They still have missing kits and a murdered warrior, but at least yellowcough was booted off the list— and it can't be understated how relieved Rosemire is that Comfreypaw's made it through. She was sick for so long and other cats died in less time. One day StarClan will get their paws on her, but it won't be soon if Rosemire can help it (and truth be told, he couldn't; Comfreypaw's alive because of lungwort and Starlingheart). Training her is the only thing he can do to that end, and yellowcough might've set them behind a bit, but it's all the more reason to get started sooner rather than later. Rose might be a fool and a fuck-up, but she will learn how to walk quietly and pounce properly and keep ShadowClan fed.

"All right, apprentice mine, we've gotta make up for lost time." His nub of a tail twitches as a bitter wind stirs the low, swampy grasses. He doesn't look away from her, though, studying her carefully. "You'll tell me if you don't feel well, yeah? You went through a lot— we'll take it easy at first."

She has nearly missed an entire season—though the leaves still crinkle underpaw where the cypresses wither, the wind has a coldness to it, a taste like frost on her tongue. Comfreypaw pads alongside her mentor, noting with surprise how tall she is relative to the last time they’d embarked on a training mission. She feels her chest glow with warmth, remembering the cat who’d come first to her aid when she’d fallen impossibly ill—if Rosemire were to meet her gaze, he’d see gratitude shining clear from amber eyes. “I’ll be okay, I think,” she tries to reassure him. “At least, I—I think so. I haven’t done much since I left Starlingheart’s den.

Comfreypaw sighs, then, gaze falling to her paws. “How late do you think my warrior ceremony will be now? I’ve missed so much… haven’t I?” A forlorn note creeps into her voice. Applepaw had never stopped training for a moment—nor had Garlicpaw, or Newtpaw, or even Honeypaw. They’d all be warriors before her at this rate—StarClan, even Nettlepaw and Ghostpaw might be!

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