camp HER LOOMING SHADOW [🔆] Eclipse

It’s sun-high when Figfeather’s hunting patrol returns to camp. The red tabby is thanking the stars as she deposits a squirrel into the pile that this patrol had better luck than her previous pawful. First a skunk, then an adder, what was going to be next? A badger? Dogs? This patrol had proven her luck wasn’t completely cursed. She backs up to allow room for the others to drop their catches into the pile too.

”We brought back quite the haul.” The warrior praises the patrol with bright orange eyes. ”Greeneyes dusk patrol is going to have to work hard if they want to bring back as much as we did.” Playful competitiveness is evident in the smug look that unfolds on her face. She glances around for her orange tabby brother, but instead of finding his bright pelt the entire world is stripped of color.

With rapid blinks of confusion Figfeather’s head spins to find the cause of the looming darkness. She had not felt the coming of a storm and Berryfoot had not complained about any aching joints today. The elder insisted her starboard rear-leg only acted up when a thunderstorm was brewing.

As her eyes lift into the sky confusion is wiped off her face and replaced with sheer terror. The sun had been dipped in shadow, not even its bright rays could penetrate past the rot that washed over it. All that remained was a fiery red halo around the outside, the only evidence Figfeather had to believe the sun was still there.

Terrified yowls sound across camp, Figfeather’s own voice raises to share their horror. ”Theres a hole… a hole in the sun!”
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-You guys did so well iid be surprised if Greenie could do better!” They spoke cheerily and trilled happily to Figfeather. They had been wondering across camp when the red tabby cat came into camp and they were on their way to the warriors’ den to do som rearranging of their nest. They found it was uncomfortable to their leg so they wanted to make it more plush and soft- and she wasnt’ allowed to sleep on top of anyone like she wanted so she had to make do.

The cream and white warrior grinned stupidly, though then saw Figfeathers’ face shift. They furrowed their brow in confusion as they had just been celebrating a great catch minutes ago- and then they followed her gaze upwards. The sky was darkening like night was coming. The sun in the sky was full and bright with shinning rays- but something lurked mere whisker lengths away from it.

What’s was going on? Honeysplash didnt understand and didnt feel scared like her friend did. More so invested in what was happening. They have never seen something like this before as the dark shape moved over the sun and casted dark rays down upon them. Figfeather cries out that there was a hole in the sky and they feel their fur bristle slightly. Honeysplash inched closer to the red warrior in an attempt at comforting not only themselves but her as well.

I-I’m sure its fine!

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 27 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Weird It was darker than it was just a second ago. It was like a giant shade was cast over everything in sight. But it wasn't sun down time yet. Peachpaw rubbed her eyes. Was she going blind? She looked around and saw Figfeather looking up right as she howled. The sun? The apprentice finally looked up towards the sky, now missing its friend, the sun, way earlier than it was supposed to. Th-The "The sky is falling!!" she screamed with her whole chest. What other reason could there be for the sun to suddenly disappear? It had fallen, and someone definitely took it! She would totally hide the sun if it had fallen near her. But they better put it back because this wasn't funny!

Peachpaw shook her head harshly and looked up once more, mouth agape. Her second screech was just as loud as she took off toward the apprentice den to hide. She didn't even know her tiny body could move so fast, but the patchwork cat was not about to get hit by falling pieces of the sky. Who knew when the moon was coming down too!

Candorkit thinks he keeps good track of the daytime. As a kit, it let him know when he was allowed outside of nursery or not, and even when he's grown - up, he thinks it's a skill that would benefit him well.

So it's weird. Really weird when it suddenly gets dark right in the middle of the day. His faux - battle with a denmate is interrupted by the cries of other cats. He pauses with his paw still in the face of another kit. He looks up to see the entire sun swallowed by darkness. The sky is dim. He thinks...he thinks stars are blinking in and out of the sky. " What's happening? " he asks, eyes wide. Even the strongest of heroes asked for help sometimes — but the cats around him didn't seem to know any more than he did.

" StarClan — Blazestar's trying to talk to us! " he decides – proclaims right then and there, an auburn tail puffed up in alarm. The sun couldn't be gotten rid of forever could it? No — that's not possible! They just didn't want them to be distracted by it right now. They wanted them to see Silverpelt right this moment.

Sometimes, Candorkit was sad he couldn't properly look over each of the stars and pick out which one was Blazestar, but maybe now... " L-Lionkit! Hollykit! Look! "

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    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.

They hear cats yowling in fear and anguish before they realize what's happening, and night falls over the camp all of the sudden, enveloping the world in darkness several hours before night was to fall. Glancing upwards, the sun is blotted out by a dark shape, covering its light except for a glimmering, blazing golden halo, and the air runs cold, much colder than it had been merely seconds ago, a cool breeze whisking through the trees beyond despite the fact that it had been a warm Newleaf day until this had happened.

It is very bright, and very dark, very beautiful. They are not concerned about StarClan like many of the other cats are, instead mesmerized by the sight of this phenomenon that was so unusual, by the movements of the heavens above and how such a thing could happen - how could the sun possibly be blocked like this? Was it another star somehow crossing in front of it? That did not make any sense - but they have no way of knowing the truth. Now, at least - perhaps in the future, they would be able to know. Surely this was another way of the world, simply the rhythm of this universe, the sun and the earth in harmony.

But they lower their gaze, and the cats around them are still frantic for reasons they do not fully understand, and in the middle of it, Harmony stands perplexed.

Spice is a cat full of uncertain anxiety. She has her skills, yes, and they exhibit themselves well as she returns with Figfeather's patrol, also with a kill to her name. But the mere excitement of being a part of something is quickly drained from the daylight apprentice's chest as the camp falls under a terrible darkness. Figfeather proclaims that the sun has a hole in it, and Spice glances up to confirm. Her teeth grit together, stress making her skin itch.

"Wh- what -" she stammers, green eyes flicking around camp. Where is Hazelbeam? Where's Edenpaw? There are a few denmates that she's found comfort in - where are any of them? Someone named Blazestar is mentioned by a tot too small to understand the gravity of the situation (to be completely frank, she doesn't understand it either.) She shivers as if the loss of the sun has made her too cold, and her paws stick uselessly to the ground as she waits for someone to make sense of this all.​
Orangestar's eyes ache if she so much as glances at the sky, as if the sun is still wholly there in its fury. Instead, stomach churning, she forces herself to look upon her panicking Clanmates. She doesn't believe that the sky is falling (doesn't want to), but if something is about to go irreversably wrong then she wants SkyClan's last moments to be comfortable. Is this an omen? Everything is drenched in shadow as if it's dusk all of a sudden.

It reminds her of the caves. There is no sound of falling rocks, no rumble underpaw, just an eerie silence as the steady birdsong of SkyClan crashes to an unstable halt. For several long heartbeats Orangestar stands fixed in place, feeling like she isn't attached to herself. A gasp leaves her as she comes to her senses, ears pinned. She nudges Spice towards the apprentice's den, casting a thinly-composed eye across the bisected clearing of their camp.

"Take- take shelter in the dens, quickly!" As soon as the words leave her maw, she curses the uncertainty in her meow.

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    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin

Amber eyes glance up at the darkening sky for a second - just a fraction of a second - but that was all it took for a cream-and-white body to be overcome with terror. At first, Eggshell hopes in vain that it’s a regular thing, some aspect of the wild that the shut-in wasn’t aware of. But as the boy feels panic permeate the air, the tiny thread of calm keeping him together ripped completely.

The coward threw himself to the floor, clasping yolk-stained paws over folded ears in an attempt to block out the yowls that surrounded him. That day’s hunt was forgotten, the small victory of a squirrel he’d caught as part of Figfeather’s patrol seeming so insignificant now that the end of the world was nigh.

Yes, that was what it was. Nothing else could explain the sun disappearing, right? Eternal darkness would be cast over the earth, punishment for…something, he would figure that part out later. But as Eggshell hears someone shout that the sky is falling through makeshift earmuffs, he grimly decides that there wouldn’t be a later.

A socially stunted life flashes before eyes that are screwed shut, and Eggshell is filled with regret over all the chances he’d never taken. Well, it was too late now. What the anxiety-riddled tomcat assumes to be his last words come out on instinct, another voice lost in the chaos.

“I-I love you guys!”
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*✧・゚ Sangriakit doesn’t scare easily; instead, she chooses to laugh in the face of danger. She’s a SkyClanner, and she’s not afraid of stuff, not even that funny unbreakable egg with the tasty little things inside of it! She’s not even afraid of rogues or WindClanners or anything. But when she’s about to bound over to greet Figfeather after the older she-cat returns from a patrol, and the sky suddenly goes dark, the little torbie is terrified. Figfeather seems just as afraid, claiming that the sun has a hole in it, and she’s soon followed by Peachpaw shouting that the sky is falling. Cinnamon ears flick backward, falling flat against her head. Everyone begins to panic, and Orangestar tells them to get to the dens, but—

Snowcapped paws carry her closer to her marmalade-striped parent, worry clear in her expression. "Fig-figfeather," she gasps out, big green eyes searching the older tabby’s face. Eggshell cries out that he loves them all, and it… it sure sounds like things are really bad right now. Will Figfeather go to the warriors’ den, and leave Sangriakit to sit in the nursery all alone and afraid? Don’t leave me! "Please let me come with you." Her voice quavers, but she attempts to look brave despite the similar trembling of her paws.
  • Sad
Reactions: Floppie
𓆝 . ° ✦

Fur on end, Sorrelsong can't help but stare the sun down. Gritting her teeth in pain, the molly's tail flicks in wide, quick archs. The hole in the sun glares back, forming into some kind of eye. Star clan? Where they mad because she had let her gaurd down? Had let Silversmoke get hurt? Was this a punishment? Or perhaps was it a promise of more chaos in her future? I'm sorry!
Panic gripped her chest, the hole in the sun boring it's way through her bones. I'll do better! I'll do better!
Swift paws turned blocks of ice the molly turned, eyes wide and attempted to usher a gaggle of kits into the safety of the nursery, cooing promises as she went.

✧ ° . ✶ . ° ✧
  • ooc:
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    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang

Figfeather's return to camp is a joyous one, with playful boasts about how her patrol had brought back quite the haul. And indeed, they had, with several plump pieces of prey being deposited onto the fresh-kill pile. Howlfire chuckled in amusement about the statement regarding Greeneyes and how his patrol would be likely to fare. The chocolate torbie is about to fire back with her own playful remark, but the words die on her lips when she sees how dark the world suddenly becomes.

Howlfire is not alone in casting her eyes skyward, squinting slightly but seeing the obscured by a dark shadow. She had never seen anything like this before - what was happening? Orangestar is quick to order the clan to take shelter in the dens and Howlfire is quick to obey. Whilst nothing bad seemed to be happening, this strange phenomenon could not be ignored. As Howlfire sheltered in the warrior's den with her clanmates, she kept peeking out, checking to see if the sun had returned to its full radiant glory. "What do you think is happening?" Howlfire asked, turning to the nearest cat to her. "Do you think it is a sign from StarClan?"
Fireflypaw is seated outside of the medicine den when the panic begins, the shrieking and screaming of clanmates reaching his ears. The sky is falling. There's a hole in the sun. He's thankful for once about the fact that he cannot see anymore, but yet the terror is still palpable. If it had something to do with sight, surely the omen was meant for Dawnglare instead? His eyes blink momentarily, turning in the direction of the warrior's den where many hid.

"It's a sign. It's definitely a sign." He meows aloud to himself, before he turns back into the medicine den to question Dawnglare about what this means.

// mentor tag! @DAWNGLARE
The way that the leaf-rustling breeze nearly completely diminishes within moments is eerie.

Slate had assumed cloud cover to be the culprit of the fading sunlight, but realization dawned upon him as he cast his gaze upon completely clear skies. The light faded more and more, as if nightfall had struck prematurely. No, that couldn't be right. Slate knew that dusk did not arrive until later on in the day, so what was the meaning of this? The sun had almost disappeared, leaving behind only a glowing halo.

The warrior flattens his mangled ears, standing his ground though tensing his muscles and subconsciously sinking lower to the ground. "It-" The lead warrior, for once, is lost for words. He doesn't know the answer, the solution. Slate wants to know, but there is no way of knowing what's happening. He had never seen this before in his life. The Maine Coon was no stark StarClan believer, but at this point, he couldn't discount this event as their doing. They had controlled storms and lightning; who was to say they couldn't block out the sun too?

"It can't stay like this, right?" Would the world be forever shrouded in shadow? Would sunlight never again fall upon his pelt, the tip of his nose, the forest floor?

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​

A hole in the sun- Figfeather's yowl made Twitchbolt shudder all over, sickened by the news and even more horrified at the sight. It was- decaying, decomposing, right in front of them! Melting? It looked almost like an eyeball up there- one he hoped was not judging him.

The terror that gripped that camp, that even unsettled seemingly-infallible Orangestar, shot Twitchbolt's blood-spotted eyes wide. Nauseacareened through him, and worsened when Fireflypaw declared definitively that it was a sign. "About what!?" he exclaimed, in utter disbelief, his shuddering worsening by the moment. A sign that... that StarClan was displeased, maybe? They had control of the skies, after all! Was lightning going to strike them, like it struck Sootstar's place on the Great Rock? But the sky was otherwise clear... lightning couldn't come from nowhere...

Fireflypaw was walking off, already- padding into the medicine den, and Twitchbolt looked after him with a despondent expression splattered across his face. "Is it a good sign?" he asked, calling rather hopelessly, matted fur drooping and spiking all at once with fear. Why did everyone else have to freak out, too? It was only making him worse! "Stars, let it be a good sign!"
penned by pin ✧

In order to look at Orangestar she has to tear her gaze away from the sky, mesmerized with terror by what she was witnessing. She does not even catch the uncertainty in her leader’s command, not with all the panic burning inside of her. Moving to cower in the warrior’s den she nearly trips over the small figure at her paws- Sangriakit.

The big, green eyes that meet her gaze are filled with confusion and fear. The kit composes herself in a manner that makes it clear she’s trying to stay calm, be brave, but it gives way in the quiver of her voice. ’Please let me come with you.’

Of course, this was her kit. She’d never leave her to fend for herself. ”Where is your brother?” She asks, looking around for the darker pelt of Coffeekit. ’Where is your mother?’ Figfeather’s inner voice asks, praying that their son was with her.

”Follow me. Hurry.” Figfeather urgently meows before bounding for the nursery hoping to find the majority of her kin there in the safety of the den. All they could hope to do now was wait out whatever was happening in the sky… if the sun ever restored itself.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

The sun is gone. And the world was still.

An incomprehensible uneasiness pounded at the ivory cage of his chest, as though his hummingbird heart threatened to leap and fall right from its throne in his ribs. There's something terribly, terribly wrong with the sun. Nervousness flooded through his very senses, an electric anxiety that pulsed through him as if he were made with nothing but wire and twine, as if he were nothing but a mawkish effigy in the face of what was transpiring right now. That strange darkness surfeited the sun until there was nothing but a mere crown of light, as though it filled in the hole that the celestial once occupied upon the canvas of the heavens. And with it came the veil of night, though this was no night that had been precluded by the quietude of the evening, and instead had come rushing and ravenous as it did not wait for the dusk to settle. Heterochromatic gaze rounded in surprise, and could not bear to look away. "This is not a good sign. There's something coming for us." He said to no cat in particular, his tone incredulous and almost incapacitated, like the eclipse had stolen his very breath from his fervid throat. The cats around him panicked, calling for loved ones to hold them close and take them away, but he only stood in place. Starclan, what have we done? What have I done?

  • OOC:
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  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 23 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

  • Love
Reactions: wolfie
Oddpaw was lounging near the apprentice's den, sharing a squirrel between Dartpaw and Hickorypaw. Chatting with the two toms on how their own apprenticeships were going. He spoke cheerily to his friends? Friends. He angled a silver-cream ear toward the returning hunting patrol, glancing at the cats who trailed after Figfeather. He hums, as he returns to his conversation with his two denmates.

One minute it was bright and sunny, the next it was turning darker. It’s not even nighttime yet..? "What the-" Suddenly hearing yowls and terrified screams of skyclanners, he got onto his paws. The shared squirrel earlier long forgotten. He lifted his head upwards towards the sky, the sun was blotted out by a dark shape. Covering its light except for a glimmering golden halo peeking through the edges. "What the fuck, What the fuck is happening right now?!" The usually relaxed calico lets out hissed curses, spill from his maw. How is the sun blocked out by this? He’d may come from the streets, but he knew some stuff from passing conversation. But this? this? he didn’t know what the hell was going on. Fur rising on end when some of his clanmates say ’Starclan’ he lets out a scoff at the other cats saying "It’s signs!". Starclan this, starclan that. Why are these cats following dead, rotten spirits beyond the grave blindly like headless chickens? "This isn’t a good sign, that's for sure. Did the stars curse us?" He spats out, claws digging into the ground below.

The tom flattens his ears, muscles tense as he clicks his tongue. He whips his head towards Orangestar, copper eyes narrowed at the leader before lashing his tail. He glances back up at the sky, silently cursing ’Starclan with unbridled fury. He turns his long-limbed figure away from the darkened sky to slink into the apprentices' den with Dartpaw and Hickorypaw at his heels.

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  • ﹒⋆﹒♡﹒⋆﹒( beware of the silliness!! ) ODDPAW.
    HE / THEY, fine with gendered terms. ; 11 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    apprentice of skyclan | formerly a rouge
    bi-pan / single? / polyamorous / padding after crowpaw & owlpaw
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
*+:。.。 He hears his mother's words but ignores the order. Instead, he stands beneath the dying sun - for it's surely dying and only watches. In its final moments, slowly eaten alive, it continues to burn. His eyes water, but he watches the beast chewing away at something once thought immortal, untouchable, until all that's left is a hole. He doesn't want to look away. Oddly enough, a wild grin pulls harshly at the corners of his maw - or is he snarling? - either way, he stands defiant, determined to witness the death of life itself until the very end. For if this animal can eat the sun, they stand no chance at defeating it - but at the very least, he won't cower. His scars ache, his shoulders tense to the point of muscles ripping, and he feels inexplicably cold.
There comes a lone thought, amidst the I love you guys and please let me come with you's that makes something in his chest clench. He thinks about Ashenclaw suddenly, wondering then what his dad must think, high above in Starclan. If he knew. If he's at peace. If he's eager to reunite with his family.
If he died lonely.
Digging his claws into the ground, he hisses, "Eat fox-dung" at no one in particular - at the darkness eating light away, at his father, at death itself, at the stupid longing to run to his mother's fur and hide, at the helplessness, at the confrontation of an ultimate nothing.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    11 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Apprentice
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherrypaw, Eggpaw, Glimmerpaw

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently
At Candorkit's call, Lionkit cranes his neck back and turns his attention to the sky. It has gone dark, as if nightfall had occurred in mere moments. Blue eyes narrow as he notices the sun reduced to a glowing orange halo, its center completely black and unlike the blinding, bright ball it usually was. His littermate suggests that this is the work of StarClan, the work of Blazestar, even. "Dad...?" The kit breathes, chest tightening with anxiety, ears flattening against his skull as he shrinks backward.

Now utterly confused and frightened, Lionkit mewls, "M-Mama!" What if StarClan was really descending from the skies, just like how they did in the Great Battle? What if Blazestar's spirit appeared before them all? Whatever was happening, Lionkit wanted his mother to be by his side.


Owlpaw was naturally pretty jumpy, it was a quiet anxiety but it was always around her, like a shadow but this didn’t blend into the dark like a shadow would. She was prone to think of the worst whenever a task or opportunity in general was presented to her. She isn’t proud to admit that she took the claims quite literally. The sky was dark and the panicked screaming from her clanmates was enough to bring her back to a type of anxiety that she hadn’t felt for a while. Suddenly she’s stuck in that tree with Pollenpaw again, thinking about how she would look if she fell from a great height. This time her mind brings her to what she imagined the camp would look like if the sky did fall. Large craters in the ground, herself and her beloved clanmates crushed by the void that once held the sun. Would it hurt? It would burn, surely, she hoped that Starclan would be kind enough to give everyone a swift death at least, they’d all die together anyways… That wouldn’t be too bad would it?

Orangestar’s voice brings clarity back to her, remembering where she stood. She wasn’t stuck, surely this was something that they could escape from. If the sky was going to fall then it would have done so already… right? She thinks about Oddpaw’s question, did the stars curse them? No, they couldn’t have, Skyclan hasn’t done anything to warrant such fury, not that she’s aware of anyways. Everyone was good here, everyone did their best under Starclan's usual kind guidance- right? This has to be a misunderstanding, maybe they’re mad at another clan- not Skyclan. She finds her footing again, looking around the camp opening she noticed her littermate, she didn't recognise him at first. His demeanor was stiff, he scared her momentarily in the way of when you approach a stranger thinking it's someone you know. That's ridiculous, it's still Orchidpaw, the sun eater didn't take him too. Hesitantly approaching Orchidpaw she gently taps his flank with her tail and tries to nudge the side of his neck with her head “let’s go back to the apprentices’ den, please.” She speaks in a soft whisper, feeling like a kit again, clinging to her littermates side in an attempt to feel safe.