
'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Gentlestorm walks forward knowing that Badgerstripe has gone to tell Howlingstar of the kittypet that has entered and trespassed their territory, the pale tom doesn't bother warning Angus of the glares and unwelcoming atmosphere he will be facing when they walk through the mouth of camp. He tells the russet tom to stay close to him though he can't help but cast Nightbird a quick glance hoping that her idea of bringing the tom to camp was a good idea despite knowing that some of their clanmates detested kittypets and outsiders. The medicine cat imagines that his leader wouldn't really be pleased with him either so he hopes that it's brief and if need be, he would take Angus back to the Skyclan border where the other clan would gladly take in the young tomcat that sought out adventure. "You will behave yourself while you are here and show respect." The large tom says to the collar wearing tomkit with his gaze narrowing to show that he meant it and his stern tone was loud enough for Angus to hear, he would not tolerate any disrespect or any of the earlier pouting the other had done.

Gentlestorm glances over to see Howlingstar leaning against Badgerstripe, holds his breath for a heartbeat, and speaks after clearing his throat "This is the kittypet that trespassed into our territory. I'm not quite sure how he didn't get caught by a Skyclan patrol before arriving here." He admits calmly with a flick of his ear knowing that the tabbied leader's eyes were setting him ablaze and that she's not thrilled to have Angus in her camp when he should've been chased away, he wonders why Nightbird hadn't done so but then again... He hadn't either so he's to blame. "He says that he wishes to join." He had to get to the point and already expects to tell him no that the kittypet could not join their ranks, to get rid of him, and chase him out. "Whatever you decide, I'll be ready to carry out your orders." He dips his head briefly to his leader then meets her gaze before allowing it to glance at Angus for a second then looks away. He's on his own for the medicine cat would not vouch for his stay within Thunderclan.

/ @HOWLINGSTAR @badgerstripe & the patrol w/gentlestorm; @PALEFIRE @nightbird @roaringpaw @Softpaw @COPPERFANG. @cormorantswoop
continuation of this thread


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    53 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
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Talking to a young kittypet was a different experience than Softpaw might have imagined it would have been like; it wasn't like talking with Bigfang or Leafhusk, who she was told had been kittypets once, but had long since acclimated themselves to the life of a feral cat in ThunderClan. Angus had thanked her for her help in getting him down, saying she'd made it look easy, and Softpaw had nodded thankfully at the compliment.

"It's easy once you understand how to do it properly." She had finished explained as the patrol arrived at camp, and for the first time, Softpaw wondered how the rest of camp would react to having a fresh kittypet in their midst. She knew that not all of the reactions would be as the patrol's had been - they had been curious and waning enough to bring Angus back to Howlingstar for judgment, but Softpaw knew that kittypets held a certain reputation amongst some of her Clanmates that would cause them to treat Angus negatively.

The sight of Howlingstar, even leaning against Badgerstripe as she was, was enough to put the weight of respect on Softpaw's shoulders as they faced their leader. She hoped that Angus would understand the weight of what was happening, the sheer abnormality of an young kittypet coming face-to-face with the forest's greatest warrior - Howlingstar being up and about as she was, despite Gentlestorm's encouragement, just showed that she was a force to be reckoned with.

Quieting herself and giving Howlingstar a nod of respect, Softpaw glanced over at Angus to see how he would react to being in the leader's presence - if he would heed Gentlestorm's advice or not.​
Dovekit had been running around trying to quietly practice their pouncing - key word being trying as their fits of giggles kept giving away their position with clanmates and scaring off whatever bugs could be found - when the view of Howlingstar leaning against another to walk towards the entrance of the camp caught their attention. The lynx point was about to open their maw to ask if another bug had made it's way into the leader's den but eyes quickly drift over to the patrol that was now entering the opening to camp and blue eyes grew wide as a stranger walked into camp and quickly Dovekit had forgotten their pouncing, forgotten their question for Howlingstar, and was making their way towards the patrol practically vibrating with questions. "Who are you? Are you um, um, one of the kitty.... pets? Kittypets?"

They'd heard of SkyClan in the games the other kits played, how they were full of kittypets and Dovekit couldn't help but be curious about them and why they allowed what they'd heard were "soft" cats in the clan. "Can I feel your fur? What's on your neck? Are you fluffy, you don't look very fluffy." With every question they'd try to get closer, before finally they'd try to reach out with a paw- "You have a thing on your neck... right there!" It'd take a miracle now to get them to stop talking.

  • --
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan kitten
    -- sibling to littlekit && beetlekit
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6
With Badgerstripe's aid, Howlingstar is able to hobble outside of her den with as much dignity as she can possibly have in her condition. She winces with every step, but luckily, her wounds have been well on their way to healing. The scars along her shoulders are still sore, but no longer do they bleed and throb. She stands in the center of camp, waiting for the patrol to arrive, and fortunately they do not make her wait long.

Green eyes immediately find the stranger among her clanmates, his warm fur unblemished and pristine. It would give his kittypet life away in a heartbeat, even if he didn't wear the loudly jingling collar around his neck. The mark of twolegs.

She remembers when she'd first met the likes of other kittypets in her clan. Sunfreckle, Leafhusk, Bigfang, Stormywing - they'd all belonged to twolegs at one point in time, now battle-hardened warriors. But Emberstar had been less cautious than ThunderClan's current leader. She had been kind, but optimistic, and at a level in which Howlingstar simply cannot match. She must be realistic if she wants her clan to thrive.

"This kittypet should have been chased out immediately," She tells her clanmates, eyes lingering on Gentlestorm and Nightbird most of all. Though her voice is stern, she cannot bring herself to be angry. The cat is young, roughly the age of Softpaw who walks alongside him. His age may have softened their hearts and swayed their minds. She can't lie and say kitten fluff and youthful fat has not won her over, but this tom is beyond his kit moons, by the looks of him. She narrows her eyes upon him. "Why were you trespassing in ThunderClan's territory?"
❝ IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
THE ATMOSPHERE OF THUNDERCLAN'S CAMP IS OPPRESSIVE. All eyes are on him and Angus freezes. He heeds to Gentlestorm's words, figuring that following them was his best bet of appeasing Howlingstar. The cinnamon tom sits beside the larger feline silently, despite the urge to answer Dovekit's questions. . . does ThunderClan as a whole expect him to speak only to the brown leader before him, or should he talk to all of them - is it rude to Dovekit to ignore them, or would it be worse to converse with the younger kit during this circumstance?

Angus gulps nervously as Howlingstar addresses him sternly, ears dropping when she says they should've chased him out. The kittypet wonders how much he can take before he snaps to defend himself - for now, he plays along. "I wish to join." He mews simply, repeating the same words he'd told each and every cat of the earlier patrol. "The life in a twoleg nest is suffocating - but you wildcats live life by your own rules."
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE ❞

The ruddy tom is not altogether very surprised to see Howlingstar up, leaning against Badgerstripe—after all, she had been notified that they were bringing a kittypet back to camp, so it was only to be expected that she would not be able to sit and rest whilst they did so. That doesn't stop the spark of concern in his chest he feels for their leader, though, knowing what had happened and knowing the state that she had been in not long ago. He dips his head in respect as they approach, and his amber gaze flicks over to the young tom as she speaks, considering him now as he stands before the Thunderclan leader. After all, it was true that they should've chased this kittypet away from the start—but they hadn't, and had instead given him a chance, despite the mixed feelings many of them had had, and now he had one chance to have Howlingstar's audience, one chance to prove himself in a place where it was unlikely many would stand up for him now. His eyes fall back to Howlingstar as Angus speaks, waiting for her next words.

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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Badgerstripe obliged Howlingstar's request, letting the older molly lean on her shoulder as they made their way out to greet their visitor. As much as Gentlestorm hoped for the wounded leader to remain in her den, they all knew there was no talking her out of this - especially since it was a kittypet they were greeting. So, the burly tortoiseshell aided her out, though every wince of Howlingstar's brought one of her own.

The kittypet should have been chased out, she says - Badgerstripe feels her heart sink with disappointment. Not in that the kittypet was met with disapproval, but that she had let down her leader by choosing to speak with Angus rather than cutting to the chase and leading him out. "Apologies, Howlingstar," she mumbled in response. "He was stuck in a tree - I saved him from a snake. I could not chase him out, before the others arrived." Would she have chased him out, anyway, knowing that he had intents to join? Badgerstripe felt uncertain about each possible scenario and her decisions that would follow.

Again, Roaringpaw speaks of Clan life in a similar way that Badgerstripe once thought of it, before being slapped in the face with the horrors of the harsh world. He would have his own wake up call if he were permitted to stay, and she could only hope it was not as death-bringing as her own. The molly's lips curl back as he speaks of their alleged way of life. "What makes you so sure you won't find our life just as suffocating?" she'd mutter - more of an outward thought than a directed question. He would be sorely disappointed to find that warrior life came with strict rules and responsibility, not freedom and tales from stories. Just as she was the night she earned her warrior name.
  • Badgerstripe she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 12 moons.
    a long-furred blue tortoiseshell with a notable black dorsal stripe and green eyes.
    formerly mentored by burnstorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Palefire somehow managed to remain silent for the remainder of their journey back to camp, though the tension in her body was just as prominent now as it had been when she first laid eyes on the kittypet. For some reason, she had been the only one that directly protested allowing the stranger to stay. She knew exactly what her leader's opinion on kittypets was, along with the majority of the rest of the clan. She shouldn't have been alone in her desire to see him gone. Had Howlingstar been with them in that moment, how many of them would've defended the twoleg pet then? She couldn't help but huff to herself with annoyance as they finally entered the clearing, unsurprisingly finding their injured leader waiting for them with Badgerstripe. Surely none of them expected her to sit tight in her den after being told what was coming her way.

The young warrior came to stand on the opposite side of Gentlestorm, and she couldn't help but feel the smallest bit of satisfaction upon seeing Howlingstar's irritation. At the very least, it made her feel less crazy for being the only one to outwardly say that this was a bad idea. Cold blue eyes fell to the tomcat in question, who was doing a surprisingly good job of remaining quiet, especially when little Dovekit came wandering over. The urge to usher the kitten away from such a stranger was stopped only because this was Roeflame's kit, and it wasn't her place. Surely the inquisitive child's mother would handle it when she was inevitably drawn over by the commotion.

Returning her attention to the issue at hand, the lilac molly lifted her head slightly and spoke directly, but respectfully to her leader. "I said it before, but I think he should be sent home, or given to Skyclan to deal with." She in no way wanted to tell Howlingstar how to deal with the situation, or overstep her bounds considering how low her position in the clan was at the current moment, but she felt it needed to be said that not everyone here was happy to let this kittypet into their ranks. Her feelings on the matter were decidedly not mixed, but were in fact quite clear. The elder she-cat could either take her thoughts into consideration or not, that would remain entirely up to her. Either way, Angus would not receive a warm welcome from Palefire.

  • PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 13 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes. tall and slender. built for speed and agility.
    currently emotionally volatile, all opinions are strictly ic and likely spur-of-the-moment
    single, open to relationships / / mentor to no one // mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
the massive patrol wedges their way through the gorse tunnel, and leafhusk stops working some brambles. none of them seemed particularly happy, but the sun furred— who in starclan's name was that? his jingling collar, bright eyed face said it all before gentlestorm can utter a word. thunderclan can't be this desperate for new blood, she thinks, gaping wide eyed at this kid and her leader. he's a liability and it hurts that it's her second thought but it is true— there is no room or time to train someone fresh from the twoleg dens.

a part of her wants to speak up, tell him to just go home, he won't be able to handle it. the patrol's lukewarm reaction towards him, and the glaring stares from the rest of camp should've been enough. it reminds her of herself, almost, standing high when everyone else's distrust was crystal clear. did she look so…. desperate? leafhusk had been lucky to find emberstar, she respected her current leader, but she's aware howlingstar wouldn't of been so generous. leafhusk clamps her jaws shut, grinding her teeth together.

"there's no way, right?" she mutters to the nearest clanmate.​

Burnstorm remembers when he had been a kit and a blind stranger had been brought to camp. He remembers peering out at her from behind his mother's legs as Little Wolf bared her fangs and demanded to know why a cat they didn't know had been brought to camp, the place where her kits were. Back then, he had not understood. Why was everyone so angry? But now? Now he gets it. He gets it the second this cat walks into their home, the place where his mate and their kits were supposed to be safe. Anger flashes in his eyes immediately and claws unsheathe and bury themselves into the earth. "Do you all have bees in your brain?" he snarls in the direction of his former apprentice, then Gentlestorm "Dovekit, go and find your mother and your siblings. I will answer your questions later, I promise" though he speaks to his blood, his narrowed golden eyes never leave the stranger's face, doesn't leave the collar hanging around their neck.

The disgust in the look he gives that thing is as clear as day on his face. "I agree with Palefire, this should not be our problem" he says with a huff. "We have more than enough mouths to feed already with all the kits in the nursery, we do not need another that cannot yet hunt for themselves" let them chase out this intruder and be done with all of this nonsense. He nods his head along to Leafhusk's words, there was absolutely no way in all the forest that Howlingstar would let this slide, right?

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
Cormorantswoop's massive form slunk into the camp, her green eyes narrowing as she caught Burnstorm's words.

I agree with Palefire, this should not be our problem.

''You most certainly wouldn't agree with Palefire if you knew that she wanted to leave this kittypet in a tree to die, whether it was to an adder or to starvation and dehydration,'' The tabby countered the tom's words, fixing a sharp look on Burnstorm. ''And that is not what ThunderClan is about, Burnstorm.''

She then turned to Howlingstar, a flick of her tail tip showing her annoyance at the amount of cats saying they didn't need the kittypet.

This kittypet should have been chased out immediately.

At Howlingstar's words, Cormorantswoop's patience snapped. She'd had enough.

''Listen up, all of you!'' Cormorantswoop yowled, her gaze scorching her Clanmates' pelts as it passed over them. ''We just lost two Clanmates. Do you really think it is wise to deny a cat - who is willingly wishing to join our ranks - a place in the Clan when we need warriors the most? For StarClan's sake, we have more apprentices than we do warriors!'' Cormorantswoop's tone was filled with exasperation. ''Here's what I told Palefire-'' She flashed a wary look at the smaller warrior. ''We are all scared to lose more Clanmates. I know that feeling, and I understand that feeling completely. But, we have lost cats, and with every loss comes a gain. You all are judging this cat by blood and where he came from rather than his character, in which character is what you should be judging him by. That isn't fair to him, and there are multiple cats - whether they are in SkyClan or in any other Clan - who would think so, too. Think of this kittypet joining the Clan - IF ACCEPTED - as an apology from StarClan for what we've been through.''

We do not need another that cannot yet hunt for themselves.

Cormorantswoop's head whipped around to glare at Burnstorm once more as she caught his last words.
''Just because he was born a kittypet does not mean that this young tom can't learn ThunderClan's ways,'' She turned to Howlingstar, softening her voice and speaking respectfully to her leader. ''Howlingstar, if you let this kittypet join the Clan, I am more than willing to take him on as my apprentice. I'll train him honorably, I promise.''
Cormorantswoop turned to Angus and blinked warmly at the tom. She would get him a place in this Clan. The tabby then turned her gaze to Nightbird, hoping that the lead warrior would agree with her.
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  • Dead
  • WHAT
Reactions: dallas and antlers
As her clanmates settle around to watch, she glances at Badgerstripe in acknowledgment, listening to her explanation. Saved him from a snake while he'd been stuck in a tree, hm? She nods to the young warrior, commending her honor and bravery, before she looks back at the kittypet. He says he wishes to join, that wild cats live by their own rules, and she feels her eyes narrow. Badgerstripe speaks up to ask how he knows their life isn't just as suffocating. If this tom thinks that being in a clan is all about freedom and no rules, he's got another thing coming.

"I agree with Palefire and Burnstorm," The tabby mews sternly, her tail lashing behind her. But before she can say anything else, Cormorantswoop speaks up. She says Palefire wanted to leave the kittypet to die, and she looks to the young warrior with ears pricked. "Is that true? You wanted him to die?" She prodded, before her attention snaps back to Cormorantswoop as the she-cat yowls for them all to listen. The words that spill from her mouth cause Howlingstar's own ears to flatten in frustration. And then she brings up StarClan, and Howlingstar lifts her voice in a hiss, "Do not tell me what StarClan intends." She steadies herself slowly, bracing herself on her own four paws and takes a hobbled step forward, away from Badgerstripe. It is a challenge for Cormorantswoop to stand down. "It is not your decision to let this kittypet in. It is not your decision to say what we should or should not do. You do not feel the weight of what every single decision can do to impact this clan. That is on my shoulders to keep us safe," She speaks firmly to the warrior, appalled by the disrespect she has shown her lead warrior and herself.

She tears her gaze away to look now at the kittypet, and continues, "This clan is not about living by our own rules. Every day is full of hard work and following the Warrior Code, putting our lives on the line to defend our clanmates. Five warriors have died in the last moon. Four more are in the nursery, pregnant or rearing kits. Our apprentice's den is full, our warriors are overworked while they hunt to feed every mouth in this clan. We do not have room to teach a soft-pawed kittypet who just wants his own rules on top of all of that." Eyes narrowed more, she lifts her chin and stares at him a bit longer. "Go home."
  • Wow
Reactions: dallas
Palefire watched the scene unfold with a veiled expression, though she was inwardly glad to hear that Burnstorm and Howlingstar agreed with her. They had plenty of up-and-coming apprentices and warriors to make Thunderclan more than strong, and adding an untrained and, frankly, over-eager kittypet to their ranks could only become a mess. Just because some of their own former kittypets had grown to become competent warriors, didn't mean all of them could. She was content to leave the rest of the conversation in Howlingstar's capable paws, but suddenly, she was once again being verbally accosted by Cormorantswoop. Her fur bristled at the accusation, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes in exasperation. Great, we're going to start with this nonsense again. The implication that she would wish death on anyone, after everything that had happened with the wolves, was like a hot knife through her heart and it made her angry. Just because she didn't want to deal with Angus, didn't mean she wanted him dead.

She turned her sharp blue gaze to Howlingstar, who had asked if the statement was true. "No, I never once said that I wanted him to die." Her tone remained measured, but her patience with Cormorantswoop's apparent vendetta against her was admittedly running thin. "The adder was already dead, he was in no danger. I simply said that the kittypet should be left to get himself down from the tree, since he was the one who got himself stuck in the first place." Honestly, it was what they would expect from any one of their own apprentices. If they were in a similar situation that they could easily get out of, they should be made to work it out for themselves. Why should they help him when he caused the issue by ignorantly wandering into their forest without a lick of capability to take care of himself? What use would the cinnamon tomcat be to them if he couldn't even get down from a tree on his own?

She quieted once more after having said her piece, and her paws shifted with discomfort as the conversation became derailed with talk of the gains that came from loss, when she knew nothing could be further from the truth. Nothing could make up for what they had lost. The young warrior visibly flinched when Cormorantswoop proceeded to snap at both Burnstorm and Howlingstar in an attempt to defend the kittypet, though if anything she was weakening Angus' case. Her tail flickered sublty behind her as their leader ordered the fiery tomcat to go home, and her attention fell to the boy, wondering what his next move would be.

  • PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 13 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes. tall and slender. built for speed and agility.
    currently emotionally volatile, all opinions are strictly ic and likely spur-of-the-moment
    single, open to relationships / / mentor to no one // mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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Cormorantswoop's eyes narrowed, and she forced her fur flat to keep her cool. ''Howlingstar, I never said anything about what StarClan intends. And yes,'' She turned her glare on Palefire. ''The moment you suggested leaving the kittypet in the tree - knowing he couldn't get down - he mentioned that he could not get down, Palefire, it was an implication that you wanted him to die.''

She whisked her tail and glanced at Angus apologetically. ''I'll show him to SkyClan's border. I'm not going to leave him to be attacked by foxes or badgers that may be lurking in our territory.'' Cormorantswoop padded over to Angus, fixing a glare on Howlingstar before wrapping her tail comfortingly around the kittypet's shoulders. She slipped out of the camp, and started towards the SkyClan border with the tom at her side.

''Don't worry,'' The dark tabby murmured, touching her nose to Angus' ear tip. ''Orangestar is much more likely to take you in. SkyClan is known for letting kittypets like you join their ranks, and for those who wish to live dual lives, they're able to. SkyClan has warriors known as 'Daylight Warriors'. They spend their time in SkyClan during the day and they spend their time with their Twolegs during the night.'' Cormorantswoop let out a chuckle. ''If Orangestar let's you join, you'll be able to show Howlingstar and the cats who denied your acceptance just how much you would have been able to prove.''

After Howlingstar's show of 'strength', Cormorantswoop was debating whether or not she'd join SkyClan herself.

[ Mentions ]
Cormorantswoop is currently escorting @roaringpaw to SkyClan's border to meet with @Orangestar or @TWITCHBOLT . Her next post will be in SkyClan's threads at the border.
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  • Dead
Reactions: Jay
"Absolutely not."

Skyclaw had lingered near Leafhusk, amber eyes staring incredulously towards the patrol and their new... pet. His nose wrinkles with the stench of twolegs permeating the air, and he cannot help the brief thought of, Of course, when he spies both Palefire and Badgerstripe among the crowd. It's never enough for those two, huh? He dims his own thoughts, finding Nightbird and Gentlestorm nearly flanking Angus, and watches the show with mild frustration.

The story is clear enough, though Skyclaw like any of those around him knows all too well that this isn't the time to be welcoming new blood into their ranks - at least, not kittypet blood. His own veins burn at the thought and he grimaces as Cormorantswoop speaks. She demands attention, commands respect - and out of their leader, his grandmother. His claws arch into the loose sediment beneath them and he has half a mind to tackle her, though he knows he'd be no better than the wolves should he commit.

She says something about gains and losses, and hisses, "You better hold your tongue." No whining kittypet will make up for his brother - nor the lost fathers in Sunfreckle and Batwing. He detests the idea of gifting SkyClan another set of paws to work, but as the black furred she-cat attempts to make her leave, Skyclaw cannot help but bid her a farewell to the tune of, "See if they'll take you in, too." Not normally the petty sort, grief shifts to frustration and anger, and the tom cannot imagine sleeping in the same den as someone so eager to train a collared cat.​

His ears stand tall at the mention of Starclan, whiskers twitching in dismay, brows furrowing a little. Starclan would speak for itself, or send messages to either their leader or to their healer, and it was not their place to try to discern the meaning of things that were not noted to be coordinated by someone who understood their mysteries, and on top of that, the disrespect that the dark tabby was showing their leader and clanmates was appalling, to say the least. His eyes narrow, but he holds his tongue, allowing his clanmates to speak for themselves. He did have to wonder, though, what Angus' fate would've been had things not played out this way - perhaps if things had been handled more tactfully, Howlingstar may have been more easily swayed, but her answer was expected, and he was ready to follow her direction and lead the kittypet back to the twolegplace where he'd come from, back to his comfortable life. Part of him felt for him, lingered on the potential of what could've been, but ultimately, he'd agreed with his clanmates. There was no room for a kittypet in Thunderclan, not now, not after so many things had devastated the clan, regardless of whether it would "make up numbers", or something of the sort, which frankly did not matter, not now, not with losses so fresh. The wounds that grief tore were still brand new, and whether or not they felt the number of losses was yet to be seen and something to be considered much later on.

Before anyone else can move, Cormorantswoop brushes past, trying to lead Angus away towards Skyclan, and it's easy to catch onto her frustration and anger towards their leader, and his jaw sets. Now he speaks, though he's not sure if she'll hear or care, "Remember that you are to put your clan ahead of outsiders. You should not defend him so readily, not if you are going to speak to your clanmates and your leader in such a way. On your walk, if you're allowed to go, perhaps you should consider where your loyalties lie." There's more to be said, but he holds his tongue. He doesn't want to speak over warriors that could certainly defend themselves, but this kind of behavior was hard to swallow. His voice is calm and level, despite the sour taste on his tongue.

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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Burnstorm's snarl is met with a cold glare, at last. How long is she meant to keep her composure in the face of this treatment? "I am merely doing what I'm told," she spoke, though her voice wavered with nervousness. Don't let this be another mistake. Don't let this be another reason for hatred.

Her Clanmates start to bicker, and she holds her tongue through it all, staring stone-faced at all of her Clanmates as they go back and forth. At long last, her expression finally gives way to a pitiful glance she spares the outsider. Though Cormorantswoop was generally wrong for speaking out against Howlingstar so adamantly, she had to wonder if there was some truth to their words. In her apprenticehood, she may have readily agreed. But now, with everyone pitted against each other, she would not dare bring attention to herself again. Not if her opinion even slightly differed from theirs.

  • Badgerstripe she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 12 moons.
    a long-furred blue tortoiseshell with a notable black dorsal stripe and green eyes.
    formerly mentored by burnstorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
ANGUS MEETS HOWLINGSTAR'S GLARE, UNWAVERING. He remains seated, despite Cormorantswoop urging him out of camp, despite how overwhelming it is to be here. "I'm not leaving!" The kittypet snaps at the black-furred warrior, and realization kicks in moments after. His eyes widen at his own outburst - believing his chances of joining died as soon as the words left his mouth. Facing the leader once again, her frown is enough to send a shiver down his spine.

"Give me a chance." He begs, gritting his teeth. I am more than willing to join their ranks. . . why are they so against it? Because of where I was born? Angus frowns, his neck fur bristling in irritation. To show disrespect towards Howlingstar would settle his fate, and as much as he wants to argue, to contest everything being said about him, he remains silent. "One chance is all I ask for, please. If I fail I will leave your territory." Even if I pass and Howlingstar lets me in, will I ever be truly accepted by them? Maybe I should go to SkyClan after all. . .
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ "What is a.. a kittypet?"

Sparrowkit's soft voice mewed from the nursery, where he had just poked his head out of to see what all the commotion was about. Everyone sounded and looked so angry at the new stranger in camp. Around the stranger's neck was a thick string, something he'd never seen on another cat before - but it didn't seem to be bothering him.

With a perplexed frown, he glanced up at the nearest cat for guidance. "Why is everyone so angry?" The stranger didn't seem mean, or dangerous. He looked kinda.. desperate, actually. He's not much bigger than me, either. Was he a kit, too?
  • thunder-kit-transparent.png
    SPARROWKIT he/him, thunderclan kitten, 4 moons.
    a long-furred white tom with chocolate markings on his ears, tail, and a heart-shaped mark on his flank.
    loner heritage. adopted son of FLAMEWHISKER
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Howlingstar listens to Palefire's side of the story with an angled ear, her gaze only briefly leaving the kittypet. It sounds to her she was just showing the young tom some tough love - or rather, teaching a hard lesson. She has nothing to say about it; despite her tougher tactics, she'd probably make one heck of a mentor one day just like her own mentor is. Besides, this sounds like a personal matter between the two she-cats, and whatever tension there is between them is of no concern right now. "Figure that out later," She orders the two of them, before she watches Cormorantswoop approach the kittypet. She catches the glare she sends her, and her own tips up in slight surprise. Whatever high opinion she had of the disrespectful she-cat is gone; this attitude is unlike anything she's seen from her clanmates, and the insubordination is something else entirely.

But the kittypet refuses to go. She blinks at him with a look of shock. Well, he's a determined one, she'll give him that. For a moment longer, she studies him, meeting his pleading eyes with her own thoughtful gaze. "Fine," She finally concedes, stumbling a bit and gesturing for Badgerstripe to return to her side for support. She takes a moment to catch her breath, but dares not let her head fall. Instead, she finds Palefire in the crowd. A cat who still has much to prove, yes, but also one she is confident will not go easy on this kittypet. "Any wild-born apprentice can hold their own against a warrior at least for a little bit. You see, all six moons they stay in the nursery, they practice games of hunting and fighting, and learning crouches from the warriors. If you can pin Palefire, I will allow you to stay to train as a ThunderClan apprentice." She looks back to the kittypet and waits for his response. "Claws sheathed, clean spar."

// FULL DISCLOSURE I do not expect him to pin her and neither does Howlingstar, as realistically Pale should whoop his butt LOL BUT she's just looking for him to hold his own a little bit and see how he does, even if she fully expects him to lose. So no stress on that <3 as long as he holds his own before losing, she'll give him a shot.