pafp DECEPTACON | open

Chrysaliswing never saw much use for the continuous cycling of kittypets and daylight warriors and loners and rogues into and out of Skyclan. A vicious spiral, the tom was sure that it would spell death for his home one day. Even as he was born here, the chimaera never found the reason why Blazestar let so many of those freeloaders and traitors into the clan - or, at least, a reasoning that he personally agreed with. He had wondered, briefly, if their predecessors allowed this injustice to happen, or if they were just as woolly-eyed as the current state of those that lived within the pines. It angered him, but he knew his anger was not enough to change the world.

In his stupor, he bumped into yet another unfamiliar face with the stench of the Twolegplace to match. That foul smell made his lip upturn almost subconsciously, and though he could never exactly describe it, it was a persistent and gangrenous thing anyhow. Like the bane of the wolf, it was a deathly and bright feature, almost as though an identifier of sorts. No matter how much an outsider washed in their rivers and rolled in their soils, they could never erase where they came from.

A sneer crossed his visage as he saw the piece of prey in Macaroni's mouth. She hadn't hunted for it - she hardly deserved to be in their clan, let alone eat. That sense of pure entitlement (to him) filled him with an indescribable rage, a white-hot flash that pulsed through the frayed wires for veins. The orange-and-white molly earned his easy ire for the moment, like catching fire between her paws - too hot to ever hold for long.

"Do you think you deserve that fresh-kill, you fat excuse for a kittypet? You have enough blubber to last twelve leaf-bares. Leave some for the rest of us hard-working warriors."


It was only the first few days of spending time in Skyclan's camp. She had yet to be given a mentor and to begin learning the laws of the clan. For the most part, it seemed as though everyone was kind, and welcomed her being there. There were, however, a pawful of those who were not as thrilled about the arrangement. Having decided to eat a small meal before being taken out on a brief tour by an npc, she found herself suddenly being targeted by Chrysaliswing as she turned to face him, the bird dangling from her jaws. "There's plenty still here! Did you want this bird? I can pick something else!" Setting the plump bird at her paws, she would gaze at the warrior with a concerned look. Had she taken the prey he'd wanted? He was upset, but she didn't understand why. The last thing she wanted was to upset her new friend, and hoped that offering the prey to him and selecting another option would be the best conflict resolution.

Dogbite had spent his early moons as a loner alongside their mother and siblings. After her late passing, they had sought to find meaning in life and the answer had been Skyclan. He'd served a long and hard road with many challenges and lessons. Many of which he internalized deeply, pushing him forward to always work hard and improve. So much so that he doubted any cat would deny his unyielding loyalty. Sadly, a few hostile glares and disapproving stares weren't a rarity in his experience. Though he certainly didn't receive it as frequently as cats that came from a pampered lifestyle. Something the Skyclanner couldn't relate to as his life had never been one of niceties or patted heads. Coming in from the most recent patrol, the cinnamon and white feline carried a fattened mouse in their jowls.

Just as he was wandering to the pile to deposit it, the venomous words halted him from further action. Hm? Looking up, they caught wind of the nasty remark directed at the soft newcomer. Anger was a scarcity in his deck of emotions, but one they didn't pull out lightly. Lashing his feathery tail, the ex-loner approached with a disappointed grimace. Dropping the catch at their paws and pushing it toward the chimera. Unlike the irritation slowly creeping into their mind, their voice held no inkling of it. "If hunger is what causes you to lack decorum, then have my share, Chrysaliswing." He cast a stern gaze on the frame of the fellow warrior before dropping it. Some cats need to learn how to treat others. Holding back the remark, he instead turned his attention to Macaroni.

It was difficult for them to understand the other, much less sympathize as they had little knowledge of the kittypet. Still, a part of them believed everyone deserved the benefit of the doubt and they appeared genuinely confused. Shaking their head visibly, the scarred tabby meowed mildly. "It is preferred that daylight warriors eat their two-legs kibble during leaf-bare. Non-kitty pet clanmates don't have the luxury of additional resources." Their tone carried on as he looked indifferently at the ground below. "Which is why those more vulnerable such as queens, elders, and kits eat first, and those that are fit hunt and eat last." Alas, his cool expression laid back on the fluffy newcomer, and for a beat, his resolve softened. "You've much to learn, so it's okay to not know our customs. Just be sure to memorize them in the future." Hoping to soothe the tensions, he aimed to hop the conversations elsewhere. "Do you still visit your two-legs or have you decided to stay with us full time?"

  • ooc ;
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 30 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:

Although memories of his life before the clan side reside vividly in his head, with each day that passes more and more information is shared with him they become more far away, more distant. Picking up on the information is a more difficult task, but one he's familiarizing himself with. "Hey.. That's not cool." No appearance is made of his usual dopey smile. Retaining his heft under his soft coat, he slumps to the ground on his haunches. Passing words pointed at him, he's heard the comments about his former occupation and isn't entirely oblivious. They slip off easily, but the cruelty in which Chrysaliswing jabs, the way in which he wields his words towards the daylight warrior has the entirely always unbothered feline twitching his nose in distaste.

Dogbite imparts his knowledge, likely more than the former kittypet could share. Fluffy head rises and falls in agreement, as if it isn't his first time hearing this stipulation, having not much reason to be educated in the innerworkings of daylight warriors due to not being one himself. Macaroni hasn't done anything terrible as far as he can tell, can't understand the distaste, the contemptuousness directed at her. "I guess... prey doesn't like the cold." He adds to Dogbite, a consideration he's never had a need to think about. He turns to Macaroni, curious to the answer to the warrior.

Chrysaliswing was not his favourite warrior. The chimera had been a vile apprentice, forever tainted by whatever half-warrior had decided to mentor them before him and seemingly hating everyone that did not have SkyClan blood flowing through their veins (a shame he had not learned that that blood was a privilege, not a right), but even the time-blind rooster may caw right every once in a while. Silversmoke's gaze snapped up as the young warrior brought attention to the bird hanging within Macaroni's mouth, an icy ripple of silver fur crawling down his long spine. It had been a StarClan miracle that the spotted tabby had not been there for the apprentice's joining, he had heard through the grapevine of the awful attitude the other shared, treating survival as a joke more than a necessity. Witnessing it first-hand, the Lead Warrior felt as if his blood could melt the snow he stood upon. He moved forwards, his pawsteps not his own, a curled lip bringing about the promise of insult after insult. Dogbite spoke first as the tomcat postured, his raccoon-striped tail lashing with a thinly concealed fury. 'You shouldn't need to be taught this, it's common sense' - but who was to say that kittypets had any?

Their naivety was tolerable when it did not affect SkyClan, today however, he felt as if a queen or elder could've gone hungry because of the actions of this newcomer. He waited for Dogbite to finish, the pause agonising as a tempest of emotions brewed, before the snake-eyed tom spoke. "Do not give that bird to Chrysaliswing." A command, calmer than he realised. Mistakes could be amended, rights could be wronged... but so help the Daylight apprentice if she turned that lackadaisical attitude onto him instead. "Dogbite speaks the truth, and Chrysaliswing is neither kitten, queen, nor elder, even if he complains like the latter." A sharp glance was offered to his former apprentice, a warning that if he was to speak such truths, he would need to do so without such an acrid tongue. Poison could cure when given in small doses, but Chrys' toxins were like deathberries, corrupting everything until all anybody saw was blood red. His attention fell back onto Macaroni, expression so taciturn it looked as if the tom was attending a vigil for a fallen clanmate. "Take it to the nursery," he gestured his broad head towards the holly bush.


Suddenly, it seemed as if one small thing was now a big thing. Everyone seemed awful mad too. Nobody had told her she wasn't supposed to eat here! How would she have known? She'd been hanging out in camp with everyone but few clanmates bothered with her. "They're very busy." She'd been told. A simple enough answer to keep the kitten occupied and content, moving on with her life. "I go back home at night! I-I didn't know I couldn't eat I swear! How was I supposed to know that?!" Her puzzled (and somewhat hurt) expression fell upon Dogbite before shifting to Dolly and Silversmoke. Was she really not allowed to eat here? What if she was hungry? With a defeated gaze (and the shame of feeling the clan's hateful gazes upon her pelt) the kitten would quickly take the bird to the nursery (or what she thought was the nursery, and potentially after a wrong turn or two) before reluctantly returning to the group of her clanmates, tail dropping and she gazed at the earth beneath her paws, determined not to cry in front of them.

Dogbite had little knowledge of the newcomers origins or joining just the small spots of information laid before him. What they gathered was the kittypet was far younger than he realized and clearly unaware of Skyclan's ways. Upon Silversmoke's arrival the tabby peered away from the kit. Taking in the spotted Skyclanner's unhappy body language.

Hearing the lead's retort placed a satisfied smile on Dogbite's mug. Serves you right. Yet, said smile wiped from their face as the blunt order is given to Macaroni. The former loner's expression lit up with surprise and melted into regret. Realization curdled the earlier relief as they noted Silversmoke's disdain was in fact directed at both cats not just Chrysaliswing. Seems like some things never change around here.

A frown befell him as the startled youth scrambled away at the demand. Ushering frightened apologizes in her haste that made his chest tighten. The scruffy warrior felt deflated. Well that could've gone much better. It wasn't often he utilized his voice but it seemed this time was a missed opportunity. Maybe I should've been a bit gentler? Now that Macaroni had excused herself his gaze turned icy.

He had no more words to offer so they chose silence. A venom he gifted few was laid bare at the younger warrior. They made their silent position clear that they wouldn't be moving from that spot. A deeper part of themself feeling the urge to keep an eye on the cruel warrior. Awaiting to see if the other dared to argue only for his brooding to halt as Macaroni returned defeated. Seeing their dropping frame was enough to break him out of the spell.

Sympathy swelled in his chest as well as gratitude for the second chance. Turning away from the other feline's present he leaned down to level with Macaroni. Blinking slowly he aimed to nudge the younger cats shoulder. Offering a muted apology in the gesture as he spoke. "Here, let me show you to the nursery. We can share a meal together. Sound nice?" Their words fell flat but were sincere none the less. He knew a bit of patience and guidance could go a long way in the world.

  • ooc ;
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 30 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:

"No, I don't want the bird. I'm not a glutton, unlike the cat I'm talking to." Needle-thin whiskers twitched as he sneered, as though innervated with anxious electricity, a sort of static excitement that only came as the lightning bolt primed to strike. Daimonic-colored tom, with his pelt the boundary between destructive blaze and the ashes of its wake, offered no solace for those he deemed unworthy of it. Which was, unfortunately, every cat that graced his ire. World-weary was the feline who refused to travel all but one hill, of which was the steepest and most terrible of them all - ignorance. His mismatches eyes swam in pools of disquietude, as though a restless sea of biting saltwater and churning coat.

Chrysaliswing shot envenomed glares to Dogbite and Softheart, but especially to his former mentor Silversmoke. For a cat who was meant to be a guiding figure, the silver-pelted lead warrior felt it his duty to spit criticisms and such like a sorry serpent. Not that Chrysalis felt the inclination to even listen. Within vitriol meeting vitriol, it was a pyrrhic war at best, like two wildfires clashing. The other two were cats he did not know as well, though his tongue never lost its barbs and his heart never waned in its asperous beat.

Of course all the cats took the side of the indulgent excuse for a Skyclan apprentice. He watched with burning-coal stare as Dogbite nudged for Macaronipaw to join him, in a kindness that had never been extended to the creature of brittle temper. Why would they? He had never shown an inch of kindness to them. Let them starve themselves, then.
"Go ahead, let the outsider eat all of our food and leave us nothing for leaf-bare. But don't come running back to me when you've nothing for yourself."