In her time, Softsight had witnessed a variety of animals on ThunderClan grounds other than her own kind - the common finds, squirrels, mice, birds, the like - but also more outlandish beasts, such as the deer and wolves that had wreaked havoc upon the Clan so many moons ago now. After having faced off against wolves, Softsight was quite sure that there were no other animals that could surprise her - after all, what could possibly top the slavering jaws of a beast like the wolf was? But she would be quick to learn that there were many creatures in the world, many creatures beyond what she and her Clanmates knew.

Being a warrior meant the occasional leading of patrols, and that was what had Softsight up so early in the morning: there was a nip in the air, a telltale sign of the coming Leafbare, and Softsight had ruffled up her coat to protect against the Leaf-fall cold that was permeating the morning air. She was sure it would warm a bit as the day went on, but it was always coldest before the sun rose. Trotting through the forest, Softsight had been sent out with the instructions to bring back some prey for the Clan - she assumed nothing out of the ordinary would happen. A sudden hush fell over the forest and Softsight paused, craning her neck to see if there was something out among the trees, when a strange noise filled her ears and she glanced back at her patrol.

"Did you-" She began, and was rudely cut off mid-sentence by the noise again. Gobble, gobble. Softsight held up her tail, signaling for everyone to pause. "Did you hear that?"

from the back of the patrol there was a subtle but audible chatter of teeth that filled the silence and a quick look over the shoulder would show it was coming from poor spiderpaw who unfortunately lacked a thick coat of fur to protect him against the frigid morning air and instead had to rely on what short scruff he had to fluff out but it made no real difference. stars, if it gets this cold during leaf-fall there was no way they were going to survive this upcoming leafbare!

too focused on trying to stay warm, spiderpaw first failed to hear the strange noise that echoed through the forest then proceeded to overlook the pause signal from softsight, leaving him unaware that the rest of the patrol already stopped moving causing the apprentice to bump into another patrolmate with a slight 'oof!'. a frantic apology quickly built upon the tip of their tongue but before they could say anything they were alerted to the shrill and throaty jumble of sound making the skittish apprentice jump and whip their head in what he assumed was the direction it came from.

"i—ive never heard an—anything like that b–before. . ." he says in a somewhat hushed tone, keeping close to the group.

  • ooc. @WILDHEART mentor tag :>
  • 1ucymTo.png
  • ⋆˖⁺‧₊ SPIDERPAW —— thunderclan apprentice , mentored by wildheart. littermate to myrtlepaw
    ⊰∙∘ demiboy / he / they / 07 moons, ages every 9th.
    ⊰∙∘ unknown orientation, still working it out. / not actively looking / open to puppy-crushes
    ⊰∙∘ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    ⊰∙∘ "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character

    ⊰∙∘ penned by cobatic
    ⊰∙∘ biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse


Scarletpaw stays close to Raccoonstripe's side, as she always does these days, the chilly leaf-fall air sending small shivers through her pelt. She doesn't mind the cold - it's almost refreshing compared to the constant hum of tension she's been feeling inside the camp. Still, the forest feels unusually quiet this morning, and the strange stillness makes her fur prickle.

Softsight's sudden pause catches her attention, and Scarletpaw's ears twitch, alert. She's about to ask what's going on when a bizarre noise cuts through the air. The gobbling sound is unlike anything she's heard before, and instinctively, the apprentice tenses, stepping slightly closer to Raccoonstripe. Her tail flicks, betraying her curiosity.

Her wary gaze flickers to Spiderpaw when he bumps into her, and the tom looks so jittery and cold he may fall apart right in front of her! She parts her jaws to scold him, but the sound interrupts her. "Did that come from across the border?" She murmurs to Raccoonstripe, her voice low. She's still trying to get a read on what exactly they're dealing with. The noise was foreign, and part of her wonders if it's some new threat - maybe another creature like the badgers or foxes she'd heard stories about. A thrill of anticipation runs through her at the thought, though she keeps her posture controlled, trying to appear as calm and composed as possible.

"If it's something dangerous, we should investigate," Scarletpaw suggests, her tone firm, though there's a spark of eagerness in her eyes. She glances briefly at Softsight and Spiderpaw, waiting for Raccoonstripe's input before she makes any moves, but she's already itching to see what's out there, lurking in the trees.
Wildheart stood with a haunted expression upon hearing the noise. He had heard it before, now nearly a year ago. Oh the burn of humiliation radiated through him as he recalled the embarrassing hunt that had occurred that day. The calico exhaled slowly as he looked to the rest of the patrol. "It's a bird, a big one. They make strange noises and are surprisingly strong and fast. Tackling one is no easy feat, but they aren't really a threat." In some way he hoped to ease any worries that the others might have held, especially that of Spiderpaw.
leaf-fall had it's drawbacks, but the thick-furred molly never struggled with the chilly air it brought. it ruffled her pelt, but that was an easy fix when she'd return to camp. her light toned fur helped her hunting skills, as well… it may not be her favorite season, but it's surely favorable for her.

it's a quiet walk, the only sounds filling the air being spiderpaw's teeth clacking. the sound annoys her, but she knows she can't ask the young apprentice to stop being cold. all of her irritation leaves her when the strange gobbling echoes from behind the foliage. leafhusk makes a face, uncertain if they should consider approaching. her head turns to wildheart, though, curiously.

"did you look at the oversized bird wrong?" she's unable to help herself. the molly snickers, covering her face with a paw.


She is on the patrol that winds through the forest, following Softsight's step. A hum briefly leaves her as they move, but as the forest grows quiet, so does she. This morning had left her slightly chilled, fur warming her beyond measure- but Spiderpaw is given an empathetic glance. Being cold would only prove to be a hell that the smaller would have to learn to deal with each leafbare season. A breath left her- just before the gobble gobble began.

Ears twitched and flicked every which way. Softsight asks if anyone else heard it, and she nods quietly in response. Antlerbreeze doesn't know what it is- but Wildheart does. She relaxes slightly, and glances towards Leafhusk's tease with a tiny smile finding her maw. "Maybe it just looked at him." Her words are soft, plainly teasing and nothing more. She steps up next to Softsight and speaks again.

".. Regardless, we should be careful of it- don't want to get chased, do we?" Antlerbreeze teases lightly, vision turning towards the trees. Her ears shove forward and she carefully crouches down, watching what must be the large bird Wildheart described strut past them, several fox-lengths away. Her head tilted curiously. "That... is a very large bird." She agrees after a long few moments.
  • "speech"
  • ANTLERBREEZE she/her, warrior of thunderclan, fourteen moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    previously mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowbite and doepath
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The tom wrinkled his nose into a scowl as he cast a sideways glare towards Leafhusk. Ultimately he made no comment, he didn't want to rise to the obvious mocking. Though his scowl darkened further when Antlerbreeze also waded in with her own remark.

When the bird finally came into view he didn't miss Antlerbreeze's words, and it prompted him to smirk. "What's wrong, you're not scared are you?" It was someone else's turn to be left running around after the blasted avian. He wouldn't be the one getting embarrassed this time around.


Though Shadowedpaw is young and has yet to come face to face with many of the oak forest's larger inhabitants, the apprentice has heard enough to know to be wary. Tales from warriors on shared patrols have told him plenty as to what they could possibly run into — foxes, wolves, deer, boar. It feels like he learns of a new one every day!

Maybe they make it up, he thinks. Maybe they replace the villain of their big battle story to keep things fresh, and apprentices out of trouble. Or… maybe it is the truth? He thinks he'd be telling everyone too, if he'd seen a beast with his own eyes, if he'd fought one with his own claws.

Stars, how proud would his parents be, if he did! How cool would his siblings think he is!

" Do you think we'll find something cool? " he asks, padding alongside his mentor with little care to the cold air against his pointed fur, thick with flames. " Like a fox? Or a bo— "

His words are cut off by a voice, a sound. Something new he's never heard, loud and unnatural. He nearly jumps out of his fur, the back of his neck bristling as he looks to his patrol mates, to his fellow apprentices — one less frightened than the other.

" Is it… Is it a boar? " the hushed question fills the air, but Wildheart says otherwise — a bird, hardly a threat compared to that Shadowedpaw asks about. Such is proven when it walks into view, though it is no bird the tom has ever seen before.

" Maybe we can catch it? " the boy suggests with a tilted head, thinking of the bounty, the praise they'd gain if they brought home such a feast. Would his parents be proud, then?