- Oct 28, 2022
- 443
- 189
- 43

Stormywing's paws sting and bleed by the time they have stopped for what they think could be the night. Her shoulder aches from helping to hold up Iciclefang, but it's a job she won't complain about. After all, the tortoiseshell is undoubtedly in a lot more pain than she is. At Smogmaw's instructions, they have found a dry corner of a wide cavern and she inwardly groans at the realization they have no bedding. They will sleep on cold, hard stone, surrounded by even more cold, hard stone. She shivers at the thought but slips up to stand with everyone else anyhow to pick out their sleeping spots. Instinctively, she draws nearer to Lightstrike, the tom's familiarity a comfort to her when she can't see anything else. "I'm freezing," She complains, her voice cracking with exhaustion. With a heavy sigh, she flops onto her stomach and begins diligently licking her paws, wincing at the metallic taste. She wishes they had Berryheart with them right about now...he always had the best stuff for sore paw pads. A shiver runs down her spine, as the cold from the ground begins to seep into her bones, only causing her to curl in even tighter on herself.