If I could hold you for a minute
- Sep 7, 2022
- 326
- 56
- 28
Freckleflame's words only further confirm the danger that the forest was now in. For the second time in his life he would face off against snapping jaws, only this time they were larger, smarter, more organized. The stories he used to hear from his mother about packs that worked similarly to clans - he had never expected to see them himself one day. Together they were organized, beautiful and so incredibly lethal to anything in the path of their destruction. A cat would make a fine meal for a wolf cub he thinks despairingly as claws curl into the earth and he bites back another curse. Like his friend, he had only thought them things of legend. Real enough, but not anything he was ever foolish enough to wish to see in his lifetime. They had been so far removed from his world other than in name. Gray Wolf, Little Wolf, Wolfwind... The irony of this situation does not escape him.
It is his uncle's agreement that surprises him the most. He casts the tabby a surprise glance out of the corner of his sun-colored eyes but nods his appreciation. They needed to know how many there were, how close they were to camp, for their own safety. His grandmother is quick to shut him down and for a moment, his ears flick backwards, a child scorned once again. Eventually, she agrees though and he once again nods, this time in her direction. "I have had training from my time in SkyClan. It will be okay." he says, his voice soft for he knows how concerned his grandmother could get and rightfully so. Just look at how much she has lost already... how much they have all lost.

A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.