private Disdrometer || Owlheart


Cheeto-Dusted and Sopping Wet
Dec 16, 2023

Chickbloom had been mostly silent since his coming out to Skyclan; either because the effort had thoroughly drained his social battery or he was waiting patiently for everything to blow up in his face. Given that the latter hadn't happened, and enough time had passed to more or less fix the former, the baby bird decided once again to bravely take a few steps out of his nest.

Owlheart had held a place in the back of the boy's mind ever since their conversation a few moons ago, when both found common ground trying to find sleep's embrace. It was still too cold out for any midnight chats (planned or otherwise), but that didn't mean it was impossible to approach during daylight.

The warrior had meant to - he really, truly did - but everything that happened since only served to push that small goal of getting to know another cat better further onto the backburner. Or perhaps that was just what the whelp told himself, a way to rationalize his own anti-social fears. No matter the reason, Chickbloom decided he'd put this off for too long. If they did become friends, at least the Scottish Fold wouldn't convince himself he had a crush on her now. Butterflytuft had taught him well.

"H-Hey!" Chickbloom half-chirped, half-squeaked as he finally worked up the courage to approach the other cat, only to realize he had absolutely nothing to say. "Um - it's, uh, - g-getting warmer, yeah? This is my first leafbare as a - y'know - f-full Skyclanner. Does it - do you ever get used to it?"

// @Owlheart

Owlheart resides in the camp clearing, enjoying the chillness in the air. She doesn't particularly like leaf-bare by any means but she finds a certain clarity within the emptiness in the air. It isn't still, there is enough snow and a breeze to keep things movement but the eerie quiet of it is rather calming. The day of leaf-bare is different to any of the other seasons, not many warriors tend to stay in place out here. Chickbloom's voice cuts through the quiet, though it isn't jarring. Tufts of long fur are blown across her maw as she turns to face him, an annoyingly timed gust of wind is to thank (or to curse) for that. With a splutter she tries to blow it away from her face so she can face the buttery tom a little better, shifting her body so he has her full attention. They haven't spoken much since that one fateful night trying to trade tips on how to sleep.

She enjoys his company, it's a shame they're both too socially awkward to actually initiate the scary first step into talking more. Maybe today will be different? "Chickbloom, good day" she chirps with a welcoming purr. Thankful that her illness had well and truly cleared up by now so that annoying rasp in her voice was long gone. "We're not being snowed in anymore" she comments with a wistful sigh. It would nearly be over soon, surely. She can't wait for the day the snow begins to melt and stay melted instead of fresh snowfall falling back into place. "Oh, you're right it is" she is embarassed to admit that she's gotten so used to seeing him here all the time that she forgot he used to be a daylighter.

With a tilt of her head she blinks slowly in thought. Staring through the bird of a cat in front of her as she tried to decide what to say. "Unfortunately no, I wish I could say yet but they're always harsh and whenever you think you can expect what's coming another comes around" she frowns in thought. Then with a careful mew she adds "this is only my second though, so I'm not the best to ask. Maybe my mother would be a better choice? Not that I don't want to talk to you or anything, I just worry I can't be of any help." She begins to ramble, losing herself in thought as she tucks her tail underneath her.

For once she doesn't realise that she had lost herself in her speeches, instead falling back into normal conversation and staring at the tom. "Congratulations on coming out, it can be scary" she wasn't there when he did but she had heard about it. Truthfully she's disappointed that her long hunts out in the territory had barred her from experiencing such a monumental occasion. "Do you feel better for it?" She truly hopes that the answer is yes but she can't help but prod.

  • ooc.
  • zbNXVoZ.png
    She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 21 moons
    An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
    Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
    Mentoring Hollypaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

Chickbloom feels a ridiculous pang of guilt press into him as amber eyes watch Howlfire's fur practically blind the she-cat, the coward probably berating himself for not taking the angle of the breeze into account before starting his conversation. Thankfully she is able to overcome the gale and doesn't seem to blame the baby bird, instead answering his question with a humble gentleness he'd come to expect.

"Oh" He responded in kind, a bit downtrodden by the idea that he would never be able to simply ignore chattering teeth or a growling stomach. "It's - I mean - m-maybe that's sort of c-comforting, in a way. Um - y'know - everyone's in the s-same boat for a f-few moons?" The warrior had been belittled for his lack of skill when he was still new to wild life, so it was a little weight off the Scottish Fold's shoulders to know no one was thinking he was weak when egg-battered fur shook in the cold.​

Chickbloom had always been too preoccupied with what people thought, evident by the way dinnerplate eyes flicked back and forth as he took in Owlheart's question. Worried that Slatesnarl and Bloodbird could come lampoon the coward like they had during his announcement, the spineless whelp lowered his voice before answering. "Um - t-thanks. It - It w-was. I don't - I guess I feel better? But s-sometimes I wonder if I should've - y'know - k-kept it to myself. I think…" Chickbloom shut his eyes for a moment, trying to force the gears in his head to turn.

"Other times I'm - I'm r-really happy I said something. C-Cats letting me know that they s-support me - or don't c-care…it was a relief. So - I g-guess it was worth it?"

The coward cocked his head to the side, curious how someone so similar to himself handled social stresses. "H-How do you - do you c-care about what other p-people think? D-Do you - y'know - w-worry about it?"