
lacking salience and perceived usefulness
Jun 8, 2022


/disclaimer: i have never done anything like this or opened up slots for character relationships before, so please bear with me if i make any mistakes/

Daisy Flight was a stray living on the streets of the twoleg place when she met Raven Ramble. Enamoured with his lust for life and open attitude, she fell in love and stayed with him for just over two years. However, his selfish and arrogant tendencies began to be revealed to her after the haze of compliments and attention wore off. So she left, joining the budding colony run by Rain in the pine forest.

Daisy Flight was separated from him for many moons until the aftermath of the great battle. Morally torn, injured and afraid, she sought refuge in the twoleg place with Raven Ramble. After his behaviour reinforced her belief in his egotism, she left the next morning- swearing to never return.

- She will never mention the father unless absolutely pressed and has every intention to raise her kits on her own.
- After the pregnancy she will take the position of a permaqueen, attending those in the nursery and helping around camp.// this has now changed- Daisy Flight will be deputy of Skyclan
- Before giving birth, Gaia (played by Blitz) will be adopted by Daisy Flight. While not her biological child, she will be treated as her own and any kits will be raised with her as their sibling.
- Tags: https://tabbytales.net/threads/see-the-stars-with-my-morning-eyes-daisy-flight.401/post-2088

SIRE: SH black (carrying dilute, longhair)
DAM: LH blue tortoiseshell with low white
males can be black, blue, red tabby, or cream tabby females can be black, blue, tortoiseshell, or blue tortoiseshell
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- red kits will mask black; cream kits will mask blue
- non-dilute kits will carry dilute
- shorthair kits will carry longhair

I will be pretty relaxed on names, but listed down below are some names she would happily choose and a select few names she would refuse to use. Feel free to come up with alternatives outside the ones listed!

- COLOURS (for her love of bright colours): eg, greenkit, yellowkit, bluekit, redkit, orangekit, pink-kit, violetkit ect
- TREES (for her love of the forest): eg, pinekit, oak-kit, baykit, beechkit, birchkit, cypresskit, firkit, laurelkit, poplarkit, teak-kit ect
↳ (this can include fruit trees): eg, peachkit, greengagekit, plumkit, apricotkit, figkit, quincekit ect
- VOICE/CRY (named after their cries as kittens/voices): eg, shriek-kit, quietkit, shoutkit, chatterkit, howlkit, sneezekit, trillkit, silentkit ect
- STRONG (names she sees as strong, and to be taken seriously): eg, branchkit, cinderkit, stonekit, thornkit, thistlekit, hartkit, frostkit ect
- X REFUSED NAMES (names related to Raven Ramble): ravenkit, crowkit, rook-kit, ramblekit

- Kits will be born late August, no set date for now
- Kits will start at 3 moons
- There will be 4 slots
- I'd really prefer if people were active, if at any point you fall inactive or decide to stop roleplaying I might rehome the slot. That said, I understand the difficulties of being consistent and so I am happy to accept casual characters! (preferably, if this is the case please specify in your form- this is only to avoid the entire litter being made up of casual characters)
- There is no set form, just drop some information down below
- This won't be first come first served, but I'm not sure how much interest there will be in this litter, so it might come into play. I'll update this post with any accepted slots and reach out to you about it


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spindlekit // spindlepaw // spindletwist
lh blue tortie w low white, appears mh
agile, flexible in both mind and body, inquisitve
not a strong personality as a kit but as she grows she flourishes


super duper long long long line of lyrics lyrics lyrics here

⚜ Basics ─
spindlekit | spindlepaw, spindletwist
reasoning: 'spindle' after the tree and for her thin, scrawny frame at birth; 'twist' for her agility and problem solving skills
also responds to 'spindle'
no current aliases or titles

03 months old
birthdate: 08/00
ages (aging rate here)
star sign

female [afab]
uses feminine pronouns (she/her)

panromantic | asexual | polyamorous
single; not looking (open to plotting)
slight preference for she-cats or effeminate toms

skyclan | kit
born and raised in skyclan
no past ranks
future apprentice, future warrior

⚜ Appearance ─
longhaired blue tortoiseshell with low white
in depth blurb about their appearance, ideally at least 5 sentences
distinguishing features go here
any scars/birthmarks?
smells like allspice

design by artist | visual reference
accessories: wears red leaves in the fall
hygiene: here
body language: here

weight: here
height: here
length: here

00% | overall health
current illnesses or injuries
chronic illnesses or disabilities

⚜ Personality ─
defining | traits | go | here | regardless | of | positivity
positive: at, least, three
neutral: at, least, three
negative: at, least, three

personality blurb; at least 5 sentences
behavioral quirks
speech patterns

introverted/extroverted | heartchart
favorite food:
favorite color:
favorite time of day:
favorite flower:
favorite weather:

mentally stable/fragile/unstable | mental disorders?

⚜ Relationships ─
name x name | gen 0
? littermates (name, name)
? siblings (name, name)
other relations: name (relationship); name (relationship)

crushing on / in a relationship with name | 1/? shipname
previously crushing on: name (amicable? rejected?)
previously in a relationship with: name (amicable? rejected?)

forms platonic relationships | forms romantic relationships
close friends:

⚜ Interactions ─
level of training | hunting skill level | fighting skill level

mentally ? | physically ? | attack in bold color and tag
peaceful powerplay is allowed
healing powerplay is ?
non-peaceful powerplay is not allowed

morality level | loyalty to ? comes first
will/won't start first
will/won't end fights
will/won't run away
will/won't attack kits
will/won't attack elders
will/won't maim
will/won't kill

⚜ History ─
quick blurb
quick blurb
quick blurb

birth | thread
quick blurb
event | thread
quick blurb
event | thread
quick blurb

⚜ Plotting ─
open/closed to plotting | thread
quick blurb with name; phase 0/0; etc.
quick blurb with name; phase 0/0; etc.
quick blurb with name; phase 0/0; etc.

⚜ Extras ─
archetype | alignment | hogwarts house
voice claim:
face claim:

created 00/00 | updated 00/00 | subaccount
all opinions are ic
played by kitty-kat
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Things that can't fit aesthetically into the bio/form;
  1. He will probably be casual, but very well has the potential to become an active character! With Sootstar I can't promise much more for now
  2. I'd LOVE it if he was the runt of the litter c: Doesn't exactly mean he needs to be last-born and I'd actually prefer if he didn't follow that stereotype!
  3. If he ends up being the runt, he will likely be more on the sickly side to start out. Have no fear he'll be just fine aside from a cough and a runny nose. With age, he'll grow healthier rapidly, but he'll always be rather small
  4. He'll have a lot of behavioral issues when he's younger. Can never sit still, can't seem to take things seriously, and laughs in the face of punishment. Real suddenly mid-late apprentice hood he will mature intensely... No one can really explain what happened but the chemicals in his brain must've aligned right finally JHSDBJHASBD. (Basing this off a real personality development I've seen IRL so it doesn't sound totally random).
  5. Warrior name will be TBD by the leader
  6. In his warrior moons, he will eventually be run over by a monster, breaking his leg and leaving him with a permanent limp. He will have to learn to adjust to no longer being able to climb trees and go through the self-shame of not being able to do what his clan is known for.
  7. THE PERSONALITY AND DESCRIPTION IN THE BIO BELOW describe his **warrior** appearance and traits. The less I have to update the bio if I'm accepted the better HAHA


    ↪ "Howl" for his strong & loud voice, "kit" for his status as a child
    Male, he/him
    ↪ Sexuality unknown - crushing on no one
    3 moons, ages TBD
    SkyClan, kit
    Reincarnation of the loner "Gray Wolf"
    A blue tom with low-white and green-eyes
    ↪ A slightly smaller than average, ashen short-furred tom. His fur is touched by white on his face, chest, and left forepaw. Despite his stature, he is well-muscled, most notably in his limbs (he is SkyClan born after all)! His eyes are the deep color of evergreen nettles, and the kindness in his eyes is just as undying as the tree they resemble.
    smells like pine sap & milk
    no wounds
    POSITIVE TRAITS: Hardworking, ambitious, appreciative, honest, honorable, trustworthy, valiant, skillful, self-reliant
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: Obedient, precise, proud, restless
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: Touchy, paranoid, strict, critical, argumentive
    ↪ siblings tbd
    mates with no one
    ↪ no children
    mentored by N/A
    ↪ currently mentoring N/A

    ↪ mentored N/A
    Can handle his own in battle // an impressive hunter
    Will not start fights // Will attempt to mediate // Will kill as a last resort // May flee

    ↪ STRENGTH: ★★★☆☆

    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★★☆

    ↪ SPEED: ★★☆☆☆

    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★☆☆

    ↪ SWIMMING: ☆☆☆☆☆

    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★★★

    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★★★

    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★★☆☆

    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★★☆

    ↪ HEALING: ☆☆☆☆☆

    ↪ WISDOM: ★★★★☆

    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★☆☆☆
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— masculine-presenting nonbinary. he/they.
— 3 moons old.
— grey-asexual demipanromantic
— reincarnation of everest from the pine group​

— SH Cream Mackerel Tabby with Amber Eyes.
Graced with a strong build and stocky body, he is quite a chunky boy as a kit. He is round-bodied, with plush paws and wide, curious eyes. When he is older, his body will grow quite big in size, with long legs and wide shoulders. [If allowed] He was born with the Janus mutation, which means his left eye socket holds two amber eyes in it instead of one; his vision is horrible because of this, and is quite insecure of such a fact as a child. But as an adult, he grows into such a mutation and accepts it as part of himself.
Masks blue. Carries dilute. Pastry aesthetics. Smells of honeysuckle & milk.

Graced with a patience that is comparable to a monk, Peachkit is a serenely quiet boy. He watches and observes the world around him, taking in information at a fast pace. While he's fond of his siblings, he also shows an unhealthy attachment to them and his mother; oftentimes clinging to their sides and refusing to leave. He's haunted by racing thoughts, constantly aware of danger but never voicing his concerns. He can be a tad dramatic, especially when it comes to his siblings. Being such a drama king can be off-putting to those around him, after all. He is creative, and oftentimes thinks in 'brighter colors' than others around him. He sees the world for what it is. He feels his emotions very heavily and intensely, and is known to get overwhelmed quite easily by them often. Despite his charisma, he can be quite clumsy- often stuttering over his words or avoiding the gaze of the person he's talking to. When he's older, he will show his adventurous side and come out of his shell a bit. He's already curious as it is, but his curiousity will get him in trouble later down the road.
— Has an odd fascination with bones & rocks.​

— brother to here, here, here ;; adopted brother to gaia
— distant relatives here
— crushing on nobody ;; mates with nobody ;; monoflexible
— mentored by nobody ;; mentoring nobody
— close friends with nobody​

[color=#FFE5B4][I]KIT OF SKYCLAN[/I][/color]
[indent]— masculine-presenting nonbinary. he/they.
— 3 moons old.
— grey-asexual demipanromantic
— reincarnation of everest of the pine group[/indent]

[indent]— SH Cream Mackerel Tabby with Amber Eyes.
Graced with a strong build and stocky body, he is quite a chunky boy as a kit. He is round-bodied, with plush paws and wide, curious eyes. When he is older, his body will grow quite big in size, with long legs and wide shoulders. [If allowed] He was born with the Janus mutation, which means his left eye socket holds two amber eyes in it instead of one; his vision is horrible because of this, and is quite insecure of such a fact as a child. But as an adult, he grows into such a mutation and accepts it as part of himself.
— [I]Masks blue. Carries dilute. Pastry aesthetics. Smells of honeysuckle & milk.[/I][/indent]

[indent]Graced with a patience that is comparable to a monk, Peachkit is a serenely quiet boy. He watches and observes the world around him, taking in information at a fast pace. While he's fond of his siblings, he also shows an unhealthy attachment to them and his mother; oftentimes clinging to their sides and refusing to leave. He's haunted by racing thoughts, constantly aware of danger but never voicing his concerns. He can be a tad dramatic, especially when it comes to his siblings. Being such a drama king can be off-putting to those around him, after all. He is creative, and oftentimes thinks in 'brighter colors' than others around him. He sees the world for what it is. He feels his emotions very heavily and intensely, and is known to get overwhelmed quite easily by them often. Despite his charisma, he can be quite clumsy- often stuttering over his words or avoiding the gaze of the person he's talking to. When he's older, he will show his adventurous side and come out of his shell a bit. He's already curious as it is, but his curiousity will get him in trouble later down the road.
— Has an odd fascination with bones & rocks.[/indent]

[indent]— DAILY FLIGHT x RAVEN RAMBLE ;; gen two.
— brother to here, here, here ;; adopted brother to gaia
— distant relatives here
— crushing on nobody ;; mates with nobody ;; monoflexible
— mentored by nobody ;; mentoring nobody
— close friends with nobody [/indent][/FONT][/JUSTIFY][/BOX]
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— named for the way that he screamed when newly born
— male ; he/him ; amab
— 3 moons ; ages on the [#] of each month
— biromantic ; demisexual​

SH black with low white ; carries dilute, LH
TOYHOUSE. A gangly, scrawny thing, Shriekingkit is gifted with ears that are too large for his head and legs too long for his body. His fur is mostly sleek and well-groomed, with only a few stubborn cowlicks standing up across his back. His pelt is mainly a deep night-black color that shines rusted under direct sunlight, with a white underside and white forepaws. His right eye is a sky blue color that suits his birth clan, while his left is the yellowish hue of dandelions.
has frequent leg tremors for unknown reasons

( + ) patient, caring, insightful
( / ) cautious, quiet, honest
( - ) anxious, harsh, volatile
— In strange opposition to his given name, Shriekingkit is a shy child; it takes a lot to coax him out of his shell, but he does so readily for his siblings and mother. He avoids the medicine den at all costs, not wanting to risk catching any illness that a cat in there may have, and not wanting to see any injuries. He loathes physical contact, but gladly makes an exception for his family members. He tends to stay inside the camp, and avoids getting dirty when possible. He can compose himself when needed, but tends to have little control over his own emotions and often allows them to rule his actions. For the most part he is patient with others and shows immense care for their feelings, but does not stoop so low as to tell lies. He calls it as he sees it, and dislikes those who stretch or hide what he perceives as the truth. His social awareness and overall social skills leave quite a lot to be desired. He is not the type to make snap judgements or rush into things, and would rather hang back and observe situations before throwing himself into them.
obsessed with order & justice, cannot stand imbalance and occasionally butts heads with authority figures
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‣ green said:

greenkit greenpaw greeneyes (?) skyclan kit
(named after his mother's love of bright colors, later after his eye color)
— daisy flight x raven ramble — cisgender male. he/him. — three moons

a red tabby tom with low white and green eyes — despite his name, greenkit is hardly green. his average stature adorns ginger hues within long, unkempt fur. a splash of white lays unevenly across his face, moving down his chest. the snowy shade also locates itself on his front paws, as well as the tip of his tail - an appendage of which has a permanent bend to the middle of it. though not originally named for it, his eyes are a bright shade of green, striking enough within his appearance to make anyone assume it to be his namesake.

personality — an outgoing kit, greenkit is a bright young tom who has an affinity for the pine forest around him and its inhabitants. he often takes charge in group activities in such a way that can often appear as bossy to others, whether he truly means to be or not. he takes great pride in the home he lives in, often harboring judgement towards the thought of other clans, despite also carrying a curiosity towards said clans. he loves his mother and his siblings and spends most of his time with them, but enjoys the time he spends with others within the clan as well.

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name meaning?
Snow - for his quiet mew, his soft colors, the expanse of white that folds over his legs and belly like a blanket of snow.
Possible full names: Snowfreckle, Snowdapple, Snowstorm, Snowwish...

age? Kitten
position in clan? warrior
gender/sexuality? Cis Male || He/Him || Pansexual
relationship status? single



A blue and white tom with golden eyes.
A primarily white young tom, dappled in soft grays with the occasional blue gray tabble speckling across his back and around his face. He's a large kitten with big, awkward paws and a thick neck ruff that makes him look even broader than he is. His eyes are both yellow-gold like sunflowers bursting from a winter field.


A jovial and cheerful boy, Snowkit is softspoken and kind and genuinely sees the good in most-even if they might not necessarily deserve it. He's friendly without hesitation and perhaps a touch too trusting but he never hesitates to offer his aid the second he feels it might be needed. Despite his almost pushover-like demeanor, most are warded off from picking a fight with him due to his imposing size and willingness to fight for those he loves without pause. Aside from his large figure, he is alarmingly gentle and tries his best to soothe and not cause fear in others and so his voice remains an almost strained whisper more often than not.

➸ easy to form platonic relationships
➸ hard to form romantic relationships
mate of?
crushing on? N/A
parent to? N/A
child of? Daisy Flight xxx Raven Ramble
sibling to? Old Sister (Gaia), Littermates:
➸ mentor to? N/A
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i caved.
its not like centipede's living that long anyways

  • GENERALi'm waiting for something to change
    violetkit, no previous names
    violet is derived from her dark blue fur, kit denotes her rank​
    AFAB gender apathetic, doesn't care about pronouns but refers to herself with feminine terms
    ↪ lesbian - unaware of any romantic feelings​
    unborn, undetermined aging rate
    skyclan, kit
    no former allegiances
  • APPEARANCE'cause everyday just feels the same
    a fluffy dark blue she-kit with low white and cloudy blue eyes.
    ↪ a slender, poised young girl with wisps of slate blue fur that darken along her spine and across her face. a small splash of white nestles itself between her shoulder blades, although it is easily hidden beneath her fluffy coat. her tail tip is dipped in white as well. she possesses soft, sylphlike features. her rounded eyes are often half-lidded, with blue irises that are clouded over and unfocused. her expression does not tend to display any strong emotions.​
    smells like rain water
    sounds like a soft, quiet voice which remains steady
    completely blind
    ↪ link to toyhouse!​
  • PERSONALITYit's getting harder to exist
    POSITIVE TRAITS: independent, laid back, realist, cautious
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: neutral, indifferent, stubborn, deadpan, blase
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: unforgiving, skeptical, defeatist, dour, lazy
    ↪ at first glance, violetkit is a laid back individual, who prefers to laze around in the warmth of the sunlight rather than tussle with her denmates. she's known for her neutrality, which toes the line of being downright indifferent, seemingly unaffected by the troubles of others. she comes off as dismissive because of this, which can irk others. she does not tend to show much emotion, remaining deadpan in most situations. she's seen as a dour individual, presenting herself as unapproachable. however, when someone pushes her hard enough, she's prone to violent outbursts. violetkit holds grudges like no other; if you wrong her, she will never let you forget it. she is cold and cruel towards those who've earned her ire, and does not want anything to do with them.

    violetkit has a strong independent streak which stems from her blindness; she does not want to be treated differently from her clanmates, so she has a difficult time asking for or accepting help. however, when faced with potential failure, she's quick to give up and accept it as is.

    safety is of the utmost importance to violetkit. she wants to feel secure, and will often take extreme measures to accomplish this, even if it means giving in to an enemy.​
    suffers from no mental illnesses
  • RELATIONSHIPSi don't wanna feel like this
    ↪ sibling, sibling, and sibling​
    mates with no one
    ↪ no offspring​
    mentored by no one
    ↪ currently mentoring no one
    ↪ mentored no one​

  • INTERACTIONi need to be alone or i'm gonna lose my shit
    extremely easy in battle
    will not start fights, will end fights, will run away
    ↪ STRENGTH: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ SPEED: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★★☆
    ↪ SWIMMING: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HUNTING: ★☆☆☆☆​
    what are they like mentally when interacting?
    a conversationalist? a grump? easy to talk to or not?
    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ MEMORY: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ WISDOM: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★☆☆☆​
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i'm here to applyyyy


    appearance — as a young kit his over sized paws and ears will be a sign that he will be a rather large tom, often he trips over his own paws because they are so big and he will even seem to be clumsy because of it but in time he will grow into them. his frame will be heavyset and he will be more adapt at climbing, fighting, and hunting for the most part. his pelt will be a luscious soft blue color, rippling with sheen from the light and as that blue travels down his legs it will be halted to transform into a pale snow white at his paws. His ear tips will also be a soft white like that of snow but the most unusual thing about him is that he will be born without a tail. His gaze will be an unyielding dark blue, deep and almost ominous looking. But a light of purity shines there, one of friendliness and openness.

  • PERSONALITY — blue will have a rather rambunctious personality as a kit. openly gullible he will believe anything that an adult tells him wholeheartedly, even apprentices. And with this in mind he will regurgitate what has been told to him with excitement that he is smart and understands what is going on around him. As big as he is he will also be a complete teddy bear and never throw his weight around. He will try to keep things for his siblings or even those in future apprenticeships that he gets to train with. As he grows up he will become less gullible but sometimes he will fall for things that others will see right through. His actions usually speak louder than his words on how he feels a out things. He is and will always be a loyal Skyclanner and sees Skyclan as the best clan to live in. Blue will also have a bit of sensitivity when it comes to the fact that he has no tail. When he sees this as a kit he will try and stick leaves on his butt to mimic one or even pieces of long grass. This too he will grow out of as he gains confidence in himself and his abilities as a Skyclan warrior. He will become confident and a bit of a gentle giant around Skyclanners. Super protective of his family and his mother as a whole and always willing to lend a helping paw.
    SMELLS LIKE — a summer day after the rain
    SOUNDS LIKE — rumbling thunder

  • DAISY FLIGHT x RAVEN RAMBLE — generation 2
    sibling to TBD
    partner of TBD
    parent to
    — TBD
    acquaintances — TBD
    enemies — TBD


  • [ code]
    add posting code here <3
    Remove the extra space btw - had to add it to not break the other code
    [/ code]

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Okay so a little update! Thank you guys so much for all your entries, I'm super flattered that this has gathered so much interest <3 I will be choosing the accepted applicants in two days (Wed, 17th Uk time). If anyone needs to update their entry, withdraw etc now would be the time to do it. You've all made this decision very difficult :,)
OKAY! So, this was extremely tough. It took me a good long while to pick, but I finally have...! The applications I have chosen are (in no particular order):
1. Violetkit @nico
2. Snowkit @Rai
3. Howlkit @ava (name subject to change)
4. Greenkit @ABRI

Again, I'm so delighted by all of the submissions and I really (really!) hope to see these characters elsewhere. For those who have been picked, I will be adding you on discord so we can set up a lil fam server and organise. <3