
Mar 14, 2024
Beetlekit had a silent and swift realization.

Being allowed outside of the nursery was fun. It was really great- seeing everyone in action, begging Howlingstar or Raccoonstripe or Flamewhisker any chance he saw them (which he saw Flamewhisker way more often then the other two) to make him an apprentice early. Hoping that someday he'll be able to become a strong warrior and be allowed out of camp! That was the part that really made him upset and restless. A hot breath left him as he stretched his paws out, bored as he nosed at a moss ball. The temperatures were slowly raising, and he felt the warmth in his dark fur.

Beetlekit did enjoy that he looked so much like his dad- he could look down, see the dark fur on his body, and match it up to his dad. Would he be as striking and strong as a figure? Beetlekit hoped so, he really did! Then he could be great, a lead warrior, and- his eyes blinked, staring at the thing that landed on his moss ball.

It was dark in shape, with a billion legs and beady eyes and little tiny antlers that stuck up and were really tiny and- "NO, EWWW." Beetlekit cried out, pushing to his paws and scrambling away from the bug, which prompted it to take off, flying in the air and lazily drift after him. Was that on purpose? He sure hoped not. He was- Beetlekit inhaled sharply, choking back another sob-scream as his paw smacked at it. His fat, heavy paw, flicking it away from him.

While Beetlekit had his mini-breakdown in the corner, the bug simply bounced off the ground and floated up out of camp.

———————---***I DON'T START FIGHTS BUT***——————---

  • LH black smoke with green eyes. scruffy looking with a very solid build.
    2 moons old; ages the 16th every month
    tba orient. ; currently not looking
    child of BURNSTORM and ROEFLAME
    thunderclan ; loyal to FAMILY
    medium to befriend ; trusts family mostly, trusts little otherwise
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Since freshly turning six moons, Softpaw had been saddled with new responsibility in the form of finally being able to leave camp and enter the forest - unlike her sister, who had decided to sneak out early and had paid the price with injuries she would have to grow used to having. But it wasn't as if Softpaw was out of the ThunderClan camp at all times, and she still enjoyed doing her duties in camp, like changing nests or helping with repairs to the barrier that protected the camp.

Her time in camp lately had certainly been lively, with an abundance of new kittens pouring out of the nursery every chance she got to look over at the den. She wondered just how crowded it was inside, if it was anything like the time she had spent in ShadowClan with kits of every Clan at her side. There had been a decent amount of them.

A soft cry sounded near the nursery and Softpaw swiveled her ears towards the noise, at first startled and then concerned for the kits, before she realized that it was just a kit who seemed to have had a bad encounter with something or other that they weren't familiar with. She hated to admit that the event with the wolves had left her on edge, especially after they were gone and with such sacrifice.

"What's bothering you?" Softpaw asked as she trotted over to where the kit was flailing in the corner, taking note of a bug that was lazily floating into the air. Surely it wasn't that little thing that had terrorized the kit.

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Her sons namesake was not conjured from the queens love for bugs- honestly, Roeflame had always been rather indifferent towards four-legged insects. Beetlekit had been named in honor of her former mentor, a chosen kin- though as the ticked queen watches her sons encounter with an actual insect, she wonders if something along the likes of Wing or Flight would have been a better alternative.
He cries out, and Roeflame shifts to her paws, letting Softpaw approach her kit first before his mother would come swooping in- it was important to build relationships with your peers first, wasn’t it?
Still, the queen doesn’t linger away from too long, watching as the bug seems satisfied with its hazing and drifts away.
“Breathe, darling.” Roeflame says, offering a small smile in Softpaws direction before settling down beside her second born, touching her nose to his temple. Since the moment her kittens had learned to toddle, their breathing had been Roeflames biggest fret. The illness that inflicted her own lungs was a mystery- who knew if she could have passed it on to her children?
“Sometimes bugs get curious just like us, I’m sure it was just wanting to say hi.” Roeflame doesn’t know if this is actual fact, but seeing Beetlekit in such a state threw a wrench in the queens gut- she would give him a lesson on the difference between a caterpillar and a wasp when the kitten was able to calm himself.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


There is a certain facination in which Meadowkit faces the newness of her surroundings. Where most kits shrink back, Meadowkit displays a fearlessness that the adults say she must have inherited from her parents. She is the first to jump forwards instead of backwards, the first to venture into all the dens only to be chased out by one of the occupants who live there, her head thrown back and laughter escaping from her jaws as she calls a flippant "Sorry!" over ehr shoulder. Not much in this world scared her, after all, if there were any real dangers then she has every confidence that the grown ups of her clan will keep her safe, that they would certainly not be lounging around the camp sharing tongues and digging into their meals if there were anything at all to be fearing right now.

So when Beetlekit's cries break the perfect stillness of the camp, of course Meadowkit is instantly on snowy paws and rushing to her cousins side to see just what is wrong. Softpaw asks the same question she had upon her lips, but Beetlekits mother, her auntie, is there with an answer. Meadowkit's green eyes flit upwards to find the offending bug "That's what scared you?" she asks, looking from her cousin to the beetle that floats lazily away and suddenly she is standing on her hind legs and then she is bringing her paw down quickly and forcefully. There is a SPLAT when her foot connects with the ground again, and the bug is no more. "There, I KILLED it!" she says, a proud look finding its way into her features as she shakes the remnants of the insect off of her paws "Now it can never bother you again!" Wasn't she just the BEST cousin EVER?

  • oZHYGDl.jpeg

  • 79402766_SDCTSiSnicLgq5m.png
    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training
Beetlekit wasn't totally sure about all of the cats in camp yet- they each came with their own names and personalities and Beetlekit didn't like that. Nope, it was too much, they needed to stick to themselves! However, some of them were just... undeniably nice, and his momma told him to be nice, so he had to be! Beetlekit's eyes snapped towards Softpaw as she approached, backing into Roeflame from where she drew undeniably close. "There was a-"

Breathe, darling. How could he argue with that? Beetlekit inhaled gently, ears angling backwards, vision shifting to his mother. A calming sight- like a gentle torch, unbothered by the roaring wind of a typhoon. His fur slowly flattened, and he nodded his head slowly. "Just saying hi." Beetlekit repeated softly, vision shifting towards where the bug was lazily floating. Well, maybe that wasn't so bad, right? Bugs were allowed to say hi, just like new cats were.

That's what scared you? "Scared me is a- I'm NOT scared." He declared, rather bravely in the fact of adversity, but it didn't seem that he had much time to sway her decision. His cousin was already leaping into the air, paw smacking the bug on the ground. His eyes watch the remnants get flung, and it reminds him of the prey he watches other eat. His nose wrinkled sharply. "Yeah, I GUESS so. But now it's all over your paw, Med. That's kinda gross." He sighed thickly.

His gaze turned back towards Softpaw and his momma. "Wait. If it just wanted to say HI, then why did Meadowkit kill it? Isn't that rude?"

—————---***I DON'T START FIGHTS BUT***————---

  • LH black smoke with green eyes. scruffy looking with a very solid build.
    2 moons old; ages the 16th every month
    tba orient. ; currently not looking
    child of BURNSTORM and ROEFLAME
    thunderclan ; loyal to FAMILY
    medium to befriend ; trusts family mostly, trusts little otherwise
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed