camp could you wait? // slippery ice

Oct 8, 2024
She prowls in the darkness of the nursery, her russet and cream fur standing out in the shadows still. Vague blue eyes try their best to focus on the wanderers of her home, looking for a new culprit to pull into her silly games. Lambkit is fun, and all, but she cannot always rely on her brother to understand her motives. Not when the words they can say hardly extend beyond no and mama or dada. She's been trying Butterflytuft, but more often than not stumbles after Butt, and more often than that, she still tries mama -


A movement of shadow and flame, and Ramkit launches forward, abandoning her inner frustrations with spoken language. She only acknowledges who the other kitten is after they collide together in a tussle, the other half's weakened by her illness. Ramkit lets out a shrill shriek of victory, however in their roughhousing (fully instigated by her and her alone,) the she-kits hit a patch of ice. And soon, instead of wrestling (or the lackthereof,) they find themselves slipping on an ice patch that had leaked into the nursery. After a few tumbles and spills, the young girls find themselves just outside the nursery, dizzy and confused.

"... Meh?" Ramkit eeks out, swaying on her paws and, again, falling flat on her face.

[ pls wait for @morningkit :3 ]
  • Haha
Reactions: BLOODBIRD
Maybe she should've been more stubborn about lingering close to her family... but something in her stirred the need to go kitty-watching... Her limbs grew more steady with each week, even if ravaged by a cough to easily set her off balance every few steps. The search for sunrise stripes dusted by snow is interrupted before it can truly begin, a pale assailant (appropriately named) ramming into her and sending the two into a tangle of legs. She gives a tiny protestant mew, struggling to continue their argument with flailing paws only to find the world spinning and the ground unsteady...

Any attempt to right them results in the stumbling of tiny legs before their inevitable splaying and a rough landing on chilly ground... it is so freezing on the thin furs of a round belly that Morningkit cannot help but squeal like she had been bit by the ice itself. She rolls onto her back, staring up at the snow-drop sky with a sort of dismay, wondering if maybe she might never be able to get back up again.

It was frigid out here... and the light is so bright. "... Meh?" Her ears swivel towards her kin, watching her try and fail to stand. The tortoiseshell sneezes, lifting one of her large paws to wipe at her nose. She'd asked Owlheart to pick her up once, maybe that would work again? Or maybe any passerby would just think she was wailing about being belly-up to the sky. "Uuuuuuppppp!! Up!"

Her demands are interrupted by a small bout of coughs, agitated by the shrill pitch of her own voice in her throat.

  • crowsight x oddgleam x owlheart
    pearlkit - cuckookit - morningkit​ - brightkit - ravenkit​

[ ༻ 𓆩✧𓆪 ༺ ] It was fun, to say the least; witnessing the two younger kits stumbling on their awkward legs, and even watching their attempts at playing. Today had been no difference when Fawnkit found themselves wandering towards the nursery, wanting nothing more than to stretch their legs and see what was going on beyond his bouts of resting and recovering from the illness that had overtaken him not long ago. Yet it would seem today, the boy would stumble upon little Ramkit and Morningkit both struggling on some strange blanket of snow that seemed similar to rocks.

What concerned him the most was Morningkit's coughing and the kits flailing about while struggling to stand onto their paws, Fawnkit was quick to move in an attempt to aid them. Still, he too would fall victim to the ice, feeling his paws slip out from underneath him, the boy stumbled forth before his legs gave out from underneath him while he made a soft 'oof' sound.

He attempted to get onto his paws, yet Fawnkit was no match for the ice. He too found himself struggling alongside his younger den-mates, a frown gently pulling on his lips while bi-color eyes searched around to see if any of the warriors or queen were willing to help the kits from their doomed fate of the ice's claws.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fawnkit 𓆩✧𓆪 He/Him, Kit of Skyclan, 4 moons.
    Fluffy Fawn with low white with bi-colored eyes (Blue and Yellow)
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

You could mistake them for rabbits, just about, the little things plodding around as if their bones were still milk-made. They were worth about as much as one... though they wouldn't be nearly as appetizing, surely. None of their elders would have much of a right to say they wove their thoughts more coherently than the littluns... This one doesn't judge so freely... Every war was pointless, in truth. A petty theft, a not-so-petty-one... a wrong step... Maybe the dark one's jowls were cut funny. Maybe that's all it took.

Something like her had no place in this, no... but she benefits all the same! Splat falls a head against verglas. With the way they toddled about, she'd think them full enough of metal to crash right through... " HAH! " laughter howled. Spit goes flying. A curved spine paints something polarizing of her. Not just one felled, but two- potentially three! It's a party! Up! demands the slain. She owes not an ounce of compliance, but oh, she wants. Would she find status in it? Power? No, a thing simply wants. Stupid, to think life about any more than that...

Bears feet pick their way forward. Once-full bellied bluster lowers to a chortle. " M' comin' for ya, birdie, " vehemently growled, excitement curdling her throat— not the nicest sound, maybe. She mean's well, though. Well enough.

Never would she be known for patience, and that flaw nearly has her slipping too— a fawn without land-legs, for a moment. " Shh—! " Pinched hiss of a sound, profanity cut at the bone, maybe. She'd be a fool to think the vision of her on the ground, skull shattered red was anything divine. No god would grant her such an image. What all has she done for them? Exhilaration warms her despite the cold. A pale jaw unhinges, one cut of a dog's pant. No, she's alive... and she's on straight. A wheeze leaves her, long and drawn. She doesn't realize she's bit her lip bloody.

Balance is... Well, she wouldn't die. A half-made rabbit's tail is frantic on her approach, straining for some sense of balance. Progress made, though! Yeah- snow-white jaws descend on that tri-colored, coughing mat. Excitement keeps bug-eyes buzzing wide. She's breathless. " Hah— Got-cha, " maybe singsong, if a throat like hers didn't rumble. The swing of her head toward a dark scruff is anything but steady.

  • OOC. She does NOT look friendly!!!
  • ectPk8F.png
    A dog-like woman. Large, with bulk in some places, and only lean muscle in others. Elegant at some angles, acutely strange looking at others. Has a longer, wolfish muzzle and gleaming dog teeth near-always on display due to an overbite. Skull presses insistent against her skin. Eyes are almost too - large, and not all sunken in her skull. Has large, tufted ears. Polydactyl, with a curved spine and recently-chopped tail.


Ravenkit is a curious thing. No snowstorm is enough to deter his innate desire to go out and explore camp, tail straight up in the air as he steps through the nursery into the clearing. Cold, it is cold! is something all but said aloud, but obvious from the way his fur fluffs out and his muscles tense. Baby-blue eyes survey what he can — which admittedly isn't much with all the snow that falls into camp. But despite the howling winds he hears it - hears her - the mewls of Morningkit as she asks for uppies ( Up!!! seemed to be her favorite thing to say, Ravenkit had noticed ).

Tiny black legs carry him forward through the icy floor, wobbling as he struggles to keep his footing. It doesn't take him long to meet the same fate as the other kittens, falling on his face; legs sprawled out comically as he slips. He doesn't notice Bloody Mary until he collides against her hulking frame, and the black smoke looks at what she's doing curiously. "Bwuh?"

  • ooc.

  • LH black smoke with low white (25% maine coon, masking ticked, polydactyl. carrying non-ticked, dilute, albinism, cinnamon)

  • 90029298_PMAUi8sMqCMokgl.png
    RAVENKIT. he / him kit of skyclan
    Last-born son of Crowsight x Oddgleam x Owlheart
    Brother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit and Brightkit
    Born 10.12.24, ages realistically
    A long-furred black smoke kitten with ticked ghost markings and six toes on his right forepaw. Eyes are silver in coloration
    "speech" thoughts

  • Love
Reactions: BLOODBIRD

This is a train wreck.

Budkit, in her shivering glory, stands within the nursery and watches. She had seen Ramkit start the tussle with Morningkit and chose not to step in – it was not her job to police how the littlelings play. And when their rough antics sent them skittering and sliding out of the nursery? Well… she considers such a gift from Starclan. The briefest reprieve from the kittens who've stolen her mother's attention from her.

That icky green haze of jealousy glows almost golden at the joy she finds in nature's karmic way.

Granted Budkit knows better than to leave the kittens stranded for long. She is jealous but she is never cruel. So as others skid and slide in an attempt to help, Budkit searches the nursery for @butterflytuft (had she been resting when Ramkit scampered off to wrestle?) and flicks her kinked tail towards the ice rink just beyond the nursery. "Er, mama… the babies slid away."
[ penned by kerms ]
  • Wow
Reactions: butterflytuft

The sound of shrill mewls and the telltale thud of small bodies colliding with the icy ground jerks Butterflytuft from her half-doze. Her heart leaps into her throat as Budkit's voice chimes in softly.

'The babies slid away.'

It's enough to send her scrambling upright, paws fumbling beneath her as her mind fills with the worst possibilities. Slid away? She barely spares her daughter a glance before darting out of the nest, her night-and-flame-colored fur bristling with anxiety. The cold bites at her as she steps into the open, and her yellow eyes widen as they fall on the scene outside.

Morningkit, Ramkit, Fawnkit... and oh, no, that she-cat, looming with unsettling glee.

The queen's legs tremble, though whether from the cold or the icy coil of fear wrapping around her, she isn't sure. The pale figure sends her mind spinning with instinctive dread - too big, too wild, too... scary. Her breath catches as she sees Morningkit's small, trembling body within the strange kittypet's grasp. Still, she forces herself forward, paws slipping slightly on the frozen patch as she hurries closer. "T-thank you for finding them," She stammers, keeping her small voice polite as she addresses Bloody Mary. She darts toward Fawnkit and Ramkit, gently nudging the latter upright with her nose before turning to cradle Fawnkit in the curve of her tail. "Are you okay? You're all so cold," She murmurs, her voice softening despite the rapid thud of her heart.

She spares a quick glance toward Bloody Mary, her fear poorly masked by a shaky smile. "I-I'll take them back now. The ice is dangerous for them." She only waits long enough to reclaim Morningkit's scruff, after which she wraps her tail tighter around Fawnkit and nudges Ramkit toward the nursery. "Come on, let's go back inside where it's warm." Her voice is trembling, though she tries to keep it gentle. Every muscle in her body aches to bolt - she doesn't know how she keeps moving steadily, casting a protective glance over the kits - and a wary one over her shoulder at Bloody Mary.
  • Love
Reactions: BLOODBIRD
— Surprisingly, Brightkit hadn't been too interested in the tussling between Morningkit and Ramkit until the two of them tumbled out of the safety of the nursery. A small frown pulling at her mouth thinking its very unfair that the two of them got to play outside and not her! "Hooooooo! Ooow! Hooow wu... hoow wude!" Brightkit exclaims at last only to stumble forward so that she wouldn't miss out on the excitement that's very much clearly outside, it seems that the three of them are playing some weird game of sorts and Ramkit isn't very good at it. Some would even say awful at playing the said game and this causes her nose to wrinkle with a disapproving shake of her small head "Nuh uh, nuh uh!"

Ramkit must be one of those defective kittens by the way her face hit the icy ground and Brightkit blinks as Fawnkit seems to stumble forward too without that much grace, Butterflytuft arrives too soon to ruin all the fun just when the molly was about to show everyone how to do it right. Her brother is forgotten and she sees this as an opportunity to slip forward, a shrill squeal leaving her throat as she stumbles onto the slippery patch of ice and seems to join her brother in bumping into the hulking figure that the permaqueen seems to scramble away from.

Oh, would this giant play with her? "Bweeeeeeeeeee!" She says loudly while struggling to get a good glimpse of Bloody Mary and tilts her head to the side.


  • ooc
  • jzQh261.png
    a vibrant, curly furred blue torbie with high white and olive-green eyes
    much like her name given to her by her parents, she's a bright individual with an overly imaginative mind that comes into play ever day in her life. she's very childish and has a very colorful vocabulary, brightkit can oftentimes come off as quite blunt or sharp-tongued later on in life. all opinions are IC only
    ages realistically; born 10.12.24
    sexuality unknown; too young to consider love
    child of oddgleam, owlheart, and crowsight
    sister to pearlkit, morningkit, cuckookit, and ravenkit
    relatively easy to befriend and make your enemy ; will start fights always
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Love
Reactions: BLOODBIRD
Prize secured! Quick to pick up, quick to eat, she's sure... Now for a hasty escape... Round-trips maybe? Yeah, one, two, oh— a third grub smacking some sense into her... or at least he would be if she was squirrel-sized. A thick skull swings toward them. Instinct makes her a mocking bird, though she only gets halfway through a bwuh of her own before it dawns that the scrap would her a sacrifice for it... She nearly tells him somethin' like, sorry, can't talk, before realization hits her twofold. Unfortunate, something like this.

Little did she know, a little birdie went to find her mother hen. A treat for her— for everyone really, the mousy thing that emerges. Small-faced and soft-bodied... she could lift anyone's spirits with a glimpse, she's sure. Wobbly-kneed like a fawn, too. Had she always been? Boundless charm's crammed itself in that tiny body of hers... Thanking her too! How kind. How kind, her. " Mm-hmm. " Bloody Mary bobs her head. The kitten bobs with her. The little one keeps chirping something or other. Er, could these things even hear her? Funny's what it is, yeah.

Then, her morsel's plucked from her faster than she can realize, and she's left with wide eyes and black hairs on her tongue. The queen's kept pinched between the slime of her eyelids, squinting in their consideration. " Might think it dangerous for you too, hehe. " Fragile little bird, isn't she? She only needed ask for a quick preen...

Double homicide, that's her; second slide into her leg. She mirrors her movement, tipping her head. Canid jaws set in a loom above her and the first one, both. " Buh-weeee! " she parrots, proper. She could be helpful. The little birdie would be pleased with her, she's sure. " Forgot some, queenie! " These grubs were a bit bigger... doable still, she thinks. The scruff she dips for is pale, this time. The other one— Bwuhkit, she'd try to shove across the ice with a paw instead. Even if her aim's not perfect, it'd be fun, yeah?

  • ectPk8F.png
    A dog-like woman. Large, with bulk in some places, and only lean muscle in others. Elegant at some angles, acutely strange looking at others. Has a longer, wolfish muzzle and gleaming dog teeth near-always on display due to an overbite. Skull presses insistent against her skin. Eyes are almost too - large, and not all sunken in her skull. Has large, tufted ears. Polydactyl, with a curved spine and recently-chopped tail.
  • Nervous
Reactions: butterflytuft
Perhaps she ought to have been more specific... for the ghostly contortion of a smile that looms over her after her demands sends a silencing shiver down her spine. Bloody Mary does not mean any harm.. but the manner in which she carries herself, all jutting edges and too-big grin, too-intent stare... it's unnatural. Or just unnatural to one so small and inexperienced. A mouth of jagged teeth snaps towards her and in the same moment she lets out a terrified cry- legs wiggling in protest of such capture.

"Noooo! Waaaaaah! Noooo!" It's all wrong! This freaky thing would eat her whole! She never should've strayed out of her nest, away from Oddgleam and all the warmth he provided. The panic sets her breaths to wheezing, snatched up by tender teeth and a breeze of honey and milk scent.

I'm saved! She offers Butterflytuft her thanks in the form of a snotty sneeze- "Achoo-"

  • crowsight x oddgleam x owlheart
    pearlkit - cuckookit - morningkit​ - brightkit - ravenkit​
  • Haha
Reactions: calzone and Floppie