COULD BE, WILL BE, STILL AM ✧ apr meeting

"SkyClan, gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!"

Most of her Clan are already here, close at paw and covering in camp from the astronomical event that had happened right above her heads. Orangestar has received no answers in its wake, the moon shifting away from the sun as if it had all been a dream, but the shudders that pass through the Clan periodically convince her that it was no mere nightmare.

"... Is everyone safe?" She peers into the crowd, looking for injuries. Her tail flicks, agitated, though Orangestar is relieved to know that no immediate caterwauls answer her call. Silently, she comes to a decision. Maybe the other Clans would have some insight, or their medicine cats might. Is this a warning that Dawnglare should return home? "I will travel to meet the other leaders. If none of us have answers, I pray that StarClan does.

“Before I do, though, I have a great deal of ceremonies to award."
Her tongue darts out, touches at the scars on her muzzle. It's a thoughtful habit by now, she realises idly. "Horse, Comet, Spice. Step forward. The three of you have chosen to become apprentices of SkyClan.

"Horse. From now until you finish your warrior training, you will be known as Horsepaw.”
A fine name. Even if Orangestar has never met a horse, she expects they are skittish, curious things. “Mallowlark, I believe you ready to train an apprentice of your own. You will pass on your knowledge to Horsepaw.” And hopefully you won't scare her away from the Clan. She waits for them to touch noses, and turns to the next waiting apprentice.

“Comet. From now until you have completed your training, you will be known as Cometpaw. Stripetail will be your mentor. I trust you will teach him all you know.” The last part is directed towards the tabby warrior, who nods and stands to greet his new apprentice.

“Spice. From now until you have finished your training, you will be known as Spicepaw. Momowhisker,” she calls into the crowd, searching for the oversized ears and pale eyes of a fellow daylight SkyClanner, “will be your mentor. You will teach her all you know.”

A beat of silence follows their parting, before the crowd clustered in the camp breaks into cheering for the new apprentices. Orangestar adds her call to the sky: "Horsepaw! Cometpaw! Spicepaw!"

“Pollenpaw, Peachpaw. Step forward.” The next two ceremonies are less daunting for all the cats involved, but are important nonetheless. A cat's mentor is an influential figure in their life, even if said mentor is not the first one they are given.

“Pollenpaw, for the remainder of your apprenticeship, you will be reassigned to Twitchbolt.” It would be good practise for him, to know how the final moon of training went on the mentor’s side of things. It feels like yesterday when he was given his first apprentice - her heart twinges at the thought of Doompaw - but hopefully, this time, her deputy will be able to finish what he started.

“Peachpaw. From now until you complete your apprenticeship, your new mentor will be Honeysplash.” Orangestar seeks her sibling in the crowd, beckoning the cream-and-white tabby to stand with a flick of her tail. A daylight apprentice is an easier start, she thinks, even if Peachpaw might prove to be a pawful. “Honeysplash, I believe you ready to receive an apprentice now that you've healed. I expect you to teach Peachpaw all that you know.”


Despite Orangestar's familiar call, Howlfire is a little reluctant to step out from the shelter of the warrior den. Slowly, she does move and gathers with the rest of her clan below the Highbranch. The sun is no longer obscured and if not for the worried chatter of the clan, one would think nothing strange at all had occurred that day. Orangestar asks if everyone is safe, and Howlfire nods idly to the leader before looking around herself. There does not appear to be any injuries that she can see which is surely a good thing. Once satisfied that everyone was safe, Orangestar announced her intentions to speak with the other leaders about the matter in the search for answers, before moving on to the first of many ceremonies.

She begins with three new apprentices, giving them their proper apprentice names, and assigning them mentors within the clan. "Horsepaw! Cometpaw! Spicepaw!" Howlfire cheers with the rest of SkyClan, welcoming the new apprentices. Hopefully, they would make promising warriors one day. The next ceremonies aren't as grand as the previous ones but are no less important. Pollenpaw and Peachpaw's first mentors were no longer able to continue their duties and as such were assigned new ones in the form of Twitchbolt and Honeysplash. Once, Howlfire could recall being in that position, passed from Redstorm to Slate to complete her training.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- The sound of their sisters’ voice is what pulled their gaze from the sky. Orangestar seemed frazzled, and voiced speaking to the others leaders about it when the time came. They felt a shiver run up their spine and they found themselves searching the gathered group of cats for a familiar blazing pelt that had burnt holes in it from ebony. Though when she didnt spot him right away she turned back to her sister as she hopped up and called for a meeting.

A meeting? After that? It seemed poorly timed- but they moved forward regardless as Orangestar spoke of the new apprentices. Honeysplash smiled to herself in pride at the newly named cats, “Cometpaw! Spicepaw! Horsepaw!” They cheered alongside their clan mates and felt like bursting with excitement. They loved ceremonies! Such achievements always being made!

Then reassignments took place shortly after and they felt a twinge of annoyance in their chest. Twitchbolt had two apprentices now- didnt he have enough on his paws with Quillstrike and his duties? Honeysplash suppressed the urge to roll her eyes at herself and then straightened slightly when she heard her own name. Mossy green eyes widened slightly and felt her pelt go aflame- a mentor? She- she was a mentor now?

Honeysplash closed her mouth that had been agape and stood up when Orangestar searched her out, and she gave a determined nod of her head, “I wont let you down!” She then looked for Peachpaw with excitement bubbling in her paws that she couldnt help but bounce slightly.

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 27 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Emerging from the nursery where she had been protecting her kits she makes her way for the High Branch. Her mind races a million thoughts a second, what in StarClan’s name had just happened? Paws gravitate her in the direction of Howlfire who she sits down beside with a weary glance.

She is quiet as Orangestar calls forth Horse, Comet and Spice. She pities them, what a terrible time to be apprenticed amidst all this chaos. Still she tries to be happy for them by cracking a smile and raising her voice to cheer their new names, ”Horsepaw! Cometpaw! Spciepaw!” Figfeather yowls, curious to see how their mentors, particularly Mallowlark, does with training them. The Tom had always been unusual.

Pollenpaw and Peachpaw receive new mentors in Twitchbolt and Honeysplash. She murmurs a shocked comment knowing that being apprenticed to the deputy was a high honor, Orangestar must see something in Pollenpaw.

With the ceremonies completed- that Figfeather knows of she looks to Orangestar. In her fear she cannot help but speak out, ”Is Fireflypaw certain he doesn’t know what that meant? Do you think SkyClan is in danger?” She knows the council is doing the best they can but her stomach twists with anxiety, her heart aches remembering the scared look behind Sangriakit’s eyes.

For the first time ever, she finds some relief in the fact they are daylight kits. ”Is it- safe for my kits to be here?” For Butterflytuft’s? For anyones? Figfeather’s kits were the only ones with an alternative place to go, would it be cowardly to hide them while the others had to remain? She doesn’t know- she can’t think straight. She’s not felt her world this upside down since leaving SkyClan behind to journey into the mountains. The sun had gone black for StarClan’s sake!
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
It seemed that everyone was still reeling from the miraculous sight of the sun being nearly completely darkened. Never before had Comet experienced such intense feelings of uncertainty, fear, and amazement — and he had been right in the middle of SkyClan's camp to witness it all! Life on the outside really was more exciting; to think that he may have not noticed this strange event had he been inside his nest!

Ceaseless murmurings filled camp right up until Orangestar called for a meeting — this would be Comet's first, and there was surely no better time to commence one. The sweater-donning kittypet glanced around curiously; everyone seemed to be alright. That was good.

With Orangestar reassuring her clan that she would try and make sense of this occurrence with the other leaders, she then continued on to ceremonies. Comet had inquired about taking on a clan-style name of his own; it had not been required of him, but why not? He wanted to earn his warrior name one day and have a cool suffix like everyone else!

The lilac tabby stepped forward, grinning hugely as Orangestar deemed him Cometpaw. Heat flushed onto his cheeks as cats looked at him and chanted his name, along with the new names of the other recent recruits. When Stripetail approached, Cometpaw giddily touched noses with his new mentor. This was so exciting! A moon ago he was just an ordinary house pet, and now he was going to officially begin his warrior training!

Casting a glance in Horsepaw and Spicepaw's direction, the young tom mewed, "Hey, congrats to you guys." Cometpaw felt a sense of relief that he was not the only outsider to be learning the ropes as well.

After making note of the reassignments, Cometpaw's attention turned toward Figfeather as she voiced her concerns regarding the blackening of the sun. His brows furrowed with concern; the warrior's worries were valid for sure. He sure hoped that nothing bad would come of the strange event, but at this point, did anyone know what would happen next?

  • *

    he/him; daylight apprentice
    shorthaired lilac tabby with green eyes and low white; wears a gray collar and usually a sweater
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
*+:。.。 It isn't often that Orchidpaw dreams of the day his stomach was sliced open and his chest was permanently scarred. He likes to think the memory doesn't affect him anymore, enough so that its presence in his nightly reflections is a rarity. But then he has the dream - of facing off against a swarm of rogues, thinking his training and readiness to defend his clan was all he needed to survive - all he needed to die happy - and promptly had the shit beaten out of him - and he wakes with a scream upon his lips. Every time he has that dream, his stomach twists into an awful knot, and a quickly emptied belly.
He feels like that now.

Orchidpaw likes to believe it's because of the recent phenomenon. The echo of staring uncertain danger in its swallowed eye reverberating harsh enough to shake old wounds. And yet, he finds himself whispering at the back of his mind that somehow, in some way, the world did end. Just for him, anyway. As awful as it sounds - and this is why the thought will remain shoved as far back into his brain as he can make it - he wishes he didn't have to be here now.
Looking up at Orangestar, fretting over her clanmates, feels more terrifying than the sun itself disappearing.
But that thought has been shoved, so it can't possibly exist. Or be true. Or be his.
How ridiculous would Orchidpaw have to be to feel fear in the wake of his clan's ceremonies?

Apprehension cares not for anxious coping strategies, however, forcing Orchidpaw to sit with it shackled to his nerves as Orangestar walks through the much-needed distraction for every reasonable cat present. Horse becomes Horsepaw, Comet becomes Cometpaw, and Spice becomes Spicepaw. Robotically, Orchidpaw shouts their names alongside the rest of his clanmates. "Horsepaw! Cometpaw! Spicepaw!" tic, tic, tic. It's because of the shouting that his chest feels tight and his breath comes in spurts, surely.
Pollenpaw, Peachpaw are reassigned, and Orchidpaw feels his grip on his place in the present slip away.

He recalls a tinier version of himself, standing eagerly beneath these very high stones. He remembers his chest filled to bursting with pride and excitement as Orchidkit is renamed to Orchidpaw. A simple change, yet one that carries with it so much weight, so much responsibility. And he'd been certain he could take it. Certain that all he needed was to make those around him proud. He'd die for them, in the name of...his name, he'd lay his life for all of them.
Then, he learned what a life actually meant. What losing it, meant. What it was worth.
Again, he stood beneath the high stones - bigger, more arrogant, so, so much less impressed, and was reassigned - just like Pollenpaw, just like Peachpaw - to Drizzlepelt. His name wasn't changed, but his life was. Or it was supposed to be, but he'd simply refused to call. He'd do this his way, and no amount of reassignments or new expectations would change that.
He'd stood then beneath the high stone and felt as though Orchidpaw was his name. A name that would surpass the expectations and responsibilities. One that would show the clan who he was outside of it.
His life was his.

But now? Now, he stands beneath that rock, beneath those loving, concerned, strict, determined ochre eyes of his mother's and he feels...he feels a longing for that naive excitement, that arrogant determination. He feels scared. He feels...he feels he has no right to be.
Tic, tic, tic
As the cats around him fret over the sun's temporary departure the new apprentice's temporary names and the old apprentice's temporary mentors, Orchidpaw just waits.

The next part of the meeting is fast approaching.
Tic, tic, tic
And he's not sure the sun will free itself from this particular loss of light.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    11 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Apprentice
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherrypaw, Eggpaw, Glimmerpaw

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently

She was so relieved to see the sun again and the moon rise, almost like any other normal day in her life. But something did happen. It was momentous, nerve-racking, and yet so special that Peachpaw wouldn't ever forget, no matter how old she got. At Organgestar's call, she, like most others, made haste to get to Highbranch. Expecting an explanation for what happened, but it was still too soon for news. It was time for the ceremony, perhaps to get everyone's mind off of the sky. Which brightened her mood she loved these funky clan traditions!

"Cometpaw! Spicepaw! Horsepaw!" Peachpaw cheered loudly with the rest of the clan to recognize the three new apprentices! What a rush! It would be nice if they apprentices becoming warriors so she could get a chance to yell again. She shouldn't have been caught off guard by hearing her name called. It felt like her heart was about to beat out her chest. She knew that she was a lot sometimes, so Peachpaw swore this time she'd be a way better apprentice to her mentor, at least by a little bit. This was what she wanted—to train and live in the forest to be a warrior. So she needed to get it right this time.

Peachpaw looked for her new mentor among the crowd and gave a determined grin. Of course, Honeysplash didn't know her personal goals, and time will tell if she meets them. Knowing herself, it'll be a crazy journey to get there.

Skyclan was massive, she’s never seen so many cats together - all working towards the common goal of living together in harmony. She can scarcely imagine the other clans she was told about, she wonders if they were as big. She’d run into bands of rogues before but the clan dwarfed them to such an extreme degree. Horse was a member of Skyclan now, she lived among them and had made her vow to provide just as they provided for her and everyone else.

She stalks cautiously into the crowd when Orangestar call beckons them all, the leader at first didn’t stand out as this powerful deity leading a veritable army. She does now, she stands confidently and her words ring in her ears. Her head dips submissively as she sits herself down, tail wrapping around her. Some wierd things had happened, the sun got blotted out and though there was no reason given Orangestar would be speaking to the other leaders (what were they like?) for a solution.

Her name is called and anxiously she looks up - she stands again and her paws wobble as they bring her forward up towards the front of the crowd. She feels so small, she tries not to shrink in on herself. So many eyes…. She holds her breath as Orangestar’s focus is on her - she’s renamed to match the others. She’s figured by now that “paw” was a signifier for a young cat like her - an apprentice. Next she’s assigned a mentor, someone who will teach her the ways of Skyclan she hopes who will guide her paws. Mallowlark his name is, he’s pale furred and a bit different than the other warriors she’s met but she bows her head to him before she’d understand what they were supposed to do was touch noses. She backs away after, dipping her head once more as if the first didn’t get the point across.

The cheers make her tail puff up mostly in surprise at the noise of it all. It’s celebrated, she’s celebrated. That’s not something she’s ever experienced before - among so many other things. Cometpaw meows her way and she nods a feeble "You too" mewling from her.


✧ . Though the sun has returns, his fur still bristles at from the sudden darkness of its disappearance and his gaze can’t help but to dart around camp, to make sure everyone is accounted for as Orangestar calls for a meeting. The leader does the same as him, asking of the wellness of her clan, searching the crowd as he does while he settles. When she’s sure, she makes note of her plans to speak to the other leaders, before speaking of the ceremonies she must bestow first.

Ceremonies. Stars above, he nearly forgot with what’d happened. His gaze shifts to Falconpaw, a small smile on his face, a bittersweet tug on his chest following. Is this it, then? Their moments as mentor and apprentice dwindled to its final breaths? His apprentice’s warrior ceremony could be mere moments away, now.

But first, new apprentices are given their names. Horse, Comet, and Spice will all be training to become SkyClan warriors. His gaze shifts to the newcomers, a welcoming smile shared to them. “ Horsepaw! Cometpaw! Spicepaw! “ he chants for them.

Pollenpaw and Peachpaw are called forward next for mentor reassignments, and he finds himself sharing a smile to his friends too, as they are assigned the two. Though Twitchbolt has had apprentices before, Peachpaw should be Honeysplash’s first apprentice. He makes note to congratulate her later.

In a break in the ceremonies, he hears Figfeather’s voice. Is SkyClan in danger? She asks, and Greeneyes’ chest twists at the reminder of the darkened sky, of not-quite flattened fur against his neck. It can’t be, right? What could they have done wrong for StarClan to be so mad at them?

And then another question. Are her kits safe here?Of course they are, “ he tries to reassure his sister from nearby, though his voice wavers as it had in darkness. What if they aren’t? What if none of them are? ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
eggpaw & 12 moons & male & he/him & skyclan apprentice

As his mother commences the meeting, the boy quivers where he sits. Perhaps his clanmates will think nothing of it, will assume it only excitment - nerves for what is to come. Today is thae day after all, isn't it? But no, Eggpaw knows - he knows that's not what sets his nerves ablaze, what makes it hard to breathe and keeps him twitching where he sits. No, it is fear - that they know, that they've noticed. Pelt is immaculately groomed - every bit of scent wiped clean, and yet he still feels as though they can tell - that the scent of blood and sick and loner (rogue?) clings to him like honey. Only his imagination surely, but still.

He almost misses the ceremonies as their called - only the shouts of his clanmates rising up shaking him from his panicked thoughts, mind wiped blissfully blank if only for a moment. A genuine smile lights up his face, despite everything - baby blues glimmering as he cheers. " Horsepaw! Cometpaw! Spicepaw! " three new faces welcomed among their ranks, officially.

Peachpaw and Pollenpaw are reassigned, but he can already feel attention wavering - ears instead snagging upon figfeathers words with a gulp. Fireflypaw - surely, surely they'd not noticed. If they had, the two medics would've said something by now? Instead, head turns away, seeking distraction as he huddles alongside his siblings - soon he thinks, he will be a warrior. Will no longer have to sneak about beneath Teaktails watchful gaze - no matter how much he'd adored his mentor, the guilt was eating away at him.


actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

( I ' M G O N N A B E T HE O N E Y O U U N W R A P )

“We will keep them safe.” Orangestar promises Figfeather, a firm sincerity in her eyes. Fireflypaw hadn't seemed to interpret it as an omen immediately, but maybe Dawnglare would know. She understands the warrior’s worry, a mother herself, but she has to believe that unless Fireflypaw was suddenly struck down with a vision, they would be fine. StarClan would make sure of it.

“And our new warriors will make sure of it, too. Harmony, Ekat, Eggshell. Step forward.”

In the space between, as they weave through Clanmates to the front of the crowd, Orangestar descends the small tree to stand on a lifted root. She would need to rest her head atop many a new warrior in the next hundred heartbeats. It's an odd tradition, one she doesn't quite understand the emotional weight behind even if she knows logically that it's a sign of trust. Should a new warrior choose to lunge at her in that moment, she would be utterly at their mercy.

“I, Orangestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in turn.” As she always does, she glances up towards the sky, hoping that they watch even now in the middle of the day. Her attention returns to the trio below her, firm. “Do you promise to uphold the warrior code? To protect and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of your life?”

First, she turns towards a coat of frosted grey, where blue eyes peer up at her. She doesn't know the young Ekat particularly well, only well enough to decide upon the virtues she would be named for, but she trusts Dogbite’s judgment. If they say she's ready, and Orangestar does not see otherwise, she will accept it. “Ekat, you have chosen to keep your name as it is. Regardless, for your intelligence and your prudence, I declare you a full warrior of SkyClan.

“Harmony, from this moment on you will be known as Moonseeker. StarClan honours your intelligence and your diligence.”
Despite the perpetual dullness in olive eyes, Moonseeker has quickly proven themself a perceptive, clever cat. From their questions on StarClan to the way they have quickly taken to SkyClan life, Orangestar could not be happier with their progress, and she rests her chin atop their head in turn with a sense of fulfillment.

“Eggshell.” The nervous wreck of a tom is unique among them in that he is a daylight warrior, and intends to remain as such. Orangestar is content with this. “StarClan honours your perceptiveness and tenacity. From this moment on, you will be known as Eggshellbloom.”

And bloom he certainly has, with Silversmoke seeming almost pleased when informing Orangestar of the results of Eggshell’s assessment. She looks forward to seeing him continue to flourish, now as a fully-fledged daylight warrior.

“By the powers of StarClan, it is my pleasure to welcome you as full warriors of SkyClan.” She nods to them all, beginning the chorus of calls to greet them by their new names: “Ekat! Moonseeker! Eggshellbloom!”

The cheers die down after a while, but the atmosphere feels more charged than ever. SkyClan knows that there are far more ceremonies to come: it's been most of the chatter around camp for a few sunrises now. Some of the more impatient apprentices have taken to trying to needle their names out of her, a game she has little tolerance for, but now it is no longer needed.

“Falconpaw, Cherrypaw, Glimmerpaw. Step forward.”

“As SkyClan’s leader, I call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in turn.” Once again, her eyes drop from the sky to the graduating apprentices before her. “Do you promise to uphold the warrior code? To protect and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of your own life?”

She feels like she's about to burst with pride, her eyes darting between the Clan's oldest apprentice and two of her own kits. “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names.

“Falconpaw. From this moment on, you will be known as Falcongaze. StarClan honours your intelligence and your perceptivity.”
Falconpaw - Falcongaze, now - has spent his entire apprenticeship trying to prove himself to SkyClan after Blazestar took his littermates in. His eyes have been open wide, always calculating his next move. He’s the oldest apprentice, nearly thirteen moons now, and while she does not say it outright Orangestar privately praises his patience. She believes he should never have to prove himself to her again.

“Cherrypaw. StarClan honours your bravery and your confidence.” Cherrypaw has grown immensely. While still kitlike in certain reactions, Orangestar acutely aware at times that her eldest has inherited her pride, she has become a sturdy member of SkyClan. Reliable and prepared. While Orangestar would have never let her come on the Journey had she been given more of a say in the matter, she would privately admit that it had helped shape her into the warrior being named right now. “From this moment on, you will be known as Cherryblossom."

She allows the name to settle atop her kit's shoulders for a moment, a granted request but a new mantle to bear.

“Glimmerpaw.” Her dear, dutiful Glimmerpaw. Even despite the calico’s quiet struggles during their training moons, they have inherited her determination in full and risen to the challenge of their assessment. She is content with their progress, and pleased that their kindness has continued to shine through. They deserve a name that reflects it. “From this moment on, you will be known as Glimmersun. StarClan honours your kindness and your sense of responsibility.

“I welcome you as full warriors of SkyClan.”
Just as she has before, Orangestar leads the chorus of yowls: “Falcongaze! Cherryblossom! Glimmersun!”

Among the cheers, the three retake their places among the Clan, and Orangestar retakes her place at the raised root. She might stay here for warrior ceremonies in future. The other option is having a new warrior scale Highbranch, but that is a little difficult to manoeuvre to … no matter.

“Eggpaw, Owlpaw and Orchidpaw. Step forward.” She gestures next to the remainder of her litter, some part of her mind still in disbelief at the warriors-to-be standing before her.

“I, Orangestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in turn.” The sun filters through pine needles, warming her pelt. She thinks that they are here with her. “Do you promise to uphold the warrior code? To protect and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of your own life?”

She waits for the vows that answer her, the varying meows of I do that mark their final step towards warriorhood. “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names.

“Eggpaw. From this moment on, you will be known as Eggbounce. StarClan honours your liveliness and your hard work.”
He seems the most nervous of them all. Orangestar suspects it might be some sort of guilt, but does not know the source, choosing to affirm his dedication to his training in the virtues Eggbounce is named for. Teaktail had certainly been proud of him.

“Owlpaw. From this moment on, you will be known as Owlheart. StarClan honours your sincerity and observant nature.” Her youngest daughter, the unabashed softest among her kits. Her loyalty would be an asset to her in the moons to come, as would her generous nature. As a name, Orangestar thinks that Owlheart would guide her nicely.

“Orchidpaw. StarClan honours your determination and strength of will.” For a moment, she almost doesn’t fulfill his wish. It’s selfish, she knows, to hesitate on something he’d so clearly wanted; but something about their conversation still rings hollow to the leader. Brown eyes tighten just slightly around their edges, but still the words come without the slight waver Orangestar feels in her throat: “From this moment on, you will be known as Tawnyclaw.”

Despite her muddled feelings on the newly-named Tawnyclaw’s name and recent behaviour, Orangestar could not be prouder of them all. They would all be able to hear the purr rumbling in their mother's throat as she rests her chin atop their heads. “I welcome you as full warriors of SkyClan. Eggbounce! Owlheart! Tawnyclaw!”

As the cheers quiet once more, Orangestar gestures for them to join their denmates in the crowd.

“Crowpaw, Lupinepaw, Drowsypaw.” Much like her own, Orangestar has witnessed the lives of these kits unfold from their first days. She can barely believe how much they've grown.

“I, Orangestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code? To protect and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of your life?” Before her stand three ready warriors as they say their vows, raven-furred and a spectrum of excitement flashing across their muzzles. “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names.

“Crowpaw. From this moment, you will be known as Crowsight. StarClan honours your diligence and order.”
Orangestar tucks the knowledge of his first catch, a bluejay, close to her heart as she names him. From the moment he'd stepped out of camp for the first time, Crowsight has proven himself to be incredibly perceptive. Under Silversmoke's tutelage and reports, he has flourished as a visual tracker, and Orangestar is curious to see where that takes him.

“Lupinepaw. From this moment, you will be known as Lupinesong. StarClan honours your compassion and your attentiveness.” The tall she-cat chooses to fight with her words before her claws, something that most of the warriors have noticed by now, but she hasn't fallen short in her training despite it. But Orangestar has seen her around the kits, gentle and maternal. Lupinesong would be a fitting name, a warrior whose chosen power lies in her voice.

“Drowsypaw. From this moment, you will be known as Drowsynose. StarClan honours your patience and your kind-hearted nature.” Despite his most recent injury, his performance in his later training moons and his assessment had marked him as one of the best up-and-coming trackers of the generation. Orangestar is content with this, and knows that Drowsynose deserved to be a name reflecting his skill.

“I welcome you as full warriors of SkyClan.” She regards them warmly, attention flickering across a trio of near-identical littermates. She could not be prouder of the warriors they'd become. “Crowsight! Lupinesong! Drowsynose!”

Even though the cheers begin to die down after some time, it is clear Orangestar hasn't finished. She hasn't called the meeting to a close, mulling something over, her gaze resting upon a particular black-and-white feline …

“Edenpaw, step forward.”

They are the last apprentice. Orangestar had not given any indication until now whether or not they had passed their hunting re-examination. She had not told Hazelbeam or her apprentice, instead choosing to protect this secret until she had decided whether or not to postpone their ceremony.

“As leader of SkyClan, I call upon my warrior ancestors once more to look upon this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble Code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in turn. Edenpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code? To protect and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of your life?” She waits for the now-familiar confirmation, watching the young cat before her with a critical eye.

“Then from this moment, you will be known as Edenberry. StarClan honours your optimism and determination, and I welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan.” She rests her chin atop the new warrior's head. When she pulls away, cheers fill the air once more.

“Edenberry! Edenberry!”

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Johnnyflame gave his apprentice a gentle nudge forward as their name was called, watching them make their way to the front of the crowd to receive their name. There was no shortage of pride he felt that day, and it was as plain as day just from looking at him that the bobtail was ecstatic for the young cat. They'd worked hard to earn the name they were about to be given, and there wasn't a doubt in his mind that they'd make an excellent warrior for Skyclan.

Johnny cheered for all of the newly named warriors that day, but if his voice happened to echo a little louder to the praise of Glimmersun, well, he thought that was fair all things considered.


It was a bit embarrassing going from being curled up on the ground, sure that the world was about to end, to being summoned to a meeting. A white-and-yellow pelt awkwardly picked itself up, amber eyes glancing fitfully at the sky. relief flooded through the boy as he winced at the brightness. The hole had been healed, at least for now, and the apocalypse averted. Eggshell shuffled towards the meeting, but he wasn’t paying much attention.

The coward couldn’t exactly be blamed for his flighty mind, though. For the entire assembly, one could be forgiven for thinking Eggshell had some strange neck injury, the way his head was practically permanently craned up at the sky. He wanted to make sure the sun-swallowing wasn’t happening again, but all he got for his trouble was teary-eyed (for once, not because of fear).

Of course, it came as a shock when Orangestar called his name. Eggshell let out a small yelp of surprise before scrambling forwards from his position at the back of the crowd, coming to stand beside the others receiving names. “I - I do” he affirmed, hesitance coming not from a lack of conviction, but the coward’s inability to handle crowds. Intensely aware of all the eyes on him, it was no wonder the boy could hardly get the words out.

As Skyclan’s leader spoke, uttering his new name into the world for the first time before it was picked up by the cats around him, all Eggshell - now Eggshellbloom - could do was let out a sheepish grin. Scrambled-egg fur was given a topping of ketchup as the boy blushed, bowing his head in infinite gratitude at being accepted. “I - I promise to t-try my best…like always…” He muttered before backing away, melting into the crowd and quietly taking up the chant of those that came after.​
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Owlpaw felt ill, not from the eclipse, though part of her brain did fight to push the worst case scenarios into the forefront of her mind in case Starclans potential wrath reared its head again or somehow got worse. The illness had started when she heard her mother call for a meeting, she wasn't a fool, she knew what was on the horizon. Realistically Owlpaw should be excited, she was, yet there was this pit that had formed in her stomach, it felt like how she would imagine the void sun to feel. Somehow daunting, burning and like she was falling all at the same time. Despite the fact that her head was spinning she was present enough to join her clanmates in cheering the chorus of names for the new apprentices.

A smile unknowingly to her formed, there was fondness for the new apprentices, she hoped they would have a fulfilling apprenticeship. She technically wasn't a warrior yet but there was nostalgia for them, thinking about when she had been named Owlpaw, it felt like a lifetime ago somehow. Nothing good lasts forever though, that pit reformed when the first three warriors to be were called upon, Ekat, Eggshell and Harmony. She was excited for them, everyone earning their name had worked hard, yet no matter how hard she tried she couldn't escape that looming dread.

Change was scary, when she was named Owlpaw she was too young to properly comprehend the weight of her future. The burden of age is developing that awareness, now she did and she was terried, wanting to give anything to be an unaware kit again. She worked hard of course, they all did. Yet, it didn't feel like enough, she could have worked harder, she could have improved a lot more than how she has. The tabby tensed and untensed her paws, joining her clanmates in cheering for Ekat, Moonseeker and Eggshellbloom. A blink went by and she found herself cheering again, this time for Falcongaze, Cherryblossom and Glimmersun. Despite the anxiety, she allowed herself small victories. Feeling a little giddy over the fact that she got to be called upon with her littermates. No matter how much she considered burying herself to avoid the breakneck pace the future was approaching- the present now, she still smiled wide at Cherryblossom and Glimmersun. That smile remained, given to Eggpaw and Orchidpaw as she approached the front to take her place beside them.

She felt hot and cold at the same time, she wondered briefly how embarrassing it would be to faint during a meeting. Owlpaw decided it would be mortifying and that fear of making a fool of herself kept a facade of a calm composure “I do” for once, her voice was clear and loud even though she was terrified. That facade of composure was cut down momentarily, she felt her eyes sting despite the fact she had taken extra care to make sure she was blinking. Owlheart, she was Owlheart now. Part of her did still mourn that change of comfortable routine she had, but right now she was too caught up in the thrill, the joy, of being named. While she was determined to not cry over something that she wasn’t sure if she should be crying about there was a mist in her eye as she looked upon her mother, her leader. “Thank you” she muttered softly, both to Orangestar and to Starclan, she wasn’t sure if she was supposed to be thanking anyone, but she wanted her gratefulness to get across. Owlheart was elated to hear her littermates' names alongside her, well, Tawnyclaw was a surprise. That was going to take adjustment but this was neither the time nor place to even think about asking about it, she wasn’t going to let her confusion overtake her joy for her brothers right now. Tawnyclaw and Eggbounce, they were all warriors now, that was going to take some getting used to.

When resuming her spot amongst her clanmates she let her mind briefly wander to thoughts about her father, was he watching from Starclan? Was he proud of her? Was he proud of her siblings, his children? She hoped so, that ache returned, the weird daunting pit, she hadn’t allowed herself to think about Ashenclaw since his passing. Now that she was a warrior though the excuses she held onto at the time were no longer up to scratch, there was no running away from that reality anymore either. One more day of avoiding that wouldn’t hurt, she didn’t want these weird feelings to cause her to miss anymore of her peers- her friends, she didn’t want to miss her friends recieving their names. So, Owlheart cheered for everyone after her, if anyone noticed that she cheered a little louder than normal for Crowsight then she wouldn’t admit to that bias.
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the world was a terrifying place. at some point, when he was young, he had only really been scared of the outside because his mother came back with scars galore. she was bleeding, and hurt, and though she had sworn that she was okay, drowsykit did not like seeing her hurt. he couldn't do anything back then, either. he was not a healer. he's still not. he wasn't a fighter either. he couldn't go get the dog and hurt it, the same way it had hurt bobbie. none of that could have happened. he was young, and had no training and yet... it felt like he needed to do more. why couldn't he have done more?

somedays, more than not, he feels like tgatbkit still. drowsypaw was not a true an apprentice. he was not good at fighting, still. he can't heal like fireflypaw can. he gets by on hunting but what good is hunting if he can't protect his clan from threats in the first place? he still can't save her. his mom has practically completely shut down... they barely talk now but he doesn't mind. he just wants her happy, and if that means that he has to stay away, even when it hurts, he would do that. his thoughts move to lupinepaw. his dearest sister. she's smart. kind. she can be a wonderful cat and she is, don't get him wrong. but even a cat like drowsypaw can see that she can be a little... selfish sometimes. it's within her own right. sometimes cats needed to be selfish to get what they wanted. who was he to judge her about it? if she was happy, then she was happy. even at his own expense.

especially at his own expense. jealousy was not a good look for him so he didn't show the bubbling feelings. he had no right to be jealous except maybe... maybe he did. he still remembers telling lupinepaw that he liked falconpaw. admired him, had a crush on him. she swore she wasn't going to go after him and that he should. he was too scared to, and now lupinepaw was padding after him, just as falconpaw was padding after her. he can't be mad at her. it's not her fault she liked him. it's not her fault at all. and she was happy. falconpaw was happy. who was he to ruin all that for his own silly feelings?

crowpaw was different all together. he was harder to read because he didn't like bobbie or lupinepaw. he didn't get along with them and he had made it very well known. drowsypaw was lucky that he'd even still liked him and for that he was grateful. he loves his brother. always would, and always would be there for him. he is jealous of his skill, and his sheer power, but he more feels like it's appropriate. crowpaw was always good at that stuff.

and now it was time for all of them to be warriors. lupinesong. crowsight. and... drowsynose. born new, and officially protectors and providers. quietly he hopes that his mentor and his mama are proud. he doesn't seem them, but his eyes are closed as if somehow everything would be unreal if he opens them. he nods his head towards orangestar and then stands up to go congratulate his littermates. they deserved it, way more than he did. they always would.

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It was not a matter if, but when. He had passed his assessment, Silversmoke was pleased and proud of him. The black smoke can only assume that this meeting would be his moment to join the ranks of warriors alongside many other apprentices, including Owlpaw who worried endlessly about the fighting aspect of her assessment. You don't know who will pass and who won't. Hazel eyes glance at each apprentice that could earn their warrior name this meeting, hoping that his siblings (even Lupinepaw) managed to pass their assessment. It would be disheartening to hear one name go uncalled. There's one name I wish could be called. A calico apprentice comes to mind, which does nothing but squeeze his heart in woe. He has sat next to Owlpaw, yet he couldn't help himself from staring at the apprentice den in longing. They knew this day would come, yet his greed wants to deny the situation. A black tail unknowingly wraps around hers.

And so it has begun. He joins along in the clans chants "Horsepaw! Cometpaw! Spicepaw!" It relieves him to know that even if a multitude of apprentices would be joining the warriors tonight, his partner would have new guests. Maybe they'll be busy with welcoming them and picking their nests. Oh. A frown curls from his lips. Once again he finds his attention shifting to the apprentice den. I... At the mention of new warriors his head snaps to Orangestar's graceful figure. When Ekat, Eggshell, and Harmony are called a sigh of relief escapes his maw. He personally doesn't know them. Even though he's in the same boat as them becoming a warrior and all. I guess I'll get to know them soon. When it is time to welcome the new warriors he joins the chorus of chants "Eggshellbloom! Moonseeker! Ekat!"

Dread settles in the bit of his stomach, it's time isn't it? I can feel it. His assumption is proven correct when Orangestar calls forward his peers one by one. Cherrypaw, no Cherryblossom's new name causes him to instinctively turn his attention to Orangestar. That was your... He looks at her and isn't sure what to feel. By no means is he filled with hate, but he can't help but wonder if he'd scream her new name for all of starclan to hear if they still were friends. Finally, his partner is called. Both happiness and fear take over him, the suspense of what her new name would be is doing little to ease his nerves. And finally it is revealed. Owlheart. He beams at her, it suits you. Unfortunately he can't gush over her new name at this moment, there was decorum when it came to meeting after all! However, Orchidpaw being renamed to Tawnyclaw baffles him. Well, it's none of my business... Still, it's gonna take some getting used to. You've been Orchid for so long. In any case, it's no surprise that he chants Owlheart louder than the newly dubbed batch of warriors.

An ear flicks when his name is called alongside his littermates. He offers them both a smile as he settles to the side of Drowsypaw, awaiting Orangestar's words. When they are asked whether or not they uphold the code, even at the cost of their lives he doesn't faulter. The response is immediate. "I do."To his great surprise he is addressed first, his shock is apparent and the leader may be amused to see him as such. Crowsight. That's my name. Stars. THAT'S MY NAME! The urge to run around camp all silly from how cool the name sounds is strong. The sway of his tail and grin directed towards the leader is enough to indicate his sheer happiness and gratitude. His littermates follow suit, Lupinesong and Drowsynose. For once hatred and grievances are pushes aside between him and Lupinesong. Only for this occasion.

After the clan chants their name he, much like Drowsynose goes to congratulate his brother. Though he meets eyes with Owlheart and flashes her a grin before finding his littermates to admit how cool their names were.
  • — crowsight / skyclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 12 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddpaw and owlheart
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
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Reactions: Orangestar
Anticipation slithers down their extremities like static shocks and all of the insulation of kitten-fat cheeks and round legs is gone to dilute the sensation. They don't care much for vanity to have looked after their appearance much leading up to this moment, wisps of wild fur jut out in places a loving mother ought to have licked down to uniformity. To a degree, they are unwilling to consider the possibility that maybe they don't believe eyes will land on them today... that getting gussied up for a public rejection isn't worth the effort... try as Hazelbeam might, she couldn't pass an assessment for them and Edenpaw had failed to catch something quickly enough.

Distinctly aware of the press of familiar pelts against theirs, they recognize that for most of their den-mates, this moment is all but guaranteed. That many of them have been brought up towards this exact day, molded for it since before the black and white cat had ever even heard of the existence of SkyClan. Orangestar amongst those mothers who'd primed them... that these, her own kits, would be the first named with the new code in place- it isn't lost on them. They'd tried to pry after her thoughts then, to see if she might divulge the secrets held tightly to her chest about who'd succeeded, if they'd be the only one consigned to humiliation.

She revealed nothing.

And she takes her time to weave through the countless names she must address today. Groups of threes, Edenpaw notices, and hopes it has to do with matters of good luck and fortune. Except... that there are more of them than threes would account for... and that makes it all the more worrisome.

Their friends are granted an honor that feels vastly out of range the longer it takes them to hear any sort of confirmation of their own. Cherryblossom... Glimmersun... Falcongaze- they all fit so well and a terrified jealousy sits somewhere in their chest. Eggbounce, Owlheart and-

The name feels like ash in their mouth to hear, even if they can think of no one better to carry the legacy... even if Tawnyclaw suits him perfectly. Their brows furrow, pinched in the only external expression of lingering grief they can summon up anymore. Crowsight, Lupinesong, Drowsynose. Charming, each touching gently on the skills that Edenpaw had grown up knowing them for- if only Crowsight could see more than just the surface level of things, maybe he'd be better off. If only Lupinesong hadn't forgotten what joyful melody felt like. And Drowsynose... they don't think Orangestar cruel enough to be naming them after the snooze bubble they constant but... the inner workings of the orange-white leader eluded them long before this point.

The silence that lingers where sunlight eyes dig into their coat makes them wonder if she's trying to set them on fire with her stare. Is she that disappointed? That frustrated? Or maybe just embarrassed on behalf of the daughter they court... Cherryblossom padding after the local idiot.

Large ears pin back, skeptical, wondering if now might be an opportune moment to skirt away before being noticed as a sore outlier but instead-

They take a nervous pace forward, flicking their ears to the front in stunned attention. She continues with the same ceremonious words they'd heard several times leading up to this and a swell of relief threatens to drown out their voice before it can even escape- "I do," they answer, and they think for just a moment they might actually be okay with dying if it meant being someone SkyClan could be proud of.

Even if it meant leaving everyone behind before they were ready.

Gently she presses her head to the top of theirs (they lean down, carefully, respectfully so she does not have to struggle to reach so hard) and with a voice clear as the cloudless sky, at long last, a name.

Edenberry. It stings like nettles in their eyes... in a good way, the bi-color cat hopes. A memory of spiky bushes and a barely restrained smile, a few light-hearted requests not to get fur stained purples and blues. It's horrible to remember... and perfect all the same.

"Thank you," they manage to whisper before the chorus becomes so loud it rings in their ears-- and they join it in ecstatic cries of the names of all their den-mates, searching for Cherryblossom's side so they might celebrate together.

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 12 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​
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This day had been coming since the day that they had come to the SkyClan border, and it felt as though it had come all too quickly. Only two cycles of the moon had passed, and here they were, sat among kits born within the clan many moons ago that surely knew more than than they did about clan life, the intricacies of which they had been raised with and Harmony still did not fully grasp. Their learning did not come to an end here, they knew that - but there was a sort of finality to this ceremony that made their mind wander and their pelt itch, even if they did not really believe in StarClan the way that these cats did, the power vested in it to grant warriorhood to cats - it was less of a blessing and more of a sentencing. Two short moons, and they were to stay here permanently - or were supposed to, anyhow. To or not to was still an internal battle waged over the course of their upbringing, one that did not really have an endpoint in sight.

Their gaze drifts to the cats around them, their bright eyes and smiles, and their ears muffle out most of the noise, most of the cheering and the scuffle around them, and momentarily, they are back with their father, back with the other cats in their group, listening attentively to each and every word and instruction lest they be scolded, lest they not allow themself to be molded, lest they not reach the state of perfection that was demanded from them that they had once believed to be their birthright, many moons ago.

In the vision, the flashback, the wisp of memory drifting past, their father is speaking, which they know only because they see the glimmer of sharp white teeth, a flicker of emotion in a narrowed eye - but this time, unlike in that moment, those words do not reach their ears, and they feel relieved. The white of the huge tom's pelt coalesces into a white blob, a mound of fallen snow that is surely less cold than the cat himself, and fades into nothing as their attention begins to drift back to the ceremony, back to Orangestar as she nears.

The idea of being bestowed a new name was foreign, even though they themself had allowed it. Harmony is the name that they had born with - that had carried them through all of these moons, but at the same time, what did they have to show for it? The shedding of their old name is metamorphic, in a way; the shedding of an old skin and the growth of a new one, Moonseeker, a cat that they were not sure how they felt about yet - one that had a long way to go before that decision could truly be made.

As the leader rests her chin atop their head, the image of the large white cat returns once more to their mind; the gesture of a crowning - of a new role. It is both too familiar and too strange, and though they dip their head almost by instinct, their thoughts wander once more, a bitter taste making its home in their mouth.

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The assurance from both her brother and leader does little to quell the warrior’s anxieties. How could any warrior protect them if something as giant as the sun turned on them? She glances up into the sky half-expecting the pupil of the sun dilated again, but any traces of the horror that had just occurred was gone.

Orangestar quickly progresses onto the warrior ceremonies and the weight in Figfeather’s chest has not lifted. She does her best to allow herself to give into the distraction and feel pride for the new warriors. Thirteen are named and Figfeather cheers for every last one of them.

”Ekat! Moonseeker! Eggshellbloom!” She cheers the first three, ”Falcongaze! Cherryblossom! Glimmersun!” Figfeather cheers for the next set, particularly proud of Cherryblossom and all the newly named warriors accomplishments.

”Eggbounce! Owlheart! Tawnyclaw!” A yowl for the third set of three, ”Crowsight! Lupinesong! Downynose! Edenberry!” The last and final set of warriors, Figfeather is certain she’ll feel the hoarseness in her voice later.

”The warriors den is going to be so crowded.” Figfeather’s complaint is laced with humor. It was a good issue to have, SkyClan was strong and thriving…

Her eyes trail upwards into the sky again. ’We’ll have to be to face whatever might be coming…’
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Oh, it was about time! In the whole of the time the Clans had existed, Mallowlark had never managed to train an apprentice... never been given one, even, so it wasn't his lack of enthusiasm. Or ability, either... he hoped in all his moons of life he'd managed to prove himself as someone somewhat useful. Of the three leaders he'd served in his life, it seemed Orangestar was the first to see it- that there was something within him worth offering to one of their youngsters.

Though- he supposed she didn't have much competition. Sootstar was a blot on his history, really... it was awful he'd ever been associated with her and her breath that decayed everything, her narrowed, poisonous eyes! And then Blazestar- well, that was a bit more complicated. The tension between him and the golden tom had only began to ebb away in the leader's final moon of life. Maybe one day he'd have been trusted, but it was't meant to be... maybe Blazestar's bruise-blue eyes, looking on, were blessing this appointment.

Horsepaw was his charge- funny, a Windclanny name on her!- but he greeted her uncertainty with his biggest, shiniest grin and the widest silver eyes he could give, meant to be a reassuring smile and gentle eye contact that was rather anything but. Still, they touched noses, she got close enough for that. "I'll teach you how to be a great hunter, I bet." he didn't quite know what he was betting on, but it made sense that mentors would pass on their best skills, wouldn't they? Though she'd certainly be able to kill if it came down to it, too...

New warriors, though- tons of 'em! Oh, that nursery must have been bursting when this lot were born, and now the warrior's den would be the same. And would the apprentice den feel like a ghost town? "Ekat! Moonseeker! Eggshellbloom!" Oh, a nice bunch of names- everyone would run out of voice, by the end of this! "Falcongaze! Cherryblossom! Glimmersun!" he noted Cherryblossom's name, particularly... probably not an act of narcissism on Orangestar's part, she didn't seem the type for it. Maybe some sweet way of honouring... like Larkfeather, bless her heart.

"Eggbounce! Owlheart! Tawnyclaw!" Oh, he didn't fancy being leader. All of them were lovely names, but he wondered how you even came up with so many. "Crowsight! Lupinesong! Drowsynose! Edenberry!" Gosh, they'd never need warriors again! If WindClan ever got testy again, he'd not have to fear for the camp's walls... they could stack up their new warriors to act as a barrier.
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