what do i stand for &. storage

starclan resident // former leader of shadowclan // formerly deputy. warrior.
agender // uses they/them pronouns only.
48 moons // no longer ages.
played by @scar //
introduction, pinterest, any other important links.

  • black feline with low white markings, a scarred face, and a single blue eye

    ⋆⁺₊ chilledstar is a slightly above average height black feline with a white marking streaking across their face from top right to bottom left, a white chin, and a single white front right paw. they are littered in scars, by many battles. the most prominent of scars are the ones across their throat, across their face and the jagged one across their left, and missing, eye. they also possess a tear on their left ear.
    ( genetics ) black feline with low white and blue eyes.
    chilledstar is not a smiler. often can be found with a straightened face or a scowl.
    their voice is rather neutral. not too deep, but not high in pitch either. the closest thing to their voice would be marceline from adventure time, but with a deeper and more raspy pitch to it.
    smells of pine needles, tree sap, pine cones, and undertones of mud

  • ( + ) loyal, headstrong, dedicated.
    ( = ) protective, blunt, possessive.
    ( - ) abrasive, bitter, self-loathing, angry.

    ⋆⁺₊ chilledstar is not an easy cat to get along with. they come off as cold and uncaring in many instances, as somewhat of a surface level brick wall to keep themself from getting too close to others. they do not like any cat that is considered to be an outsider or not within their own clan. they do not make sttempts to get closer to these cats, but they do make more of an effort with their own clan.

    they can be seen very kind and caring with kits, or the younger cats within the clan, as they want them to feel at home within shadowclan. most other cats get a sense of neutrality, unless they are lucky enough to get on chilledstar's good side. after losing their mother, best friend, many apprentices, and their mate, they are very hard to get to know. they don't enjoy getting close to others, especially since they know that they are on borrowed time.

    they can be a bit cold after losing a life. recently, having lost two, makes them a little more cold than normal. theyre hardly listening and can often be seen spacing out as if theyre not fully present. the only way they can describe it is that theyre not actually sure if theyre truly alive.
    istj ' the logisticitian ' // chaotic good // etc.
    the unwilling hero.

  • jagged X raven ⋆⁺₊✧
    ⋆⁺₊ older sibling to serpentspine. older half-sibling to rook, ripplestream, shrike, and lotus
    former mate to geckoscreech // in love with duckshimmer.
    mentored by npc rogue
    ⋆⁺₊ mentoring basilpaw // formerly mentored forestshade, tornadopaw, applejaw, screechstorm.
    friends with pitchstar forestshade, duckshimmer, scalejaw, most of shadowclan //
    enemies with most of windclan, granitepelt. anyone who followed sootstar. sootstar. //


    ⋆⁺₊ skilled fighter. unpredictable and fights best in the dark, or uneven terrain. not too terribly agile, but quick enough to hit hard.
    excels at fighting, hunting, running //
    poor at swimming, climbing //
    aromantic lesbian. difficult to befriend. difficult to romance.
    ⋆⁺₊ most of their interactions start off cold, unless preestablished that chilledstar would be kinder. hard to befriend due to the walls they put up.

  • Code:
    [center][s][color=transparent]———————---[/color][/s][color=transparent]***[/color][size=20px][font=alienleague][color=#000][glow=#fff][b]i try to live in black and white[/b][/glow][/color][/font][/size][color=transparent]***[/color][s][color=transparent]———————---[/color][/s][/center]
    [tabs][tab=but i'm so blue✧][/tab][tab=i'd like to mean it when i say i'm over you][color=#000]—[/color] black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    [color=#000]—[/color] 48 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    [color=#000]—[/color] they / them pronouns
    [color=#000]—[/color] aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    [color=#000]—[/color] child of [abbr='NPC']JAGGED[/abbr] and [abbr='NPC'][s]RAVEN[/s][/abbr]
    [color=#000]—[/color] shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    [color=#000]—[/color] mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    [color=#000]—[/color] "[color=#000]speech[/color]", [color=#fff][i]thoughts[/i][/color], [u]attacking[/u]
    [color=#000]—[/color] peaceful powerplay allowed[/tab][/tabs][/justify][/box][/SIZE][/JUSTIFY]

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warrior of thunderclan // formerly kit, apprentice.
amab transgender molly // uses they/she pronouns.
14 // ages on the twentieth of each month.
played by @scar // PINTEREST, any other important links.

  • solid black and orange tabby chimera with low white. she has green and blue heterochromatic eyes. ⋆⁺₊✧
    ⋆⁺₊ stagpaw is a chimera molly. the left side of their face is black with a singular blue eye. the right side of her face is orange tabby with a green eye. she has a white patch on their chest, chin, and a singular white spot on their left paw. they have a naturally bigger and more bulky build from being amab and uses it to their advantage.
    ( genetics ) genetic info.

    no notable scars.
    raspy but purposefully trains for a higher pitch. notably agitated and annoyed.
    smells of faint mint, tree sap, and cinnamon

  • ( + ) loyal, honest, protective.
    ( = ) quick witted, brutally honest
    ( - ) rude, abrasive, brash.

    ⋆⁺₊ stagpaw is notably a very abrasive cat. she snaps and growls at anyone who stares at her the wrong way. they are very quick witted and will speak.their mind no matter who it hurts in the long run. they often do not apologize for such things at they do not say anything that they dont actually mean at the time. if they apologize, then you mean something to her.

    she respects authority figures in the sense of thats what shes been taught, but it is unsure if she actually respects them or simply does it because she has to. they have a superiority complex. but it is because theyre so insecure about being better. their parents push them to be better anf thus they force themself to be better and make sure everyone knoes that they are indeed better. the only cat who csn get under their skin and make them feel more inferior than themself is houndpaw.

    istj ' the logisticitian ' // lawful neutral // etc.
    can't take criticism.

  • doefeather X oakbite ⋆⁺₊✧
    ⋆⁺₊npc siblings.

    mate to none // yearning for houndshade
    formerly mentored by npc
    ⋆⁺₊ mentoring none // formerly mentored none

    notable friendships // very good friends with houndshade, tolerates orangepaw
    notable enemies // none

    ⋆⁺₊ difficulty in battle, some insight on fighting style and/or strengths and weaknesses.

    excels at // fighting, climbing
    poor at // swimming, hunting

    ⋆⁺₊ do not easily trust others. keeps most cats at arms length. purposefully rude to keep others away.

  • Code:
    [BOX=70%][center][font=georgia][size=3][color=#0047AB]YOU ALWAYS SAID HOW YOU LIKE DOGS[/color][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [hr][/hr] [justify][font=tahoma]text 
    [/font][/justify] [/BOX]

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kit of windclan // no former rank.
amab tom kit // uses he/him pronouns. // will later discover being non-binary and change to strictly they/them
age // ages on ???
played by @scar // PINTEREST, any other important links.

    ⋆⁺₊ short haired lilac point with vibrant and wide soft baby blue eyes. he is notably somewhat lanky, but small in height enough to fit into smaller spaces. while he is not the biggest of cats, he does have formidable paws for digging.
    ( genetics ) sh lilac point with blue eyes

    no scars.
    very soft and quiet
    smells of wheat grass, and milk

  • ( + ) soft, kindhearted
    ( = ) curious, shy
    ( - ) quiet, somewhat easily manipulated

    ⋆⁺₊ splinterkit is a cat of very few words. he does not speak unless he is spoken to, and often finds himself trailing after his littermates and his parents. he does not go out of his way to talk to anyone outside of his family, but if he is talked to he will give indications that he is
    indeed listening. hes very shy, and will hide behind cats he's comfortable around.

    mbti ' persona ' // lawful good // etc.

  • venomstrike X rattleheart ⋆⁺₊✧
    ⋆⁺₊thistlekit, bunnykit, crunchykit, breezekit

    mate to none // crush on none
    mentored by none
    ⋆⁺₊ mentoring none // formerly mentored none

    notable friendships // friends with littermates, vulturekit
    notable enemies // no notable enemies

    ⋆⁺₊ difficulty in battle, some insight on fighting style and/or strengths and weaknesses.

    excels at // none yet
    poor at // none yet

    no notable sexuality. to be discovered. SEMI-EASY TO BEFRIEND. NOT AVAILABLE TO ROMANCE AT THE MOMENT.⋆⁺₊✧
    ⋆⁺₊ somewhat easily trust others. doesn't talk to others openly.

  • Code:
    [BOX=70%][center][font=georgia][size=3][color=#89CFF0]BUT MAYBE THAT'S A LIE[/color][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [hr][/hr] [justify][font=tahoma]text 
    [/font][/justify] [/BOX]

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  • orangekit orangepaw; orange: a color– named for his strikingly orange fur. paw: a suffix relating to his rank as an apprentice.
    ─ apprentice of thunderclan; no previous allegiences
    ─ non-binary male, he/they; homosexual, polyamorous
    ─ created april '24 at 5 moons / 11 moons / ages normally the first of every month
    ↳ penned by @scar

    ↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    a long furred orange tabby with green eyes and a broken leg, and deep scars along the left side of his face and down his right side / reference orangepaw is a rather scruffy looking tom cat with low white markings on his face, paws, and ears. his eyes are a very bright green, and he stands rather tall. he is a big cat, in general, and somewhat lanky. he looks a lot more burly than he is due to his thick and wild coat that he does his best to keep maintained. he permanently is missing one tooth on his left side and his left leg is covered in a bunch of small scars and is left with a permanent limp from breaking the hind limb.
    ↳ lh orange tabby with low white and green eyes.​

    ↳ ( Mentality ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    Intelligence ●●●●○○○○○○
    Confidence ●●●●○○○○○○
    Charisma ●●●●●●●●○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●●●○○
    Empathy ●●●●●●●●●●
    Humor ●●●●●●●○○○
    lawful good, mbti ❝ the whatever ❞ (+) positive, happy, bright (/) optimistic, easy-going (-) naive, gullible, anxious orangepaw is very much known for his highly optimistic and happy go lucky attitude. very rarely is he found without a smiling or trying to make others smile. he is naive and easily persuaded to do things for the sake of making others happy, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone. he feels his entire purpose in life is to make others happy, and will do most anything to see the happiness of others. he doesn't really understand negative emotions such as anger and if someone truly doesn't like him he simply wouldn't understand it. not because he doesn't know how someone wouldn't like him but because he truly does not get negative emotions such as anger. it doesn't register in his mind as a bad thing. this isn't to say he doesn't understand things like sadness or grief, because he doesn't.
    unknown to him, orangepaw suffers from separation anxiety. he attaches to others easy, often calling anyone he meets/talks to a friend/best friend, and when they leave him for prolonged periods of him, he panics. he doesn't know that that's what's happening. he simply just pushes it away and continues to smile.
    – orangepaw is starting to exhibit signs of severe depression and anxiety. while he does not understand hatred or anger, he does not get when cats do not like him. while he can't understand why, he does show more signs of feeling hurt by this. this will not stop him from trying to see the good in everyone and everything. everything happens for a reason. he tries to be as optimistic as worldly possibly
    ↳ mannerisms elaborate

    ↳ notably he does not have fur between his paws because he anxiously chews and licks at the fur between his toes. he does not realize he does this.
    ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . . npc x npc
    sibling to none(???) | mentoring no one, mentored by leafhusk, mate to none; crushing on roaringsun, and (secret) | parent to none | no other kin
    — Admires many
    — Friends with brackenpaw, roaringsun, gentlestorm, doepath, fallowbite, deerpaw, soft, addersnap, everyone in his opinion
    — Likes everyone
    — Dislikes no one
    ↳ in spite of disliking no one, he does fear: fallowbite, ravenstrike, skyclaw, yewflame, wrathpaw
    — Loathes no one

    ↳ (
    ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    strength ●●●●●●●○○○
    stamina ●●●●●○○○○○
    agility ●●○○○○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●●○○○○
    swimming ●○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ○○○○○○○○○○
    grace ●●○○○○○○○○

    single; unknowingly homosexual, polyamorous / crushing on roaringsun and unnamed cat, not necessarily looking, extremely easy for them to trust– practically takes nothing for orangepaw to trust
    — physical health: [ 85% ] | mental health: [ 70% ]
    — will not start fights | might end fights | might?? flee | will always show mercy
    excels at fighting, hunting
    poor at skill climbing, swimming, agility, running
    sounds like tails from sonic?? / voice claim if applicable
    smells like campfire smoke, chestnuts, vanilla bean undertone
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed. ask for injury / maiming. NO KILLING ALLOWED.
    — speech is #E67E22
  • ( Backstory / simplified history ) found in a hollowed fallen tree. made an apprentice a couple weeks later.
    ( Important Threads )
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    Thread Name ──── brief description.
    Thread Name ──── brief description.
  • code of posting format posting format
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no past names
BUZZARDKIT ;; named for their wide eyed stare
--- AFAB: identifies as agender // any pronouns; including it pronouns // no known sexuality / to be discovered
--- KIT of SHADOWCLAN ;; loyal to shadowclan strictly; will grow disdain for other clans
--- created on 06.11.2024 at 0.5 moons old // ages every ??
--- posting goal: 5-8 per month
--- penned by @scar

  • toyhouse
  • lh cinnamon tabby with low white and yellow eyes
    carries ...​
    buzzardkit is an oddly skrunkly young cat. pelt of cinnamon, ticked in tabby markings, and very few white markings, notable on it's back toes upon left foot, muzzle and ear furs. she is notably lanky when she stands, and often can be seen with her head tilted off to one side, not because of any medical condition but simply because she is curious. rarely ever is he not staring, and can keep his eyes open for a long time as a result which makes him very observant. their tail almost always hangs in a question mark like fashion due to two breaks within them making it an odd shape. this does not affect their balance all too much as they have known nothing else from birth.
    ↳ always found with sticks, pine needles, leaves and miscellaneous "dirty" things within it's fur, due to lack of personal grooming.
    ↳ notably does not groom her own fur. this is the one thing that she has no interest in learning how to do properly on herself. can clean/share tongues with others fairly well, espeicslly when told exactly what to do, but never does her own. can find tangles in her fur. smells of plant rot and mud.

    curious beyond reason, they can always be found studying something by simply staring. there is nothing more they want in this world than to know. knowledge in a sense is power, but to them it is simply what motivates them. to know. to learn. to be smart. they have no intention of using it as a means of power. they're not and likely never will be motivated by power. they simply like facts. seeing is believing, and to know is even better. will always ask questions. even asks themself if no one else knows. can even be seen talking to themself to try and get a better understanding of something they dont get. due to all of this; they don't necessarily believe in starclan but they do believe in the higher power of the stars itself. they do belive themself to touched by them and entrusted to be the vessel of the knowledge star, specifically blessed by it.
    ↳ in spite of its curious nature, somehow it holds the air of being rather mysterious itself. it will not lie about who it is or it's intentions, but it does not go out of it's way to make itself known. in spite of its need to know, it knows not of who it wants to be and who it is. it believes, however, that it is destined for something. what? it doesn't quite know. vaguely, it speaks of the stars picking it to be smart. knowledgeable. why else would it be the second weakest kit within the litter? the one thing it doesn't understand and the one thing it places it's faith in. it has to have some purpose and will learn to believe itself to be from the stars.

    naturally, she is pretty blunt in her words. whether or not she means to be or if this is simply because she believes in the fact of the matter is not known. she does not lie, nor does she ever say anything she does not mean right in the moment. if she apologizes, it is simply because she truly believes she got the fact wrong and is sorry for thinking that way about someone. her blunt attitude certain is bound to get her in trouble, as it makes her tongue rather unintentionally sharp. she is just monotone in the way she speaks which makes her a lot more quick witted than she intends to be.

    he is protective of his family and friends without hesitation. his first reaction to cats trying to bother or mess with his family, is to bite quite literally. he never apologies or even feels remorse for the things that he does– in general but espeically when it comes to protecting loved ones. one may even say he is overprotective but he cares not what they think. he will do any and everything to ensure their survival over all. his loyalty to his family is unmatched. clan is second. those he deems as family will always come first and he can and will injury himself for their sake without a single bit of regret. he never wants his family to feel bad for injuries he may sustain to keep them safe, and he will say it, too. he is particularly protective of puddlekit and nightkit. they may be his favorite siblings: but he loved all of his siblings full heartedly.
  • NPC x NPC;; adopted by moltface // sibling to nightkit, puddlekit, cloudkit, and runningkit
    FRIENDS: no known friends
    ENEMIES: no known enemies

    somewhat easy to befriend depending on personal perspective of cat. tends to flock towards nicer cats versus rude cats. they dont like when cats lie. if found lying to them, you become an enemy. there is a diffeerence, to her, between lying by omission ( this is okay ) and full on lying to her face ( this is not ). the only cat allowed to lie without swaying it's trust is moltface. normally easy to gain his trust, but lying makes it practically impossible to get it back. due to his perception, he can rather easily pick up on lies, even at such a young age.​

    HUNTING: ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
    FIGHTING: ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
    CLIMBING: ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
    SWIMMING: ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
    MEDICINE: ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
    LEADERSHIP: ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇

  • ╰┈➤[ KITTEN ]
    no known history other than being abandoned and left with siblings

    ╰┈➤[ APPRENTICE ]

    ╰┈➤[ WARRIOR ]
  • Code:
    template code goes here
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HICKORY no known former name
loner/rogue of no clan // formerly ??
afab; non-binary // she/they pronouns
20 moons // ages on the first of each month.
played by @scar // ADOPTION THREAD, PINTEREST, any other important links.

  • a fawn colored abyssian with a slender build, a few scattered scars, and gray eyes. ⋆⁺₊✧
    ⋆⁺₊ elaborate.
    ( genetics ) sh abyssian cat with gray eyes.
    notable scarring or accessories/any other important appearance aspects.
    her voice can be described as smooth like honey. very on purpose. she talks like she can be trusted.
    pine trees, hickory smoked wood, slight smell of oil

  • ( + ) seemingly kind, patient, strong willed.
    ( = ) protective, smooth-talker, flirtation.
    ( - ) manipulative, controlling, liar.

    ⋆⁺₊ elaborate
    mbti ' the ____ ' // chaotic evil? // etc.
    tropes, references, notes, whatever!.

  • npc X npc ⋆⁺₊✧

    ⋆⁺₊family outcast, does not talk to any of her family. // has siblings in clans somewhere. doesnt care to know.
    mate to none // crushing on none.
    mentored by npc rogue.
    ⋆⁺₊ mentoring none // formerly mentored a couple cats.
    no notable friendships // no notable enemies //
    ⋆⁺₊ hickory is someone who uses her speed and agility in battle. she does not use brute force, but instead uses the environment around her to bring her opppnents down. she's quick, smart, and talented in battle, and fights dirty.
    excels at //
    poor at //
    ⋆⁺₊ its easy to note that hickory's interaction with tom cats certainly differs from that of mollies, or even cats that are neither, or both. being as manipulative as she is, she does seduce tom cats to doing what she wants. they are simply a means to an end to her. she has no real interest in them ofher than that, versus mollies and other, who she may have more of an interest in.



named cornflower due to the ongoing color themed with monochrome pelt patterns
afab, uses she/her, will switch to they/them, with a gender neutral preference to gendered terms
no known sexuality, single
0 moons
shadowclan kit

scrawny silver tabby kitten with low white and orange eyes

[ + ] smart, observant, protective
[ / ] sassy, independent
[ — ] angry, snappy, easily frustrated
due to her observant nature, she is pretty smart. she latches onto information pretty easily, and often can tell when cats are lying due to simply watching their facial expressions. this does not leave her immune to manipulation however because with the right amount of time and effort she can easily be persuaded to do something, espeicslly if she believes cats are being sincere. she is also very protective of her family and does not tolaterate cats making fun of or talking down to one. if she knows your weaknesses, she will use them to get at you if you try and hurt her family.
she is quick witted and sassy. can and will snap back at anyone, but especially tom cats. she has a pretty notable disdain for toms outside of her family, or authority in general. will never back down from telling someone how she feels. she is fueled by inner emotions of a lot of rage, and it's very easy for her to snap at anyone who pisses her off enough
she is easily frustrated. if things arent easy enough, or the splution isnt right there, she csn get pissed off. if someone looks at her funny she can get pissed off. if anyone has a different tone of voice when spesking to her or her family that she doesnt like she can snd will get pissed off. she will be known to start fights over this.​
.     · + * . . ⋆ ✧   ˚ · .  . .   .     ✺ ·     * ⊹ .   * *