doesn't say it out loud, not seeing him makes him... sad. but orangepaw never shows sadness around anyone. he shakes his head and offers a smile to softpaw, twitching his tail as he thinks.

"but wherever they've gone, I'm sure they're safe and that's always a good thing. we will see them again. a goodbye is never permanent!"