camp cut out my eyes ;; 8/8 meeting ;; and leave me blind

The meeting has been called as soon as the kits were confirmed to be okay. Thank goodness they've managed to not get a single drop of juice from the deathberry in their mouths. Truth be told, she has no idea what she'd do if that had been the is her fault they are here. Her fault they were put at risk with a murderer in her camp. She needs to strengthen her clan now, name cats who should have already been named. Kits need to be made into apprentices, need to be trained to be strong, vigilant. She cannot let her clanmates be sitting ducks. And as the clan gathers around her, the many apprentices standing beneath the Highrock waiting to receive their ceremonies, she is prepared to do what she needs to do to keep them safe.

"I, Howlingstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon StarClan to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of the Warrior Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Antlerpaw, Doepaw, Fallowpaw, Houndpaw, Adderpaw, Stagpaw, Bravepaw, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" She stares down at them with her tail curled over her back, the pride she feels for his moment managing to shine through a bit of her turmoil. As soon as they all utter their vows, she lifts her chin and declares, "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names."

She slips down the rock as gracefully as she can manage. With purposeful strides, she makes it to her apprentice first, and already her eyes glimmer with emotion. Once a frightened rogue kit, now a trained, disciplined, skilled warrior-to-be. The two of them had put in a lot of hard work over the last couple of seasons, and it had all been worth it for this moment. She can see the cardinal feather stuck in her scruff, a memento placed there by her own paws after her assessment, plucked from her very catch that gained her a passing grade. "Antlerpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Antlerbreeze." For her gentle nature and for her agile paws. Perhaps, some might even be able to connect it to Howlingstar's own name all those moons ago. "StarClan honors your kindness and work ethic, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Purring, she gazes into her now-former apprentice's eyes before placing her muzzle on her head. "I'm so proud of you." The utter is quick, affectionate, before the old woman pulls away to move onto the girl's sisters.

It is Doepaw she stops in front of next, a she-cat who has shown so much resilience already in her short life. The scars that mar her eyes did not hold her back, and she would be a fool to hold her back from her ceremony now. Like her littermates, she had worked so hard to get to this point and she'd make sure she's rewarded for it. "Doepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Doepath." Undeniably for the direction she has chosen for her life, the path she has taken to get to this point, every decision made along the way. She chose the path of resilience, the path of warriorhood no matter the challenges. She found her own way. "StarClan honors your devotion and intelligence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."

When she is finished placing her chin on Doepath's head, she moves to stand in front of Fallowpaw. Ah, she had been the first of her sisters to join, just a scrap back then. She'd faced challenges, oh yes. She'd run away, had the clan doubt her loyalty before she'd come back to prove them wrong. Like her sisters, she chose her own path. She lost her eye, and still managed to pass her assessment. That's persistence if she's ever heard of it. "Fallowpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Fallowbite." Named more for her vicious combat style than anything else, though it also serves to spotlight her skill in hunting. "StarClan honors your ferocity and resilience, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She places her snout beneath chestnut ears before pulling away.

Next, she comes to a stop in front of Houndpaw. She has to admit, she is a bit surprised this one passed her assessment. She always came across as a more lazy student, never working too hard like her denmates, but nevertheless she is proud that they made it here. Clearly they've earned it. "Houndpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Houndshade." A nod to her...general lack of enthusiasm, her calm and reserved attitude. "StarClan honors your wit and your combat prowess, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Purring, she moves to place her chin between the new warrior's ears before moving away.

Leafhusk's apprentice is next, and oh how far he's come. She recalls the day she had to take him away from his last mentor due to their own exasperation with him. Thankfully, Leafhusk had been entirely what he'd needed: encouragement, patience, a steady paw. Now, he stands before her and his mentor a soon-to-be warrior. "Adderpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Addersnap." Of course, for his sharp tongue. He always did have a bit of a bite to his words. "StarClan honors your loyalty and candor, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She places her maw on his skull, waits for the ceremonial lick, and backs away.

Stagpaw is next, and Howlingstar looks the black and orange she-cat over with a smile. She's always been a more difficult apprentice, but no one can deny their skill and protectiveness of her clan. She lifts her chin and mews, "Stagpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Stagsnarl." A fitting name, she thinks, for the she-cat's more aggressive nature. Surely it is a name to strike fear into enemies. "StarClan honors your honesty and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She places her maw on Stagsnarl's head, smiling, before pulling away and moving on to the last apprentice.

Now, Bravepaw is notably the youngest cat up here. But he has earned this spot through his courage and quick-thinking, which ended up saving a clanmate. Briefly, she casts her eyes to the sky. Batwing, Leopardtonguee, you should be proud of your son. I am. When eyes find the young tom's again, she smiles gently, that same pride evident on her face. "Bravepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Braveheart." Of course, for his bravery. That much should be obvious. "StarClan honors your courage and independence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan. Well done." Still smiling, she goes to wait for the lick to her shoulder before she makes her way back up to her perch, all while chanting their names.

Underneath, however, the solemnity remains in her expression and in her voice. She can't completely scrub it, no matter how hard she tries. But try she does - it's what these young cats deserve. As soon as the chants die down, she then lifts her chin and yowls, "It is time for many kits to begin their journey to warriorhood...and some to receive new mentors. Roaringpaw, Bugpaw, come forward. Beetlekit, Dovekit, Littlekit, Scarletkit, Meadowkit, Mottledkit, Hopekit, Coalkit, Wolfkit, Basilkit, and Ivorykit, you all step forward as well."

// @antlerpaw is named Antlerbreeze for her gentleness and agility, and somewhat for Howling's warrior name
@doepaw ࿔ is named Doepath for the path she chose for herself here in ThunderClan
@FALLOWPAW is named Fallowbite for her combat and hunting prowess
@Houndpaw is named Houndshade for her unenthusiastic, calm personality
@ADDERPAW is named Addersnap for his sharp tongue
@STAGPAW. is named Stagsnarl for her aggressive personality
@bravepaw : ̗̀➛ is named Braveheart for his courage

Apprentice ceremonies and mentor reassignments for @roaringpaw @Bugpaw ! @beetlekit! @Dovekit @LITTLEKIT @Scarletkit @Meadowkit @mottledkit @HOPEKIT @COALKIT @WOLFKIT @basilkit @ivorykit
Death, all around. It circled their territory at first: Ploverhop, Morningcloud, Pebblestep. Killed while out in ThunderClan's own land, the home they had served for many moons; hunted, defended. They were born kittypets and lived as warriors - and now, now, they were stars looking down at them. And now camp wasn't safe anymore - some fox-heart trying to kill kits with deathberries. Dishonorable, terrifying and most of all, infuriating. Roaringpaw knew who to blame. He knew. It must be Skyclaw and the others - to stoop so low and be so cold as to murder their own clanmates.

It was a sickening display of irony, to claim kittypets would never be true warriors - and yet here they were, acting like rogues.

He is by the fresh-prey pile when the meeting is called, sniffing and inspecting every little piece of prey left there for any more nasty surprises stuffed into their meat. He feels nauseated. To try and murder kits simply because of their origin. . . his claws unsheathe unconsciously, his body visibly shaking as he glares at who he assumes are the perpetators. ( Waste of herbs, waste of herbs, waste of herbs ).

The meeting is meant to be a celebration of the new warriors, and yet his voice is dead in his throat for way too long. How could they celebrate anything while all this was happening? And yet, it's not any of their faults. He knows this. Roaringpaw straightens himself, padding into the midst to cheer for the promoted felines. ADDERSNAP! ANTLERBREEZE! BRAVEHEART! DOEPATH! FALLOWBITE! HOUNDSHADE! STAGSNARL! The flame-sepia is loud, he roars their names in commemoration. He will not bend and break under the ever-growing fear in camp, he will not be broken by this bullying ( though, in his pettiness, he feels the urge to keep Fallowbite out of his shout. He resists it, realizing that would only cause more problems ).

And then he is called forward. His head is held high and his chest puffed out. He cannot, and will not, show weakness.


  • ooc. He doesn't know 100% who it is, but after all the harassment he has seen and endured, he has his own hunch!
  • ROARINGPAW —— apprentice of thunderclan , mentored by copperfang . npc x npc . littermate to npcs ✦ penned by nocthymia
    male / he/him / 10 moons & ages every 14ᵗʰ
    single / orientation & poly or mono / open/closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord (hypmic) for plots — toyhouse
  • reference image here
    a longhaired flame sepia with low white and amber-brown eyes.
*+:。.。 Wrathpaw is hungry.
It's all he's been able to think about since - goldfinches and swallowtail butterflies, limp and flightless. He swallows thickly, his stomach churning. It's all he can think about - sun's ashes - as he watches Howlingstar rise to meet the stars - she'll hear their whispers, the goldfinches and the butterflies are screaming- and greet her clan as she always has - she's watching him she's watching him she's - it's a relief to taste normalcy, even for the span of a single meeting.

A meeting, to welcome a new generation of warriors, true warriors. The thought makes his stomach hurt - with resoluteness! Wrathpaw would've sat this meeting out, but there were two names in the crowd he was eager to celebrate. Leaving his spot among the shadows, he walked with careful steps into the crowd, ignoring the way brushing his pelt against another's made his skin burn - like a dying sun, amber embers left to wither and grey. For a moment, his eyes linger on Roaringpaw, who's orange eyes are sparked with so much suspicion he could hear the goldfinches scream - could practically hear his kitty-pet whining from here. His stomach growls. Hate reaches like freezing tendrils from whatever crevice has opened in his stomach, spider's legs that weave the webs that caught the swallowtail's. It's all your fault he thinks, and the thought gives him strength.

It leaves his belly more hollow, though.

Snapping his gaze away, he turns his sights back towards his leader. He decides to sit beside his mentor, @WILDHEART , but the distance - embers that glow despite death, eager to char his skin in one last, futile attempt for vengeance - between them is noteworthy. Still, keeping up the image of a dutiful apprentice requires he does what's expected of him. Because he is a dutiful apprentice. He is a proper Thunderclanner. He has to be.

Wrathpaw blinks, and the meeting has almost ended. Startled into stiffness, he can only swivel his ears, picking up each most recently spoken word at a time, struggling to snap out of the momentary disorientation.
"Fallowpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Fallowbite."
Wrathpaw relaxes then, his attention falling onto one the few cats in the line up he can comfortably call his friend. He was proud of her, truth be told. She'd suffered under Stormywing's tutelage, so to see her earn her name was a blessing. That, and she'd gone through so much in her young life. It seemed wherever it went, pain was close behind, and yet Fallowpaw- Followbite never gave up. It'snew name was fitting, perfect for a fierce personality like it's. Hopefully she liked it.

Adderpaw is close behind, and Wrathpaw shakes off the last of his clinging stress. Although he hadn't had as many opportunities as he'd have liked to get to know the older tabby boy, what he did know of Adderpaw left Wrathpaw smiling. He was as sharp as the fangs of his namesake, and yet the bird-watching side of him denoted a care for the little wonders the world had to offer. Addersnap would do great things, Wrathpaw was certain of it. Thunderclan was lucky to have him.

Thunderclan was lucky to have all of them.

Antlerbreeze, Doepath, Fallowbite, Houndshade, Addersnap, Stagsnarl, Braveheart!

As their names light the world with explosive joy, Wrathpaw is left carried away by it. For a brief moment, he forgets truths and honor and is left only shouting as loud as he can, "FALLOWBITE! ADDERSNAP! ANTLERBREEZE, DOEPATH, HOUNDSHADE, STAGSNARL, BRAVEHEART!" and maybe he shouted 'Addersnap' a little louder than the rest, and maybe a few extra times for good measure, just so his friend knows his presence in the apprentice's den will certainly be missed by someone, "ADDERSNAP! ADDERSNAP! ADDERSNAP!"
He hopes they can still bird watch together sometime.

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently

Today is a proud day in his molten-hued eyes. Today, his kits would take their first steps into the world as apprentices of ThunderClan. Today would mark the start of their futures, the start of their lives as warriors. It was a first step down the path, and Burnstorm could not be more proud, or terrified. The climate surrounding the clan right now was.. not great. But he pushes those thoughts aside in liue of the overwhelming pride and happiness that makes him straighten his spine. He sits next to Roeflame, who has certainly groomed their brood to perfection, Hopekit and Coalkit included, and adorned on his features is perhaps the widest smile anyone has ever seen on the shaded warriors face. "Today's a big day" he says softly to the five of them, reaching down to nuzzle Littlekit on the top of her head, to give Dovekit a swift lick behind the ears, to smooth the fur on Beetlekit's shoulder and to gently press his nose to Hopekit and Coalkit's heads in turn. "Are you guys excited?" he asks when he's finished, a deep purr rumbling in his chest as he thinks about his talk with his grandmother, how he was to mentor one of the kits who stood before him now.

His attention is drawn when his grandmother finally starts the ceremonies and with a flash he realizes just how many warriors were to be named today. "Stars, is there going to be enough room for all these cats in the warriors den?" he grumbles quietly to his mate, brows furrowing as he thinks about where all these newly named cats were going to sleep. No doubt, some would try to claim the inner circle where the senior warriors slept. There was always one. "Don't worry, I've already made sure our nest is big enough for the two of us" he reassures her, gaze going soft as he flicks her tail with his own and presses his shoulder against hers. He was excited at the prospect of his mate rejoining him in the warriors den.

"Antlerbreeze! Doepath! Fallowbite! Houndshade! Addersnap! Stagsnarl! Braveheart!" he cries out with his clan, cheering for the new warriors until his throat is raw. And then it's time. His kits are called forward and if any of them were to look back at him, he'd nod encouragingly, towards the high rock, a warm smile once again adorning his features.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably

She was still shaking by the time the meeting was called- the numbness has gone, like it always does. And, like always, it was replaced with tremors, ones that showed how afraid she could be. Her steps had lead her to press against Doepaw whilst others had checked prey, whilst others ensured the kits were safe. Cats besides her were scared too- she could see it in the way their eyes crinkled, their shoulders pinched in tense movements.

Her ears twitched as Howlingstar begun to speak, her vision lifting towards her mentor. Seeing her standing there, with sunlight against her back... it did ease a part of her, just as leaning against her sister was thawing the cold fear that gripped her. There was no warm words- they were indeed thrown right into the meeting and, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life? Perhaps shock pushed away the lingering fear and she sat straighter, her tail still pressed against Doepaw's own.

Warriorship? She thinks to herself. She thinks of the cardinal feather pressed into her scruff, she thinks of the moment her mentor had said she had passed. She pushes away the unyielding tide of cold from the threat surrounding them in camp and raises her chin a hint higher, if for nothing else but appearances- but pride did lay like a lion in her heart, proud, bold. Howlingstar is approached her first. First. She will be given the honor of her name first in this meeting of many names, and where Howlingstar's eyes glimmered, so did Antlerpaw's.


There is a soft gasp that might have left her, she isn't sure. But a name like that? It was warm, it spoke of dancing leaves and cool breezes on leaffall days. Her eyes closed briefly, tongue finding her mentor's shoulder for the ceremonial lick, and another burst of.. of love, she thinks, finds her soul as she is praised. And for a moment, Antlerbreeze is wholly resounded by the knowledge that was the last time she was an apprentice to Howlingstar. Now, she'd be able to join her as a warrior to protect, to serve, to die for Thunderclan.

Orange eyes glimmered as she stared up at her former mentor, so many unspoken words there. She has already begun to move on, onto her sisters, and she feels another burst of love and hope and wonder at each name given. They all deserved it in their own right. Doepath. Fallowbite. Howlingstar gave her sisters names that were so oddly fitting it was a wonder if Starclan was breathing the names themselves. Many of their denmates get their name as well- Braveheart is so fitting that it makes her heart squeeze.

Yet, she can read Howlingstar like a book after so much time spent with her. There is still a worry in her eye, there is still a solemn tone.. regardless, she lifts her voice in a chant- "DOEPATH! FALLOWBITE! HOUNDSHADE! ADDERSNAP! STAGSNARL! BRAVEHEART!" If she's louder for her sisters, for Braveheart, she has a right to be. Antlerbreeze turns her half cocked smile towards Doepath and nudges her- if she was still troubled by the incident earlier that day, it was only in her soul.

Her name, too, is ringing from ravine walls, and she takes a brief moment to soak it in. When the cheers die down she settles next to Doepath, ready to see what apprentices would be taking the spots they had all left open in the den.
  • "speech"
  • ANTLERPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, twelve moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowpaw and doepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Finally. He had waited so, so long for this. He was ready. He knew he was ready. Even with... whatever went on this morning, he was ready. (It was scary, but not for him. He watched from the nursery, after all.) Green eyes were glimmering with pride, even as Roeflame has groomed him until his fur gleamed, until his scruffy mess was tamed and he looked half respectable. Beetlekit padded out with his siblings, stretching a bit before settling down, knocking his shoulder against his father with a grin.

"Of course m' exicted, Da'." Beetlekit hummed, his head lifted and chest proud, shoulders all squared and ready to go. "Finally get to go out of camp!" He said, his paws tip-tapping the ground briefly. When his parents quieted as his great-grandmother started the ceremonies, Beetlekit decided to be on his best behavior (for today) and fall quiet. Sitting through the warrior ceremonies was tedious- so many growing up at the same time. He guessed they'd be the same way but.. seriously. When they were done, he cheered their names- "Antlerbreeze! Doepath! Fallowbite! Houndshade! Addersnap! Stagsnarl! Braveheart!"

His ears perked and shoved forward as his name was called. He definitely didn't look back at his father, definitely didn't- yet his eyes stole towards him, and then Roeflame. Leaving felt overwhelming, even though they'd only be a den away from one another. He swallowed lightly, turning back forward at the encouragement and trotting forward, holding himself, his tail, and his head high. Black smoked fur glimmered, green eyes wide with anticipation.

Beetlekit settled down, next to his siblings- a grin cast down the line at all four of them- before turning his vision up towards his great-grandmother, ready for his next chapter of life.
  • "speech"
  • BEETLEKIT he/him, kit of thunderclan, six moons.
    LH black smoke with bright green eyes. still on the smaller side due to age, but will grow into a very broad and built tom-cat, mirroring his father's build.
    not mentored yet / / mentoring no one
    no romantic interests / / BURNSTORM X ROEFLAME - sibling to dovekit and littlekit, adoptive sibling to hopekit and coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Last edited:
. ° ✦ The suspicions drawn around camp from their Clanmates death has weighed heavy on the shoulders of each cat that now stood in camp, troubled by the events following the nursery. Poison, he had heard confirmed, tucked into prey given to them by some... unknown actor. It unnerved Bravepaw, scared him to know there was a cat among them that could do such a thing, and he trusted them all the while.

His head is still reeling as Howlingstar gathered her Clan and he stepped forward alongside his denmates, twitching his tail over Antlerpaw's as her name is called alongside her sisters and their other fellow apprentices, his own included at the end of her list.

Surprise fell onto Bravepaw as his jaw opened, a soundless gasp, and quickly did he trot after his friends. His head turned to glance back to see where his brothers were in the crowd with mixed feelings that he would not share a den with any of them until they graduated next.

Howlingstar prompted for their vows, and the tom nodded his head affirmatively. "I do!" He promised, and held his breath as the queen descended to bless each of them with their new names to commend for their next step into life. His friends are received beneath StarClans favor; Antlerbreeze, Doepath, Fallowbite, Houndshade, Addersnap and Stagsnarl. Then... his turn.

Though he is bigger than some that stand beside him or rival his size, he is not lost to the fact that he is still younger than them. Howlingstar, StarClan, had deemed him worthy of a warrior name for excelling in his training? He only wished to see whatever greatness his leader saw in him, in his younger siblings as well.

Bravepaw followed Howlingstar's gaze to the endless blues above before proudly meeting her stare. He is named- Braveheart- and he felt the warmth of his namesake overwhelm him like an embrace. Courage, independence, and his parents love, he would add to himself. His heart only held such capabilities from their unconditional care and attention, just as Sunfreckle had given him courage, and Freckleflame showed him independence.

That warm embrace brought a slight sting to his eyes and he began to blink rapidly as he heard his new name chanted alongside his friends. Tears. Happy, bittersweet, sentimental tears had followed the streaks of tabby stripes down his face as he joined in with the rest of his Clan. "Antlerbreeze! Doepath! Fallowbite! Houndshade! Addersnap! Stagsnarl!" It would be a full vigil tonight, enough warriors to make sure nobody would be harmed in the quiet of the night.

I will protect and defend my Clan. Braveheart took in a deep inhale, shaky from the adrenaline of excitement, and stepped back so that his younger brothers may share the light of their ceremony next.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.
The first two cats she looks to are the ones receiving new mentors. First, she beckons Roaringpaw forward and dips her muzzle down. "Roaringpaw, with Copperfang unable to continue your mentorship, I am assigning you a new mentor. Now that Leafhusk's apprentice is a warrior, she is free to take on another, and I want her to take over your training." She believes having a mentor who similarly used to be a kittypet would help in the tom's confidence in his place in the clan, especially since his mentor is a lead warrior. She turns her attention to Bugpaw next and a more somber look takes hold of her expression. "Bugpaw...Morningcloud was not your mentor for long, but I know her kind heart gave you a good foundation to begin your training. Falconheart will continue mentoring you from here on out." She finds the young tom in the crowd, meets his gaze for a long moment and nods to him. She believes wholeheartedly in his ability to train his younger kin.

After the two new pairs of mentors and apprentices touch noses, she looks next to the cluster of kits at the base of the Highrock, all excited and eager and restless. She swallows hard. One of them had almost been murdered today. She swears to correct it. She draws in a breath, and forces the sadness and fear away for just a moment so that she can enjoy this. Her great grandchildren are becoming apprentices, after all. She is happy, and so so proud of them, and she won't let the hidden murderer ruin that for her. Instead, her eyes shine as she gazes down upon her grandson and granddaughter's litters of kits, the six of them beaming back up at her. Next to them, the cherished kits of her late lead warrior - what a great day for Batwing in StarClan to witness his son's warrior ceremony and his other two's apprentice ceremonies! Campionsong's kits are next, bouncing below, and finally, the kittypet kit, Ivorykit.

"Beetlekit, Dovekit, Littlekit, Scarletkit, Meadowkit, Mottledkit, Hopekit, Coalkit, Wolfkit, Basilkit, and Ivorykit - you have all reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. Beetlekit, from this day on until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Beetlepaw. Your mentor will be Burnstorm. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." Eyes twinkling, she finds her grandson not far behind the kits. He had requested several moons ago to mentor one of his own, and she promised to honor that. She hopes his no-nonsense, strict nature will benefit Beetlepaw's more laid-back attitude. "Burnstorm, you are ready to take on another apprentice. I expect you to pass on all of your ferocity and loyalty to your son." She looks to the next kit in the lineup and smiles. "Dovekit, from this moment on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Dovepaw. Your mentor will be Roeflame. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you." Finding the kits' mother next to Burnstorm, she nods to her with a knowing smirk. "Roeflame, I'm sure you're eager to leave the nursery and I want you to have Dovepaw at your side every step of the way, teaching them everything you know and passing down your spirit and passion." And finally, the third of the litter, little Littlekit, named for Howlingstar's daughter. Purring, she continues, "Littlekit, from this moment on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Littlepaw. I will be your mentor, and I promise to pass down all I know onto you." For the second time this meeting, she leaves the Highrock, climbing down to stand in front of her great granddaughter. With Antlerbreeze graduated, she is once more free to take on another apprentice, and what better apprentice than one of her own kin? She touches her nose to hers and purrs affectionately, her tail swishing to and fro. She will make a fine warrior out of her.

With one litter of grandchildren out of the way, she returns to her perch and looks down next to Moonwhisper and Lightstrike's kits. A frown tugs at her maw. She and her granddaughter did not see eye-to-eye, but there is still a grief that weighs heavily upon her after her death. She should be here to see her kits become apprentices. "Scarletkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Scarletpaw. Your mentor will be Badgerstripe. I hope she will pass down everything she knows onto you." She looks to the gray and black she-cat, nodding in approval. Yes, like her friends, she has made mistakes in the past, but Howlingstar believes having an apprentice is just what she needs to move on from her past fully and embrace what lies ahead. "Badgerstripe, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Burnstorm and you have shown yourself to be a thoughtful and introspective warrior. You will be the mentor of Scarletpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her." The next kit is Scarletpaw's loud and opinionated sister - yes, she has someone perfect in mind for her. "Meadowkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Meadowpaw. Your mentor will be Palefire. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you." A she-cat just as feisty as her new apprentice, she finds her with a twinkling smile. Like Badgerstripe, she believes she is finally ready to take on an apprentice of her own. "Palefire, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Nightbird and have proven yourself to be a determined and loyal warrior. You will be the mentor of Meadowpaw and I expect you to pass on all you know to her." She waits for them to touch noses before moving onto her final grandchild. "Mottledkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Mottledpaw. Your mentor will be Skyclaw. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." A shocking choice some might think, but she believes this is what is best. She is glad her prickly grandson had not gone so far as some of his former friends. He needs something new to focus on, and his niece would be a great way to do it. "Skyclaw, you are ready to take on another apprentice alongside Fadingpaw. Continue to show them both the ropes and how to be a loyal warrior." Pride shines in her eyes, her tail curled happily behind her. Her beloved kin, growing up. She could cry if she didn't have more ceremonies to perform.

She next turns her attention to the young orphans her lead warrior had fostered, and a similar pride shines within her as she looks down at them. The children of her lead others, great things await them. They've lost their parents, yes, but she will always be there to help guide them, tell them about Batwing and how trusted of a warrior he was to her. They'd do amazing things. "Hopekit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Hopepaw. Lovelight will be your mentor. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you." She finds the lilac tortoiseshell in the crowd and smiles. Anyone can see that Hopekit had always been a more...difficult kit, a quick temper and a tongue to match. She hopes Lovelight's more patient and understanding nature could perhaps help to quell that temper of his. "Lovelight, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You are a kind and sweet-natured warrior and you will be the mentor of Hopepaw. I hope you will pass down all you know onto him." She waits for the two to touch noses before moving onto Hopepaw's littermate. "Coalkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Coalpaw. Your mentor will be Burnstorm. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." It is no secret now that Burnstorm has made for an excellent mentor to all of his former apprentices, and so she deems him worthy now to take on a second alongside his son. The two were raised in the same nest, after all - she's sure they'll work together well in their training.

Campionsong and Swiftdawn's kits are next and she looks down at them with a glimmer of excitement. Wolfkit has always been rather funny, an energetic and friendly young cat. Their brother is much the same way - the two of them together make for a chaotic litter! "Wolfkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Wolfpaw. Your mentor will be Rowanthorn. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." She finds the chestnut tabby in the crowd and dips her head to him. "Rowanthorn, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have shown yourself to be a perceptive and pragmatic warrior and I expect you to pass on all you know to Wolfpaw." She hopes he will be able to guide Wolfpaw's more...reckless tendencies. Next, she looks to their cream-furred brother. "Basilkit, from this day on until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Basilpaw. Your mentor will be Campionsong I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." The boy's own father, yes. She hopes that Campionsong's more relaxed nature will compliment Basilpaw's more robust energy and enthusiasm. "Campionsong, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have proven to be creative and clever, and I expect you to pass down all you know to Basilpaw." As the two touch noses, she finally moves on to the final kit.

Ivorykit, once a kittypet orphaned at their border, stands alone before her as all of her peers sit with their new mentors. Earlier today, she could have died. Howlingstar draws in a strained breath as she gazes down at her, into the brown eyes of a child that her wrong choice nearly killed. "Ivorykit," Her voice breaks only slightly before she continues more powerfully. "From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Ivorypaw. Your mentor will be Palefire. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you." It is no secret the two have grown close. They have a special relationship, Palefire having been the one to find Ivorykit at the border that day. "Palefire, I know you are a first-time mentor, but I believe you are up to the task to take on two apprentices. You will do me proud, I know it," She finishes, staring at the pale-furred she-cat with Meadowpaw at her side. She looks back at Ivorypaw, and then a final statement falls from her maw.

"You will be able to train with Palefire upon your return."

Howlingstar draws in a heavy sigh as her eyes move to find Raccoonstripe's in the crowd. It had been his idea to begin with. Her other council members had agreed with it. Now, she sees that perhaps it is the way forward to ensure everyone's safety. "The pattern is clearer now more than ever. Former kittypets are no longer safe even within our camp walls. Today, Ivorypaw and Coltkit were targeted with poisoned prey. I can't, with a clear conscience, continue doing nothing while my clanmates are buried, senselessly, until we can get to the bottom of this...find out who is doing this...." Her eyes flash, because it is one of the cats who stand below. But who? "I am sending away every former kittypet for their own safety, under Leafhusk's care."

// mentor tags
Roaringpaw is reassigned to @leafhusk
Bugpaw is reassigned to @FALCONHEART

Beetlepaw is mentored by @BURNSTORM
Dovepaw is mentored by @ROEFLAME .
Littlepaw is mentored by Howlingstar
Scarletpaw is mentored by @badgerstripe
Meadowpaw is mentored by @PALEFIRE
Mottledpaw is mentored by @skyclaw
Hopepaw is mentored by @lovelight
Coalpaw is mentored by Burnstorm
Wolfpaw is mentored by @Rowanthorn
Basilpaw is mentored by @CAMPIONSONG
Ivorypaw is mentored by Palefire

And...Howlingstar has declared her orders. All former kittypets are to be sent away temporarily under the authority of Leafhusk until it is safe to return.


she does not listen to meetings all that much. ma'maw is speaking, and it gathers all the attention of those around her, but she continues gnawing on an old squirrel bone until it begins to splinter beneath her jaws. at all sides of her, there is cheering for new warriors, new apprentices . . the nursery will be empty, just her and her littermates ( and honeykit and myrtlekit, but they didnt really count ), and bayingkit finds she'd much prefer it at this point. each day, it seems she grew a little more, had to curl a little tighter to make herself comfortable and still, she wakes up sprawled wool - like over twilightkit with little paws shoving her away for breath. they chant and holler and bayingkit's ears pin, looking upward with a disgruntled crinkle of her nose at those nearest her ( so loud ). its only once howlingstar gets to ivorykit that things . . die down.

she does not understand it, not just yet -- she whirls her head around at the sudden hush, the sudden wave of murmuring and frightened hisses that fall beneath thunderclan breaths. when she returns? ivorykit had almost shared a squirrel with her ; it had been a bad squirrel, she knows, but she'd almost shared it anyway. and she'd even smiled at her . . and she was leaving? the bone in her teeth snaps, falls to pieces at her side, " what? whrrr . . whhhere is ivorykit going? " gut instinct anger shoves her to her paws, brow whiskers furrowing with an intensity that sharpens dualtoned eyes. rapidly, she searches for where the white kitten had been waiting for her name to be called, the last of a line of apprentice - to - be's. in a turn of events that bayingkit had not known possible . . it's made even worse. coltkit's name falls from her grandmothers lips. former kittypets. sent away.

a distraught cry tears from her maw, flailing her head side - to - side to find twilightkit, because if she didn't, she'd be in trouble. her paws feel hot, like walking on lit coal ; her spine erupts into wildfire. anger. childish, explosive anger that draws tantrum tears to her eyes, " NO! WHY! WHY! WHY! " she chants each with a stomp of her heavy paw, loud and miserable and frantic, like a howling hit dog. in the same scream her clanmates had joyously cried their new warriors names, even though she knows why, kind of. someone around them hated kittypets, and though nightbird had kept her safe and concealed in the nursery before now, the air of something bad still suffocates her enough to know.

  • i.

  • 85639607_5td51SGC04Qn0fA.png

  • ” speech “
    a large, unsightly black tabby kitten.
    mongrelish, standing all thistlethorn fur and bared teeth, bayingkit would be thought roguesblood if not for the dogtooth crown she uncomfortably bears. a hereditary haunting lies in the shag of ornate black striping and long limbs that do not yet suit her wide, slouching shoulders ; her fathers daughter, laced in dredge and filth moreso than he’d ever been. a constant, incessant need to make herself small forms in hunched spine and weary, whale - eyed suspicion, communicating mostly in rumbling growls.. bayingkit tends to hold herself with a tuck tailed and trembling livewire of feral volatility.
    teething, easily frustrated with her lack of vocal skill and highly reactive. prone to biting, swatting and general moodiness it is highly encouraged to correct. powerplay is allowed for disciplinary swipes, scruffing and general redirection.

  • Sad
Reactions: ivorypaw
Howlingstar is quick to call a meeting, though Ivorykit hardly registers her leader's booming voice. She is pushed into place by sidling flanks and ushering words, but her paws seem to move somnambulantly. Her mouth tastes dry and faintly acrid, as though the poisoned meat lingers there (it had tasted fine, so why does she feel as though she can feel the berry juice in her mouth when she hadn't before?). She can't stop shaking, no matter how calming Howlingstar's rote ceremonies should be to her, no matter how fiercely some of her Clanmates had come to her protection.

Someone wants us dead. Her tail is tucked close to her body; her dark eyes remain glazed with shock. Cats become warriors, and her denmates receive new names and mentors alongside them, but her curled ears remain pinned to her pale skull. They'll never see me as one of them.

What should be a happy occasion feels distant and far away. She had dreamed of this moment with Scarletpaw once, but her former friend does not even stand by her side during their ceremony now. Siblings and friends congregate, but Ivorypaw has no one to celebrate with anymore.

I'm not wanted here, she thinks, her lips numb.

Howlingstar had named her Ivorykit when she'd brought her into camp. Adora has been gone for some time — at least, she has felt as though Adora has been stripped from her. Now she is Ivorypaw. Now she is an apprentice warrior of ThunderClan, someone who will train in earnest to hunt and fight, but...

Nervous eyes flick from cat to cat. They all swim in her vision, blur together. Who was it? Which one of you wanted us dead?

She forces herself to wake up enough to brush her nose to Palefire's. Her one comfort is that her mentor is the molly who'd rescued her from certain death beside the Thunderpath, but...

"You will be able to train with Palefire upon your return." Ivorypaw looks up sharply, her dark eyes narrowing in her pristine white face. Howlingstar looks back at her apologetically; the leader's green gaze sweeps over her Clan as she makes her final announcement. "Former kittypets are no longer safe even within our camp walls," she mews solemnly. Ivorypaw's paw pads prickle with terror she cannot shake.

"I am sending away every former kittypet for their own safety, under Leafhusk's care." Cats begin to murmur. She hears Bayingkit's shriek of disapproval, of distress, but she finds herself unable to find the plump tabby kitten's face in the crowd of cats that ring her.

Ivorypaw's mouth opens in a wordless "O", but she does not protest. She looks for Leafhusk, willing herself to stop shaking, to stop showing kittypet weakness that almost got her murdered.

  • ooc:
  • Adora . Ivorykit . Ivorypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 6 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by Palefire ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan apprentice. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.

Habit patterns the gentle, meticulous swipe of a tongue down the feathering fur of her sister's forehead, trying in some vain way to bring her comfort. She'd been lucky... her expedience had gifted them with lives yet unharmed but the fact it had been a question at all hung like a miasma in the air. Who had tried to poison children? Doepaw can remember the glowering stares of those that didn't trust her or Antlerpaw when they'd arrived, bruised and battered where their own blood had betrayed them. Could they have been victims to this targeted attack too, had their timing been different? Were they the ones that had inspired such sinister thinking, sharing a nest with rogue-blooded apprentices and growing furious by their presence with each passing moon?

The fawn she-cat isn't sure when she started blaming herself for the actions of villains...

Howlingstar's voice cuts through the sludge of her mindless fussing, drawing daffodil stare towards her- the announcement begins so abruptly, she can feel Antlerpaw stir to attention beside her. She straightens, confused, before the pieces slowly click into place far slower than they should've. Warrior names... Right now? It hadn't been a question in her mind that she'd passed her assessment (in fact, she'd spent most of that evening rambling to her friends that she'd caught her first squirrel just in time) but... still it seemed a surprise. "Y-yes, I do," is stammered amongst the groupings of others, the prickle of apprehension in her toes making them feel as if they were going numb.

It shouldn't be a surprise then that Antlerpaw is first, being Howlingstar's little shadow for the last couple seasons. Her name is as soft as the heart that trembles in her chest. Antlerbreeze.... Pride seeps into her coat as warmly as sunlight and silently, her tail curls against her sister's in a show of support. The moment that Howlingstar stands in front of her though, time comes to an alarming slowness. Her stare is vast and sharp against the backdrop of swirling browns that Doepaw has come to recognize, her pupils shift, blindly searching for a glimmer of emotion among the rippling colors that might ground her from the anxiety that hums in her limbs.

She'd promised Howlingstar they wouldn't get up to more trouble.. that they'd be good, they'd make something of themselves in ThunderClan to repay her kindness. 'Doepath.' Her stomach flips- knotted by excitement and relief. She hadn't suspected Howlingstar would be mean enough to name her something like Doe-eyes but it had lingered as a sobering thought in the back of her head. Her nose scrunches with a sniffle to hold back tears, leaning forward to show her respects in a quick rasp against her leader's shoulder before sitting back to listen to the rest of the ceremonies. Fallowbite stands out, in an amusing sort of way. Appropriate, given her sibling's snappish attitude... hopefully it wouldn't take it as a slight and would find the humor in it too. Houndshade. Addersnap. Stagsnarl.

Then there's Bravepaw... little Bravepaw who isn't so little anymore. He is the star today, she thinks, crinkling the corners of her eyes joyously at him. He'd earned this; her breaths today are credited to him. And Braveheart suits him perfectly. She lifts a paw to mess up the fur on his head as she hears the hitching of his breathing. "Don't cry silly," she whispers teasingly, "You'll make me cry too."

She cheers for her den-mates, who join her now in their next steps, the warmth of her sister pressed reassuringly at her side. "ANTLERBREEZE! FALLOWBITE! HOUNDSHADE! ADDERSNAP! STAGSNARL! BRAVEHEART!" Her mind wanders even in her hollering, searching for the keeper of a promise. To sweet dreams... finally.

There are many more to celebrate too, as a deluge of kits from the nursery are ushered into apprenticeship. Most of these are Howlingstar's own kin... she must be excited... and maybe a little scared to send them out into the forest when danger looms so near. It isn't until she mentions Ivorypaw's return that Doepath grows wary again. Howlingstar doesn't make them wait either, announcing the departure of those of kitty-pet background for their own safety.... "But..." Her voice dies in her throat, the warmth of pride evaporated immediately by the circumstances. How could they celebrate when their clan-mates were being forced out of their home by some nebulous threat...?​

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- he watches from the medicine cat den. he isn't allowed to really go anywhere but he wants to see the meeting so he sits so gently outside of it. gentlestorm can be upset about it but he needs to know what's going on. his tail twitches as he watches, a soft smile on his face. one day he will be a warrior just like the cats that are here right now, and he knows his mama will be so happy from the stars. he's done all he can to tell her what it means to be a warrior– he knows she would have been a good one. he will be a great one for the both of them. his ears listen to the kits becoming warriors, eyes blinking a few good times. hopekit... was hopepaw now. he's happy about it, he swears he is. but there is a tiny tinge in him that makes his brows furrow even with the smile on his face. he wanted to be the first cat to take hopepaw out and now he can't.

his sadness only gets worse as there is a certain thumping in his chest, tail swishing back and forth. that feeling again. his stomach twists, he feels a darkness lingering over him like a lion looming over a mouse. he can't breathe, even if he seemingly is okay. outwardly, he only tries to find the good in this situation. what situation? the former kittypets leaving. he looks over at roaringpaw specifically, moving to swallow thickly as his eyes water. he decides to close them, tilting his head with a soft smile that is so clearly sad but he refuses to admit it.

"at... at least they will all be safe. roaringpaw will be safe."

he's gonna miss the visits. he's gonna miss all of them, but especially roaringpaw. roaringpaw was one of his first friends and now he doesn't even know he's gonna come back. he doesn't wanna watch the meeting anymore. it was a mistake getting up. he winces as he stands and limps back to his nest, turning away from the entrance. orangepaw doesn't want to be awake anymore. at least in his dreams, no body leaves him.

Skyclaw feels his body tense when Howlingstar summons the Clan for a meeting. He grits his teeth and furrows his brow, but to the unobservant, he'd appear as any other cat eager to gnarl their claws into the kitten-killer's fur. Inwardly, however, he detests Sproutpaw for nearly killing his kin - more than he does the act of murder at all. Someone had to send the apprentice that way, after all. He taps his tail to @Fadingpaw 's side, a silent motion of, 'stay close,' whilst their leader conducts them all as if horrors haven't happened.

Warriors, warriors. Too many warriors. Fallowbite is among them, which he does release a quiet cheer for her - but the lot of them are relatively useless to what he wishes to achieve. Too soft, to pitiful. Even the one trained under the same tutelage to his own - Antlerbreeze - is met with no more than a passing glance. Howlingstar in her old age has grown too soft, for even the newly minted warrior struggles with death. Where would she be if one of her own siblings die? She would be hollow, useless - he's seen it twice over and he is still going. Pathetic, that girl. And Doepath is no different, either.

His silent musing is cut short as his niblings are called forth for their mentorships. Skyclaw furrows his brow - Burnstorm's kits are afforded their mother, father, and leader, but Moonwhisper's... two wolf-legacied warriors and himself. He likes Palefire, at least, but Badgerstripe rings no differently in his head than Doepath or Antlerbreeze might. Could Raccoonstripe not take on another apprentice? Surely the tom would've adored to pass the same training he gave Moonwhisper to one of her brood. And another - could Howlingstar not take another? Of course she can't. He grimaces briefly before stepping in beside Mottledpaw obediently, offering his niece a grin and a tap of his nose to her forehead. He cannot crush the feeling of Howlingstar being wrong in her decisions, of his opinion of her bleeding into every action she commits.

"I'll teach you everything I know," Skyclaw promises, guiding the newly made apprentice back to where Fadingpaw sits. "Both of you. You'll each be rivaled by how quickly you succeed."

The meeting continues and almost ends with Palefire being given her kittypet fluff of an apprentice to train beside Meadowpaw - Really!? - all before that is taken away.

Not indefinitely. He can tell by Howlingstar's tone that she believes they will be back, once they find the culprit of the crimes. He grinds his teeth together and surfs his gaze amongst the crowd, catching the gazes of few but relatively appearing as if he, too, is searching for the villain amongst them. Where will the kittypets go? It seems his grandmother is smart enough to not let that be common knowledge. And what of those still laden with house-pet blood? Cats like him are rectifying it, washing the sin of existing from their paws like the blood of their victims - but the rest? Stormywing, Freckleflame, Sunshinespot - so many. They should be sent off too. It should only be wild cat blood infesting their camp.

There's still much to do, it seems.​
Raccoonstripe's gut still feels twisted from earlier events. His daughter had been precariously close to eating a poison-packed piece of prey, and her howls now echo throughout the clearing as Howlingstar makes the decision to send the kittypets away from their home. The tabby meets her gaze and gives a stiff nod of understanding. They will be safer there. It's clear now that whoever is doing this will stop at nothing, even if it hurts their non-kittypet-blooded Clanmates... Bayingkit had the wild in her veins, generations of it — the forest-shadows themselves dwelled in her striped limbs, her mismatched eyes, her bared fangs — but her life had almost ended today because of hate.

He grits his teeth around a swell of rage that simmers just beneath his pelt. He wants to cheer for the new warriors — they deserve it — but he remains quiet as his Clanmates lift their voices.

Until Bayingkit begins to cry. He moves from his place on the sidelines and places himself over her, his dark gaze simmering as he gazes down at his daughter. "Hush," he murmurs. "This is for the best, Bayingkit. You need to go back to the nursery. Now." His tone does not leave room for disagreement, and if she chooses to fight him, he will haul her back to her mother by her scruff.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 44 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

  • Nervous
Reactions: bayingkit
· · ───────────── ·𖥸· ───────────── · ·
The names of to-be warriors are hardly of any consequence to her, not when Mottledkit is already preening herself (your mother should be doing this... she should be here... should be witnessing this) for one of the most important days of her life. Howlingstar's lack of hesitation after witnessing such a potential cruelty is not lost on her- pride wells in her chest to know her great grandmother wastes no time. She looks for her sisters, settles herself beside them, tries to reach over and catch a stray hair on Meadowkit's head so she doesn't look silly, before becoming rigidly still and straight-spined.

By the time her leader's gaze finds her, she has already named her cousins- bitterly, she wonders if it's because they're lucky enough to still have parents to be mentored by and she remembers the feel of her claws in Beetlekit's pelt when they'd fought. Scarletpaw gets Badgerstripe (unremarkable). Meadowpaw gets Palefire (fine enough). And Mottledkit... her shoulders square, and then. Skyclaw. Fern-dark eyes search for her uncle as he steps forward to press his nose to her forehead, her eyes blink closed at the contact though excitement zaps through her body.

He promises her that no one will be able to keep up with her (and this other shadow that hangs around his ankles- she isn't sure she cares to know him). Good, she thinks confidently, as if there were any doubt she'd be short of a prodigy. "I'm ready... I won't let you down."

But his gaze is almost frustrated where it hangs on his leader and Mottledpaw has to wonder what her role model could possibly be so concerned with... Maybe in time she'd be made privy to his thoughts. She'd just need to prove it that she was smart enough to understand them...​

This meeting would prove to be a big one - if not for the amount of cats moving ranks, then for the anticipation of what announcement Howlingstar might make concerning the recent... events. Softpaw had been shaken to her core before, with all that ThunderClan had faced in the past, but the idea of a threat that was hiding among her own Clanmates was something that she'd never thought she'd have to deal with. ThunderClan was supposed to be safe. And that idea had been overturned overnight with the murders and attempted murders of warriors and, worst of all, kits.

"Antlerbreeze! Doepath! Fallowbite! Houndshade! Stagsnarl! Addersnap! Braveheart!" Cheering the new warriors' names was all she could do to keep herself focused on the meeting at paw, but she didn't get the chance to cheer for the newly appointed apprentices after Howlingstar delivered her final judgment on the kittypet situation.

Send them away. It took Softpaw by more surprise than she was willing to admit, and she sought out Roaringpaw in the crowd. Roaringpaw, sent away with Leafhusk and the others of kittypet origin? She could remember the day he'd come to camp, the days where they had trained together; all of it seemed so far away now.

Today, the Clan flourishes in one of the largest meetings Badgerstripe has ever witnessed. They welcome a plethora of new warriors, of whom she cheers for gleefully: " Antlerbreeze! Doepath! Fallowbite! Houndshade! Stagsnarl! Addersnap! Braveheart! " Cats who have earned their place time and time again, and now earn their names.. regardless of origin, she thinks decidedly. For these ceremonies, she makes a point not to look at Sleekserpent and her friends, imagining the scorn their faces hold at some of these names.

Then, the apprentices. A full nursery, now diminished to few, as kittens eagerly accept their place on the road to becoming a warrior. Too many to name - but there is one that stands out to her particularly. Scarletpaw - assigned to her! Badgerstripe ducks her chin shyly, though her wide smile is undeniable. She is trusted, she is a ThunderClanner once more. This is an opportunity to become something even greater.. and she will not squander it.

While cats begin to settle down, some still chanting and meeting their new apprentices, Badgerstripe steps forward to touch her nose to Scarletpaw's, just like the others. " I promise to teach you well, " she vows. There were many lessons to be passed down, and she would ensure this apprentice becomes the cat that Badgerstripe could not, initially. Strong, dependable, and responsible.

But before she can lead her away to begin, Howlingstar's voice raises solemnly once more, and Badgerstripe's proud smile quickly diminishes to a concerned frown. Her eyes grow round, and instinctively flicker over to the kittypet-blooded cats amongst them. There is truth to her leader's word - they are not safe here. She just wishes it didn't have to come to this..

BADGERSTRIPE ( she/her )​

( ooc ) text
Silent. It is not a trait often attributed to Coalkit, maw constantly open and voice near constantly lecturing the other bundles of fur that occupied the nursery. Yet for the last few days, he had been. Rendered into stillness by all that had been plaguing Thunderclan as a whole lately, almost paranoid in how often he had found himself pacing around the nursery. Peering into every corner, like he might be able to simply sense whoever had been enacting such horrible deeds.

Whatever spare moments were left over were spent curled at his brother's side, practically draped over the other kit in an effort to try and shield him from the harsh realities around them. In the back of his mind, Coalkit knew - they weren't truly the ones in danger. After all, they were both Thunderclan-born. The sons of highly respected warriors, with Leopardtongue and Batwing's blood running through their veins. The worst of the worst wouldn't even glance at them, yet the young smoke wasn't sure whether that made him feel better.

It didn't lessen the anxiety, nor did it make him proud. Not when he'd rather be standing alongside his clanmates that had already been lost.

Phantom pelts brushed against his own as Roeflame meticulously groomed him, the soft press of Burnstorm's nose against his head finally rousing him from the depths of his thoughts. His long tail twitched uneasily back and forth as he answered, a pair of deep green eyes focused not on Burnstorm himself, but instead on the slight form of Howlingstar above them. "Yeah, I'm excited." His voice was... distant. Hollow like he was merely parroting what had already been said to him, still far too distracted by how tired Howlingstar seemed. Coalkit couldn't blame her, considering how many mongrels had chosen to make their voices known.

Didn't they know that Howlingstar's voice came before them all? Didn't they realize how they were dishonoring StarClan in their desperate shedding of blood?

His chest was tight as he stepped up alongside Hopekit, jaw clenched so firmly that he could feel the ache of each muscle when he finally wrenched it open. "Antlebreeze! Doepath! Houndshade! Stagsnarl! Addersnap! Braveheart!" Unlike the placating of Roaringpaw, Coalkit had no issue with leaving Fallowbite's name rather obviously out of his cheers. He would not call out the name of a newly-made warrior that shared the thoughts of those that were terrorizing their home. If it had been his choice, she wouldn't have received a warrior name at all. However, he actually listened to Howlingstar. He knew what it meant to be loyal.

The flood of names that came after was nothing but a blur to him, Coalkit deaf to it all until he and Hopekit were finally turned to. His tail brushed lightly against his brother's back, nudging the both of them forward as he raised his chin high. As depressing... as draining as everything had been, he refused to let it all ruin his moment. Not when he could finally live in service of his home, his own name echoing rhythmically in his ears. Coalpaw. Coalpaw. Coalpaw. So caught up in it all, he almost didn't notice just who had been chosen to be his mentor, forest-shaded eyes widening when he found himself in front of none other than Burnstorm.

Though he had dreamed of having the tom that had taken he and Hopekit in as a mentor, Coalpaw had never considered that it could actually be a reality.

A rare grin split his muzzle across as he stepped forward, touching his nose to Burnstorm's and relishing in the rush of confidence the promises of the future brought forth in him. No matter how much fear they would be forced to face, he could at least now properly step forward and tell others what was right. "You're not gonna be disappointed with me, I promise." For the briefest of moments after the words left his mouth, his attention flicked upwards. To the still clear, starless sky. Even without their sparkling eyes drilling down into him, he imagined himself saying the same to both Leopardtongue and Batwing. They were listening after all, right?

His pelt brushed once more against Hopepaw's as he stepped back, attention turning back to Howlingstar as she gave her next announcement. Coalpaw remained silent as he took it in, a stark contrast to the hushed gasps and scattered protests of his clanmates gathered all around. Though even in his muteness, he felt almost dizzy. Like the bottom of his stomach had been abruptly ripped away to become a pit, new worry forming for clanmates that would be away from his reach.

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    a new apprentice of thunderclan, coalpaw is currently one of the youngest of his rank at six moons. he is being mentored by burnstorm, and is on track to graduate alongside his brother. an abrasive and intensive rule follower, he is fiercely loyal to thunderclan and working to honor his fallen parents.
Another moon had passed, another meeting to attend. In all truth, Palefire didn’t care to be here. Her mind was troubled by the events that had occurred surrounding the kitty pets the past few weeks; particularly, the death berries that had almost just been fed to Coltkit and Ivorykit. Her claws flexed at the thought of it. Whoever the culprit was, they’d best hope that she never found them. And they were even luckier that nothing terrible had actually come of the incident; if something had happened to Ivorykit or Coltkit at the paws of these cowards, she would tear this clan apart to root out every last one of them.

A soft sigh pushed past her lips as she settled into the crowd, her gaze flitting from young face to young face, wondering who their mentors would be. Would they be assigned to one of these murderers, raised to become exactly the same? Would the problem fester and spread, until nothing remained of Thunderclan but the dark hearts of those who felt only hate? She was ashamed to think that not long ago, she had been one of them. But now… she had those she cared about who were being targeted, who were being hurt. She didn’t want to be associated with these radicals, nor have anything to do with that way of thinking anymore. She was changed.

In her contemplation she’d entirely missed the warrior ceremonies, and was only brought back to attention during the long list of new apprentices when she thought she heard her own name being called. “Your mentor will be Palefire…” But surely that must’ve been a mistake. Hesitantly, not wanting to look foolish, she glanced around to see who was being summoned. But all faces turned to look at her, and wide blue eyes fell to the familiar fiery red tabby that was waiting for her at the front of the crowd. Me…? I’m being assigned to Meadowpaw…?

With a rough shake of her pelt the warrior stumbled to her paws, practically tripping over herself to step forward. She looked down into the innocent green gaze of her new charge, a young girl who reminded her so much of herself, who had recently felt loss that she could understand all too well. With a shaky breath she bent down to touches noses with her apprentice - stars, that’s strange to think - and pulled back with a steady smile. “You and I are going to do great things together, aren’t we?”

She moved to stand back again, and make room for the next pairings, but it wasn’t long before Howlingstar was once again calling out her name. She nearly choked, her pale fur bristling with surprise. Howlingstar trusted her.. with two new apprentices? Her paws trembled as she was brought back to the front alongside Ivorykit, her unofficial ward, the child she had found not that long ago and taken under her care. Two apprentices, both so very different, but both held a special place in her heart. How could she have gotten so lucky, after everything she’d done?

Palefire titled her head down to grin softly at Ivorypaw, her icy blue gaze now sparkling with a rare bit of sentiment. “It’s an honor to be the one to train you. You’ll make a wonderful warrior,” she whispered cheekily to the white-pelted girl, touching her nose to her own before stepping back again. Surely, that had to be all; Howlingstar would never give her a third apprentice.

But she hadn’t made it far with her two new charges when Howlingstar’s last comment rang in her ears. “You will be able to train with Palefire upon your return.” Wait… What? Her ears flattened back against her skull as she whipped around to face her leader, inching subtly closer to her alabaster ward as a horrible feeling of dread washed over her. “What is that supposed to mean?” She bit out almost accusatorially. She didn’t have to wait long for an answer.

"I am sending away every former kittypet for their own safety, under Leafhusk's care."

Her mouth fell agape with pure shock, and for the longest time she was unable to speak, or move, or do anything useful. It took several painfully long moments for those words to truly settle in. “Howlingstar…” she stuttered incoherently, before her heart pounded back to life and she felt an intoxicating mixture of anger and worry blazing through her veins. “Y-You can’t… How do you know they’ll be safer out there?” Her words were a demand, but the pitch of her voice belied how truly unsettled this sudden announcement had made her. “What if… what if they’re attacked and we aren’t there to stop it?” What if Ivorypaw is hurt and I’m not there to protect her? No. This could not happen.

  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 16 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic.
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride.
    mentor to no one / formerly mentored by nightbird.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.
Nerves had been pushing through Dovekit's body all day, fur that had been groomed to perfection kept threatening to rise along their spine as the time of the meeting neared ever closer and closer. There were so many unknowns that Dovekit had thought they were ready for all this time, but as the time neared closer they realized that they weren't actually ready for it, for not knowing who their mentor or their sibling's mentors would be, for going out into the territory in the climate that was currently brewing through the clan. Where excitement used to be was now fear, for cats were being targeted and killed, and it didn't take a genius to figure out why with how vocal cats had been recently. Kittypets were the issue, cats who didn't belong according to so many, and those that had been kittypet born were being killed and Dovekit could only hope that it would stop soon so they could just not have to worry about it anymore.

The meeting starts with apprentices becoming warriors, leaving the den that would house so many new bodies within it to give up more space - though more would be needed - and though they tried when all was said and done Dovekit couldn't cheer for them, words stuck like a lump within their throat. Instead they would knead their paws in the ground, big smile on their face as they looked towards the fresh warriors that would sit vigil tonight. Next it is apprentices reassigned to new mentors before the gaggle of new apprentices are named. They watched as Beetlekit - now Beetlepaw - was called forward, eyes wide as he got their father for a mentor and Dovekit couldn't help but yearn for a family member of their own to teach them. It was their turn next and chest puffed out the best it could be the point feline looked to Howlingstar as she changed his name, as she announced that Roeflame would be their mentor and they felt relief wash over them at that. Not only did they get kin as a mentor but they got their own mother, a cat who they'd know could be fierce when needed but was caring of all that cats in ThunderClan, a trait that Dovepaw wanted for themself.

Noses pressed for just a moment as the grin rose and the new apprentice sat next to their mother, their mentor, before the meeting continued on. When all the names had been said that lump had finally disappeared and Dovepaw found their words once more, chanting out the names of their fellow apprentices that would begin their training for the first time today. It was a good day, it was a prideful day.

Until it wasn't.

Ivorypaw was last, one of the cats that had been targeted only this morning with prey poisoned from Gentlestorm's own stock of herbs, and Howlingstar announced that upon her return she would be able to begin her training. At first Dovepaw thought it could just be odd wording, or that she had a special mission for the new apprentice for whatever reason - had that been the case Dovepaw would have demanded to go too - but instead it was announced that all the cats that had been kittypet born would be going somewhere else until things were figured out. Their smile faltered into a look of defeat, angry and jealous tears forming at the corner of their eyes. The ceremony was ruined because of hate, because cats didn't like where another was born. The ceremony meant to celebrate and honor the achievements of growth in the clan was cut short by horrible news and instead of today being known as the day Dovepaw and their siblings got to become apprentices it would be known as the day they lost their clanmates. A good day had turned sour and though they tried to hide it Dovepaw couldn't help the hot tears that had silently began to roll down their face.

  • --
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan kitten
    -- sibling to littlekit && beetlekit
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6