death doesn't discriminate

He hardly has time to debrief from whatever happened at the border. It does not matter now, as a cacophony of howls and growls directed at a certain silver Molly. It was only a matter of time, Ravenpaw believed. He often oscillated between where Hyacinthbreath's loyalty lied. In some cases she showed affection for her former Clan—more like whatever kin she still had back there—and fierce loyalty to RiverClan. If she really had murdered Juniperfrost, she ought to have known she could never go back to her first home. Why jeopardize her second?

Ravenpaw had turned his claws against his own father—a polite and well-meaning cat who had been met with the crazed wrath of a mottled tom. That same tom was screeching at Hyacinthbreath now, the very same cat he allowed without much question into the Clan. His lips curl open in a bitter frown. His father would have never squandered such a chance to live in a Clan, yet this friend of the leader's was given one and betrayed it. Ravenpaw hoped it hurt both Cicadastar and Smokethroat. He wished vindictively that they realized how much of a hypocrisy this all was—how much of a mistake it was to let her and nothing else in.

He was free from any guilt. Ravenpaw had never liked Hyacinthbreath. He believed her cries and sobs were only seeking for pity that had been wasted. He felt no less betrayal than the average RiverClan cat. He watched from the shadows, eyes narrowed. The only shard she was leaving behind was her pathetic apprentice, Dovepaw.

A few moons ago, we fought a Clan for your so-called honor. And you did not have the decency to fight for us.

Iciclefang remembers a Gathering she'd attended shortly after Hyacinthbreath had fled WindClan. She'd watched idly as the silver molly had exchanged soft words with a moorland warrior, pale with a smoked face and paws. She'd known then that the cat she sought at Fourtrees was her son, and she remembers the first thought she'd had when witnessing their interaction. Is it possible for her to truly be loyal to RiverClan, when she acts like that with a WindClanner?

Again, she recalls Hyacinthbreath throwing herself at Cicadastar's paws, pleading for the lives of two brow-beaten WindClan refugees. For their sanctuary. She had thought, then, too, that Hyacinthbreath could not be trusted. She'd done her best to accept the other she-cat—she'd even swam with her to finesse her skills, for StarClan's sake.

At the end of the day, though, you can't make a RiverClan warrior out of someone who will not let go of their past. She thinks this to herself as Cicadastar denounces her for disloyalty, tells her to leave. Petalnose and Clayfur's claws unsheathe. Sablepaw follows on their heels to chase Hyacinthbreath from their territory. During the altercation, Iciclefang's fur is fluffed up with excitement and adrenaline, and her own claws glint in the light of the dying sun.

She'd been prepared to follow, to ensure there's not even a tuft of clawed-off fur within their boundaries, but a skunk-striped shadow gives her pause. Boneripple. The former ShadowClanner watches, stoic, but her orange eyes are troubled. Iciclefang's blue gaze narrows as she rakes it over the other outsider. "What's wrong?" Her voice is cool, but sharp as the tips of her claws. "Counting your days?"

She sees Smokethroat leaving the crowd, and Iciclefang wonders if he's feeling sorry—sorry that he ever spoke for Hyacinthbreath. She does not follow him. She has no comfort to offer him, to anyone. Pikesplash all but trembles in his blue fur, pressing himself to Dovepaw as they watch the true RiverClanners run a traitor out of their home.

Iciclefang snorts, but it's barely audible, feather-soft. She can feel herself beginning to doubt the constitution of her Clanmates, and she never has before—except for the ones who don't belong, of course, like Boneripple and Hyacinthbreath. She turns from her seat as a spectator, stalking away in search of something better to do than gawk.

// out!


The poisonous spill from Cindershade's maw is another reminder to never get on the she-cats bad side. She can't say she didn't feel like Hyacinthbreath deserved it, that she didn't deserve the words thrown from all her Clanmates. The pale tabby had started a war between her homes, new and old. They had stood by her defense at the encouragement of Smokethroat and Cicadastar, willing to understand and believe the best in her. To believe that she would remain loyal to RiverClan, would defend RiverClan.

You better pray to StarClan that Cicadastar have mercy on you, because I pray he doesn't. I hope he skins you alive.

How quickly prayers were answered.

A sideways glance confirmed Lichentail had taken place at her other side. There's too much going on for her to think too much into it, Cicadastar's declarations draw her attention once again. Ears flatten as blood is demanded. She had expected Hya would have been given a grueling punishment, something along the lines of being camp-bound or something less violent than the carnage that followed her. The smoky she-cat watched her Clanmates bound for the newly disgraced exile, holding her breath. She leaned sideways as Petalnose joined chase, just hardly brushing against Lichentail before pulling herself away again. Poor habits, poor habits...

An apologetic glance is her last acknowledgement to the other before she left to approach Ravenpaw. "Little brother," She addressed him affectionately, though her tone was all but. Strained in attempts to sound positive despite the event. She wouldn't participate in the chase, that simply wasn't her. More Chicorybite's style... "I'll come help you with some of the injured cats." She didn't want to stay to watch the possibility of Hyacinthbreath turning to ribbons, but she would make herself useful elsewhere. Hazecloud made one last look over her shoulder to see who had given chase before turning back into camp.

// out!!
The river itself held its breath, not daring to make a single splash or splatter as the bird of the river's paradise flounced through the undergrowth with eyes made of steely ice. Though he boomed a question at a volume that far exceeded the ones who had already gathered, Lichentail was still left stunned by the wicked speed at which he struck the lilac femme. It was not entirely unexpected... but it was fierce and left no time to react. Hyacinthbreath could not even plead more than a few words at a time before interruption set fangs at her throat and a growl of unforgiving hatred was her only partner.

Lichentail didn't believe she was truly a real traitor... just a foolish girl who forgot that things weren't simple, that rules had consequences. It hadn't been with any sort of stinging nettle that her tongue had warned her to be careful, that she would make herself an enemy of the clan if she wasn't careful... but she'd expected her words to be that-- a warning.

Cicadastar withheld no patience or kindness for the WindClan blood that sat there, begging for forgiveness, for another chance and like wild hounds did her clan-mates set upon her, tearing at her heels like hungry dogs. It unsettled her... It was not what she'd wanted. Hazecloud's gentle touch spoke volumes of what she thought too (they knew each other too well... didn't they?) and to the blue's dismay, the other ashy molly stood to hurry after Ravenpaw.

Stumbling to her paws as the gathered began to disperse, she pulled herself back onto shaky paws before ambling back towards the camp... There was nothing left for her to do here. There were plenty of hunters to track her down and see her gone from the water-logged territory... Lichentail had fought enough. She was tired... no more bloodshed. Not today.

At Hazecloud's suggestion that she might be of help, she let out a grumbling protest, "I'm right here you can at least help me back to camp before Ravenpaw bites my tail about it." It was mostly a joke... mostly to take some of the stinging venom from the air... but partly because she knew the little medicine cat apprentice would eat her alive if she didn't make it back swiftly (it was already against the rules to be wandering around out here anyways).

/out !!​