sensitive topics DAMAGED ODDITY // ShadowClan Skirmish Return

It didn't seem like anybody else was in a serious need of help, their injures nothing that needed his main focus right now. Satisfied with that Vulturemask would turn his attention back to the leader herself. Sootstars injures had not been in need of his attention straight away and considering how the queen of the moors never had seemed much interested to let him heal her wounds before Vult had simply figured out the queen did not desire his assistance now either especially when her warriors had been more badly wounded then her. But with nobody else there for him to attend to and with Sootstar still wounded despite her more fatal injures having healed thanks to starclans blessing Vulturemask figured she the one he should focus on next. If she would let him that was. He had no intention to argue against her. " Sootstar, may i treat your wounds?." The conversation at hand he didn't share his opinion on. Vulturemask had already decided a while back to not involve himself in the clans politics. If anyone would ask him it would be a different story but otherwise he rather sticked to his duties. It was better that way. That way he wouldn't have to endure through another backlash at him.

A defeat. Certainly not their first ever, but their first in some moons: and this one was especially painful, as it had come at the price of one of Sootstar's lives. Badgermoon's jaw was tight as he watched from where he stood just outside the nursery, having followed his children and their mother there, his yellow eyes flicking restlessly over the returned party. Smogmaw. he thought with loathing bubbling up in his chest, flexing his claws against the soil underpaw. StarClan grant that he might be brought to justice someday. The broad-shouldered cat settled beside Scorchstreak and their kits, attempting to press up against Luckykit, Scorchkit, and Rumblekit.

"Leaders are blessed by StarClan, my raindrop." he murmured in response to Rumblekit's question. "They are given nine lives to defend their Clan and guide its members." the bicolor tom bent his head and tried to rasp his tongue comfortingly over his child's head, trying not to show his unease. "That means they can endure things other cats cannot...they can come back to life." Badgermoon gave a soft sigh and offered a tiny smile to the entire quartet. "The important thing to know is that Sootstar is loved by StarClan, and that WindClan is under the protection of our ancestors."
  • Wow

As soon as she sees her clanmates, her family, enter the camp she knows the battle had gone wrong. Her heart falters seeing her sister looking so weak. For a moment, there is a small part of her that is disgusted at this sight. WindClan's queen should never look this frail, at least not in her mind. She knows though, that these thoughts are wrong. She knows that her sister is allowed to be injured, and she does feel impressed with her when she says it took two of them to take her down. "Of course the coward couldn't face you himself" she spits, disgusted. Did Chilledstar really truly trust this spineless tom to take over after him? Other cats talk about StarClan and their strength but Bluepool knows by now that, while StarClan was powerful and benevolent, they would have to take things into their own paws if they wanted them to get done. "We will just have to make sure to hit them harder next time" she grumbles. Hopefully, next time, she would be permitted to go. Her scrap of a tail lashes behind her furiously as she thinks about sinking her claws into the marsh or river brats. To think that at one point she and shared a den with most of them was despicable now. They were all nothing more than a group of fox-hearted cowards, she sees that now.