private crude and proud creatures baying

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Her bones ache after being so still all night, clutching her children and mate too tightly as they mourned around the body of their great grandmother. Morning had come too soon, and Skyclaw had made good on his word, every ThunderClanner with kittypet blood was to leave. Immediately.
They aren’t as quick to depart as the others. Was this the new luxury?

The Lead Warrior pushes herself to her paws, nudging Dovepaw and Littlepaw up with her. Her slitted pupils move towards the medicine den, where Hopepaw had found sanctuary in. He and Coalpaw would be safe with Gentlestorm, Roeflame thinks. Still, each pawstep drawing her further from her foster sons feels like pinpricks under the mothers paws. Burnstorm didn’t even need to look in her direction as he gathered their children, he knew she’d stick by his side. Always.
Where was Freckleflame? Sunshinespot and Emberface?
Did it even matter?
Safe. Roeflame reminds herself, they were safe and waiting in refuge.
This isn’t forever.
Her nose finds sanctuary behind her daughters shaky ear as they walk, determined to ignore the saffron hues that burn fire into their backs.

ThunderClan’s council sure was weak, huh? Dropping like flies as it is.
The taunt from behind them runs like electricity up her spine, bolting down her throat. The image of Ploverhop and Morningclouds grisly bodies are erupting behind her narrowing gaze, Howlingstar staggering into camp half-drowned and thrown from her rightful place as leader, dead onto the ground. She thinks of Mousenose, of Coltkit. Stormywing and Freckleflame and the sons she was forced to leave behind.

If Burnstorms gaze meets hers before Roeflame turns to face the usurper, her beloved already knows what is going to happen next.
“Do you forget the blood that runs through your veins, flea?” The words come before Roeflame can stop, can think. “You aren’t worthy of it.”
For six long moons the warrior had worked to be patient and kind and mature, because she wasn’t a spiteful apprentice anymore.
Yet, now? Now all she wants is to see her words cut under the tom’s flesh, all she wants is to give into the red she sees.

  • @BURNSTORM @skyclaw @beetlepaw @Dovepaw

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Nervous
Reactions: vayle

Into the quiet hours of the night, Burnstorm had allowed himself to cry. At first, it was quiet drops that blazed trails into the fur of his cheeks and then he was burying his face into his mates scruff, screwing his eyes shut and hoping that she didn’t mind as he wept into her thick pelt. When was the last time he had allowed himself to cry? It had not been his sisters death, he had been hardened steel then, lips drawn into a thin line as he portrayed himself as the picture of strength, and it had not been when Duskbird had died either- nor his father. Maybe it was when he had realized his mother had given the ultimate sacrifice, that he wouldn’t get to even say goodbye. That injustice pales in comparison to this one. Over and over again the scene plays in his head, his brother killing their grandmother. What had she seen in those final moments, her eyes twisted towards the sky? Gray Wolf, Morningpaw, and Berryheart she had uttered but had his mother been there? Had Graystorm? His claws curl into the soft earth as if anchoring him, as if keeping him from flying straight to where his brother slept and slitting his throat in his nest. But he was not a kin killer.

When dawn light filters in through the trees and softly illuminate his harrowed face he turns, golden eyes finding the camp entrance and watching those who would soon be cast out filter towards it. He and his family make to leave, it is not even a question he has to ask, Roeflame is coming with him. He may be exempt from the rules, from the malice, by his brother, but there was no way in all the forest that he was trusting these cats with the safety of his children. His children who had done nothing wrong but to be born with the diluted blood of kittypet running through their veins. He would leave to protect them. But like Roeflame he finds his thoughts drifting to Coalpaw and Hopepaw. If there was some way to get them out, if they wanted to come, he would find a way…

The time to leave comes and Roeflame starts to herd their children together, nudging them softly as he looks on.And then they are taking one paw step, and then another and another and another until they are almost out of the camp and into the forest when suddenly. A voice. It drips with condescendence, with an obvious taunt that, in one look towards his mate, he can tell works. " Fuck " he mutters under his breath, stepping forward at the same time that venom flies from her mouth, every hair on and his spine standing on end as the static of that moment hits him, as his golden eyes stare intense at his brothers follower's in an attempt to gauge whether they would attack for her insults or not. They were outnumbered, but if they laid a single paw on Roeflame, on his kits, he would do anything to inflict as many wounds as he could before they killed him.

// mobile post!

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
  • Nervous
Reactions: vayle
They half-sleep through the vigil, a day of shock and crying causing the practically child to over-exhaust themself, the stress of hearing the sniffles of snot and sobs while feeling the shaking forms of cats around them as they tried their best to keep the wails they felt deep down inside of them. It wasn't the time to mourn properly, this Dovepaw understood, and they could only hope that when this was over - because it had to be over one day, it had to just be a horrible nightmare and not reality - that they could all mourn properly as a clan, letting the wails of grief overtake them all. They hadn't realized the sun was breaking over the horizon as a signal that the vigil was over until Roeflame was nudging them up and Dovepaw found themself tripping over lead-heavy paws as the family moved closer to the entrance of camp.

Until they were done moving and Roeflame was twisting around, eyes glaring like daggers at Skyclaw and speaking her venom towards him and Dovepaw found their ears pinning to their head, eyes wide as they stood shaking and waiting to hear the reaction of what would be said. Burnstorm moved forward and Dovepaw couldn't help but let out a soft whimper before looking to their parents. "Can't we just leave? Before..." Before Skyclaw can react, before Roeflame is torn to shreds from his mindless goons, before what little Dovepaw had left of family was torn away from them.

  • --
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan apprentice
    -- sibling to littlepaw && beetlepaw
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6

Beetlepaw hadn't super missed the vigil- he had watched as others said their goodbyes, silently prayers of his own sent to Starclan with Howlingstar's name stapled on every single one. Keep her safe. Keep her healthy. Watch over us, please, great-grandmother. But what he hadn't done was stray far from his siblings- kept safe to Dovepaw and Littlepaw, bared his fangs at anyone that got too close. This, he would die on this hill to protect.

He had barely relaxed. He hadn't slept, Beetlepaw couldn't after what he saw. Sitting guard where Roeflame and Burnstorm both clung close to their kits, his ears flattened backwards and eyes narrowed. He hears his father cry when the night is descended and then Howlingstar's body is lifted away to be buried and it hits his gut, a slow and sharp wheeze as the grief finally overtook him as well. Teeth, still barely kitten-sharp, bit down into his soft tongue and he stifled any noise of weakness.

They were leaving. The looks on his parent's faces sealed that information as soon as Roeflame's nose touched Dovepaw and Littlepaw, as soon as he was made to follow. He pressed close to either sibling or sister as they moved, his green eyes moving around the camp one last time, slightly mournful that he couldn't keep growing up here, that Skyclaw has taken everything good from them- when Roeflame stops, and Burnstorm steps to move to her side.

Beetlepaw's eyes shifted to them, to Skyclaw, before he was moving to stand above his siblings, just a hesitate step in front of them and his cheek slightly turned. Defending. Dad will keep Ma' safe. I just need to keep them safe. Beetlepaw's eyes narrowed slowly at Skyclaw, as if daring him to do anything.
  • "speech"
  • BEETLEPAW he/him, apprentice of thunderclan, six moons.
    LH black smoke with bright green eyes. growing into a very broad and built tom-cat, mirroring his father's build. of average height, with a shit-eating grin more often then not.
    being mentored by burnstorm / / mentoring no one
    no romantic interests / / BURNSTORM X ROEFLAME - sibling to dovepaw and littlepaw, adoptive sibling to hopepaw and coalpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

He wakes in the bright dawn, detangling himself from Redflower before stretching his limbs as if the day prior hadn't happened. Normalcy leaks into the new leader's veins, for he is where he belongs - upon a pedestal that his grandmother unfortunately damaged. She's watching in the stars now, he knows, and he hopes that there's still that twinkle in her eye upon looking at him. Surely now with her imposing knowledge, she understands his actions, sees more beyond her fragility, knows he's right.

He leaves his new den to inspect the hustle and bustle of camp, forlornly noting how sluggish the cats are. He supposes it's natural, after an intense day and a sorrowful vigil. Still, prey must be caught and eaten, borders must be patrolled - they cannot all take the day off. Foolish, Skyclaw thinks, if they perceive this as the new daily life. He lets a frustrated growl rumble in his chest and his gaze catches the form of a small family heading towards the camp's exit. Burnstorm, Roeflame, and their little parade of kin. Hmmph.

He gave them the option, did he not? He should not be upset with them taking the chance to be rogues and loners. And yet, he is. His own brother, abandoning the Clan made for them? Over a little spilled blood at that? He can't help but edge his way in, spouting a, "ThunderClan's council sure was weak, huh? Dropping like flies as it is," to whoever dares to listen to him in the moment. It's meant to hurt, and hurt it does - for Roeflame turns her gaze to him and spits back. His nose twitches in response.

"I've spilled plenty of my blood to make repentance for my existence, Roeflame," he says. It is not cold, it is not calculated - it's fiery, frustrated and borderline enraged. Their kittens huddle together, their son standing forward most to protect his siblings. Just like his father, and who are you like, brother? Maybe a spitting image of their sire if he were drenched with tar. He cracks a grin, tilting his head slightly. "Though, I didn't think Burnstorm would make amends with his blood in this way. Leaving ThunderClan at it's strongest... I'm ashamed of you, I really am," he rolls his shoulders back, his fiery gaze flitting from his older sibling and back to his spitfire mate, Roeflame, and something new clicks.

"I don't believe I said you could leave, though," Skyclaw says. Maybe if she held her tongue, held her head low, stalked away without consequence - maybe he would've set her free, like the little bird she craves to be. He cages her, however. Sooner would he trap her beneath his claws, now that he's been slighted. A tail twitch summons some of his closest friends, and with only a few words to them, they wedge themselves between Roeflame and her family. Skyclaw glowers towards his brother.

"Take your brood and go," he threatens, "I am being kind, to the both of you. Don't make this any bit messy."

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The shift from haughty to enraged is satisfying for a moment, and only a moment. Roeflame feels Burnstorm step forward, but it’s Dovepaw’s whimper that makes the warrior turn to look at her kit, Beetlepaw stepping up to protect his siblings. It all happens in a heartbeat. The image of Mousenose is fleeting behind a still-defiant gaze. Roeflame lashes her tail as she turns back to Skyclaw, her expression only hardening further to mask regret. She had done it again, pushed where she shouldn’t have.

It’s not an execution Skyclaw sentences her to, no. This is much worse. I don’t believe I said you could leave, though. Roeflame hisses, but before she can turn back to her family, she is forced back by a sudden barrier of the usurpers' lackeys. The warrior gives a growl, whisker-lengths away from the guards that separate her from them.

The ferocity cools when celadon meets golden, Skyclaw’s words echoing behind them. I am being kind.
She can’t bear to look at the kits that her compulsiveness had failed, Littlepaw cries out from Dovepaw’s side. What have I done?

Burnstorm wouldn’t leave her so easily, Roeflame knows him too well. He had always been there to save her from the consequences of her actions. The she-cats maw parts, and she wishes she could let her mate be her hero again, here and now.
Her eyes slid to their three children, who would be theirs?
“Go. This is my doing, my responsibility.” Her voice feels hoarse, but Roeflame forces each word out. “Get our kits out of here.” There’s a firmness in her tone that, before today, Burnstorm would have never been on the receiving end of. It was an order. Against her better judgment, Roeflame lets her expression soften with a silent plea.
Keep our babies safe, keep them alive.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


"Im doing what I must to protect my kin" he says, the last word dripping with venom as he glares at Skyclaw through golden eyes turned cold. Skyclaw may share his blood, but he was no brother of his, he had forfeited that right the moment his paws had stepped down this path. Was Skyclaw truly so delusional that he thought his followers would stay their claws from his childrens pelts just because they were kin? His brother may be a fool, but Burnstorm was not. How long until they set his children in their sights? How long before they turned on Skyclaw himself? He does not want to leave ThunderClan behind in such a state, but he has other lives to think about now, something more important that needed protecting. Vaguely, he is aware of his sons fur brushing against his own. He does not tell Beetlepaw to back down, but he does sweep his tail protectively in front of his son, his eyes flickering to Dovepaw in warning to stay back.

A scoff leaves his mouth when Skyclaw says it is he who is ashamed of him "And how do you think our mother would feel about this? Do you think she is looking down upon you from StarClan and smiling at the cat you've become?" he would fight if he had to, he would tear into his kins flesh as easily as he had torn into their grandmothers but... His children, his mate, if he died what would their fates be? His teeth clench and a snarl of frustration, of rage, ripples through his features when his brother barrs Roeflame from leaving.

He opens his mouth to argue, his claws curling as if ready for the fight he can feel boiling in his blood. Before he can though, Roeflame is speaking, speaking in a way he had never heard from her before. "Go." she says. He would rather eat dirt, would rather claw his own teeth out, then leave her here. But, she's right. Horribly so. They could not stay and she knows it, nor could he let his children wander off into the woods by themselves. A pained growl leaves his throat, his eyes lingering on Skyclaw's face, glare full of hatred and raging fire for which he is named. To Roeflame he turns, and his eyes soften Take care of Coalpaw, Hopepaw he says with his eyes flickering towards the apprentices den. He hopes she understands, hopes she sees the goodbye in his features that he dares not voice. "I love you" he mouths silently.

Turning away feels like a hole being ripped open in his chest. It takes all his strength to gather his kits, to nudge them forward and square his shoulders and leave without another word, his jaw set and his eyes swimming. He doesn't dare cry. Not here. To Skyclaw, he shoots on last warning look. Don't ever let me catch you alone

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably