pafp DIFFERENCE FROM ME TO THEM 𓆝 questioning

// this thread is for chub
Please wait for @iciclefang

Cragkit doesn't like change, he's discovered. He doesn't like change at all. Tucked away in the nursery, he is safe enough, but that doesn't stop his nervousness as he gazes out at strange-smelling newcomers. Kittypets, he's heard others call them. Kittypets are weak and coddled, his mother says so. They are not clan cats. Yet they are on clan territory. And warriors are supposed to chase out intruders. This is all stuff he's learned, stuff he has sat here and absorbed from stories and lessons from Iciclefang. He understood those lessons. They made sense! Protect the territory, chase out trespassers. So why are these trespassers not being chased out? It's the same thing with that stranger that came back with the clan from the Gathering and now sleeps in the apprentice's den; she smelled awful and certainly wasn't a RiverClanner!


Like he does whenever he has a question, the young tom approaches his mother on plodding paw-steps, ears angled backwards as he eyes a couple of the strangers all the way across camp. "Mom," He begins, sitting down close to her and leaning his head on her leg. "Why aren't the warriors chasing out the intruders? I don't like them being here..." He murmurs, embarrassed that he feels so afraid. He's supposed to be brave, like a warrior should be. But with so many strange cats around, he just feels like a scared kit.
When Lichenstar and her brave patrol return, they're flanked by even more strangers, strangers whose pelts reek of Twolegstuff and who bear collars around their plump throats. Iciclefang's lips remain pursed, her ears erect, even as little Cragkit toddles toward her with a question burning on the tip of his tongue. "Mom, why aren't the warriors chasing out the intruders? I don't like them being here." She pulls him close to her with a white-tipped paw, feeling the soft gray fur at the nape of his neck with her forepaw. Why, indeed, Cragkit.

"Those kittypets helped free the trapped cats, so Lichenstar allowed them to join RiverClan," she mews, her voice dull, flat as a centuries-smoothed riverstone. Any cat with the wits of a mouse could tell Iciclefang disapproves of her leader's decision. How many moons will it take to shake the SkyClan-adjacent accusations off their shoulders? How many wasted hours training kittypets to hunt, to fish, to swim with the grace of a warrior? She hums, low in her throat.

"Be brave, my little warrior. You have every right to be here." She tilts her head back, chin thrust forward, blue eyes narrow and proud against the brindled pattern of her face. She will never let her kits feel they are less than RiverClan—especially when just any cat can call themselves RiverClanners these days! She imagines Cicadastar sinking his claws into the soil from StarClan, can feel Smokestar's single burning eye scour them all.

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 24 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


Twinklekit too is confused by the swarm of strange cats who had returned with their escaped clan-mates. She eyes them wearily from the reeds, tail tucked close to her body to appear as small as possible. They didn’t seem mean or anything… but they weren’t RiverClan, it was enough to frighten her.

Tip-toeing to the nursery the she-kit hears Cragkit talking to Iciclefang. She tells him they’re kittypets who had helped bring home the trapped cats. She was grateful for that, she supposed, she wouldn’t have her mom or sister if it wasn’t for them. But she’s not heard anything good about kittypets, from being overly lazy to spoiled.

”How is a kittypet going to be a warrior?” She meows quietly in question to the lead warrior and queen. ”…I thought they were- like- really bad at everything?” She looks at Cragkit seeking his agreement, she wasn’t the only one wondering, right?
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Splashpaw greedily appreciates the influx of newcomers. She has no issue with the kittypets, especially with the good they've done for the Clan with their own brands of courage and bravery - it's just... she hopes that RiverClan will somehow be more accepting of her, at least a Clan born cat, with all the others floating about. It is a poorly, selfish thought that she harbors, and as she goes about her day she slowly learns that it is not the case. She will not be swept under the rug, not when there are curious and nosy kittens about.

She does not begrudge the children or the parents that protect them. She merely smiles whenever she passes by, often leaving them in whatever content noise they've settled in. This time, however, she's passing by to drop off some prey for the toothy little ones. Graykit and Snowkit, namely, as they are her mentor's children - but anyone with an empty belly deserves to eat. She hears Twinklekit's question and looks warily towards Iciclefang, vaguely curious as to if this was another pointed discussion with one of her children.

"If I may," Splashpaw speaks regardless, placing the fish before the nursery. She looks towards Twinklekit, thinking of the child's 'hoppy frogs' story, and smiles still. "Cats of all kinds can learn new skills. After all, the whole point of being an apprentice is to not be bad at things, right?" She lets a long pause stretch between them for either of the kits to speak up, before trying to peer deeper into the nursery, looking for Lakemoon's young duo.

Claythorn herself was not clan born- she was born to the wilds, not at the soft belly of a caring mother. She was tossed at a far too early age to the 'wolves', per say, rogues who wanted to eat her. To a forest that did not care for her life, one that threatened her at every turn. Surviving all of that had been test enough, forget the looks she got inside of camp for not being Riverclan-blooded.

So, it didn't come as a surprise when the kits questioned Iciclefang, who's own eyes were slanted at the softer skinned cats inhabiting camp. She only got wind of the real root of the conversation when Splashpaw spoke to the kits, and she inhaled quietly. No, she did not inherit the xenophobia that so many Riverclanners had, but she certainly wasn't happy watching the soft-fleshed eat their food and tumble about in the water.

Yet, when she found herself wanting to speak, she couldn't- Claythorn had been given the same chance, didn't she? But she wasn't like the kittypets. Ears flattened against her skull, mismatched golden eyes turning towards camp and gleaming in sharp thought.
  • "speech"
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Tension pricked her bones and paranoia even though she knew the twolegs were gone, either in an trance or completely alert and on edge. She was home but it didn't feel real and words didn't seem to straighten the fact in her mind, besides the torment and darkness her and Slateheart faced. The scent of twoleg stained her and she often found herself going to extreme measures to rinse the scent of her captors off her, the dingle of collars and strong twoleg scent on them made her stomach turn. A horrible smile turned on lips and tried to be civil but it was hard when she was reminded only of horrible memories.

The conversation catches her attention as she blinks and nods her crown in agreement to Splashpaw. “They will be taught the way of a clancat and learn to protect and fight for Riverclan.” Troutsnout would murmur as she glances around to catch sight of any roaming kittypets, a chill running up her spine momentarily. An exhausted chambray gaze would flicker over those gathered to see if anyone would say anything as she observes the demeanor of everyone. If anything, it was a momentarily movement similar to Skyclan.

Except, there would be no leaving once you joined. It was a lifetime commitment and they understood the hardships, rules and everything before they joined. “Its okay to be scared of change. Everything moves with the threads of fate- and they saved many of our lives.” The chocolate toned warrior would respond softly as she settles on her haunches, rasping an ivory paw before cleaning her pawpads. Was this real or just a dream? Was this just an experiment of twolegs to make her suffer more? ... It was hard to understand anymore.

The twoleg threat was gone for now. Shimmerkit had been lucky it hadn't affected her much - besides of course the kidnap of some clanmates she liked - so the passing threat didn't mean as much to her as some. Now that they were gone, did that mean things would return to normal? Her parents told her yes but also told her that they would have to be more careful now, as they never knew when the threat of twolegs would return as bad as it had.

She's not far from Iciclefang, when she hears Cragkit ask about the new cats Lichenstar had allowed to stay. They were kittypets, that much she knew, but they had welcomed into camp almost as if they would become one of their own. A few of the adults spoke of this being a bad thing, in part because of their kittypet heritage, though Shimmerkit in her childlike innocence didn't understand why it was such an issue. "Lichenstar wouldn't let them stay if they were bad cats. Even if they were once kittypets..." Shimmerkit mewed, glancing at Twinklekit as she spoke. Her blue eyes looked up at the adults, searching for answers from them. "Why does everyone act like it's bad for them to be here? They helped our clanmates escape - should they not be rewarded somehow?"
જ➶ "Give them a reward?" Her voice is a sneer as she steps up near the group. Her eyes narrowing like a serpent's gaze before they flick down to the kitten who had spoke. The whole thing with letting those kittypets into the clan has gotten her nerves in a fit. The idea of having to share a den with cats who never had a hard time in their lives makes her ill. What is even the reason for it? They didn't deserve to be a part of their clan and she didn't trust that they would all scuttle off to return to their twolegs when it got too hard for them. They could run away while the ones that wasted their time on them had to continue to struggle. Her muzzle is set in a clear frown, her eyes snapping to Splashpaw for a moment before she shakes her head. It is one thing for a half Riverclanner to be here, not a pass, but it is something different. At least she knows how to be a clan cat but those kittypet know nothing.

"Yes, lets reward them with all of our time and resources trying to make them something remotely close to being a clan cat. I'm so sure it'll be worth it." Of course her voice drips with sarcasm and the idea of it is laughable to her. They only did one thing but that proves little in the face od the harsh reality they face every day.
Little Twinklekit, daughter of the RiverClan leader herself, inserts herself into Cragkit's fears. "How is a kittypet going to be a warrior?" The tiny silver she-kit asks, her face blossoming into a confused frown. "I thought they were, like, really bad at everything?" Iciclefang's gaze falls coolly from her son to Lichenstar's kit. "They are," she confirms. "Kittypets have to be trained like kits and apprentices. They don't have any warrior skills." Her tail flicks, remembering the SkyClanners helping her toward the mountain's crest—but those had not been housepets still plump from a Twoleg's meaty paw, those had been real warriors, like it or not.

Iciclefang's ear flicks sideways at Splashpaw's approach. She turns her cool, shining blue gaze onto the ShadowClanner with ease. "Cats have to be trained. Training is a resource, like anything else," she mews, her voice like splattering rain. Just like Lichenstar has elected to train you to become a RiverClan warrior, rather than what you are meant to be, she thinks, but does not say aloud.

Claythorn and Troutsnout hover nearby—the first is silent, the second murmuring. Iciclefang does not begrudge her Clanmate the opinion, but she shakes her head in disagreement. "We rarely had cats join us under Cicadastar," she mews, tucking her tail primly around her paws. "The ones who did learned their place." Distastefully, she thinks of Boneripple and Wolverinefang, more ShadowClan refugees—truly, the place must be dismal, if everyone wants to keep fleeing from it like a wasteland.

Shimmerkit is still young, still naive. Iciclefang does not look at her harshly; she shares a knowing glance with Midnightpaw and murmurs her agreement with the apprentice. "Kittypets are not meant to be warriors, Shimmerkit. Not without extensive training. I fear it will be sometime before these cats are ready to stand as equals." She puts a protective paw over Cragkit's shoulders, wondering just how many newcomers he'll have to get used to before the influx stops.

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 24 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.