CRIME AND PUNISHMENT \ riverclan trespassers



The night is still, quiet but for the hushed sounds of the rushing water and the cicadas' late newleaf song. A small group of cats, cloaked in darkness, approach the riverbank; the leader, her pale fur luminous in the moonlight, slinks into the water soundlessly. It's warm, comforting -- her short but powerful limbs churn against the gentle currents and propel her onto ThunderClan's territory.

Emberflower casts a sheepish look over her shoulder at her patrol members. "Alright, spread out," she murmurs. Hazel eyes flash with starlight. She isn't sure why her sister had appointed her the head of this patrol -- perhaps Cindershade had been feeling merciless. Though she is as proud as any of her Clanmates, Emberflower is not especially skilled in combat, and she fears their scent enticing a late ThunderClan patrol.

This is a reckless move, and she knows it. It sets her on edge. She believes as much as her sister and her leader that Sunningrocks belongs to RiverClan, but this isn't the way she'd have chosen to reclaim them. This is, in her opinion, just enough of a nuisance to make a point.

The rosetted tabby stalks about Sunningrocks, her ears flicking nervously. She is waiting for trouble -- not if, but when. "If ThunderClan finds us, we'll have to be careful," she murmurs. Her patrol is small -- less likely to attract attention that way -- and they'd likely not stand a chance against a full fighting force of angry warriors.

// patrol members: @WOLFGLADE @Petalnose @Aspenhaze @CRAPPIEPAW

please wait for more riverclanners before thunderclan starts posting! <3

The calico apprentice’s sense of right and wrong do not rest upon the most solid of foundations, not yet settled into a fully structured set of morals. Sometimes they find themself upset at the actions of others, only for their peers to disagree; sometimes (even worse) they do not realize that their own actions are frowned upon until they are scolded for it. But Crappiepaw does understand one thing: ThunderClan is evil. ThunderClan has not only broken the warrior code, but the clan has also proven that it does not have morals of its own. Each ThunderClan warrior’s morals must depend upon the orders of their leader, a warmonger who leads with an iron paw. Therefore, ThunderClan is an evil clan, and they should not acknowledge the false claim over land that still belongs to RiverClan.

They follow the rest of the patrol onto Sunningrocks with a frown tracing over their pale muzzle. Emberflower says that they will have to be careful if the other clan discovers their presence, and the dappled apprentice sniffles harshly in response. "Why do they never leave us alone," they mutter under their breath, hoping that the others on the patrol do not hear it. They do not like the tension between their clan and the forest-dwelling clan; it seems that every clan is intent on pushing RiverClan around without reason. Perhaps their mother had the right idea, abandoning both her clan and her duty as a parent.

They set off across the rocks with a sigh, intent on searching for whatever meager prey might hide amongst the rocks. They only hope that they do not step on a snake—this close to the territory of a clan full of them, however, they know such a hope is nigh impossible.
[ my my, cold hearted child ]
જ➶ "Because they are happy to he hypocrites and take what doesn't belong to them." They speak with menace in their voice. They had no love for Thunderclan anymore, especially after they decided to be heartless thieves and pay Riverclan back their generosity by harming their warriors and stealing their territory. They struck when they were already down and for that they brand the oak trotters as cowards. His tail flicks against the ground as he eases his way up from the river, remember the way that these rocks felt under their paws. Warmth, all the mice they could catch. Sometimes a snake or two. He hopes one bites a Thunderclanner in the ass. With a snort they glance towards Emberflower and he nods his head, flicking an ear. Right, keep an ear out. "I'll keep look out. So hunt what you can before they potentially get here." They have little doubt that they won't be checking this piece of land multiple times.

His eyes are like daggers as he turns and looks towards the forest then. Ears pulled forward they sniff the air and narrow their gaze. Right. They needed to get what they could before any trouble arrives. But they hate notion that they have to be cautious on land that is rightfully Riverclan's and he longs for the day that he can sink his claws into one of them.
Aspenhaze was readily accepting of going on a patrol to Sunningrocks, despite it being more reconnaissance than looking for a fight. They’re battle ready if it does come to that, but they hope as much as the next cat that it’ll be a clean patrol. They didn’t need a reason to hate ThunderClan further, as that was a hate that was already strong in them. They were a pathetic lot, and they’re not afraid to say it to their face, should they show their muzzles around RiverClan’s rightful territory.

“Hypocrites is putting it lightly. They’ll get their dues in time.” They have absolutely no doubts about that. “But thank you for offering. We’ll be as quick as we can,” they nod and spread out as commanded, ready to get prey under their paws.
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Since the last time Flycatcher had hunted here and detected RiverClan scent over ThunderClan territory, the deputy had been notably more watchful over the Sunningrocks. Lucky for RiverClan, they had been fortunate enough to avoid him and any of his patrols. But not so lucky today it would seem.

Flycatcher and his patrol are nearby when the scent of RiverClan hits him sharply. The deputy bristles before making a quick comment to the nearest cat to him before bolting ahead and readying himself to potentially confront RiverClan. He watches them quietly for a moment, keeping downwind so as not to alert them too quickly of his presence - that and he actually wants to catch them in the act of trespassing and potentially hunting before emerging. He watches and waits and then when he spots four cats milling about the rocks he steps out.

"RiverClan!" His voice calls out in a faux greeting, using his loud tone of voice to both catch their attention and alert his warriors that they were here. Green eyes look out across the cats, half expecting to look for the cat he had fought in the battle for these rocks, the very same one that had almost killed Flamewhisker. "Are you lost? This is ThunderClan territory now," Flycatcher reminded them, inclining his head as if he thought they had genuinely forgot. The deputy knew that wasn't the case though, he knew they were perfectly aware of what they were doing. "You would be wise to leave," Flycatcher told them. "Leave now in peace and we will have no further quarrel on this day. Stay and me and my warriors will drive you off of these rocks without hesitation, as we are permitted under the warrior code." The blue tom flashed them a smile, but it was all fake, and his claws slid out and pierced the ground in warning. This was ThunderClan land now, regardless of how hard RiverClan tried to deny it, they had won it in battle. Flycatcher doubted they would hold these lands forever, but for now they would hunt and defend Sunningrocks as they saw fit.

/ hope this okay to post now! :)

Petalnose didn't quite think going a second time around to hunt on Sunningrocks was the best idea to come. She expected thunderclan to already to detect their scent from last time they purposefully set out. Though, she was up for another go around. If it came to a fight, that was just great for her. As long as her clanmates didn't get too injured. So she followed behind Emberflower through her relaxed long strides, nearly on her heels. She caught the sheepish smile, flicking her ears, "You got this. I bet you're as strong as your sister. Don’t doubt yourself." She reassured, giving them a nod through their relaxed frown. The patched she-cat immediately peeled off when she was instructed to spread out, making her way to the water Sunningrocks held.

From Emberflowers remark, she supposed they would try their best to avoid a fight. Which, she was a bit disappointed by but she supposed it made sense. They could quickly call over more reinforcements and they would be outnumbered. That wouldn't be the best for them. Especially since it seemed they were going to prepare for battle anyway.

As soon as she found herself settling, she heard the call of a dreaded Thunderclanner. Her body froze in surprise, her ears flattening against her skull in unease for her clanmates. She bounded her way over to Aspenhaze' side with ease, brows creasing in frustration. They were in the wrong and she knew that, but that didn't make her any less hostile. Her fur rose in threat and her voice grumbled low, "Ah I see, Thunderclan defending Sunningrocks. Prey they let go to waste. Or maybe- they're as "fish breathed" as us. Can't use that insult anymore, It'd be pretty hypocritical, yes?" She retorted with a mocking smile, gazing over her shoulder temporarily to catch what Emberflower thought was right. She had a defensive posture, ready to fight, though her body was a bit pulled back to see what their patrol leader thought, ready to do either. Fight or flight."Emberflower- Shall we flee… or shall we put up battle?" She sharply whispered through a snarl if the other she-cat was close by. For once, she pushed back her impulsiveness. As much as she loved the thrill of a battle, she didn't think this was the right situation and time. She didn't want her clanmates to get injured, or worse, killed. Petalnose didn't worry the same for herself, she'd gladly go through. If she herself was called to fight alone while the others fled, she'd happily do so. Dragging her claws in Thunderclan flesh was what she craved, she needed that satisfaction. Not yet. Not until she calls for it, or wait for another big battle.

//on mobile before work apologies if this post sucks ^^”

Badgerstrike loved this whole sunningrocks ordeal. It offered plenty of opportunities to rend flesh and sink her teeth into cats to thrash them about. Which is why she eagerly checked the rocks as often as she could.

Tonight was no different, and she realized with glee that there were trespassing riverclan cats there tonight.

With a low chuckle, she emerged from the bushes behind Flycatcher. She was ready to burst with excitement.

"Prey we let go to waste?" She repeated Petalnose's words. "How silly, Sunningrocks has given us the prey we need to keep everyone fed. Don't know what you're talking about, bees for brains." She said.

She held her head high as she stared down the Riverclanners. "I'd retreat, if I were you." She suggested.

She showed mercy at the battle for these rocks and suffered for it. Now, she wouldn't hesitate to go for the throat. The only good enemy was a dead enemy.

as the splotched tabby riverclanner spoke, it became jarringly clear that most of the fish-eaters had not a clue what this was about. they were not so vain as to use the rocks as a place to warm their pelts. without them, they may have struggled with their prey situation well into greenleaf. riverclan chastised them, harassed them, and disrespected them. all because of a decision their leader had made.

fools, more so than the brainless followers of sootstar's blood trail. riverclan knew all about their attacks, it was all they whined about at the gatherings until these stupid rocks came into question. but were they aware that they were just like the moorland clan? blindly following a deluded leader, a trivial cause. it was a fools journey. they lived like fools, and may they die like them as well.

"are your ears filled with as much water as your head?" nightbird called out, calmly after badgerstrike had done, to the warrior who addressed them. her claws itched to tear at skin. they did not deserve the second chance to escape that flycatcher had granted them. this was no accident, no misunderstanding. but she would wait, out of respect for the deputy. although if this did not end in blood, she doubted they would halt their patrols. "crawl back to your tear-sodden nests before we are forced to remind you why this is now our territory."

Sunfreckle was not a cat who chose violence first, he prefered talking things out and he prefered being reasonable but call it the hormones or call it anything else; all that matters is, for whatever reason, he was furious as he diverted his hunting to go heading towards Sunningrocks and the second the scent of RiverClan struck him he was a bristling wall of red tabby outrage.
Howlingstar had died on those rocks, they had just dealt with Sunnyday's nonsense regarding them, they had lost Emberstar to dogs who they drove off from these stones, they had won this spot successfully in a battle and RiverClan still had the audacity to just show up here as though nothing had changed. Well, HE had changed, and he was tired of it-he was tired of seeing them here, he was stressed, he was struggling to keep down food and was more harried than usual. RiverClan had picked the worst day for their disrespect.
The three-legged tom utters not a word as he wanders over to his clanmates, stops and stands rigid in face of the RiverClan cats so boldly walking wherever they please; he sees Rabbitnose being pushed to the river, he sees Flamewhisker being swept away, he sees Howlingstar's blood on the pebbled stones.

It takes only the word 'hypocrite' to reach his ears before he is moving forward past Flycatcher and Nightbird with an uncharacteristic snarl in his throat, lunging for Aspenhaze with a sudden and surprising burst of speed; his mouth is open and aimed for the others neck, wanting to get a mouthful of scruff so he can fling them back into their damn river.

- Attacking @Aspenhaze gonna make ur pronouns was/were, homie
જ➶ They nod lightly to Aspenhaze, knowing that the prey they get from their lands will help to feed plenty at home. They are not opposed to doing some hunting themselves but knows full well that Thunderclan could be right around the corner. His ear twitches and then a sudden call meets them. Think of devils and they will surely arrive. The moggy turns and faces the first Thunderclanner with a firm stance, jaws clenched. "Keep together. Do not let them seperate us." His tone is cold as they eye the Thunderclan deputy only to turn his head as more and more of them appear. Is this what they call a simple patrol? Do they fear that these rocks will be taken from them? They snort and allow a smirk to stray onto stoic features for just a moment. As they should. They shift and hold their stance firm, gaze slightly narrowing as he sees the threat of claws. If that is the route they wish to take then they suppose it can not be helped. "I want you to say those words closer so that I can drag you to a watery grave." Their eyes are on the ink colored molly for the moment. But he notices another and that other is too silent.

Their paws shift and suddenly the movement happens. Swinging his head he shouts a warning. "ASPENHAZE!" They allow a snarl to rip from deep in their chest as they push themselves forward in a wild attempt to block the other from their attack on their clanmate. If so their bodies would collide and the moggy would attempt to snap jaws ferociously against @Sunfreckle 's shoulder, claws trying to dig against chest to pin the other down.

-- intercepting @Sunfreckle
Emberflower is grateful for the strength and confidence of her patrolmates. Crappiepaw's freckled pelt eases by her, into the cramped shadows spilling from Sunningrocks. Wolfglade offers to keep watch, and Aspenhaze follows Crappiepaw.

She exhales, tasting the air. The night air is rich with the scent of mice and voles. She prepares to lower herself into her own hunting crouch, keeping low to avoid being spotted, when an unexpected bit of praise comes from Petalnose. The stern tabby and white warrior isn't one to shower cats with unearned compliments. Emberflower gives her an easy smile. "With you all beside me, I can't be afraid," she says, allowing a velvety purr to slip from her jaws.

But their excursion is cut short quickly. The familiar voice of the ThunderClan deputy shatters any illusion of stealth the patrol had. Emberflower turns burning hazel eyes on the cat silhouettes emerging from the brush. Flycatcher's words are challenging, but he does not strike them. She hesitates. Is it wise for her to order her cats to fight? Should they just leave, as ordered?

Petalnose growls, naming them hypocrites. Emberflower gives her a look from wide hazel eyes, wondering if they should be provoking the ThunderClan warriors. More cats rise to meet her vicious words, and finally, one enormous ginger tabby explodes from the brush and slams into Aspenhaze.

"No!" She cries, her fur spiking and her fluffed-out tail waving in the air. Any hope she'd had of allowing this to be settled peacefully and without bloodshed frays. Wolfglade leaps to protect their Clanmate, fangs bared.

Emberflower's muscles are stiff, her fear making her rigid. She can't let her Clanmates fight alone. "Fox dung," she swear, her ears flattening. In a moment, she locks gazes with a silver-eyed dark warrior who is about her size. A fair fight, surely. Emberflower unsheathes her claws and lets out a warning yowl, rushing toward @nightbird and attempting to swipe at her face.

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It doesn't take ThunderClan that long to come, which they probably shouldn't be all that surprised about. If they could give them one compliment, it was their resilience. Not that it was a compliment they'd hand out readily, especially right now. It's evident even by just their faces that they weren't a happy bunch, but Aspenhaze doesn't budge an inch as insults are thrown back and forth. They do take note of Sunfreckle staying silent, but don't think much of it until they're suddenly being rushed at.

They're genuinely taken by surprise by getting attacked, smile faltering as their pupils dilate seeing the warrior getting closer. Unfortunately, despite Wolfglade trying to intercept, their neck is reached and fur grabbed onto. The throw is a little less effective, not falling into the water, but the impact still hurts them as they yowl in pain. They shakily try to move, view on Sunfreckle as their eyes are filled with hatred.

Bitter words are soon thrown out on both sides. Flycatcher's arrival is not met kindly, with a brown tabby she-cat promptly calling them hypocrites. Flycatcher can't help but roll his eyes in response. How ironic, he thinks, coming from the clan so blatantly breaking the warrior code.

Barbed comments are spoken by his clanmates but despite the bubbling tension there is no sign of a confrontation breaking out. That is until Sunfreckle comes out of nowhere, an uncharacteristic snarl on his lips before he launches himself at Aspenhaze. Flycatcher gawks at his clanmate in surprise but does not call him back. He would have rather avoided outright conflict but he won't hesitate to defend Sunningrocks. Charging after Sunfreckle, Flycatcher locks eyes with the brown and white tabby she-cat who had tried to goad them earlier. His lips draw back in a snarl as he rushes over to her. "Swim home, fishbreath!" He hisses. The blue tom proceeds to draw back one of his forepaws, aiming to smack it down sharply on top of her head.

Wolfglade’s words ring true in their ears, and Crappiepaw nods idly along. Hypocrisy runs rampant through some of the clans, it seems. Both rules of the warrior code are steeped in hypocrisy—first Emberstar with her cross-clan lover, and now Chilledstar with their pretending that their own clan had not ignored the borders of others. They wonder what the next addition to the warrior code will be. Will Sootstar decide that attacking the camps of other clans in the middle of the night is to be prohibited? Will Blazestar propose that house cats be outlawed from the clans?

Their attention is drawn to Thunderclan’s territory when a tabby-striped tom appears, talking and talking and talking. They recognize him as Fly-eater, or something. He is the deputy, and he is… a fool. As we are permitted under the warrior code, the deputy says. He is sorely lacking in reasoning skills, and Crappiepaw pities him. "How convenient for ThunderClan. They take what is not theirs, and then agree to a rule condemning what they did." Their voice is soft, words not meant for the ears of the other clan’s cats, but their tone is filled with hatred. They hope that ThunderClan’s entire forest burns to the ground, come summertime. They hope that every last evil ThunderClanner perishes.

One of the evil cats—red, red, red like the blood that had once stained these rocks—leaps for a clanmate, and the calico finds themself frozen in fear. Wide, wide green eyes stare on as the thieves, the codebreakers, the villains descend on the others in the patrol. They cannot decide what to do. They could hardly take on the ThunderClan apprentice they had fought here only months before, and they had only narrowly passed their assessment. Surely they cannot handle a fully-grown warrior who actually wants them to die. What should they do? What can they do?

Crappiepaw casts one last glance at their clanmates, then turns and runs.
[ my my, cold hearted child ]

Petalnose was unmoved by their insults, merely rolling her eyes cooly as her mocking smile didn't leave her lips. "How often do you fish? Your paws are so small and dainty." She cooed with a chuckle. She's like to see them sprawled out in attack, how cute it would be. "That's up to the patrol leader." She added, rolling her shoulders as she looked for the command of Emberflower, her tail lashing. Not with irritation or unease, it was excitement. It was entertaining to see their stupid faces crease with anger at her remark. Oh, how they got so serious about it.

She scoffed at Nightbird's remark. Did they really think it belonged to them all along? How silly! She opened her maw to retort and tease until it was silenced by the sudden attack of Sunfreckle on Aspenhaze, not seeing it in her peripheral until he was too close. Her claws unsheathed and she was about to take a blow to the ginger Thunderclan warrior until Wolfglade took her chance at defense. "I think you attacked the wrong cat, mouse brain!" She yowled, frustrated, almost guilty her friend had to suffer for her teasing words towards her enemies.

She spun her head around towards an oncoming enemy, she nearly dodged it, ducking her head. Although, she felt her forehead get knicked as she dodged. Atleast she didn't feel the full force of the strike. Blood slowly trickled down her muzzle and she merely let out a breathy laugh, her pupils dilated with excitement.

She swiftly sprawled out her claws and aimed to strike at the fellow brown tabby's flank as she sped past him to make her less vulnerable to strength attacks, "Catch me if you can, slow poke!" She chanted.


To her surprise, it is not her that rushes into battle first. It's Sunfreckle, her brothers mate. Her brothers mate who is pregnant. Far be it from her to judge his actions, she'd probably fight while pregnant too, but.....As someone on the other side of this equation, she felt it was irresponsible and unease started gnawing at her.

"YEAH, GETTEM SUNFRECKLE!" She encouraged him. It's always a treat to see the nice ones lose their shit.

She didn't doubt Sunfreckle's ability. She just.... Was extremely concerned about what a well placed blow could mean for his pregnancy. She was no expert on the subject, but..... The very last thing she wanted was for something to go wrong. To see her brother, always joyful and cheery, weeping and mourning over lost kits, as she had learned he had before.

Chaos was breaking out around her and she was ready to indulge in that feral instinct that she was convinced only she had of her litter. Sweetybee and Rabbitnose didn't SEEM to enjoy bloodletting and battle highs, at least. With a giddy cackle, she launched into the fray.

Her target?



He, who was attacking the cat that worried her so. He talked big before the fight broke out, and she wanted to make him eat those words. Drag Nightbird to a watery grave, huh? She'll see about that. She rushed at him, claws out and jaws wide open, looking bite and dig her claws into him.


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the words of a chocolate furred feline had the corners of her lips curling upwards. unsheathed paws strode forward, closer just as requested. her jaw cracks, ready to reiterate her words, when she watches their amber gaze shift off of her. suddenly, a flash of red fur is barreling past her. the molly had to do a double take to ensure her eyes did not deceive her. sunfreckle, launching the battle into movement.

it did not take long for the two clans to meet each other with violence. her tail flicking behind her she moves away from wolfglade, scanning the rocks that would once again turn red. meeting the hazel gaze of a small framed riverclanner, nightbird holds her ground as she rushes her. just before they would meet, claws are lashing out towards her face. she has enough time to evade the head-on attack, smoothly leaping away before an unsheathed paw could meet her. using the momentum of her landing, the warrior would spring once more. however, this time with outstretched forelegs as she aimed to leap into @EMBERFLOWER 's side, hopefully knocking her into a pinned position. if successful, she would lift a front paw and swipe it downwards, attempting to slash any skin she could reach with her claws.
જ➶ It all chaos now and they should have figured as much. They should have known that Thunderclan would try to keep what they stole backhandedly. Still they are ready to fight and always has been since the day they stole from his home. Having failed at his intercepting the large brute turns his attention on a Thunderclanner that snaps at him. Their eyes are wild as they stare at the woman. A loud mouth it seems and they shift their stance low, jaws parting just as the other snaps and claws forth to get to them. They collide and the warrior snarls, shifting as he feels claws embed in his shoulder. Teeth snap close to his face and they grunt as they shift their own weight. "Ain't gonna happen." They speak with a hiss before aiming to snap jaws on their limb, trying to twist and jerk. They mean to make true on what they said. They have no quelms about drowning a filthy Thunderclanner. So he puts all his strength into attempting to drag them to the side of Sunningrocks.

Like a deadly sea serpent he hopes they remember this encounter. Remember that Riverclan is not afraid of them, and will fight for what belongs to them.

@Badgerstrike , attempting to grab and drag to the edge of Sunningrocks

His attack hits home for the most part. The she-cat attempts to duck her head out of the way and succeeds in avoiding the full brunt of his swipe, but his claws still catch her forehead and a streak of blood dribbles down her muzzle. To Flycatcher's surprise she merely laughs at this and he thinks this is what it must be like with someone faces Badgerstrike, albeit a little less unnerving.

The she-cat promptly returns by spreading out her claws and striking at his flanks. Flycatcher pulls back a little as he feels claws cutting into flesh, hissing as she slips away from him a little. She goaded him into following her and Flycatcher couldn't help but smirk a little. Being slightly shorter than average he lacked some of the physicality his clanmates possessed, but what he lacked in strength he did make up in speed. Turning rapidly on his heel, Flycatcher scurries after her, attempting to close the gap between them before bouncing at her and trying to land on her back. If he was successful he would dig his claws into her hindlimbs and attempt to wrangle her to the floor.


With the sound of howling and snarls filling the air it was hard not to hear the brigade from his position in the forest, as irony would have it Thunderclan was bound to have some altercation one of these days. Lionthroat approaches the carnage with a quickened pace, awestruck as he watched the two rival patrols collide with teeth and claw. All of this for just a pile of rocks, well he supposed it was their pile of rocks, but it was a pile of rocks regardless.

Abandoning the measly mouse he caught a few moments earlier Lionthroat flanks the rocks with an uncharacteristic amount of caution, every warrior seemed occupied with another so it only felt right to keep watch and jump in when he was needed. "Wow, you guys even fight like fish! No wonder why everyone calls you fish-brained"
