pafp Demons, it's me, ya boy ⚜ Frog in a fairy ring


I'd let the world burn for you
Jan 17, 2024
*+:。.。 Duckshimmer was not the type to believe in omens and superstitions, but she was wise enough to know a trap when she saw one.

The patrol had started off like any other - as of late, anyway, with cats thrumming with excitement over what was sure to be an easy hunt. Frogs chirped incessantly all around them, humming for attention without much care as to who they were attracting. Duckshimmer couldn't say she felt her fellow patrol-mate's enthusiasm, though. The rain made her pelt uncomfortably heavy, and the mud that squished between her toes only worsened the invasive feeling. But camp wasn't a respite she felt like enduring, so she figured she'd make a game out of the challenge-less hunt. To Mourningbloom, she proposed this - the cat who catches the most frogs between them gets to switch places on any upcoming dawn patrol of their choosing. Now, a fire was lit beneath her paws, for Duckshimmer had been loathing her assigned morning patrol the next day. Determined to win, she had set forth with a pep in her - still very muddy - step.

As predicted, competition with Mourningbloom had been stiff. The two were neck and neck and as the storm clouds threatened to drop their torrential luggage, the clock was ticking. So this last frog would be it - the winning catch! Duckshimmer's claws itched for victory!

That is, until she laid eyes upon it.

"Go on darling, I concede, you win, go catch it" she reiterates, glancing sideways at her competition and wondering, uncomfortably nervous, why he didn't just go for it. Mostly hoping that he didn't ask why she didn't just go for it.

I mean, it was all-in-all perfect. A frog, fat as a badger, sat lazily upon a stone, head raised as though waiting languidly for the rain. It was practically begging to get it's jugular ripped out! And yet...and was surrounded all around in a too-perfect circle by mushrooms. All too-perfectly sized, too-perfectly spaced. Duckshimmer wasn't Starclan's biggest fan, but damn...she kinda wanted to fetch Magpiepaw and Starlingheart suddenly. Coincidences happened in nature all the time, this probably meant nothing at all besides nature's beauty at it's finest!

Surely it was just a coincidence?
Had to be.

Yet Duckshimmer's paws refused to move as she smiled sweetly - nervously - at Mourningbloom. C'mon Mourningbloom...prove that it's all just a coincidence!

  • // alternate title: she was a fairy (referring to the frog)

    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    30 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently

The croaks of frogs were, for obvious reasons, getting on his nerves. The louder they croaked, the louder his thoughts had to become. But there was a way to get them to be quiet - hunt them. Get rid of them. That, he had no problem doing. Hunting would get boring after a while, but Duckshimmer suggested a competition between the two. Mourningbloom wasn't exactly out for the prize, but it would be nice... extra time to sleep... Oh yeah. The more they hunted, the more he wanted the prize.

They were so close in number at this point, and he kept his eyes out for another victim, hoping to win. The croak of the frog hit his ears and he turned towards it, noticing his patrol-mate looking at the same frog. As she spoke, he carefully examined the frog and it's surroundings. He didn't understand why the molly offered it to him. It was right there, perfect for the taking, and clearly she put her eyes on it first. Mourningbloom cocked his head to the side, responding, "Why? You saw it first. Go ahead."

Eyes glanced to Duckshimmer before looking back at the frog. Mushrooms, but not just any normal ones - they were arranged in a circle. "Why are they like that..?" He questioned, stepping closer, making sure not to disturb the frog. Maybe he would catch it, but... those mushrooms were weird.