- Jun 22, 2023
- 502
- 114
- 43

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Gentlestorm walks forward knowing that Badgerstripe has gone to tell Howlingstar of the kittypet that has entered and trespassed their territory, the pale tom doesn't bother warning Angus of the glares and unwelcoming atmosphere he will be facing when they walk through the mouth of camp. He tells the russet tom to stay close to him though he can't help but cast Nightbird a quick glance hoping that her idea of bringing the tom to camp was a good idea despite knowing that some of their clanmates detested kittypets and outsiders. The medicine cat imagines that his leader wouldn't really be pleased with him either so he hopes that it's brief and if need be, he would take Angus back to the Skyclan border where the other clan would gladly take in the young tomcat that sought out adventure. "You will behave yourself while you are here and show respect." The large tom says to the collar wearing tomkit with his gaze narrowing to show that he meant it and his stern tone was loud enough for Angus to hear, he would not tolerate any disrespect or any of the earlier pouting the other had done.
Gentlestorm glances over to see Howlingstar leaning against Badgerstripe, holds his breath for a heartbeat, and speaks after clearing his throat "This is the kittypet that trespassed into our territory. I'm not quite sure how he didn't get caught by a Skyclan patrol before arriving here." He admits calmly with a flick of his ear knowing that the tabbied leader's eyes were setting him ablaze and that she's not thrilled to have Angus in her camp when he should've been chased away, he wonders why Nightbird hadn't done so but then again... He hadn't either so he's to blame. "He says that he wishes to join." He had to get to the point and already expects to tell him no that the kittypet could not join their ranks, to get rid of him, and chase him out. "Whatever you decide, I'll be ready to carry out your orders." He dips his head briefly to his leader then meets her gaze before allowing it to glance at Angus for a second then looks away. He's on his own for the medicine cat would not vouch for his stay within Thunderclan.
/ @HOWLINGSTAR @badgerstripe & the patrol w/gentlestorm; @PALEFIRE @nightbird @roaringpaw @Softpaw @COPPERFANG. @cormorantswoop
continuation of this thread
Gentlestorm glances over to see Howlingstar leaning against Badgerstripe, holds his breath for a heartbeat, and speaks after clearing his throat "This is the kittypet that trespassed into our territory. I'm not quite sure how he didn't get caught by a Skyclan patrol before arriving here." He admits calmly with a flick of his ear knowing that the tabbied leader's eyes were setting him ablaze and that she's not thrilled to have Angus in her camp when he should've been chased away, he wonders why Nightbird hadn't done so but then again... He hadn't either so he's to blame. "He says that he wishes to join." He had to get to the point and already expects to tell him no that the kittypet could not join their ranks, to get rid of him, and chase him out. "Whatever you decide, I'll be ready to carry out your orders." He dips his head briefly to his leader then meets her gaze before allowing it to glance at Angus for a second then looks away. He's on his own for the medicine cat would not vouch for his stay within Thunderclan.
/ @HOWLINGSTAR @badgerstripe & the patrol w/gentlestorm; @PALEFIRE @nightbird @roaringpaw @Softpaw @COPPERFANG. @cormorantswoop
continuation of this thread

— ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
— ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
— ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
— ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS -
✿ gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
✿ 53 moons old; ages the 27th every month
✿ widowed mate oflittle wolf
✿ easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
✿ "speech", thoughts, attacking
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