Diem’s Ready // Hunting (Prompt)

The reappearance of rogues trying to drive SkyClan out makes Drizzlepelt feel the need to spring into action, and quick. The last thing they need is to be weak when the threat of battle looms over them all, and he’s always been a bleeding heart despite it all. So when he figures they might not run into much trouble, he takes Orchidpaw and some others with him on a hunting patrol.

“Remember that we’re hunting for those weaker than us,” Drizzlepelt starts with, mostly aimed at the apprentice rather than the group as a whole, “so let’s do our best. We’ll head straight to the nursery after we’re finished.” Assuming they’ll bring anything back… prey is not so scarce that they’ll come up empty handed, but the fear that they’ll be robbed is at the front of his mind. But he cannot predict the future, so all he can do is to try his best anyways.

// OOC : Mentioning @Orchidpaw! but anyone can reply first :3
Our most vulnerable still need to be fed in the midst of all this—hunt and bring back prey for the queens, kits, medicine cats, and injured Clanmates!
*+:。.。 By this point, Orchidpaw would've already disappeared with a half-assed excuse and a mischievous wink. Instead, he walked in step with his new mentor, face set in stone as he stared ahead, ignoring the rabbit instinct that made his ears swivel and the fur along his back stand on end as his mind did it's best to supply images of rogues pounding out of the shadows at any moment. He refused to be scared. Not again. "As opposed to hunting for the strongest among us?" Orchidpaw would say dryly, hazel eyes narrowing into sharp lines. He'd pull a paw over his almost-perfect fur fringe with a huff, reeling back his thoughts and nerves enough to smile painfully at Drizzlepelt. "Sorry, sorry, I know what you meant I'm..." The smile waned, but he ensured it didn't fall. "Let's just get this over with, I smell rain and if my fur gets any muddier I'm never leaving the apprentice's den again" he lets out his typical exaggerated whine, doing his best to play it up to drown out everything else. Sniffing the air, he'd lower into a crouch and follow what he hopes is a mouse's trail through the underbrush.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Apprentice
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherrypaw, Eggpaw, Glimmerpaw

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Got yerself an interesting one, eh, kiddo? He thought, coming to a languid halt, smokey tail flickering, watching the kid slink off through the underbrush, nose crinkling in muffled amusement. It was natural to think like that, someone as young as Orchidpaw, the older warrior remained silent, glancing at Drizzlepelt through his peripheral, burning molten crinkling.

His bulky build shifted, helm tilted, and scents glided across a sandpaper tongue, deciphering prey from the woodsy pines. He lumbered forward, tail brushing against Drizzlepelt’s flank as he passed, smokey build slipping through the undergrowth on the hunt, thankful when he caught sight of a mouse, not nearly as plump, but enough to feed a kit or two during leafbare.

With a silent rumble reverberating in his thorax, surging forward with vigor, jaws curling around its flimsy neck, Duskpool delivered a swift killing blow, silencing it before it squealed. The heavy musk of mouse settled against his tongue, helm swerving in tandem with the shift of his frame, heading where he’d left the hunting patrol, smokey frame emerging with the limp mouse hanging from scarred jaws.
thought speech

He’d only heard of these rogues in tales up until recently, but he hadn’t needed SkyClan’s youngest apprentices to be made an example of to understand how dire the situation is. These rogues, once invaders of the territory, were enough of a concern when they’d caught their scent along the border, but now — now it feels like something bigger is imminent.

With the threat of battle impending over a leaf-barren pine forest, keeping their strength up is key. Not just for the warriors, for the apprentices, but those that can’t hunt for themselves either. It’s always been important, of course, but now, it seems more important than ever to keep the kits and queens from growing hungry, from growing weak. If something were to happen — stars above, he hopes nothing happens — Greeneyes wouldn’t want Butterflytuft and her kits left behind.

He walks with the rest of the hunting patrol with @falconpaw! at his side, his jaws parting in attempt to get ahold of a scent trail. As he catches the smell of mouse, the ginger tom’s ears twitch at the sound of Drizzlepelt speaking with his apprentice, or really, Orchidpaw’s whining tone.

" Maybe the mud will do you some good, “ the lead warrior notes with a small hum, tail twitching as he turns away from the patrol, a small nod at Falconpaw allowing the apprentice to go off in his own direction. Falconpaw is capable of catching his own prey, and if they split off now, they’ll have a bigger chance to bring something back. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
❀‿ Lupinepaw was happy to be roped along onto any hunting patrol she was capable of going on. She... wasn't bad at hunting. Or, at least, she didn't feel as indefinitely useless and routinely humiliating as she did during battle training. Oh stars, she hoped they didn't run into any rogues today... She had little faith that she would be able to fight off any cat more aggressive than a petulant squirrel. Her internal agonizing over her incapabilities as a competent Skyclan warrior aside, Lupinepaw was all too pleased to walk in step with Falconpaw and chat with the other apprentices as their little group traveled through the snow.

"Don't worry, Orchidpaw, I'll help you wring out your fur later if you get all muddy and gross. We wouldn't want you tracking footprints into our nests," the glossy-pelted molly chirped humorously. The offer stood genuinely, though, she was in the habit of offering herself up as an expert technician for any fur-related disasters.

As the group splits up, she leans over to press against Falconpaw briefly with a purr before turning to begin her hunt, sniffing around the ground for a scent to track.

[Rolled an 18!]

She picks up the scent of a vole amongst the frosted needly floor, and stalks along its trail. It isn't long until she spots the rodent, snuffling amongst the twigs, but it seems to have spotted her as well, and it flees back toward its burrow.

[Rolled an 8!]

Lupinepaw leaps after it, but it has already zipped back underground. She sighs and peers up toward the pines, perhaps she would have more luck with tree-hunting?

  • OOC: mentor tag: @Dandelionwish
  • lupinepaw.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 9mo apprentice of skyclan. padding after falconpaw
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by antiigone, fullbody by pikaihao and chibi by rae
    — penned by eezy
STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————
A hunting patrol. Something to distract Falconpaw, as though his brain was elsewhere beyond the looming thread at the border. It was probably on the flank that walked beside him, tail brushing against her side now and again. He had caught in size to Greeneyes, he realized- his form was slowly filled out, paws that felt too big now felt more nimble. Not sure when he had realized that. It was like he just woke up and realized his legs were longer then he could account for.

It was like adjusting to hunting all over again, though. There had been a momentary decline when his breathing was giving him issues, but he was slowly building his strength back now. Ears twitched and swiveled, trying to hear a mouse amongst the dampened sound of the snow, when Orchidpaw's words bit back at Drizzlepelt. A tiny smile found his face, however, as Lupinepaw chirped at Orchidpaw. "That would be the worst." He chimed in agreement- Falconpaw blended well with the mud, but not within his nest.

Falconpaw returned the gesture to Lupinepaw, giving her a wider grin before they split off. His head nodded towards Greeneyes, padding out into the pines, ears perked to see if could detect anything. His head inclined to the side, as he traveled towards the sound of whichever it was. A tiny mouse, barely big enough to feed a kit- but something was better then nothing. Falconpaw inhaled softly, dipping his chin and staying light on his paws.

He leapt forward, claws digging into the mouse for a quick kill. He blew a breath of hot air, picking up the piece of prey and heading back towards the group.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS