private death divine ๐“†Ÿ foxtail

Despite the increase in twoleg activity, Hazecloud had never been more driven to set her paws out of camp. They were getting far too close, far too brave for her liking and had she held the title of a warrior she would have tracked every path they made and reported every movement she saw. She wouldn't say the other warriors were incapable, of course, but how anyone could sleep not knowing their every move was beyond her! Or maybe some of Lichenstar was rubbing off on her...

"So what will you do if a twoleg finds you?" She threw her question towards her warrior escort with an amused grin. Foxtail made for nice company in the way Ferngill had, good conversation and light fun. "Would you show me how you'd fight back? Never been much a fighter myself, truthfully." All quiet and stealth for her, a part of her that could never been shaken from her marsh colony days.

bingo slot for chub!
  • ย 

  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    โ€”โŠฐโ‹… Queen of RiverClan
    โ€”โŠฐโ‹… She/Her
    โ€”โŠฐโ‹… LH blue smoke with green eyes.

Foxtail needed this. He lets out a quiet sigh, in an attempt to calm his nerves as he pads alongside Hazecloud. The twolegs have overstayed their welcome in RiverClan. He doesn't understand why they are so interested in their river and their prey. And to make matters worse, those twolegs have noticed them too.... setting out traps to steal clanmates from their beloved home. Can't they understand that they aren't meant to live in a comfortable twoleg nest? Why do they think stealing clan cats would suddenly change their minds? He pads along the path, olive green eyes scanning for any kind of... oddity as they pad along.

He looks over at Hazecloud as she asks him what he'd do if a twoleg finds him, an amused grin on the queen's maw. "O-Oh, I'd scare that twoleg away," He jokes with a swish of his tail, "...It'd never want to take a step into our territory again after facing m-me!" Up until recently, the young warrior hadn't run across a twoleg before. Not even when he was an apprentice during last Newleaf.... getting trapped in that unnatural cage days ago was horrifying. He still thanks StarClan for them breaking him free, and will be forever grateful to be safe... right here, right now. "Would you show me how you'd fight back?" His ears prick as Hazecloud's amused tone turns to a serious one, "Never been much a fighter myself, truthfully."

Foxtail gives her a nod, as the reality of the clan's situation sinks in. Twolegs are getting closer and closer to their camp... they have stolen Troutsnout and Turtlepaw... and nearly got him and Lichenstar. It would be a good idea if some form of self-defense is fresh in Hazecloud's mind... in case twolegs ever enter their camp. "O-Of course," He mews with a flick of an ear, and the young warrior drops into a defense stance. "...First, I'd make myself appear l-larger than I am," He says as his fur bristles on their ends, twolegs tower over any kind of cat.... "I'll hiss at t-them, and swipe at their legs if they come too c-close," He further explains with a gentle lash of his tail.... he isn't actually angry with the RiverClan queen. "I-If they dare to grab me, I'll bite them hard!" His fur relaxes, and the warrior looks over to her with encouraging eyes. "...Would you like to practice on m-me?"

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to kabliahk via insta for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    19 moons

She might be in luck that Foxtail is willing to entertain her. She had heard the tom capable of slipping out of the traps his patrol with Lichenstar had discovered, maybe he had some other tricks that could be helpful for it all. Hazecloud didn't imagine her worries would ever come to fruition, that the fur-barren beasts would discover the island and cause them to flee to the copse again. But it was good to be prepared... safe, as she wouldn't always be confined to the nursery.

"That works?" Hazecloud mirrored the tom in bristling the fur down her spine, fluffing up her fur to twice it's size. She's sure this is what Eveningkit must have seen her as the night she brought that twoleg item into their nest. It's hard to get it all though, her hackles rising and such. Perhaps something in her could only trigger in the true moment of fear and anger.

"Are you sure? I'll keep my claws in, but don't go easy on me okay? I'll be back in the warriors den soon enough." Laughter returned to her voice as she settled opposite of the tom. She kept her fur as prickly as she could, swiping and purposefully missing his front legs as if they were the towering limbs of a twolegs.

Then, in a moment to take him by surprise, she stood on her hind legs to strike her paws through the air. "Ha! They won't expect this!" The queen declared in confidence, her balance wavering as the muscles strained to keep her upright. The uneven ground did her no favors, and Hazecloud tumbled backwards into the shrubs behind.

A piercing creak snapped from behind her and the plush grass was lined with cold material. "Foxtail?" Hazecloud gasped, spinning around to look for her escort. Her heart thudded loudly against her ribs and as her claws sank into the earth. "Foxtail! Get me out of here!"

  • ย 

  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    โ€”โŠฐโ‹… Queen of RiverClan
    โ€”โŠฐโ‹… She/Her
    โ€”โŠฐโ‹… LH blue smoke with green eyes.

  • Wow
Reactions: antlers
It was a blessing from StarClan that Foxtail managed to break out of that trap days ago. He had fully believed he was going to be taken away tooโ€” his claws were useless against those cold, firm bars. It didn't matter how much he hissed at the twoleg within the trap, the twoleg was no longer afraid of his teeth and claws once they confined him. He had only been trapped for a minute, but it had felt like hours. He can still feel the cold, unnatural base of the trapโ€” it was terrifying. He blinks his thoughts away as Hazecloud's voice reaches his ears, as she gets into a defensive stance, mimicking him. "That works?" She asks him, as her fur puffs up to twice it's size, and the tom wants to nod. "...I-I'd hope so," He mews with a flick of an ear. "Twolegs are t-tricky, you know. We can only do s-so much against them..." They can certainly scare away a twoleg kit if they dare come too close, or maybe a skittish adult. Sadly, these twolegs have been more.... daring than most. What if that isn't enough? What else can they do to protect themselves from these twolegs?

He gives the queen a firm nod, his tail slowly swishing behind him. "G-Got it," He confirms as his ears prick at her laugh, and the warrior keeps his claws in as well. There is absolutely no need for his claws; Hazecloud is a clanmate... not an enemy. He knows far too well what it's like to be trained with claws out... it isn't a pleasant experience. They can train perfectly fine without the use of their claws. "You'll be b-back in the warriors den before you know it!" Her kits are growing up so fast, aren't they? It felt like it was only yesterday they were newborns! As she deliberately misses his front legs but swipes with bristled fur, the warrior steps back... as he imagines a twoleg would stumble back in surprise if their skin broke & drew blood. "Good g-good!" He praises as he steps back forward, encouraging her to do it again with a beckoning of his head.

She doesn't lunge forward again, though. He's prepared to step back at another swipe, but the queen stands on her hind legs and swipes through the air with her paws. "Ha! They won't expect this!" Hazecloud's confident voice reaches his ears, and the warrior lets out a warmhearted laugh. "...You'd definitely catch them by s-surprise!" Foxtail mews, but his light smile disappears as Hazecloud's balance begins to waver. He barely gets to blink before she stumbles backwards, stumbling right into a thick shrub behind them. "Woah, you okay Hazecloud?" He asks, expecting the queen to emerge from the shrub with leaves and sticks stuck to her fur.

...But she doesn't emerge from the bush, and the tom freezes at that familiar crescendo. No no no, it can't be. Dread sinks deep into Foxtail's veins, and then he hears Hazecloud's voiceโ€” and his heart sinks at the terror in her voice. "Foxtail? ... Foxtail! Get me out of here!" "I'm coming Hazecloud!" Foxtail leaps into action with a yowl, pushing himself through the tough shrubbery. He remembers how quickly the twolegs arrived at Lichenstar's patrol... there is no time to waste! "H-hang on!" He cries out with a panicked voice, finally pushing through the bush, sticks and leaves stuck to his fur. His olive green eyes land on Hazecloud... StarClan there is nowhere for her to go! She is surrounded by those cold, unnatural bars from every corner... and Foxtail races over to her.

He skids to a stop in front of the cage; he remembers this side was the exit! "I'm gonna get y-you out!" His claws make contact with the locking mechanism that keeps her imprisoned, and he prays to StarClan that he can somehow get it open. Faster now! He urgently tells himself, and he raises his paw in the air to swipe one more time. ...But before his paw can make any contact, an unnatural, hairless hand grips his fur, and yanks him into the air. His attention shifts onto the twoleg that dared to pick him up, and the warrior hisses & struggles against their grasp, as he swipes his claws and twists his body.

The twoleg lets out a yelp as Foxtail bites down into their flesh, and their grip on the young warrior fades away. He falls onto the ground on all fours, and he looks back over to where he saw Hazecloud last. But his gaze doesn't land on her.... rather an empty impression of where the cage was. No! His head whips as he watches another twoleg secure Hazecloud's cage into a monster, They distracted me! "Stop!" He yowls at the twolegs, but his yowl is drowned out by the monster's rumbling. The twoleg that he bit barked something he couldn't understand and it slammed the monster's door shut. "HAZECLOUD!" He tries to race after the monster, but it quickly leaves his sight.... tears rolling down his cheeks.

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to kabliahk via insta for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    19 moons

  • Crying