private Dawn's light || Wolfsong

Feb 7, 2023

She was tired. Nothing she did was good enough for anyone around here. Time and time again, Reedstrike smacked her down no matter how good she performed. She knew all her battle moves he has shown her at the moment, could perform them just as good as everyone else.

But she was expected to work harder.

All they saw was a lazy kittypet and no matter what, that wouldn't change. They hated her, and the feeling was mutual. There were very few she had good opinions of. Even then, she kept them at a distance. She knew better than to open her heart to anyone around here, they would only hurt and betray her in the end.

But her heart ached for someone to be close to, and it was getting the better of her.

Wolfsong had always been kind to her. He had stood up for her twice, even. It was something new to her. Did he have an ulterior motive? She wanted to believe he didn't. She would just have to ask, wouldn't she?

She spotted him in camp, and quietly padded over to him. Every instinct told her to stop, to turn around. But she didn't, she stood beside him and mustered the courage to speak.

"Wolfsong....?" She spoke quietly. "Why are you so nice to me....?"

She felt foolish, asking such a thing. He probably didn't even like her, he was just being nice. But she would just have to wait and see.

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──⇌•〘 INFO He knows his defense of Azaleapaw likely soured his standing with Sootstar and her loyalists. He also knows of Sunstride's views on kittypets, some of which Wolfsong shares, but he does not see such a creature when he looks on the apprentice. She does not gorge herself on meals she hasn't hunted; she does not lounge in the sun when there's work to be done. He would dare to wager her work ethic outstrips that of apprentices of acceptable blood, but so far, it seems many are willfully ignorant.

He cannot say he is surprised that she approaches him in camp— nor is he surprised that she should question his behavior. It is a bittersweet taste that lingers at the back of his mouth when he smiles slightly. I would reassure her of her place here if I did not worry it would be a lie. She will fight with twice the toil for half the triumph.

"You are my clanmate," he begins, glancing at her before looking out over camp. "They are unkind to you, I know, and I cannot tell you it is for your betterment. Maybe they don't realize there will come a day when they must rely on you— and admit that a so-called kittypet kept them fed and safe." He looks at the apprentice again, no longer smiling. "I do not see a kittypet when I look at you. And you, I suspect, do not see my cowardly father when you look at me."

He calls her his clanmates, something she had never been called before. She feels something, but can't place what it is. It's a good feeling.... But what is it?

She looked up at him as he spoke, and his words certainly struck a chord with her. That's what she wanted, yes. For these wretched cats to be left with no choice but to rely on her. For them to be bested by her. When that day comes, and it will....

It will be glorious.

"You don't.... Worry that they'll judge you for your kindness towards me?" She asked. The last thing she wanted was to get him in trouble. The absolute last thing.

She felt that feeling again, when he said he didn't see a kittypet when he looked at her. She was just another apprentice to him? She wasn't lower than dirt? She trembled slightly. She could feel her eyes water, but she forced them to stop.

"You're not weak.... You're strong." She said. "I think you're one of the stronger warriors in the clan."

She saw an admirable warrior, not a coward.... He was not his father. And she.... She wasn't soft and weak like her parents.

She shuffled a bit closer to him and pressed her head against his foreleg. It was another strange feeling, but not a wholly unwelcome one.

"Thank you..." She said, to the only adult to ever show her kindness.
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Reactions: WOLFSONG
──⇌•〘 INFO She raises a valid concern— valid only because of how tenuous positions are in WindClan, where clanmates become traitors at the first sign of a shifting breeze. He knows he will likely be under scrutiny for it, but Wolfsong welcomes it for the chance to convince them otherwise. "They already judge me," he says with good humor. "I do not mind it— I can sleep well knowing I have spurned a few bullies."

Their conversation has a visible effect on the apprentice: there's a sheen in her eyes and a quiver Wolfsong does not overlook. He chuckles despite himself. "You flatter me, but let us hope we never have to test that, shall we?" It was a gamble mentioning his father, who has left a bitter taste in the back of his mouth, but it seems to have helped her understand.

When she presses her head against his leg, he bends to touch her with his nose. "One day, they will regret what they have said— and whether you forgive is your choice, not theirs."

Azaleapaw decided at this moment that if she had any loyalty to anyone, it was Wolfsong. He was the only adult she fully trusted and respected. How could anyone judge him? If she heard anyone speak ill of him..... She would have words with them.

She listens to him speak, too choked to respond properly as she replayed his previous words in her head while still paying attention. She nods, because if any of those rat bastards tried to hurt him she would make them pay for it in blood.

The gentle touch from Wolfsong broke her composure, it was such a kind, soft touch, something she never received before. A whimper escaped her and her tears fell, soaking her face.

"I-I... I'm gonna.... I'm gonna show them all! I'm gonna become the strongest warrior in the clan and make them all regret treating me this way...." She said. Through violence or otherwise. Wouldn't it be great if she became a lead warrior? They would have to respect her. And if not, she could smack them without worry of punishment. Oh, how it would get under their skin.... Boil their blood... To have to kneel before a kittypet.

"And if...If anyone gets mad at you for being nice to me then..." A sniffle. "Then I'll fight them!" She said, less choked than she was before. She knew he didn't need protecting, but she wouldn't let him be bullied the way she was.