IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
PALEFIRE? His mind echoes, and he turns to meet the gaze of the she-cat; the cat who so vehemently hates him for being a kittypet, for having a collar around his neck. Who suggested they leave him stranded on the tree after he'd gotten himself stuck. He gulps nervously, not fearful of the wounds he will get, but fearful for his life.

She's gonna beat him until he begs for his life.

"Okay," He breathes, an attempt at calming his nerves, at relaxing. I just need to pin her once. Just once, even if for a second. Angus narrows his eyes, focusing on Palefire. He shakes out his fur, fluffing it out to appear bigger than he is - even though he still looks harmless. "Okay." He repeats, louder this time and with more confidence.

OOC: @PALEFIRE get his ass 😭
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
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Reactions: Palefire
This was an interesting situation.

Darkpaw's face curled uncomfortably as he stepped to the edge of the crowd, orange optics narrowed towards the sun-touched pelt within the center of it all. Funnily enough, looking back at this situation, Darkpaw might just call them opposites. Because they were- a pelt of night, blazened only by the warm tones of his optics, loyal to Thunderclan, and this kittypet, with a pelt of sunlight and a far louder disposition. With.. what, a loyalty to just about anyone they met?

A snort left him as Darkpaw shifted, mouth splitting open to call words towards the newcomer. "Don't look so scared! What ever could go wrong here?" He ignored the urge to cackle, moving to get a better view of the fight. Sharp teeth bore with a grin, almost excited at the prospect of seeing the guy get beat up.​

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Asterfrost was a known former kittypet, yes - he had joined in Emberstar's days of leadership, and proven himself time and time again to be a formidable warrior. He had lost his own eye to secure a victory against the dogs that took his leader's life. A warrior in all bit origin, he felt. Despite his origin, he would not vouch for this boisterous boy that was brought into their camp. Though he had been granted easy access to the Clan once, he saw no issue in the trial Howlingstar presented now. Angus would prove himself.

Cormorantswoop is making a scene of herself, and Darkpaw's voice is as grating to his ears as it ever is, but Asterfrost holds his composure, allowing only an annoyed flick of his tail to express his feelings. His blue eye flicks to Palefire, expectantly - will the warrior, so adamant against this young kittypet, keep her claws sheathed amongst the adrenaline?
  • ASTERFROST he/him, thunderclan warrior, 44 moons.
    of kittypet origins. family unknown.
    chocolate tabby/lilac smoke chimera w/ high white.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

"If you can pin Palefire, I will allow you to stay..." At first, she didn't fully register what her leader had just said. It took a moment, maybe two, before her eyes widened in surprise, her body jolting slightly in response to the shock. "M-Me?" She cast a glance over her shoulder and back again, wondering if there was any possibility that Howlingstar had named her by mistake. Would she really allow Palefire, one of the least-trusted warriors in the clan at that point in time, to spar with this kittypet by means of a trial? Though she supposed it did make sense, given that she was the only one amongst the patrol that had found Angus who adamantly did not want him to stay. It was bold of Howlingstar to trust that her obvious distaste for outsiders would not push her to purposefully hurt the boy. She wasn't sure she even trusted herself not to hurt him, be it consciously or otherwise.

The shock quickly faded and was replaced by a calculated glare narrowed on the cinnamon tomcat, as she turned to face Angus. "Okay," she quipped firmly in reply to the terms that Howlingstar laid out for them. She would not get herself in more trouble by disobeying her leader. Regardless of how this went down, she would not unsheath her claws. However, she really did not want this twoleg toy to be allowed to join their ranks. She would not allow him to pin her, and she would end this ridiculous presentation as quickly as possible. By the end of the night, Angus would be back with his owners and Thunderclan would think of him no more.

With the smallest flash of a sadistic smirk, Palefire launched herself at the kittypet.

She gave him no warning or time to prepare himself, as any true clan cat knew that you never had time to prepare. You never had warnings. Enemies could come at you from anywhere, at any time, and you were never ready for it. If Angus wanted to stay, he would need to be made to understand how truly dangerous their way of life was. This wasn't a game. They lost friends, family members, and clanmates constantly. They were never safe. She knew better than most, the price you paid for not taking this world seriously enough. She would not go easy on him, and she would not give him any room to change Howlingstar's mind about keeping him around. She didn't want him here, and neither did her clanmates. He was a liability.

The larger feline braced herself as she collided with Angus, hoping to use his surprise and her weight to her advantage so she could wrap her paws around his neck. If successful, she would aim to use her momentum to pull him to the ground, rolling them around on the barren earth. She could've stopped there and easily manoeuvred herself on top of him, but she felt her frustration with the past few weeks start to overwhelm her as adrenaline pumped through her veins. Her heart pounded in her chest and her pupils dilated to slits, seething with unveiled hatred as she stared down at the young tomcat. Her sheathed back paws kicked at his side, and her jaws sought to lock onto his shoulder as if she were acting purely on instinct now, like a coiled snake striking out at its prey.

The noise of the crowd of Thunderclanners faded away as blood roared in her ears, and all that was left behind were the relentless feelings of vulnerability and helplessness that had not left her alone since the night of her warrior ceremony. The anger and fear surged through her as her teeth sank further into his warm cinnamon fur, and she tasted the sharp tang of coppery blood in her mouth. It was enough to snap her out of the fog of bloodlust, and she quickly released his shoulder, her head reeling back dizzily though her paws remained firmly locked around his smaller body. She didn't want to hurt the kid; she repeated that to herself as she continued to batter him with her hind paws. I don't want him dead, I just don't want him here.

[ minor powerplay permission granted by nocthymia <3 pale accidentally got a bit too rough with angus and lightly injured his shoulder ]

  • PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 13 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes. tall and slender. built for speed and agility.
    currently emotionally volatile, all opinions are strictly ic and likely spur-of-the-moment
    single, open to relationships / / mentor to no one // mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
જ➶ Creeping forward, the commotion is what causes her to appear before the scene. Eyes of golden amber shifting over the many warriors and kits that are talking back and forth. For a moment she is confused about what is going on. Not sure about the circumstance still she finally notices a stranger. Locking her eyes on them she sniffs the air and her muzzle curls just slightly before she picks up some faint comments about kittypet and Skyclan. Oh. A kittypet all the way in Thunderclan's territory? How odd. For a moment she almost doesn't believe it because they would have had to come all the way across Skyclan and how could Skyclan be so negligent about their own territory. Yet she supposes that it is true that not everything can be caught at one time. Her ears pull forward then as she listens to the tell about the kittypet and why they are actually here. To join Thunderlcan and her own eyes widen just slightly. Did they need more to join? Personally she is not sure. She has no real option either way but she finds herself siding with someone she has been following since she was younger. Palefire. Perhaps this was not the place for a kittypet. They are softpawed, soft hearted and she didn't think they needed to be in the forest. At least that is what she has been told given where they come from. A bit of worry creases her brow then as she hear what Cormorantswoop says.

It sounds highly disloyal and disrespectful. Especially in front of Howlingstar and the lead warriors. "Wow...." She couldn't even believe it and she feels herself ducking her head when she hears her leader speak back with such authority. Honestly, she could never in her life dream of talking like that in front of Howlingstar and the molly finds herself shaking her head at that but even more so when the other is actually given a chance. And the chance is to try to pin Palefire. "There is no way that he is going to be able to do that." In her mind no one can beat Palefire and surely not a kittypet. Her maw snaps shut then and she just watches. Knowing that this will end in defeat for the kittypet and then they will have to be taken back to Skyclan.
Dovekit, go and find your mother and your siblings.

The sudden voice of their father causes Dovekit to pause, paw stuck mid-air for a moment as they began to process what else was going on around them. Paw lowered and touched the ground once more before they looked around, eyes widening as they backed up towards Burnstorm only to pause once more as they looked up at him, watching as his eyes stayed trained on the stranger in the camp, never moving. It was then that the kitten realized that so many more within the clearing of the camp were doing the same thing and swallowing down the fear that threatened to rise out of Dovekit - for they could never be scared, they were going to be a strong warrior and warriors were not scared - they quickly moved on from the scene to the nursery, ready to try and watch whatever they could from the entrance.

  • -- quick out ~
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan kitten
    -- sibling to littlekit && beetlekit
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6

࿔*:・゚༄ A kittypet wandering into camp, all naivete and spunk... It reminds Ploverhop of themself, a mirror of their youth. Young Angus is not granted the same grace that they were, though; the clan cats look upon him with nothing but scrutiny, challenging him to an impossible fight. A pampered kit against a trained warrior, it's a fight he's bound to lose.

But Ploverhop's always had a fondness for underdogs. They bares their teeth in a grin as they bound over to join the commotion, eyes set on the small form in the center of it. "Exciting!" They rumble, letting the adrenaline of the action sweep over them. It's even more one-sided than they'd expected, Palefire going after the kit with a marked sort of viciousness. They've never been much a fan of the younger warrior with her barbed disdain, don't much like to having to share a den with her for the foreseeable future. Even more reason to root for Angus; how delightful it'd be to see the haughty girl bested by a kittypet kit.

The laughter of Darkpaw, the pessimism of Dustpaw - it has their ear flicking. Might as well add a more hopeful voice tp the crowd. "C'mon kiddo, you got this! It's not over yet!" They call to the young tom. If he loses then he loses, but stars they really find themself hoping he doesnt. It'd piss off all the clan's most obnoxious members, that's for sure. Speaking of... They lean to whoever's nearest, flick golden eyes over. "She trying to kill him or what?" They whisper incredulously, voice still a little too loud.

  • 63382575_CEBibumHa5i9HoX.png


  • PLOVERHOP they / them, warrior of thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    a large black-banded lilac cat with vivid golden-orange eyes.
    npc x npc; former kittypet.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
ANGUS LETS OUT A YOWL OF PURE PAIN as Palefire knocks into him, sending both barreling on the grass. The she-cat was larger than he was, she was stronger, she was faster; Palefire was better than him in every possible way. But all Angus had to do was endure the beating - and survive it, too. Prove them all wrong.

The kittypet hisses as the warrior kicks him on the side, half-expecting her to unsheathe her claws to cause more damage and watch him bleed. What she does is worse, much worse than he could've ever expected - while gripped by Palefire, he feels the she-cat bite down on his shoulder. He screeches, the noise piercing and loud and so high pitched it must be uncomfortable for the ThunderClanners.

Mustering all his strength, Angus shoves Palefire off of him, rolling onto his good side to get up. He is running on adrenaline, on desperation, so much so it feels like he's not commanding his body anymore. His shoulder gash continues to bleed out, dripping onto the grass below. He growls, launching himself at the she-cat, hoping to gain the upper hand in order to pin her down. That's all he needs to do: pin her down.

[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
Although it wasn't too much of a surprise for Howlingstar to decree that there be a spar to prove the kittypet's worth, Softpaw was taken aback by the brutality with which Palefire went into the spar, especially when she drew blood from Angus' shoulder - the kittypet let out a screech to wake the dead, and Softpaw's ears flattened against her head at the grating noise.

She knew what this must be for Palefire: a chance to prove herself to Howlingstar after having made mistakes. Softpaw just wasn't sure if this was the right way to go about it, or if Palefire would lose herself in that attempt to prove her trust and end up hurting the kittypet more than she intended to. Howlingstar had declared that they were to keep their claws sheathed, but Palefire seemed to have taken that as teeth allowed.

Palefire was a strong, young warrior, and as much as Softpaw wanted to cheer on Angus as Ploverhop was, she wasn't sure it was rightly her place to do so, or if it would just give the kittypet false hope. She wasn't sure whether the kittypet would be able to pin Palefire after her moons of training and being brought up in the wild, where Angus had lived his life in safety and coziness in his twoleg's nest.

Desperation and adrenaline can be a very strong thing. Softpaw just wonders if it'll be enough to get Angus his place amongst ThunderClanners.​

Everything happened so quickly. One second everyone was within the camp minding their own business whether it be lying in the sun as Sproutpaw had been doing or finishing off duties for the day. When Badgerstripe had come to the camp and immediately gone to Holwingstar's den it had caught the apprentice's attention, head swiveling to try to figure out what was going on before the patrol entered through the gorse and head swiveled once more as ears flicked back in annoyance at the tink-tink-tink of a bell connected to the collar that was around the neck of a stranger now within the camp. A stranger that had no right to be here, no right to even be given the opportunity to join and should have been ran off at the first appearance.

Eyes widen slightly in disbelief as those within the patrol tell their story, say that the kittypet wanted to join and Cormorant even wants to give the kittypet the opportunity to join, willing to take him to SkyClan herself to make sure he got the life of a warrior he so wanted. Fur rose at the thought of the kittypet clan having more within their ranks to sully the good name of the clans before maw opened slightly in disbelief at Howlingstar's reaction to all this. She was going to give him the chance to prove himself, to join the clan and train alongside the apprentices if he could pin Palefire. Eyes quickly scanned the crowd to land on the other, watching as she began to spar with the kittypet, and the chimera found himself praying that Angus wouldn't succeed, that ThunderClan wouldn't have to house a cat like him for any amount of time, and deeper down as the slight tinge of blood filled the air he hoped that no clan would ever get the chance to.

  • --
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    6 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Hedgewhisker
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Cormorantswoop's head whipped around to face Copperfang so she could glare at him through slitted green eyes. ''I know exactly where my loyalties lie, Copperfang,'' The massive gray-black tabby bared her teeth in the beginnings of a snarl. A flick of her tail tip showed her annoyance with her Clanmate - with all of her Clanmates. ''Say that again, and you might just get a nick in your ear, ya hear?'' The she-cat flattened her ears at Angus' outbursts. Snapping at one of the cats who's trying to get you a place may just make that cat change their mind. Angus was lucky that Cormorantswoop was one of the more....tame....cats within ThunderClan.

She fixed a glare on Howlingstar.
She's willing to risk injury to not only a young kittypet with no training, but to one of her Clanmates? Cormorantswoop shook her head and fixed her gaze on the spar between Angus and Palefire. She silently willed the young tom on, hoping that if he was able to pin down Palefire, it may just teach the she-cat a lesson. One large ear flicked, and the warrior took no notice of the gathered cats muttering her name in under their breaths. They could talk bad about her behind her back, but the moment that one of them came up to her and said something to her face, there'd be a fight, and not just with words.
The spar begins, and as Howlingstar leans against Badgerstripe again for support, she watches with her head held high. Focused eyes follow the kittypet's clumsy movements, her ears perked with intrigue. There's no denying there's a fire in him, even if his moves are sloppy and unpracticed. Palefire attacks next, and with a bit of alarm she notices blood trickle from where teeth met flesh. "I said clean spar," She barks a warning, eyes narrowing upon the young warrior. "No more of that. Finish this up." Her mind is already made up, after all. And now Gentlestorm will need to waste precious herbs on that bite.

Murmurs rise up around camp about the spar, and one warrior even dares to cheer for the kittypet. But one voice snaps, aggressive as she threatens her clanmate. "Cormorantswoop, that's enough. Either watch in silence or leave. There will be no threats in my camp," She hisses, casting a warning look upon the warrior and catching her glare before she returns her attention to the spar at hand. Tensions are clearly high within these walls, and she wonders how much good or harm it's done to bring back such a controversial cat. Clanmates are at each others' throats!

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Gentlestorm cannot help but feel anger quell beneath his skin and thick coat, he can feel the way that his bloods beginning to boil listening to each and every word leaving Cormorantsweep's maw. How could someone be so brainless and boldly claim that a kittypet was sent to them by Starclan to, dare say, replace the warriors that had bravely died for their clan? It's insulting and as if the molly is rubbing a gracious amount of salt to the wound, his usual warm honeyed eyes shoot her another glare. She has the nerve to speak out against her leader and her words... Why is she even in Thunderclan? To squabble like some unlicked kitten? His jaws remain shut as his attention turns to the spar that would possibly allow Angus to join the clan and a part of Gentlestorm wishes they would get it over with. The sight of crimson blossoming where Palefire bit is enough to make his muscles tense up but Howlingstar is quick to correct the young warrior.

He would have to patch up the injury and its enough to make a low, tired sigh leave his maw though his ears twitch when Cormorantsweep threatens Copperfang. The pale tom takes a step forward brushing against the chocolate tabby carefully and a low growl emits from his throat, his stance says it all. She would not lay a single claw on his clanmate or either of them. Howlingstar's hiss catches his attention of he agrees with silently and turns briefly to the troublesome molly as he huffs "I suggest you use your own ears and listen to what's being said to you." His hackles raised slightly though he keeps close to Copperfang before turning his attention to the spar once more. He knows in the future that he'll chase off any trespasser in the future to avoid all of this trouble.

/ ic opinions !!!


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    54 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking